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Reasons for Personal and National Confusion Articles
Part I Continuation break, search on “@…...Confusion”
Part II Continuation break, search on “@@…...Confusion”
Part III Continuation break, search on “@@@…...Confusion”
Part IV Continuation break, search on “@@@@…...Confusion”
Part V Continuation break, search on “@@@@@…...Confusion”
new Partial Index Below 9/10/2017
9-8-2016 Confusion Reigns Part Iib We Are the Great White Brotherhood, and Our Target, and Archangel Michael's Target, and Your Assigned Target Is: Cutting Out the Very Heart of the anti-Christ!
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“The Efficacy of Faith in Things Unseen “
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7-2-2015 The Basics of Breaking the Power of Pharisee/Zionazi Information Vacuums
of ignorance Part Ia http://www.orangerosefence.org/orf-2-piso-a-b.html <<<<goto site, scroll down/or search on article date
12-8-2015 PISO'S NEARLY VICTORIOUS EVIL – A Release of the Great White Brotherhood
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12-14-2014 How the Piso Maneuver Began – A Release of the Great White Brotherhood
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12-30-2015 The Galactic Federation View of the Second Coming of Christ
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11-26-2015 The Piso Maneuver--- “anti-CREATIVITY! – (Hiding the Anti-Christ)
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Nov 29, 2015 Piso and Perspectives on 'anti' Creativity Part 1 A release of the Great White Brotherhood
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1-20-2016 Piso, the Annunaki, and the Creativity of the Magic “Word” Maneuver as seen ONLY in the Eye of the Fearful and Uninformed – continuation of Piso Articles http://www.orangerosefence.org/orf-2-piso-c.html scroll down<<<<goto site, scroll down/or search on article date
1-23-2016 “You are not made in the image and likeness of small.”
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12-1-2015 A GWB Request for Assistance in Finding a Greater Love, Within Every Variety of Human,
for Each Other http://www.orangerosefence.org/orf-2-piso-a-b.html <<<<goto site, scroll down/or search on article date
7-11-2017 The Lair of Satan 7-11-2017 A Release of the Great White Brotherhood
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5-2-2017 NEWS FLASH! Republic of the United States Release of the Great White Brotherhood
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2/23/2017, The Special, Personal Bridges of God A Release of the Great White Brotherhood
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(February 2017 The Road to the Bridges of God – 1, Preliminary World Adjustments)
The Future “Bridges of God” Will Make War Impossible
February, 2017 What God is Offering You Today, NESARA/GESARA, is a Giant sized Piece of Candy
plus initial discussions of “I am RIGHT, YOU are WRONG!” A Release of the Great White Brotherhood
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12-14-2014 How the Piso Maneuver Began A Release of the Great White Brotherhood
"In some ways, a country is no better than its religion. When we accept the extensive bifurcations committed by our leaders and by our churches, we diminish ourselves as a civilization. But, it is our forgetfulness of the kinder aspects of our history which cause us, your heavenly Masters, to suspect you are not appreciative of our efforts to bring the greater realities to you. When you diminish the good and the profound and the immense victories accomplished by your ancestors, it is painful for your Heavenly guides to see you focus upon the negative, as if God is negative and could not have meant anything good by guiding the evolution of the empires of Earth."
"It would appear that some people of the Roman Empire could do good things. Unfortunately, some Christian Churches cannot say anything good about any leader of the Roman Empire. If you are a member of a church who is this negative, you are the unwitting victim of the Piso Maneuver in which you have accepted certain tenants that support divisions of one people from another.
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earch 8-17-2017 for
Part I Continuation break, search on “@…...Confusion”
Part II Continuation break, search on “@@…...Confusion”
Part III Continuation break, search on “@@@…...Confusion”
Part IV Continuation break, search on “@@@@…...Confusion”
Part V Continuation break, search on “@@@@@…...Confusion”
ll 8-31-2017 V. Why Don't the Deep State Nazis
Call Themselves “Nazis?”
(why the secrecy?)
As Part of National and
Personal Confusion
(Part V)
VI. Why don't the Deep State Nazis Call Themselves “Nazis?”
(why the secrecy?)
As Part of National and
Personal Confusion
(Part V)
A release of the Great White Brotherhood (GWB)
….leading politicians
and their supposedly leading scientists,
have all been complicit in
pulling the wool over the eyes
of the people, who Michael Moore
may have rightly describes,
as “gullible.”
“Propaganda must not investigate
the truth objectively....”
Adolph Hitler
The largest “in your face presence” of Nazism is:
“Why can't you get that through your thick skulls?”
….you watch war after war after war,
and have your life's blood spilled over and over and over
as your children are killed by your own government's actions.
Yet, you have not the slightest inkling,
and are unable to spot a single clue
that the Nazis
are at the heart of the situation
[new sectionBush/Reagan /Clinton murders, (search on "Bush/Reagan /Clinton murders" found at end of article)]
In case you have a great deal of trouble with the above statements, we are at a loss on how to make the national problem any more clear than when you watched the recent riots, including watching the publicly broadcast demands to murder the president. On that note, we will provide rather extensive sources that might give you cause to think that there is a reason things have gone to “hell in a hand basket,” as humans are apt to say.
To be more analytical, we note that the historical attributes of Nazism, as Nazi Germany proved, are deep prejudice, total inflexibility in solving political problems and, to put it clearly, includes lies, deceit, and contempt for the everyday citizen, and murder. While America is getting its fill of governmental contempt of the everyday person, the surprise of surprises is not that the deeply entrenched Nazis of the United States want to kill President Trump. The big surprise is the fact that the American people seem oblivious to the true, political identity of our Nazi, deep state leaders.
That is most disconcerting and upsetting. To those who have studied German WWII Nazism, there are no surprises to be found in modern, secret, American deep state Nazism which now openly advocates assault and battery and murder as a valid means to get what they want. People today are generly too young to understand that it has all been done before.
Before WWII the German persons in power used precisely the tactics the far left politicians and news media have been using. Main Stream News (ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, (and Fox News which ignores the Bush/Nazi family background)) have been advocating, namely, lying, and literally hammering their personal truths into your head, irregardless of what the actual truth is. This is a familiar political trick, and a famous once person taught that: “Propaganda must not investigate the truth objectively”--(Adolph Hitler).
“Propaganda must not investigate the truth objectively and, insofar as it is favorable to the other side, present
it to the theoretical rules of justice; yet it must present only that aspect of the truth which is favorable to its own
side” (Mein Kampf, translated by Ralph Manheim, New York: Houghton Mifflin, 1998).”
As most Americans are recognizing, lying and propaganda are rampant in the U.S. news media, and in the political air in the United States. Yet, because the American Nazis stay hidden behind a facade of lies and false identity, few Americans could likely tell you the names of some of the top Nazi leaders in the U.S.
Why, for instance, don't the deep state, secret, all powerful autocrats call themselves what they are? “Nazis.” It should not be surprising that the true Nazi does not apply the term Nazi to themselves. The reason no one catches up with the Congressional Nazis and the Nazis who murdered Seth Rich and hundreds of thousands of other people in the United States and around the world, is due to their ability to guide the up to now gullible American and world citizen to assume they are to become victims of a strange evil, when the Nazis are the ones who are the main manufacturers of that evil. The Nazis masterminds guide people to disbelieve the actual truth which is under their very noses.
Before we get into the Nazi lies, we suggest people watch the below video by Canada's ex-Defence Minister, Paul T Hellyer, as he discusses things your United States Government keeps secret from you, including bringing a lot of Hitler's people into service of the United States Government. Even death camp guards were given free entry into the U.S. after WWII while many of their victims could not get visas. NPR states that:
“But there were many, many thousands of Nazi collaborators who got visas to the United States while the survivors did not — even though they had been, for instance, the head of a Nazi concentration camp, the warden at a camp, or the secret police chief in Lithuania who signed the death warrants for people. ...
“The bulk of the people who got into the United States — some were from Germany itself, some in fact were senior officers in the Nazi party under Hitler — but more were the Nazi collaborators.
Hellyer video at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IWfKfuuj6Jo
Hellyer video also at: https://video.search.yahoo.com/yhs/search?fr=yhs-visicom-weathernow&hsimp=yhs-weathernow&hspart=visicom&p=Canadian+ex-deense+minister+Hellyar+video#id=2&vid=d16d6f9168196ab761b1432e7cb73c52&action=click
A very, very large truth is that the Nazi truth is so “in your face,” at higher governmental levels, people are unable to recognize Nazi truth for what it is. Part of Nazi truth is that they stay hidden as if they were rabid dogs ready for extermination. Yet, these vermin are, in fact, usually public figures. How, then, do the modern Nazis manage to stay concealed if they are so obvious? Clearly, they are also masters at lying to the extent that they can fool almost anybody.
Most historians of WWII know the Germans were lied to by their leaders, as their leaders set about, killing off the opponents to Nazism. If their despicable actions were not bad enough, their deceit had a basic methodology that they used to make fools of the German public, and this methodology was simple and straight forward. The exact same methodology is practiced today by CBS, NBC, ABC, CNN and to the extent they are hiding the identity of deep state Nazis from your consciousness, by Fox News.
For instance, it is becoming more widely known that the government, cabal, Nazi HARP program and chem spraying the atmosphere with micro-metallics are responsible for the deliberately created storms and flooding and deaths in Texas, just as HAARP was used to create the protracted drought in California. The storm Harvey is not a “record” hurricane without reason. It definitely is not the result of global warming. Eventually the truth about HAAP will win out. Unil then, an example of the propaganda effect of HAARP and the misleading description of HAARP is discussed on several YouTube videos.
You can Google search for HAARP and the California drought and find these results, among others:
What is HAARP?
"HAARP is a large 180 antennae grid across the world that projects powerful electromagnetic pulses to heat a specific point in the earth's ionosphere. This has the effect of creating electromagnetic frequencies that can be bounced back to earth at desired locations, causing major disruption to weather and geophysical elements, even deep underground. Up to 3.6 billion watts can be generated by HAARP, heating the ionosphere to over 50,000 degrees and “lifting a 30 square kilometre area of the ionosphere, thereby changing localized pressure systems or even altering the route of jet streams.”!It can create any weather phenomena in almost any part of the world when desired. That includes long periods of drought, torrential rains, flooding, snow storms, ice storms, prolonged warming, prolonged cooling, tornadoes, and many other types of weather patterns.
"The frequencies generated can also tap into to the brain frequencies of every living thing, distorting the natural rhythms of which can influence specific areas of the brain.
"HAARP can exercise a form of complete “weather control”, a situation bearing a marked similarity to the Monsanto corporation's stated ambition “to control the food chain.” It is noteworthy that there are currently more than 500 ‘climate ready’ genetically modified plant gene patents awaiting licensing approvals in Washington and Brussels. ‘Climate Ready’ GM seeds and plants are promised by their creators to be capable of producing a crop under both flood and drought conditions." http://freedomoutpost.com/5-reasons-californias-drought-may-be-caused-by-us-militarys-haarp/
5 Reasons California's Drought May be Caused By US Military's HAARP https://thelastgreatstand-older.com/.../5-reasons-californias-drought-may-caused-us-mi...
The article goes on to point out why the government is lying about HAARP, and explains how "chem spraying" of micrometalic particles into the atmoshpere and HAARP applications coincide to create "manufactured" weather.
"3) As it turns out, HAARP’s weather manipulation machines can only operate when the D layer in the ionosphere has formed, which occurs after the sun has been up for three or four hours and ends in the evening. In the video, The HAARP Report shows how a storm that starts to pop up during this window of time is literally pushed to the right and destroyed. Dry air is pressed down, and once again the center is not moving in a counterclockwise direction as it should.
"4) Looking again at a massive area of dry air brought about by HAARP and chemtrails, the report points out how satellite imagery of a ring of rising air and a central column of falling air captured at 10 a.m. in California on April 9, proves that a HAARP downburst sent high pressure descending air into the jet stream, once again preventing rain."
While all of this may seem unnecessarily technical, the point being that, deaths from huge storms would be something the Nazis would be very interesed in, and would certainly be interestesd in finding a way to turn it to their advanage. In other worlds, HAARP is a marvelous way to cause trouble for people You will find, as time moves on, that the Nazis have been planning to make a major dent in killing off humanity, and have in fact, been planning on killing off the human race in the United States, (with all of the animals, of course) in order to make sure they, themselves, will remain in power. To avoid being caught up with before they are succssful, we see articles like this, which have had great success in steering human consciousness away from the idea of Nazi devilry. Below is a typical propaganda report, the kind of report that has effectively kept most people cowed and uninterested in how their fate is beng planned.
Below is the typical Nazi style rebuttal of investigations on government meddling which you see reported above.
Drought blamers: California conspiracists see government's hand in ... https://conspiracytheorydigest.wordpress.com/2015/09/26/drought-blamers-california-conspiracists-see-governments-hand-in-arid-climate/
“Sep 26, 2015 - Drought blamers: California conspiracists see government's hand in arid ... HAARP has been a focus of conspiracy theorists for
years and was.....”
The Nazis have found that denial is a simple as that. It is game over for gullible Americans.
This pooh poohing of the HAARP warning is a typical Nazi style argument which steers people away from asking why their the government (which actually means why the Nazis) would want to change the weather. This same tactic arose when the public failed to realize that (the Bush Nazis) had ulterior, self serving motives for invading Iraq.
To further elaborate on the great hoax being played on the American people, we continue with discussing the kinds of things Americans are victimized by and, up to recently, have not had an inkling about what is going. We conclude, with the obvious truth that when you don't investigate, you have no grounds to claim the government is innocent and free of Nazism.
If you laugh at this idea of Nazis being in control of your government, explain why our “innocent” government has caused hundreds of thousands of deaths and murders around the world in the past 50 years or so. The bottom line is that anyone who pooh poohs the arguments that the government is not your friend, is, in the end, completely taken in by Nazi style, government propaganda. With that said, you only have to explain why Germans did nothing to stop the murders of millions, when there WERE several prominent German leaders who tried to warn the German people and they simply could not comprehend. If you pooh pooh the naysayers we are referring to, you are in the pre-WWII Germany mindset of self important ignorance.
Hitler's guideline states:
"Propaganda must not investigate the truth objectively and, in so far as it is favourable to the other side, present it
according to the theoretical rules of justice; yet it must present only that aspect of the truth which is favourable to its
own side. (...) The receptive powers of the masses are very restricted, and their understanding is feeble. On the other
hand, they quickly forget. Such being the case, all effective propaganda must be confined to a few bare essentials and
those must be expressed as far as possible in stereotyped formulas. These slogans should be persistently repeated until
the very last individual has come to grasp the idea that has been put forward. (...) Every change that is made in the
subject of a propagandist message must always emphasize the same conclusion. The leading slogan must of course be
illustrated in many ways and from several angles, but in the end one must always return to the assertion of the same
formula." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Propaganda_in_Nazi_Germany
That seems to sum up the Nazi psychology used to keep people subjugated and under control. Once Hitler hoodwinked the Germans into believing he was good for Germany, history lists what he and his cronies did that initiated the well documented WWII.
“The art of propaganda consists precisely in being able to awaken the imagination of the public through an appeal to their
feelings, in finding the appropriate psychological form that will arrest the attention and appeal to the hearts of the
national masses.” Adolph Hitler, Mein Kampf ------ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Propaganda_in_Nazi_Germany
In addition to hiding themselves “in your face,” one technique of hiding is avoid using the term “Nazi” or terms which draw attention to themselves which in turn explains who these people really are. “Scholars, journalists (and Wikipedia) cite no example of Hitler ever using the term 'Third Reich.' Other writers use the terms 'Nazi' and 'Fascist' and 'Third Reich' as if Hitler tossed them around all the time. Those terms were not used as self-identifiers by the self-avowed socialist Hitler.'”https://www.goodreads.com/quotes/tag/nazi-germany
Michael Moore states, with his usual penetrating communication ability:
“There's a gullible side to the American people.
"They can be easily misled." MichaelMoore http://izquotes.com/quote/130101
Well, Hitler demonstrated how he finally took control over Germany with his actions. “'Nazi consolidation of power in 1933 was primarily due to their use of violence and terror.” “Upon Hitler's appointment of Chancellor in January 1933, he faced a series of issues that would need to be tackled in order to allow the Nazis to consolidate their power and secure a strong position within Germany. After all, there were only two other Nazis in the cabinet of twelve and so attempting to maintain their power was extremely vital. However, it is evident across their methods that violence and terror were indeed prominent strategic components in achieving the final power necessary, primarily shown through the somewhat (dictatorial) behaviour of the SA and their brutality that advanced the rise of Nazism.” https://www.thestudentroom.co.uk/showthread.php?t=2590759
Today, we wonder whether or not you remember the black power “guards” who intimidated voters in Chicago with their clubs and aggressive appearance? Of course Charlottsville, VA, and the Boston bombing stand out.
Today, in the United States, we have been having quite a few secret political murders, such as the murder of Seth Rich, which echo Hitlers murder of distrusted people. Here are some political murders which have happened since the Kennedy assassination:
“John F. Kennedy (1963) President of the United States
“George Lincoln Rockwell (1967) Fringe candidate for Governor of Virginia and founder of the American Nazi Party
"Robert F. Kennedy (1968) United States Senator and leading presidential candidate from New York
“Harvey Milk (1978) San Francisco City Supervisor
“George Moscone (1978) Mayor of San Francisco
“Leo Ryan (1978) Congressman from California
“Jr., John H. Wood (1979) U.S. federal judge
“Allard Lowenstein (1980) Ex-congressman from New York
“Russell G. Lloyd Sr. (1980) Ex-mayor of Evansville, Ind.
“Ed King (1986) Mayor of Mount Pleasant, Iowa
“Robert Smith Vance (1989) U.S. federal judge
“Tommy Burks (1998) Tennessee State Senator
“Derwin Brown (2000) Sheriff-elect of DeKalb County, Ga.
“James E. Davis (2003) New York City Councilman
“Bill Gwatney (2008) Chairman of Arkansas Democratic Party
“John Thornton (2010) Mayor of Washington Park, Ill.
“John Roll (2011) U.S. Federal Judge” https://www.livescience.com/32927-which-us-political-figures-have-been-assassinated.html
And that is not to forget the suspected Bush/Reagan /Clinton murders, (search on "Reagan-Clinton murder activities discussed by Larry Nichols" found at end of article) about 43 of which are listed to be Clinton's doing by May, 2017. In addition history will eventually prove that Bush Sr. was involved in the Kennedy assassination, while Bush Jr. arranged the Twin Tower debacle, and used those thousands of murders to justify attacking Iraq and killing up to 175,000 more people. https://www.google.com/search?source=hp&q=casualties+in+the+Iraq+war&oq=casualties+in+the+Iraq+war&gs_l=psy-ab.3..0j0i7i30k1j0i5i30k1l2.1634.19969.0.20576.
These figures do not include about 57,000 dead Americans in Iraq, or the 50,000 dead who President Johnson sent to Viet Nam. Nor do these deaths include the nearly 19,000 Americans lost with American soldiers protecting the CIA poppy fields in Afghanistan. But, apparently Americans have been unable to connect the idea that these deaths have anything to do with the Nazis, and this American “disconect” with the reality of the “Nazi” presence is exactly what the Nazi's are counting on.
Despite the massive nature of the destruction in human lives, under the leadership of the Nazi click in Washington, D.C., people still have trouble figuring out that both political parties are controlled by unelected people who control a single mind “pool” way of thinking. This leads to a political stand still, and this also suggests there is a major, planned, tactic which is in the process of blocking the will of the people. The logical and common sense conclusion is that this abomination is being orchestrated by evil people with evil motivations and evil goals. Please allow us to remind you to watch Canada's ex-Defense Minister Hellyer's video! Heyller video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IWfKfuuj6Jo
Otherwise good government and congressional people find themselves at a stand still, unable to do anything for the voter. This is because many of the normally good people, especially in Congress, are victims of Nazi style threats including threats of murder, blackmail, and God knows what else. To put it bluntly, both political parties are managed by Nazi leaders who infest our political system and still relish killing, murder, wars and general mayhem as they drain the country dry of human assets and money.
At any rate, today Wikileaks has proven, through a surprisingly thorough gathering of political information, that murder and illegal means in general are the norm for U.S. politics which uncomfortably remind us of Hitler's takeover of Germany. But, even with so much that has been hidden, people are acquiring an inkling of a very sinister government inside a government, in the United States, whether they see it as Nazi or not. Besides keeping unethical, and even illegal maneuvers by deep state government members secret, and lying to the “gullible people,” as Michael Moore might put it, what else has been kept secret? Like, where on Earth do the deep state Nazis keep getting their money? Maybe from the U.S. government, do you suppose? Maybe from “.. a government that admits $6.5 trillion went missing from its military budget in 2015 alone.” (Ben Fulford)http://www.dodig.mil/pubs/documents/DODIG-2016-113.pdf
So, do you suppose, since WWII started 80 years ago, that there are still old time Nazis around? Well, George Soros is a good example. He may be gone, but he has left us with a lot of old style Nazi sympathizers.
But, a large question remains, where would deep state Nazis secretly get financial support from for over the past 80 years? Who on Earth contributes to the obviously overly powerful, updated, old German Nazi movement? Well, besides articles on the internet which discuss the long history of the Bushes supporting the Nazis, going back to actual WWII, and besides Wikileaks reports, we see more reports like this one coming onto the “news”!
“Scene: “Cracked has a list of five Fortune 500 companies that profited greatly by their active collaboration with the Nazis,
from IBM (punchcard tabulators to count the concentration camp dead) to Hugo Boss (designed the Nazi uniforms) and
others -- check out how incredibly evil Siemens is:
“Siemens was the major player in the Nazification of Germany. The company, run by Werner's son, Carl, and then his
grandson, Hermann, struggled in the wake of World War I and the Great Depression and had to earn some dough fast.
When Hitler rose to power in the 1930s, it was the signal for the Siemens executives to start building factories, and
nowhere was the real estate better than near the homey neighborhoods of Auschwitz and Buchenwald...
“At the height of the Nazi terror during the 1940s, it was not atypical for a slave worker to build electrical switches for
Siemens in the morning and be snuffed out in a Siemens-made gas chamber in the afternoon...”
“Well, a few years ago, in an act of insensitive fuckery so colossal it could blot out the sun, Siemens tried to trademark
the name "Zyklon" with the intent of marketing a series of products under the name. Including gas ovens.”
In this area of deep state secrets, Benjamin Fulford can supply us with quite a broad range of secret operations being conducted behind the backs of the public which the public might not see as Nazi. That inability of people to see that real Nazis exist today, we point out, is exactly the public ignorance, or gullibility, the deep state Nazis feed upon.
Surprisingly, though, quite a bit of doubt about the honesty of our elected and hired government officials is finally emerging. The public is learning the difference between good, old time United States politicians who opposed Nazism in the 1940s, and modern day American Nazi politicians who occupy THE commanding positions in both political parties. The secrecy of who is a secret Nazi type and who is not is becoming resolved. But lately, and little by little, Americans are finally waking up and realizing how thoroughly they have been fooled and misled by the American deep state which is not nearly as innocent as it has seemed until now. Now, it seems, people suspect the presence of the secret Nazi type persons in the power positions. Today it appears the “good guy” masks are finally falling away from the Soros inspired CIA traitors, and the phony generals who are sending our young men into wars, and people are recognizing the “Antifa” Nazis, and are recognizing the “Black Lives Matter” hooligans and their Nazi masters for who they are.
But, the blood flowing from the general United States Nazi styled beatings, which have been going on in various political demonstrations like Charlottsville, is the same color blood as pre-war German blood shed by the rather naive German citizens at the hands of the German Nazis before WWII..
Today, Ben Fulford describes some things which Trump and his team are up to in order to neutralize these too often secret, deep state operatives. Trump and his close allies and supporters are rounding up these Nazi groups in an act of real justice rather than murdering their opponents as Trump's detractors are suggesting be done to him.
Despite the Black Lives Matter and Antifa Nazi leaders “suggestions” that they be seen as “non-Nazis” or even “anti-Nazis,” these Nazi denials are part of a long, long true Nazi tradition to put the blame on the other guy. In effect the Nazis agitators shriek that that is not us! We are the good guys. Those guys, over there, are the Nazi bad guys! THEY are WRONG, and WE are RIGHT!. Hopefully it is becoming settled in the minds of the majority of voters that the attackers are the true Nazi criminals. But that will not deter those truly most gullible of citizens who are caught in the Nazi, fantasy web of hysteria and social insanity.
General support for the shadow government is not lacking. The tried and true members of the Nazi insanity include members of the CIA who are the ring leaders of the world wide illegal drug trade and are in control of the yearly trillion dollar illegal drug profits. How do you like that for “in your face” Nazi type secrecy?
Clearly, we must mention the hundreds of millions of dollars which have illegally poured into the Clinton Foundation. And, you must include the human labor involved in the corporate and political backing given to Nazi activity in our government. The wasted labor aspect, of paying Nazis to do government work, alone, should tell you that the government is not interested in giving YOU jobs. This is what President Trump is facing while trying to be fair to the American people. This is all part of the illegal operations of your highest government and intelligence agencies in American. The Nazis have plenty of financial and labor resources to utilize against the American citizen. And, we certainly are stumped, up here in Heaven, as to why Americans watch as the Nazis have bankrupted your country, and you watch war after war after war, and have your life's blood spilled over and over and over as your children are killed by your own government's actions. Yet, you have no clue that the deeply evil Nazis are at the heart of the situation just like they have been since before WWII! So, we ask, will YOU wake up?
For instance, you could use the old detective trick called “follow the money,” and there is PLENTY of money to follow.
Surely, you have to at least be wondering, how on Earth can all of these sweeping accusations of Nazism be true? Are you thinking that this is too far fetched! If so, you explain who is gaining from all of the wars, murders, destruction, and who took the missing trillions of dollars from the defense budget? Who authorized the transfer of this money out of the defense budget? Did somebody else's budget go up by 6.5 trillion dollars? ---- And, what on Earth are they doing with the money? The whole national bankruptcy numbers are only 20 trillion dollars of so, and that took decades to build up! Where did the extra phenomenal 6.5 trillion dollars come from that apparently “mistakenly” ended up in the military budget to start with?
Certainly you must see some implications of what we are talking about --- like unexpected wars, government secret weapons that could destroy the world, supplying CIA and Senators John McCain Lindsay Graham with weapons for ISIS terrorists, and so on. If you think this is not possible, what do you think Canada's ex-Defense Minister, Mr. Hellyer, is worried about when he says the world is in danger due American's failure to perceive the immoral United States manipulations and evil activities?
There are just too many people and too many high fa-looten organizations being implicated to not leave any clue that some group, somewhere, is doing something very bad, because God did not create the world to be run the way your country is being run. And, the way your government is giving you the huge run-around, all we can say that the naiveness and credulity problem is a real national and world problem.
In addition, this deep naiveness is what Michael Moore refers to when he states that Americans are naive and gullible.
And, that is exactly why Nazism has successfully infiltrated into truly high, U.S. Government places.
But, there are always some people who will stand and support by the deep state Nazis no matter who they kill, and will claim the good guys are the bad guys, as we have noted. Far left extremists in America are screaming that it is everyone else who are horrible extremists except themselves. In spite of this, it is doubtful that the real extremists on the streets have any idea who their true, self effacing Nazi styled backers really are. But, there is more accurate news regarding the deep state wars going on, reported by, Benjamin Fulford. As you will hopefully perceive, Fulford is discussing very serious and very deadly, ongoing warfare, both of the shooting and maneuvering variety. He states:
…...”This power struggle is also being revealed in strange and contradictory news announcements concerning US Senator John “Daesh” McCain.
Remember recently we had media reports that McCain had been diagnosed with malignant brain cancer? These were followed immediately with reports
that McCain had recovered and rallied the Senate to stop Trump plans to repeal Obamacare. Then after that the USS “John McCain” was rammed by a
cargo ship, killing many …..”
….....“There are many others signs other than contradictory reports about madman McCain to indicate a high level power struggle is raging in
Washington DC.
“Inside the Trump administration, the removal of Steve Bannon has now been followed by the ouster of adviser Sebastian Gorka. These are the folks
who were pushing for a hard line against “radical Islam”(=Khazarian agents) and China.
“Now the “make America great again” alt-right faction in the administration is fighting back. Pentagon sources say Trump chief of staff General John
Kelly “may be forced to fire globalist democrats Gary Cohn, Jared Kushner and Dina Powell to even the score and appease the Trump base.”
“'Jared is under fire for his failure as peacemaker, with no two-state solution based on 1967 lines, while getting no love from Egypt, Palestine, or even
Israel,” the sources note. Meanwhile “Goldmanite Gary Cohn is already under massive pressure to resign, he puts his tribe first, opposes
tariffs, supports Antifa and the Jewish fake news media in his interview with the Financial Times that made Trump explode,' they
“When you walk through a storm
hold your chin up high
and don’t be afraid of the dark.
“At the end of a storm is a golden sky
and the sweet, silver song of a lark.
“Walk on through the wind,
“Walk on through the rain
though your dreams be tossed and blown.
“Walk on, Walk on with hope in your heart, and you’ll never walk alone.
“You’ll never walk alone.”