1-21-2025 Can we be attacked by the Dark Ones? Interesting article:
The question came up the other day as to whether or not the dark ones can steal our light when making love. My guess is yes, very definitely. But, here is an example of this concept of those of us "light souls" may notice moments when darkness sets in for no apparent, explainable reason. Although the article does not deal with sex, The writer says:
"As I have stated before, the arrows of dark are continually being sent to stop or harm the Lightworkers.
"I wish to tell you of one Lightworker, who went to a car wash to have this vehicle washed. This person arrived at the entrance of the car wash and realized he had no change. He turned his vehicle around and drove to the nearest gas station about 500 feet from the car-wash.
"As he was getting his change, there was a tremendous blast that shook the gas station building. He had never felt anything so violent. He drove his vehicle back to the car-wash and was utterly surprised, as there were fire trucks and police everywhere. What had happened?"
Regarding people on Earth being under attack, you can read more a at:
More at:
1-13-2025 Protection from Satanic Attack
“If the Devil keeps attacking you, does that mean that he knows you are special to God or chosen?
"Why does the devil attack me when my faith grows?
"Every time I pull closer to God, (e.g. if I pray or something) the devil will do everything in his power to bring me down some way or the other. Has anyone ever experienced this or am I overthinking?
"Why does it seems as though the closer my walk get with God the more I am being attacked by Satan through others?
"As a Christian, I feel like Satan is trying to attack my mind and trying to fill my mind with bad things. What should I do?
Christians & Christianity
Answered by
Peter Sebastian
Author has 296 answers and 1.4M answer views
· Updated Aug 9 In other matters I have found this Peter Debastian's experience to be often true for me.
“Satan hits you harder when you are getting closer to God, God uses these things to grow your Faith.
Paul says I’m Romans 8 35:-39 “Who shall separate us from the love of God? Shall tribulation, distress, persecution, famine, nakedness, peril, sword, etc.
“Satan cannot separate the love of God from you, so he tries to separate you from God. He does this by attacking you with afflictions of various kinds, because people tend to seize up when hardship, persecutions, and tribulations start to attach themselves to your life.
Trials and tribulations make many people “retreat” away from God. God uses the
“Satan cannot separate the love of God from you, so he tries to separate you from God. He does this by attacking you with afflictions of various kinds, because people tend to seize up when hardship, persecutions, and tribulations start to attach themselves to your life.
“Trials and tribulations make many people “retreat” away from God. God uses these things to grow your Faith, so when he brings these things to you, you will press through them and continue in God to pursue what it is he has called for you to accomplish.
“Every person God has ever called, Satan has opposed them every step of the way. He will never stop. It is on us to press through by Faith, as that is the only way to overcome the adversary and the God of this world. With Gods spirit, we are able to withstand, and stand by Faith, as Jesus has become our example on how to resist his attempts in separating us from God.......”
Having recently gotten back from the hospital I realized this hospital emergency visit was to get me to think about why God is being so hard on me. Thanks to some artices of Satan hating us and getting in our way by having Satan block us. The included articles says that God likes to see us get along well and for whatever reason love just seems to flow between us with surprising strength. At first this has been confusing because we are behaving ourselves with God, and it is HIS love that appears to cause a problem where I become severely attacked. This seemed totally backward. So, in looking up answers here is one that hit cord with me.
Christians & Christianity
Answered by
Henry Moore
Author has 5.5K answers and 1.6M answer viewsJul 23, 2022
“Because he (Satan) absolutely hates you and God even more than he normally does. The last thing that Satan wants to see from you is for you to believe more in God; to have faith in God and especially for you to confess.....”
“....When we turn from God, Satan has no need to hit us at all because we are saying no to Go. Mark 1:14–15, Hebrews 11:6, 1 Peter 3:21 Galatians 5:4, 1 Corinthians 6:9–10 and John 20:22–23 all back up what I am telling you.”
So, like Henry Moore, it seems more and more obvious to me that God wants us to accomplish something together with surprising power to be true to God the the Bible in doing so. The main conclusion is that, although we are of the opposite sex to each other, we need to get the support of God and Jesus to block interference from the real enemy, Satan. So I am looking up prayers to God and Jesus that will give Jesus permission to come into our lives by blocking the hatred of Satan, and protect us from Satanic interference and hatred. Make sense you?
Maybe we can let each other know of protection prayers that seem particularly appropriate for us to block Satanic hate type stuff and get on with whatever God want us to do. Hope that makes sense. Cordially, AS
Here is a good prayer for Archangel Michael's protection (he is the Archangel of Protection)
“Archangel Michael is probably the most well-known of the archangels. He's the great protector and the most powerful of the archangels. You can call on Michael when you need protection of any kind. If you're scared or concerned for your safety, Michael will be there to help you.”
Decree: Guard, Guard, Guard Us!
Guard, guard, guard us!
By the lightning of thy love!
Guard, guard, guard us!
By thy Great Self above!
Guard, guard, guard us!
By thy secret power of light!
Guard, guard, guard us!
By thy great and glorious might!
And seal us safe forever
In thy diamond heart of light!
(give decree three or nine times)
4. Give the closing:And in full faith I consciously accept this manifest, manifest, manifest! right here and now with full power, eternally sustained, all-powerfully active, ever expanding and world enfolding until all are wholly ascended in the light and free! Beloved I AM! Beloved I AM! Beloved I AM!
“Archangel Michael”
1-12-2025 A subject growing larger with time and the internet. Telepathic Sex: The internet is full of exciting new ideas about telepathic sex: After a goodly period of time my conclusion is that, no matter how attractive telepathic sex is, it is a part of incoming higher dimensions which we have no training in or understanding of. To say the least, however, it does suggest unregulated experimentation is the rule, with very little "new age" consideration for God, your soul, or the Bible. On Earth, Satan controls a lot of thinking. It is my bet that is Satan is deeply imbedded (albeit secretly) in encouraging telepathic sex. But whatever you do personally, follow the rules and if you are married, stay away from sex with others in any fashion. In my opinion, giving people cart blanche to engage in telepathic sex is not condoned in the bible as far as I know. It is new. That is about all anybody knows about the safety of telepathic sex. A lot of people on the internet seem to be experts. Yet, I can't get the idea out of my head that in addition to it not being part of any God oriented religious training I know of, it is like giving your teenager a brand new Lamborghini with no training, telling your teenager that anybody who knows cars knows Lamborghini are the coolest cars on the planet.
Maybe, to put it forthrightly, what the H_ _ _ do you think is likely to happen. Leaving God in or out of telepathy, the only people who seem to be experts in this field strike me as a Lamborghini that is trying to find the ideal spot to disassemble itself on a tree or truck or something. After struggling introspection,, the big question is how long do you expect your teenager to live? Without anything to go on specifically, I don't know anybody who is an expert of telepathic sex. On Earth, just the war, crime and infancy of Earth society causes me to put my money on the bible rather than on the so-called experts on telepathy.
1-6-2025 -- The blind mental hall leading nowhere: Many of today's churches are guilty. Today's "Satanic Tricks? You bet. (More information an on-line publications on the churches added below:
Kind of tired writing today. Hope it is OK.
That is the problem with too many forms of modern religion (since 2,000 ago). Too many branches of Christianity are controlled by Satanic tricks. To many more modern Christian churches are, simply put, unable to defend themselves and their and their congregations in many instances, because, they destroy the power of Angels and Archangels by teaching people to ignore these Angels of Heaven. Have been a bit under the weather so I hope this helps.
When you "buy" into the idea of the presence of angels, you can start receiving their their powerful protection when you learn how. If you don't have faith in God's Angelic emissaries, that is almost equal to killing them. They are useless if you accept the lie that Archangels and Angels are almost accidental entries in too many of the world's religions. But the ancient tricks to neutralize Christ, Christian, Angelic power ceases for you the moment you start reversing the lie in your own mind and bring the power of an Archangel.
God loves all of us, and surely, with the zeal people put into Gideon's, for instance, God must be ready to answer any serious people's prayers regarding this matter. "Divert", "misguide", "slight of hand," whatever; that is how Satan kills off the presence of Archangels and Angels in many churches. People who don't believe in the Angels almost, for all preactical purposess, accidentally kill off those Archangels and Angels.
A Satanic trick: Kill off Archangels and Angels by helping people ignore them. It took me years to find out where the souls were who prayed and saved my life in Viet Nam multiple times. But, the "dead end" is a normal pattern used by Satanic forces to make people give up and accept hopelessness.
Most modern churches ignore God's helpers and pay no attention to the tremendous power of God's Archangels. God did not create them accidentally. He created to purposely help is “image and likeness” folks . But people are not taught how to pray for help and protection from an Angel and especially an Archangel. It is a sad situation that still needs more time to be rectified, but things will change when Satan is reigned in. But as long as people do not ask for Angelic help, the insanity regarding the alleged power of Christian churches remains unclear: "doing (or thinking) the same thing that does not work, over and over, and expecting different results, is insanity. That can sometimes be the conundrum that needs changing regardless of the promises of modern Christian churches.
But by being taught to accept religious teachings because Christ started this or that church, can lead to the problem of total frustration even by the most faithful of hearts. The only church I know of that teaches how to overcome Satanic attack successfully is in Montana. Ironically I figured out that my seriously near death experiences that were mysteriously averted to save my live, eventually led me to this somewhat unorthodox church that CAN teach you how to block Satanic traps (like being killed in war). But you must be able to recognize a "dead end" when you are in one. You must have "Gideon" faith that God does provide a road back home without doing ourselves in by our own hand.
When Heaven seems unavailable, there is only one reason why and only one being who loves to keep people out of Heaven, Satan.
1-6-2025 -- The blind mental hall leading nowhere: Many of today's churches are guilty of ignoring this “hallway.” Today's "Satanic Tricks? You bet.
That is the problem with too many forms of modern religion (since 2,000 ago). Too many branches of Christianity are controlled by Satanic tricks. To many more modern Christian churches are, simply put, unable to defend themselves and their and their congregations in many instances, because, they destroy the power of Angels and Archangels by teaching people to ignore these Angels of Heaven.
When you "buy" into the presence of angels, you can start receiving their powerful protection when you learn how. If you don't have faith in God's Angelic emissaries, that is almost equal to killing them. They are useless if you accept the lie that Archangels and Angels are almost accidental entries in too many of the world's religions. But the ancient tricks to neutralize Christ, Christian, Angelic power ceases for you the moment you start reversing the lie in your own mind.
God loves all of us, and surely, with the zeal people put into Gideon's, for instance, God must be ready to answer any serious people's prayers regarding this matter. "Divert", "misguide", "slight of hand," whatever; that is how Satan kills off the presence of Archangels and Angels in many churches. People who don't believe in the Angels almost accidentally kill off those works the Archangels and Angels can do.
A Satanic trick: Kill off Archangels and Angels by helping people ignore them. It took me years to find out where the souls were who prayed and saved my life in Viet Nam multiple times from falling 1,000 from an airplane to keeping a bit wild rattle snake asleep so I could escape. There was no other source of these kinds of “helpers” for people in need. And that was the intervention of the Great White Brotherhood, the sponsors of the Summit Lighthouse.
The "dead end" is a normal pattern used by Satanic forces to make people give up and accept hopelessness.
Most modern churches ignore God's helpers and pay no attention to the tremendous power of God's Archangels. God did not create them accidentally. But people are not taught how to pray for help and protection from an Angel and especially an Archangel. It is a sad situation that still needs more time to be rectified, but things will change when is reigned in. But as long as people do not ask for Angelic help, the saying, insanity regarding the alleged power of Christian churches remains: "doing (or thinking) the same thing that does not work, over and over, and expecting different results, is insanity. That can sometimes be the conundrum that needs changing regardless of the promises of modern Christian churches.
But by being taught to accept religious teachings because Christ started this or that church, can lead to the problem of total frustration even by the most faithful of hearts. The only church I know of that teaches how to overcome Satanic attack successfully is in Montana. Ironically I figured out that my seriously near death experiences that were mysteriously averted to save my live, eventually led me to this somewhat unorthodox church that CAN teach you how to block Satanic traps (like being killed in war). But you must be able to recognize a "dead end" when you are in one. You must have "Gideon" faith that God does provide a road back home without doing ourselves in by our own hand.
When Heaven seems unavailable, there is only one reason why and only one being who loves to keep people out of Heaven. Satan. Call them. If they have them maybe you can call a counselor there, most likely in Billings, Montana (The Summit Lighthouse). On the Internet it is at:
- Church Universal and Triumphant is another name for this church.
You can also read their weekly published “Pearls of Wisdom,” publications at
- The fact that the both churches are unorthodox is a GOOD sign. Our prayers are with you. Hope this reads OK. Ran short of time. The Pearls of Wisdom are an excellent place to become familiar with the teachers, Saints and Archangels at these churches, both sponsored by the Great White Brotherhood.
1-6-2025 -- Sharing Heavenly Love: Angels and Heavenly residents labor constantly to find those on Earth with open, un-frustrated hearts. But the people are often "victims of their own self interests." .. "“And when you pray, you must not be like the hypocrites. For they love to stand and pray in the synagogues and at the street corners, that they may be seen by others. Truly, I say to you, they have received their reward. ..." ESV / -----
1-5-2025 -- Responsibility for our Subconscious Duties When God sent us to Earth, with us he sent a list of our responsibilities we need to fulfill for this lifetime which we need to fulfill. In an article on the internet, it states: "Practical Application
Balancing earthly and divine duties requires intentionality and discernment. Believers are called to be in the world but not of it (John 17:14-16)."
This means engaging with the world responsibly while maintaining a focus on spiritual growth and obedience to God.
"In practical terms, this balance can be achieved by setting priorities that align with biblical principles. Regular prayer and study of Scripture provide guidance and wisdom for managing daily responsibilities. Additionally, involvement in a faith community offers support and accountability in maintaining this balance.
"The parable of the talents in Matthew 25:14-30 further illustrates the importance of using one's earthly resources and opportunities to serve God's purposes. The faithful servants are commended for their wise stewardship, which reflects a balance of earthly diligence and divine accountability."
Thinking about this recently I have come to the conclusion many of our responsibilities are located in a "to do list," in our subconscious minds, which we might roughly refer to as or our whole "soul." In other words we are responsible for bringing many of these "to do" listed responsibilities in our soul's by making prayers to get ourselves into "God's Will" action. We can do this by learning how to exercise the full scope of our conscious and subconscious minds God has given us. Therefor our responsibility to make prayers that function as requests for our list of "to do" goals for today can be a primarily "planning," or daily or nightly exercise we call "prayer." The main point being that those responsibilities were put there by God when he created us and sent us to Earth, and to carry out "our" part of God's plan for Earth.
In other words, we embody a certain plan to be in God's image and likeness, even though we may not know what the plan is, consciously.
This of course means making daily, strong prayers to discover our exact subconscious mind's responsibilities for "today" or "tomorrow," so we can carry out these responsibilities and not get lazy. We do, however need to tap into God's plan for us, so we know what our duties are for each day by NOT "forgetting" what God has planed for us to do.
Our challenge is to become a chip off the old block, so to speak, and BE God on Earth. You might say that being born brings with birth a "new" conscious brain that has no memory of what God has told us he wants us to do on Earth before actually put us on Earth. So, we need effective ways to tap into what is, after birth, the subconscious memory of past training in Heaven and what was planned for us.
I will say, writing this article has been a constant reminder to me, personally, that this may be at least a partial explanation of how President Trump has become so effective in knowing before hand what he needs to do to cancel out evil and win the elections needs to be successful. He certainly knows how to "Trump" evil in ways that require massive planning that can only come from God.
It seems to me that that pretty well explains why the evil enemies of Trump seem so stupid. They make up pretend plans to try to take control of |God's Will, which, being evil, they have no knowledge of to begin with. They only pretend and God's people can tell the difference.
The Summit Lighthouse in Montana has a prayer format that increases the power of our prayer to do God's Will, and making "today's" responsibilities clear in the minds of the true "Children of God." And that is the truth.
Defeating the illusion of death. 12-28-2024
If you heard that at such and such a bank there was an account, containing $1,000,000 (1 million) with your name on it, would you or would you not make a serious effort to find out if that rumor was true? Now, how about this, if you are a Christian, and if you totally believe Christ saved people's souls so they can get to heaven, what does that mean to you?
That may be an unusual way of looking at this subject. BUT, the question is why would you investigate the "million dollars in in your "supposed" bank account" rumor? Which you do not know for sure even exists, and ignore communication with your deceased spouse, that according to your most cherished beliefs, your beloved spouse is alive and well in Heaven.
And that, according to your most deeply held faith and beliefs, you KNOW your spouse, having been saved by the true Christ himself, you know your spouse IS there, in Heaven. Yet, would you turn up your nose if your deceased beloved, who was trying to communicate with you, and is trying to get your attention? I mean: "WHAT DO YOU HAVE TO LOOSE?" If there is any truth to what we are saying, then only a DIMINSHED CAPACITY PERSON will not GO FOR IT. Or will he or she try and prove it to themselves that there really is a lot more truth to the bible, Christ and the promise of Heaven, and it may become clear that a lot of people operate from fear of disappointment from trying? Like anything with value, one must make very, very concerted attempts until their efforst are refined enough to meet the needs of the moment. So why the fear? There is noting to fear, other than from any real injury that the eye or mind can detect?
So, let us continue:
Dec 28, 2024 -- Having problems living alone? An interesting report:
You Can Talk with Your Deceased Loved One: "Tips to Validate the Connection"
For more, go to:
Get advice you do not know is available, like getting advice from your deceased spouse.
12-25-2024 Introduction: To The Hour of Love's Return
About in around 1970 I read a book by T. Lobsang Rampa, who was a Tibetan Lama who, after WWII eventually, ended up writing books and migrated to the United States, among other places. In his book he mentioned what he had experienced in Tibet and other places. In addition to talking quite a bit about UFOs and their long history of landing in Tibet for literally thousands of years, he also talked about the procedure of dying and ascending into Heaven, presumably as an ascended master. This "Loves Return" story discusses the "testing" of the soul process of returning home to Heaven and being tested to see if we are ready or not to be an ascended master. The rigorous testing was quite similar to what this Peral of Wisdom has to say about ascending into being an Ascending Master, and what Abbott Rampa had to say about achieving the level of being an ascended master. The Love's Return story, then, is a discussion of this ascension process from today's ascended, GWB.
But today, with the whole Earth ascending, the process has to take into account the potential mass ascension of millions of new "Ascended Masters." I do get the impression that as the whole Earth is in the process of ascending into the the higher dimensions, and this is just my observation, that a testing process will take place for each of us as who are involved in this "mass" movement of souls into what might be the 5th or 6th dimension. We will find out where we will fit in in the hierarchy of Heavenly achievement, eventually, but "how" and "When?" The actual mass process begins raises more questions than answers.
The Hour of Love's Return
Pearl of |Wiscom Vol.44 No. 40 -- Summit Lighthouse
I am come to bear witness of the crucifixion of the Son of God. I am come to inform those who are ready to be initiated after the manner of Jesus Christ and others who have walked the Path that there is a way of overcoming and that God has sent his angels to earth to succor and to comfort and to be with those who pass through the agony of the fiery trial <1>and emerge victorious in the way of the Christ, the Buddha and the Mother.
I am called the Angel of the Agony, and I come with my legions to inspire those who are weighted down with the weight of the cross of personal and planetary karma. We come to the courageous ones who greet the angels of Lord Maitreya with the glad “Yes, I will be initiated! Yes, I will take the next step, whatever that step may be. I am ready, Lord, for I have the will to be the victor over Hell and Death in this life, this my life victorious and triumphant.”
I come, then, with legions of angels. We come also to rebuke the spirits of death who taunt the overcomers in the hour of the agony. We come with our swords and we come with the sacred fire of the Sun<*> to stand guard and yet not to prevent the necessary contact of the Son of God with all of those forces and powers of Darkness. For it is necessary for the overcomer to meet the adversary in the way and to defeat that adversary by the power, wisdom and love of the flame within the heart.
There is a supreme satisfaction in the soul who has been garnering light for thousands of years, to whom God has appeared again and again and in whom God lives, to be able to withstand in the hour of the agony and even to summon forces, even those forces unknown to himself that are sealed within his aura, his sacred centers and in his seamless garment------------- more at:
12-23-2024 Here it is, almost Christmas. Can't believe it. Were at my daughters at Goguac Lake for Christmas. Her husband has a big family so we get our celebration in when we can. Have been keeping up with chakra clearing and it is helping with the lungs. Breathing easier and am getting a better air filter for the house. Have learned a bit about where to put one so that you get most of the room air cleaned. Never quite figured that out in the past. I usually put it blowing on me and the rest of the room does not get cleaned. I am definitely having luck with blocking "habitual" type momentums that are almost, otherwise than using momentum calls, can seem impossible to be broken. Was not feeling so well yesterday until I did some more chakra clearing and have definitely been noticing a change. Was a little nervous at first about the breathing getting better, but in the past few days it continues to get better.
At any rate, we are getting ready to get the hair done in Portage. So better sign off now. Have a great Monday. With much affection to everyone, AS
The anti-breathing momentum.
You can repeat this prayer as often as you feel the need, and you may find that the prayer lasts longer the more you make the call. Ideally you can erase any negative momentum you unknowingly built up. The more you allow negative type personal momentums to be repeated, the stronger they get. So negative behavior/thinking momentums can take more time with prayer repetitions. But I can tell you that the violet flame prayers to work. Remember, the fire of God, and Daniel and the lions den. That may give you some added confidence. Good Luck. AS
12-20-2024-- Chakras: I use the chakra clearing cleaning that is taught by the Summit Lighthouse. It is on the internet at:
The article starts out saying:
Chakras: Ways to Experience God “Those seven chakras represent
seven planes of God’s being in you.
Seven ways you experience God.”
The clicker should work ok to get the article. ---and so forth.
Hope it makes sense. I think of the chakra system as part of a receiver like a TV or radio receiver that needs sprucing up once in a while to keep us in tune with God. Hope that makes sense. Obviously, if the receiver for TV or radio is not tuned up properly, no messages or programs come through. Judging by recent experiences I think we are both are more in tune with changes going on in the world than most people. And that may be why we seem to be so sensitive to a lot of things a of people have no awareness of. Like, the earth switching from 3d to 5d or 6d or whatever. The changes can be subtle at times, for me at least, but that sort of makes new changes a little like surprises like opening little XMas presents, if that makes sense. Hope this helps letting you know what I am doing with "chakras."
12-21-2024-- In sharing ideas about trauma information regarding being the victim of rape and so forth, I wondered what this was all about. The "Braille" name used is misleading. To bad we did not know more about this when I was holding hearings on and removing severely sexually abused kids from their home. We had a family, occasionally, where everyone in the family was having sex with each other. Unbelievable. In Byington's reports you can almost NOT believe even much, much worse is going in in the world, as she maintains. /
Byington's site is at From some of the reports I have been reading about, i.e.: reports from Judy Byington, reports about unbelievable child abuse going on in the world. I have read several of her reports talking about corruption in the courts including mishandling of kids in this kind of situation like Jenny Hill. In my court work, for several years, I never ran across the Jenny Hill type story about this horrible court corruption in a court system. But Byington investigated such cases for many, many years and her findings are really astounding.
Here is one article on healing Jenny Hill type cases that is a continuing story that has been going for several years: .
Alright. Will quit blubbering on. Likely won't I be getting into Byington's cases anymore since I have been reading about her work for several years now. She is a really, truly dedicated person. She must be getting special protection from God for the incredible work she is doing. Have a good Saturday, Cordially, AS
12-19-2024-- Was feeling very upset the last3 or 4 days but did not seem to have a cold or anything. Just felt extremely out of it. The only thing that seemed to jell with what I have been going through turned up in a recent article at the "Sananda" web site. Feel a little better. Seemed to explain what happens when Earth is going through the ascension talked about so much on the internet
The Arcturians – You Are Receiving Your Personal Akashic Codes, December 18th, 2024/ Arcturians (channeled messages) / By Per Staffan / December 19, 2024
Just a quick update. Have been under the weather from some honey I ate. Really felt crappy. Finally figured out it must have some corn syrup sugar and after 3 or 4 days of misery have taken some digestant and I am starting to feel like it will get better. Went to the chiropractor in G.|R.. Got C. fixed up and I managed to get there alright after some 3 nights of no sleep due to the fructose in the honey. What a time.
That is the main thing going on. Am quite tired and hopefully I will finally get some sleep tonight. Hope all are well. Cordially, AS
Honey Update: 12-14-2024-- I appreciate every body's prayers. Things are working out quite well, which after all the misery. Looked up digestants for fructose. As it turns out I had bought a couple bottles of high quality digestant, and checked the label, and "Lnvertace" (THE right digestant) was in it. So I took a double dose to start with yesterday. Today around noon or so started getting quite sleepy and slept for a couple of hours, the first time in about 4 nights. Will let everyone know how I am doing so far, better than expected. Your prayers have helped, no doubt about that. Will close for now and get to bed a little early tonight. God bless you all. Cordially, AS
Thought of the day: Jealousy 12-9-2024
Only the Liberals:
James 3:14-16
"But if you have bitter jealousy and selfish ambition in your heart, do not be arrogant and so lie against the truth. This wisdom is not that which comes down from above, but is earthly, natural, demonic. For where jealousy and selfish ambition exist, there is disorder and every evil thing.
"But jealousy and envy are soul-enemies, and Scripture warns us against them over and over. We're told that jealousy is a fruit of the flesh (Galatians 5:21), an antonym of love (1 Corinthians 13:4), a symptom of pride (1 Timothy 6:4), a catalyst for conflict (James 3:16), and a mark of unbelievers (Romans 1:29).Aug 22, 2017 (google)
"What is the root cause of jealousy?
"It's rooted in comparison — it most commonly occurs when someone is comparing themselves and their life situation to another." (google)
Only the liberals can concoct a stupid story on Jealousy: "There’s a new report that suggests Donald Trump is super jealous of the fact that Kamala Harris is seeing huge crowd sizes at her rallies compared to his own. For some people, something like this wouldn’t matter, but for Trump it does.
"Over the weekend, Trump got so enraged over the crowd size that he even posted a rant about it on his Truth Social account.
"Trump even wrote, “She’s a cheater. She had nobody waiting and the crown looked like 10,000 people. Same thing is happening with her fake crowds at her speeches. This is the way the Democrats win Elections, by Cheating."
no editing, very rough
Lighting THE Way 12-7UDa-2024 Bup.odt
new new new
Dec 7, 2024 Lighting the Way
note: Sorry, I was very out of focus yesterday. Will try to get this "Lighting the Way" article under control over time.
2nd edit
November 29, 2024 (Theories?)
For the NESARA/GESARA scoffers, here are the latest, alleged
“””conspiracy theories, IN ACTION*****”””
Believe or not, but a big problem of scoffers (like, accusers of others of making up “conspiracy theories, and claim huge actual changes going on in the world today and lying theories, is that many people of Africa and South America and Eastern Europe are being contacted and told that their mortgages and debts are paid.
So, hang on. The evidence mounts that those supposed theories are based on the nearly unbelievable, monstrous pile of “facts” slowly being released over recent weeks. This “alleged” report on Africa, Eastern Europe, and So. America, receiving actual “paid in full” notices on their bills, etc, will stun the world. If true, this will make one of the most gargantuan piles of undeniably clear evidence in favor of NESAEA/GESARA ever presented to the public at large.
“GESARA’s Impact on the Global Economy Wealth Redistribution in Action. As of November 27, 2024, the effects of GESARA’s wealth redistribution are evident:
“Debt Forgiveness Notices: Citizens across South America, Africa, and Eastern Europe have received official notices confirming the elimination of mortgages, student loans, and credit card debts. These notices, delivered via encrypted QFS messages, mark the beginning of a broader debt relief initiative that will extend globally by December 15.
“Other moves on the corrupt Deep State include:
“BOOM!!! The Brits Chase Bill Gates, Calling Him a Murderer While Chanting “ARREST Bill Gates!” MUST-WATCH VIDEO”November 29, 2024
“BOMBSHELL! Make GITMO Great Again! A Military Tribunal In GITMO: List of Those Believed Named in Over 700,000 Sealed Indictments”
So, wonder why a whole lot of people in D.C. are upset and even terrified? Like, folks, you will note a whole lot of “Bushes” have taken the “deep six,” like executed. It will be interesting to know why people like Bushes got int trouble and shocked when the truth comes out about what I believe to be the honest and actual story of the Bush's has actually been. Like, did you know the big name Bushes (daddy and son Bushs) and an nearly unknown granddaddy “Bush,” (Prescot) were all Hitler supporting Nazies one way or another! At least that is what I have found to be the likely truth, in certain reports on the internet over the years. Or that reports came out several years about about concentration camps being built around the United States, and Bush II ordered many, many many prison type railroad cars to haul untold hundreds of thousands of people on railroad tracks leading to, well, I shant say to where. But logic should help a little. There is much, much more, like:,000-sealed-indictments/
“A partial list of those believed named in over 71,000 (?-- many other reports say 700,000) federal indictments:
- Senator John McCain – believed tried, confessed, convicted, executed
- Former US President George Bush Jr. – believed tried, confessed, convicted, executed
- Former US President H.W. Bush
- Former US President Bill Clinton
- Former First Lady and Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton
- Former US President Barack Obama
- Former First Lady Michelle Obama
- Former CIA Director John Brennan
- Former FBI Director James Comey
- Former FBI Director Robert Mueller
- Former National Intelligence Director Robert Clapper
- Vice President Mike Pence
- Former US Vice President Joe Biden
- Former US Vice President Dick Cheney
- Former Secretary of State John Kerry
- Assistant FBI Counterintelligence Director Edward “Bill” Priestap
- Former Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid
- Businessman billionaire George Soros
- California Democratic Congresswoman Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi
- California Democratic Senator Dianne Feinstein
- California Democratic Congresswoman Maxine Watters
- California Democratic Congressman Adam Schiff
- Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer
- Former Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld
- US Treasury Secretary Seven Mnuchin
- Former US Attorney General Loretta Lynch
- Former US Deputy Attorney General Sally Yates
- Former Clinton Aide Huma Abedin
- Former Clinton Campaign Director John Podesta
- Robert Podesta
- Nelli Ohr of Fusion GPS
- Former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe
- FBI agent Peter Strzok
- FBI agent and Strzok’s mistress Lisa Page”
Hang on. The truth or “reality” is only going to get better (or worse depending on your point of view.)
The Sword of Damocles 10-22-2024
Part 2
Radiant Violet Fire, drive and blaze through this unwanted thief in me
With restraints divine, secure the safety for my family
For in ages past Satin could see
the ultimate power was the human soul divine.
To block divine new deeds exceedingly divine,
Satin chose a weapon both evil and benign.
To block the flow of family love this hour
Satan controls the immense human power.
The supreme power of the soul, in our grief,
became hostage to this Satanic chief,
Creating terror that will neutralize the power of the soul ,
Satan chose a (in Nahuatl: nahualli, 'hidden, hidden, disguised') of evil goals.
Yet, inventions of the Satanic mind have found,
Terror, like the similar Abloy Key, can the human mind secretly confound.
Like the Abloy Key of in infinite design,
Terror will the soul's power easily confine.
This secret lock of infinite terror shall be,
as Devils screaming with horrible intensify.
Yet capturing this loving, immense power so divine,
Found only in the human soul and mind
Is complicated beyond belief,
lethally surpassing all human disease,
Because it is protected by the Sword Democles.
Figure featured in an ancient Greek moral anecdote
“Damocles is a character who appears in a anecdote commonly referred to as "the sword of Damocles", an allusion to the imminent and ever-present peril faced by those in positions of power. Damocles was a courtier in the court of Dionysius I of Syracuse, a ruler of Syracuse, Sicily, Magna Graecia, during the classical Greek era.” Wikipedia
Radiant spiral violet flame, drive and blaze thy light through me until I AM terror free.
Violet Fire drive and blaze through trigger imagery, until I AM finally free.
As Daniel showed by Heaven's Fire Divine,
that un-transmuted fears trapped in the mind's of men,
are, in fact, the true lion's den.
2nd edit
Guidance for today: 10-20-2024
"....Despite the challenges that may arise during this period of heightened energy, it is important to remember that this process of this energetic purification (of earth- AS) is ultimately for the greater good. The Higher Frequencies, are forcing out all the negative, causing it to come to the surface to be cleared. If this energy is Not Cleared as needed, it will explode from your system, forcing itself out. Resulting in outbursts or negative reactions. Stay within the Heart and clear any negative that may arise, letting go of all that does not serve you in the Highest Light."
"Many Spiritual Teachers and Channels claim that there are many directions to The Light. But in actuality, this is not fully true. There is One Direction that leads you towards the Light, and that is Love. Yes, you can take the Long Way Home, and that is your choice. But to finally get there, you Must Choose Love....."
"And Always remember to Hold Love in your Heart no matter what the Outcome of upcoming events. You are in the hands of the Divine, be at peace within."
The Secret Thief in Me 10-17-2024.odt
A Release of the Great White Brotherhood
Repeat 3 times per session, and have at least 2 sessions a day.
For the Abused or Potential Abuser
Radiant Violet Fire, drive and blaze through this unwanted thief in me
With restraints like handcuffs so divine, secure the safety for my family
Violet Fire unblock the flow of family love so fine,
bring in that antidote so divine
Violet Fire, free up love held hostage by this worldwide thief
Oh God, make sure my victory is full of belief
That in this victory this phony thief will never survive
And that all families of the world can be truly alive.
Violet Fire Drive and blaze through this thief's lie,
And let his memory be as dust in the sky.
This prayer does not mean you are bad!!
With abuse, however, this nearly subconsciously implanted “thief.” will be an unseen,
unsuspected, “newer” part of your psychology.
Violate Flame Call #1 10-16-2024
Many people and families may not realize that internal family squabbling, name calling, unnecessary competition, jealously, or hurtful psychological manipulations are not a natural part of God's families. Sometimes family members are unaware of damage being to themselves and the family when they refuse to treat the family as equal children of God. They may not not realize such squabbling and so forth are unnatural to God. With sincere intent, this intense presence and history of family anger can be neutralized by the Violet Flame of God, and frees up everyone to focus on the love of God first.
(Call for Confusion and/or Hurt) A prayer (or call) to help in the midst of family or other type of confusion:
“I call for the Violate Flame of God to transmute the causes of failure to pray immediately for our fellow man doing wrong or being wronged.
“I call for the Violet Flame to render for naught all secret deceit, hearing or telling of lies about _(name)__or other people.
“I call the Violate Flame of God to consume anti God records, plans or intent, control, tricks, injuries, manipulations, and to clear anti-God deceit hurt and malicious, destructiveness out of the spiritual atmosphere of our home. I call the Violet Flame to dissolve all injurious rumors, dissolve the effects all parties/persons (including family member) deceit, jealousy, maliciousness--
and leave all parties free to pursue their life's mission unencumbered by the bad history, or neutralized history of the past.” (Repeating this call three (3) times equals making the call or prayer for 9 times.) Amen
10-8-2024 -- The Ascension of Mother Earth
The Ascension of Mother Earth and her people.
The High Council of Sirius – Be Prepared to Witness the Unfolding, October 7th, 2024
Ascending with Earth. Introduction: Dark Night of the Soul: This is a common concept in evolution of the education of Tibetan Monks, going back many, many, many decades and centuries, I am sure, as the Lamas high in the Himalayas are famous for their thousands of year old manuscript practically no one else even knows about. My first contact with the trials one goes through in order to ascend into Heaven (in this case ascending into Heaven from the 3rd to the 5th dimension with Earth), makes this process unusual.
My first contact with these kind of instructions for ascending alone came from very well educated Tibetan Doctor and Buddhist Monk and Abbott, Tuesday Lobsang Rampa, who is now ascended. But, he wrote about this subject more or less as it was taught to Tibetan llamas in Tibet. I had been watching, for several years, for similar type instructions or guidelines on what to expect by “non-Tibetans” and Tibetans alike for ascending in concert with the Earth's ascension. Instructions that might explain a little of how we are ascending even though we are not dying as in our present case on Earth in 2024.
Here is a pretty good explanation that can explain the odd things in your life that happen with little or no explanation, and which may unknowingly be part of Earth's (and your) on going ascension that is happening now. Hope this article helps explain a little more about oddities you bay be experiencing in health and so forth that you have not had any warning about, but, may find be kind of scary. AS
The High Council of Sirius – Be Prepared to Witness the Unfolding, October 7th, 2024/ Sirius (channeled messages) / By Per Staffan / October 8, 2024
BE PREPARED to WITNESS the UNFOLDING ~ The High Council of Sirius Greetings, we are the High Council of Sirius.
Thank you for this Transmission.
During this challenging and final phase of Your Ascension Journey into the 5th dimension, many individuals are being faced with their most profound soul trials and tests. If approached through the heart, These trials can be opportunities for growth, transformation, and spiritual evolution. Some of you have already experienced the trials of the Soul, leading and guiding you to the point that you are now. While most, who have just begun their awakening, are just beginning this process.
As each person navigates through these tests, they are required to confront their deepest fears, insecurities, and limitations. These trials of the Soul, or what is often referred to as the dark night of the soul, are essential parts of your spiritual journey towards higher consciousness and your inner knowing. They challenge individuals to question their beliefs, and perceptions, encouraging them to break free from old patterns and conditioning. Through these trials, people are able to shed layers of ego and connect more deeply with their true essence. Although these trials may be difficult and uncomfortable, they are necessary for personal development and spiritual awakening. Embracing these challenges with courage and resilience can lead to profound inner healing and a greater sense of purpose and alignment with one’s higher self.
Despite many of you already having surpassed this phase, each one of you will still feel the pressures and old traumas resurfacing, if they have not been healed and forgiven.
As Lightworkers it is also important to acknowledge how the Outer Lower vibrations are affecting you along your spiritual Journey. Keeping aware of the vibrations you are absorbing and emitting in these times is important. Nevertheless, your souls have been meticulously primed for these challenges, especially in recent times. It is imperative not to succumb to fear or linger on negative thoughts, for these vibrations will hinder your spiritual growth.
Your earnest pleas for celestial aid have resonated across the vast expanse of the universe, reaching the many celestial beings who watch over you. Their divine presence has been stirred by your heartfelt requests, and they are now orchestrating their cosmic forces to provide you with the assistance you seek.
Within the Higher Realms, your calls have not gone unheard. Be prepared to witness the unfolding of the response of the Divine, as the celestial energies align to guide and support you on your journey. Trust in the Light that surrounds you, for the Source has heard your call and is working in mysterious ways to bring forth the help you need.
The time has arrived for further revelations about your galactic existence to be unveiled. The Earth’s vibrational frequency has shifted, indicating a profound transformation in the cosmic energies surrounding your planet. This shift is a significant sign that everything is aligning to reveal the hidden truths of your connection to beings beyond your world. As the Earth’s energy evolves, it becomes clearer that she is no longer willing to wait. The planet herself is urging humanity to open their minds to the vast possibilities of your place in the cosmos.
The unveiling of our existence is not just a disclosure of facts, but when we arrive openly in your skies, it will be a grand moment in your collective consciousness, The time is now to embrace this cosmic reality and embark on a journey of discovery that will forever change your perspective on life, existence, and the mysteries of the universe.
Remember, none of you walk alone, even during the darkest moments of your soul’s voyage. Acknowledge our steadfast presence by your side, offering all the love and unconditional support within our capacity throughout your earthly pilgrimage. Rest assured, your calls for aid have never gone unheard.
Dear Ones, find solace in the realization that everything surrounding you propels you towards growth. Despite the chaos and negativity pervading the world, know that a reservoir of Light exists within you, just beyond your current perception.
Even though this is the Last Phase of your Ascension process, it is the Most challenging one. As you face the depths of your soul, you are reminded to have forgiveness for one’s self, and to nurture your heart with Love.
Your endeavors have not gone unnoticed, and your triumphs hold immense significance. As you continue to advance, witness the healing of your heartaches and the metamorphosis of your soul, culminating in enduring change.
Trust in your strength and resilience to face challenges that may seem unfaceable, heal wounds that may seem incurable, achieve that which may seem unattainable, and love that which may seem unlovable. Your hearts will be eternally healed and transformed. Trust in the Divine’s orchestration of events, for we have witnessed your accomplishments and affirm that you have indeed triumphed over darkness.
And always remember to Trust in your own Inner divine guidance, that is always available to you, guiding you towards the path that aligns with your highest Light.
We Love you, and Honor you.
We are the High Council of Sirius.
Transmission received by Chellea Wilder at
Introduction: Dark Night of the Soul: This is a common concept in evolution of the education of Tibetan Monks, going back many, many, many decades and centuries, I am sure, as the Lamas high in the Himalayas are famous for their thousands of year old manuscript practically no one else even knows about. My first contact with the trials one goes through in order to ascend into Heaven (in this case ascending into Heaven from the 3rd to the 5th dimension with Earth), makes this process unusual.
My first contact with these kind of instructions for ascending alone came from very well educated Tibetan Doctor and Buddhist Monk and Abbott, Tuesday Lobsang Rampa, who is now ascended. But, he wrote about this subject more or less as it was taught to Tibetan llamas in Tibet. I had been watching, for several years, for similar type instructions or guidelines on what to expect by “non-Tibetans” and Tibetans alike for ascending in concert with the Earth's ascension. Instructions that might explain a little of how we are ascending even though we are not dying as in our present case on Earth in 2024.
Here is a pretty good explanation that can explain the odd things in your life that happen with little or no explanation, and which may unknowingly be part of Earth's (and your) on going ascension that is happening now. Hope this article helps explain a little more about oddities you bay be experiencing in health and so forth that you have not had any warning about, but, may find be kind of scary. AS
10-5a-2024 Today's thought:
Proverbs 30:13
"There is a kind—oh how lofty are his eyes!
"And his eyelids are raised in arrogance.
10-5b-2024 Today's thought:
"People with strong narcissistic traits are unwilling or unable to reflect on their shortcomings and destructive behaviors. As a result, they project, blame, and manipulate others to cope with their low and shaky self-esteem.
"Manipulation tactics include deflecting, attacking and putting others into defense mode, lying about others being worse and themselves being better, victim-blaming, and playing the victim.
"Psalm 31:18 -- Let the lying lips be mute,
Which speak arrogantly against the righteous
With pride and contempt.
"In your arrogant, misguided criticism of others lies in your own misery." 7-26
1 Corinthians 4:18 "Now some have become arrogant, as though I were not coming to you."
Timothy 6-9
"But those who desire to be rich fall into temptation, into a snare, into many senseless and harmful desires that plunge people into ruin and destruction. For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evils. It is through this craving that some have wandered away from the faith and pierced themselves with many pangs." 7-28
"Critical people can sometimes be naïve or perhaps unrealistic about their own values. That might be because of a disconnection from reality, an inflated sense of self-worth, or perhaps straying into the dark world of narcissism." Google ( 29
July 19--2024 Today's thought:
"In your arrogant, misguided criticism of others lies in your own misery." 7-26
John 2:15-16
"Do not love the world or the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him. For all that is in the world—the desires of the flesh and the desires of the eyes and pride of life—is not from the Father but is from the world." 7-27
Timothy 6-9
"But those who desire to be rich fall into temptation, into a snare, into many senseless and harmful desires that plunge people into ruin and destruction. For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evils. It is through this craving that some have wandered away from the faith and pierced themselves with many pangs." 7-28
"Critical people can sometimes be naïve or perhaps unrealistic about their own values. That might be because of a disconnection from reality, an inflated sense of self-worth, or perhaps straying into the dark world of narcissism." Google ( 29
John 3:16-17“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but in order that the world might be saved through him.
Oct 1, 2024. Update:
The Internet:
Infiltration of |World Governments
It has been several decades since the proponents of the internet had discussed the reason for their inventing of the internet. It has certainly become obvious that practically no one remembers those discussions. Ironically the internet was designed as a platform for counter arguments against the world political monopoly the original designers knew would take place unless the people had some idea of the evil in the world.
The original designers knew evil would, like communism or Nazism, would take over control of the world so they went ahead and made the internet with the idea in mind of reporter greater "evil" truths of the times. |As a result, today, a lot of people see in writing that which was not allowed into writing by world controlling publishers and others who wanted to control that which the people thought. Thus the reason the internet appears evil to some is simply because it honestly puts into this new medium that evil the which would have otherwise would be blocked from publication.
In other worlds, the world can now see much, much more of what and who ruled the world before the internet. That is the good the internet is doing. It is needed. People need to get over their petty prejudices and start paying attention to who the good guys really are (like Trump and his band who use the internet practically as a daily ritual).
Folks, it is the importance of the internet of new information about evil in the world that is being revealed in addition to the reason to the reason the internet was created to start with. But, as usual, the world has its egotistical brainchildren who want you to believe that THEY, who often didn't even even exist 40- years ago, want you to believe that only THEY are the experts. All the while, they are the ones who want throw out the baby with the bathwater without paying any attention to the millions of hours of effort of writers who are exposing where the truth on the internet, and where evil really is and where it is not. Leaves me in a ridiculous position of knowing why the internet was created, and now being out gunned by people who know practically nothing about why the internet was created to start with! Like THEY are right, in a way, that ONLY God understands, or something. Who knows? But, I do understand that old time manipulation of the news is how communists destroy freedom of speech. The internet creators also understood this basic, simple principle. But ignorance, I recon, never did know itself.
I suppose there will always be people who must be the only experts in the room regardless of an infinite more internet access to where the evils in the world were, at start, and needed to be understood. It is a pity that they now claim the internet is evil when in reality it is the people who abuse the internet are the real culprits. Self blinded by self importance, these self appointed authorities would love to have you worship their new brand of post-internet, new age truth as if it were the only truth.
Yet, the internet has successfully revealed more evil in world governments and evil plots that were almost totally unavailable to the world before the internet was created; and was was done so in order to wake up the sleepy people so they would see the true evil leaders of the world. In truth, the internet is the greatest purveyor of up to date truths than any other invention on the face of the Earth has ever been in all of history. Except for, of course, for those who claim their minds are far, far more powerful than any of the rest of us will ever understand. But, for nearly the first time, in the internet reports, we have the truth and lies in one place. It only waits for society to become sophisticated enough to figure this out.
So it was clear years ago that the internet was invented to be the "messenger" to reveal evils, to presumably intelligent Americans. Truths about evil which they not been exposed to before the internet's invention.
Like where have I heard that refrain before? Oh! "yeh:" To get angry at or punish someone who is simply delivering bad or undesirable news, though they are not not responsible for it. Used most commonly in the phrase "don't kill the messenger." The article continues: "I'm a news anchor. "it is my job to report the news, even the bad stuff. But some people want to kill the messenger, as if I were the one who caused the bad news to begin with." More at:
But the truth is not as nearly as exciting to hear as are those who are "heroically, though ignorantly," are exposing whatever they want to you to believe is their "headliner."
I AM, the Power of God in My Life.
(Part 3)
Recognizing Karmic Blockage
When the power of "I AM" just does not seem to be coming through, and the feeling of being blocked or being isolated from the comfort of your own home, for instance, can be confusing, until you realize that you are not really listening to your true I AM. You may be having difficulty with feeling more tired and worn our than usual. This can be a sign that you are unnecessarily carrying a lot of karmic weight from past times. And, every day that you simply cannot get rid of this "infraction" of God's law from the past. Often times this a pretty straight forward situation where the weight of the karma you are scheduled to get rid of is telling you "it is time."
This is time to use the violet flame, as taught by the Summit Lighthouse (Church Universal and Triumphant). Just as you expect your child to learn from being chastised for wrong doing, you impose restrictions until the child "straightens out" their behavior. The use of the Violet Flame, by yourself, on yourself, shows God you are truly repentant, and will, with persistence, will clear ancient records and the accompanying "psychic weight" by releasing yourself from ancient mistakes you made. from your karmic "punishment." Hope this will be of help for some people.
This method may be intimidating, so think in terms of saying "Hello" to God and Christ.
1. Like "I AM calling to God and/Christ for assistance and guidance to transmute _________ (for instance, the karma I incurred from "stealing the neighbor's chicken when the Romans legions were starving us out").
2. "I call to the Violet Flame to drive and penetrate and wash clean all karma I made in this ancient mistake."
3. You eventually will be able to tell when your karma starts receding, say, from 10 minutes or even an hour or two or more of violet flame depending on the seriousness of your violation of God's Rules, and which you are requesting to cancel out that particular karma. Then close you prayer/request. And, Yes, you can tell when it clear up, and you can also receive an inspiration that you could do this or than differently in a situation you forgot about even a year or years ago. All of a sudden you may realize it was YOU who were made at, for instance, or just plain feeling relieved the more you think about why you were using the violet flame to start with. You can close with a simple thank you Lord. Amen
More information available, for instance, at:
I AM, the Power of God in My Life.
Sept 17, 2024
(Part 1)
A Release of the Great White Brotherhood
I am not a minister, but will do my best.
Why a person fights against the invisible barrier when seeking success.
I AM not good enough to trust, so I must trap & control people (Name______) to be safe.
Other possible subconscious anomalies:
1st edit, being written ....................................................
I AM, the Power of God in My Life.
(Part 2)
THE Heavenly Logic.
Going ahead with tapping into Heavenly Power, we encounter “Step #2. This implies that step #1 has set up our attention, by studiously doing our chosen "I AM" mantras. By doing our mantras we become much more able to receive information that will now be more understandable and logical to our "I AM" presence. And since we are living in a world that constantly throws us off track when we are engaged in noble activity, it will help people to understand that Heaven is a highly logical, organized place when it comes to helping people who are “God's people.”
And when we fail to do the right thing and follow God's Will, Heaven becomes a unified, self protective entity which is impervious to any Satanic assaults. When we separate ourselves from doing God's Will we many not pay attention to the way our I AM self shrinks' away from the very thought of doing evil. But if we carry out Satan's plan, we will feel strangely depleted. We may feel hollow and lonely because God has withdrawn strength from your “I AM.” At the same time, we may not be so conscious of the Satanic darkness that begins to take over your I AM, your Heavenly place in Heaven.
Hopefully, when we are aware of such manuevers with God and Satan, this example will help excplain why it is necessary we go the the rules of the bible. If we really want answers on how take advantage of the mind clearing affects of doing I AM mantras. When the I AM mantras clear you mind, you can also become more aware of “evil in waiting,” as it presses its desire, in the periphery of our being, to take over you life, mind and heart.
2nd edit
Trials, Standins
verses “pooh"
A Release of the Great White Brotherhood
Operation Hammer has released a partial list of 450,000 traitors and Satanists and evil people who live only for themselves. As has been mentioned in the past, strong rumors, at the least, have implied that Hollywood, along with hundred of thousands of people, are heavily involved in Anti-American, anti God traitorous activities and outright “crimes against humanity.”
Just the mere presence of this enormous list suggests this article is a “pooh”. When said with rolling eyes, “pooh” is absolute proof to the gullible that the horrible article or report or whatever, is false.
Here is a list of some of these people that military insiders report, who are in real, deep do-do., A surprisingly large percentage of these people are well known names from politicians to movie actors. And we should point out for the benefit of those who simply cannot get beyond the horrible, voracious, infamous killer of all killers, the “O pooh” we explain further. As your eyes pop out at the screen long list of “secret” criminals, it seems clear many people do not understand the tremendous power of “Pooh” which is very professionally applied by non other than Satanic influence.
Pooh is more infamously known by all as a harmless, not to be believed, “conspiracy theory,” But for those who are not so gullible to believe the “pooh,”, we find that a “Wink and nod,” along with with all too automatic “conspiracy theory charge” against most any writer, may be against a very heroic someone who is telling a truth that people simply do not want to hear. A lot of this conspiracy stuff is true! So “LOOK UP!” - as the first sergeant may demand!
Here are a few names which represent 450,000 names listed in this “Trials and Standins” article you are reading at the moment. However, the over worked internet writer lists many, many millionaires and celebrities and actors who have been found guilty of horrible crimes yet to be revealed. But a smidgen of common sense should be able to knock out the idea of this subject of trials and so forth is a mere conspiracy theory. Would you sit around for months and months making this lists and lists and lists of 450,000 guilty people just for the fun of it? Particularly, may we say, when these names come from legal, tightly disciplined military tribunals.
But the shear magnitude of the operation we refer to should beg the human reader to, rather than simply throw the article out, to ask yourself a few questions regarding the idea that all you are reading about is a “theory.”
For instance: For all the nightly news bureaus passion for reporting “unfair” treatment of high ranking government folks, millionaires, celebrities and politicians, there is not one peep from the these news media folks who often are among those named as “guilty?” What about the logical “fall out” you should be hearing on the news regarding families objecting to relatives being executed? Where are the families who could possibly be objecting to the besmirching of their own family names to say the least? No such fallout exists because of the handy, ever reliable “conspiracy theory.”
Yet, there is there are no objections or investigations to find our what is true and not true. by the high and mighty, occasionally lying nightly news. But let us say the obvious:
People need to think!
This kind of mass news crime and punishment report should trigger the news bureaus ever ready key board “finger jerk.” You know! Like man, we could sell sell millions and millions and millions of news papers with this stuff in the headlines! 450,000 people already being charged? You have to be kidding. WE could rake in dollars on the TV nightly news you wouldn't believe! But a lot of these people are officials and employees in the entertainment and news business realize. They realize these folks on trial are “our friends and allies. “Do you think?”
So the |”conspiracy” “pooh” is used in killing off millions of dollars of hot news in the waiting is not strange or conspiratorial at all! Do you get the drift?
But, finally, who in their right mind, besides the news media, would spend years and years of their lives simply compiling the names of these criminals as these lists of criminals grow and grow and grow on the hundreds of thousands? If these people are not guilty, where are the lawsuits against the authors of these kinds of articles for extreme libel and the ruination of the reputations of the these alleged criminals? And why are there a growing number of people who wonder if some the “double's” disguises of these people you see on TV are, just maybe, poorly designed “replica” outfits, and may actually be real “stand ins” for the very real, dead and deceased. Anyway, here are a few names to illustrate who some of these “guilty” folks are. Hang on to your hat:
- Christina Aguilera ARRESTED SERVING LIFE
- Robert Downey Jr. ARRESTED & EXECUTED
- Dwayne Johnson (the rock) ARRESTED & EXECUTED
- George Clooney ARRESTED & EXECUTED
- Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez ARRESTED WAITING TRIBUNAL
- Quentin Tarantino ARRESTED & EXECUTED
- Jerry Nadler ARRESTED & AT GITMO
- And on and on and on. Oh, yes. The friends of the accused, in these cases, don't want you to believe this is possible, that they have been caught up with, having been engaged in the most atrocious crimes one can imagine against their fellow human beings. Or they will be just as severely punished by Satan if they turn on Satan, making the tribunals look like your recent vacation.
Believe or not, Satan has run most of Mother Earth for many, many millennium. That is what this secret was is all about. So, WALLAH! Guess who cleverly created the term “conspiracy theory?” “O' my God,” could that also include a lot of blackmailed politicians, crooked bankers and news bureau owners who who need to hide from their own crimes? Imagine that! But luckily, a lot of people are starting to wake to the true realities of Earth living.
Maybe now you can understand why there are so many stand-ins for famous people. They are simply gone. These folks, who (in their often deceased, egotistical minds), do not want you to know they are locked up or waiting to be shot, hanged, lethally injected, or simply receive life in prison!
P ORF7 – 16.5 edit (newly added sections (blue letters) and what we are about to be -- need further
Non Souls are Not Allowed into Heaven
9-2-2024 (8-26 con't)-2024
An Extremely Important Report
A Release of the Great White Brotherhood.
At long long last, it appears that the time is running short for the hollow mentality of the theoretically superior intellect of the far left bankers and war mongers, philanderers and invisible psychopaths. The good news is that the people are finally moving toward avoiding another hollow minded, big banker world, Hollywood fantasy kind of national rule and accompanying massive wars.
People show honest signs of seeing a new, divine horizon being defined by practical thinkers who report truth with wisdom. What may appear to be an abrupt turn about with my views of Fox News may seem contradictory, but the honesty of Fox News has remained steady in contrast to the twisting manipulation of the news by other news agencies.
Plus, Fox news has taken the conservative cause away from the CNN of the past. Fox has very gradually built its moral status which has to some extent been invisible to the citizens of yesteryear. Thus there has also been an increase of the accuracy in the reporting by Fox News over the past few years with an emphasis on true news and how the world is moving into a new generation of leaders in America and the world, accompanied by extreme dangers.
It may be of interest that it was the upstart CNN which, to a large extent, became noted for its fair minded program, "Crossfire," which carried the supreme mantle of fairness on reporting before Fox appeared on the scene. All this happened under President Regan. Today, since Fox News has taken over the "conservative" spotlight, there is a big difference between Fox News and the rest who have, if anything, deteriorated in quality and trust worthiness. This in turn helps emphasize the increasing strength of Fox News as being the leader in reporting and honesty.
Where it is important to remember that the psychopathic ones and their paid for politicians manipulate by keeping information out of the news, the liberal news is particularly guilty of outright manipulation and lying. It is not surprising, then, that Fox news has become the moral leader in news reporting in recent years. Trustworthy news, though, is a reputation that CBS lost over the years, after CBS's excellent coverage of WWII. The big caveat for Fox has to be, will they continue their fight for being the honest news bureau in the room, or fall willy nilly into embarrassed mediocrity way CBS and other liberal networks did.
History shows that we must always be alert because until Trump wins the war there will always be a danger the nightly news can revert to underhanded news reporting.
Unfortunately it is the CBS type degradation that typifies life on Earth. That said, the nation' inhabitants are, today, being severely tested to overcome its possibly newer form of lazy, uncomprehending sponge like absorption of the news with little recognition of evil manipulations that have brought the U.S. and world to the brink of annihilation. Just because we cannot see the danger with clarity does not mean the evil ones have an unclear idea of what they intend to do.
It is becoming a regular observation by true searchers for the truth that these secretive, evil, psychopathic world leaders, and like kindergartners in their immature childhood behave: that “if we can't have earth, no one can (implying the psychopaths will destroy Earth rather than leave it for us).
For that matter, it appears the American dream world view of evil seems now, today, to have morphed or become condensed into a test from the Heavens on high. Will the majority of the people finally perceive the lies and discrepancies, non-reporting of important, need to know information in the media that have been there all along? And will they eventually expand their horizons of their social soul," and will we see the peoples growing power of 'telepathic one-ness?" For, it is the mind of God which the people are supposed to have inherited (with their "image of God,” or “I AM soul”) which formed the true God reality in humanity from the start.
We, the masters of Heaven, pray incessantly that your collective 'I AM" will win this battle. We pray that you who are part of Earth's benevolent folks, who will finally arise up and recognize that OBVIOUSLY," not all “human looking persons” are of God's creation.
And therein lies the difference between the majority of good and evil people. Still, you must join together and finally accept that some humans are NOT of the God, 'I AM family'!!!
You are supposed to be of a real I AM community heart and mind function." Where is the perception that all 'I AM's' are ONE, and any one I AM is ALL!"?
You are created to embody truth and expand your I AM souls, to the point of starting to build a society based on the honesty of Trump style “I AM” mind composition. Yet the future is still unwritten for America. Will the people actually be the caretakers of America and her multitude of people and wildlife?
Or will you individually, like one buffalo in a herd of a herd of buffalo, return to wandering the unpredictable, meandering mental plains of America, and continue to allow the evil ones gun down the herds and tribes as you have allowed to be done to our 'real' buffalo brothers and indian brothers in the 18oo's. This was when the evil ones wanted to starve the western Indians into final submission, and killed off hundreds of thousands buffalo, to near extinction.
Yet humanity is supposed to be caretaker of God's Earth. And, hopefully, today's rising national 'soul perception' just may be emerging enough that society recognizes when they are being sold a bill of goods. It is the subtly of the Satanist leader's methods which confuse the human “I AM” mind still under development in the eye of God. For God's I AM beings are far more than a temporary “dust to dust” concept which heavily implies you are here temporarily, and thus your soul is “temporary.”
But concepts allude to the past as well to the future. And, Satanic concepts and the embodiment of thought that defines their purpose, is nevertheless imprinted upon the subconscious I AM mind. It is this lesser, near divine embodiment of “thought” that leaves the question hanging with no resolution from today's churches. We are talking, then, about the I AM conclusions unconsciously presented through embodied influences which pull the still developing I AM mind away from asking logical questions about just what the divine truth is that is not being discussed elsewhere?
As an example, the undetermined and uninvestigated divine reality being hidden by Satanic mind games, can and should alert you to search for a greater understanding of who your 'I AM' really is.
Why, for instance, do you assume "death to death" or "dust to dust" concepts are correct if you and God are infinite? What was your name when you were theoretically or supposedly in Heaven 'before you were "un heavened?" And, why were you "unheavened" into a lesser status when you came to Earth if you were "pure" and "new," so to speak?
reduced in havenly status by being born? meaning when you were the 'death' part of “dust to dust?” What was your original name, may we ask? Who were you aunts and uncles and heroes when you were the “pre-dust” incarnation of your present life? So, listen to God logic. The “dust to dust” Satanist look-a-likes give not the slightest suggestion that maybe your pre-birth “dust” was. The complications get endless. Assuming the bible is right and you really ARE made in God's "image and likeness, and not dead dust. But even the Bible of most churches tell you out right, as if your real you has to be Divinely acknowledged (so the 'speaker' of such an abomination can avoid the total wrath of God striking dead the unbeliever telling a lie that even Satan cannot lie about). Actually, your earlier or even your newer form or incarnated body, which is your recent 'iteration' of your God I AM likeness, which has the same soul as in reincarnations you have had. Your "no beginning and no ending eternal 'I AM Being,' is no laughing matter, even to Satan.
Friends, your pre-dust-do-us- part of living and dying over and over is ALSO a part, a segment, are earlier iterations of the sum total of what your true, no beginning, no end, forever is all about. Your are God created, eternal reality, that preceded this 'present iteration' of your present worldly self. This newer “I AM” is still you, experiencing an education in the school of the Infinite Kingdom of our God Almighty.
Yet what church teaches now to handle the details of our infinite God created reality? Like, when you “sin” or are dishonest, you incur, just like on earth, a need to correct your lie, even as you stand before God as you deny you lied. Yet, deep inside, you know you are responsible for correcting that lie. But some churches teach that no matter your sins, you are not responsible for your actions, because Christ gave his blood so that you could go to Heaven. He supposedly taught tis way, way, way back to when Emperor August was ruler if Rome.
Is that how you teach you children, that is ok to lie and cheat and steal and beat up other kids, because Jesus paid for it 2,000 years ago, during the reign of Augustus of Rome? (Caesar Augustus (63 B.C.–4 A.D.) Google
NO, NO, NO!! So, ask yourself, what is Satan hiding from you, a child of God, unto your own right that you are? You have the power of God to do your own “correcting” and discipline of your own self?
So, ask your self, what is the church hiding when they allow suggestions and Satanic influences to carry the day. Are you not responsible for YOU, just as you teach your own little children that they are responsible for their own acts? Thus goes the extreme subtlety of Satan who is himself, terrified of the power or YOUR I AM God creation.
The big question is, will you start praying for guidance from God and start asking for guidance from God and Christ on how to stop this horrible, below the belt game Satan?
This game Satan is playing is like any scam that seems to have a power of its own to snare your finances or steal you car or your television or whatever. The power is letting Satin getting away with game, and this time in this history, letting get away with his games century after century.
This eventually will come back to Satan when he faces the music before God. But until someone can defeat Satan he can continue staying on power. But, Satan, himself, will learn to pay for his own crimes. In the meantime, though, the people and their prayers, and President Trump and his "White Hat" team are beating back Satanic presence on Earth.
Humanity needs to discover God's real plans for you to show Satan, God and Heaven that you are mastering the Satanic forces of evil by getting your true power of your true I AM being to recognize that Satan has been running the world for thousands of years because he arrived on Earth many, many thousands of years.
Satan arrived on Earth when all humanity was still very young and spiritually unevolved. That made God's I AM people ripe picking, and be vulnerable to Satanic control. Now, after all these millennia it is time to show Heaven we are ready to become truly part of the Heavenly realms. That we can work with Heaven become consciously aware and be a beginning partnership with Heaven. We can work work with Heaven and each other, and pull the rug out from under Satan. We can grow into our "telepathic" community of I AM beings on Earth. We can show that the I AMs beings of Earth can team up with Heaven (and President Trump and the White Hats) work as a spirit/world social, mind expansion of the "team" or Earth "Community." It is the conscious unity of Earth's individual I AM's that God wants the people of Earth to achieve. That is big part of how you and I can be God's true I AM in unison, and do our part in driving Satan out of the Earth forever.
, of which are hidden life saving tools, to find the true, your real God's created discipline, and quit accepting the Satanic teaching that you can kill, rape, swear and whatever, but it is OK because Jesus blood “pre-paid” for any damages against God, yourself, or humanity which you have caused. Even though he paid for them, not now, but way, way, way, way back before Emperor Augustus died? Therefor, use common sense.
This is free will world meaning you get a chance to create your own hell: or you can choose to live by the divine rules of God.
Therefor, if Jesus was born 2,000 years ago, this precedes the moment of YOUR birth.
And here is a clincher in favor of a need to find God answers and not necessarily “churchey” answers. If you, 2,000 after Jesus was gone, have the free will to choose what to do with your life, YOU get the chance to make you own immediate future for yourself.
Not Jesus.
Not Satin.
Not your grandma or you hero in life. Not the saints. Not the sparrows or techinical engineers or space ship designers or the gophers or the famous philosophers of the world. No. YOU, YOU, YOU decide to do right or wrong. Jesus nor anyone else is prohibited from taking YOUR free will away from you on an a free world like Earth. Look, you made your own errors. When your body dies YOU answer for what you have done wrong. Not Jesus who could not possibly know what you would decide 2,000 before you made those decisions. And, yes, obviously, there are ways to deal with this “unsuspected” problem of paying or correcting the problems you created in this life, and now you know, Jesus did not pay for things he, who is what many believe to be an integral part of Chirst or God. YOU pay or there will be no forgiveness for what YOU chose to do wrong.
So this ends this aspect which needs the consideration of mankind's thought. Does this not heavily imply that if you made mistakes on Earth, you must come back to Earth to make things right???
…............. Non Souls continued...............
Thus, Satanic slight of hand trickery and the endless of millions of Satanic tricks created to subtly help you realize that you are like them and live “dust to dust.” So it is established, now days, that we are no different from the evil ones to the point we really do not recognize the tremendous power in our God “I AM,” with which, if realized our true potential, could never be controlled by evil people.
But it is not the desire of God to have his I AM people lazily drift toward destruction by following the ideas of 'anti-God-minded,' hollow headed intellectuals, and their highfalutin universities, who would kill off the Jews just because of petty hatreds. THESE ARE NOT REAL HUMANS!
Why do you think they habitually do anti God murders, stealing, wars and on and on and on, BUT for some odd reason, get YOU and your sons and daughters to do their killing for them. Yet the people do not see that the evil ones hold the purity of your souls hostage while they appear pure and pristine in the eyes of the news media.
They steal the purity of your souls through such maneuvers. In the past few thousand years, since Atlantis has been sunk into the Atlantic, by God, for their chronic stupidities, we are hoping you, the I AM people of today, will finally wake up and avoid the, which we can refer to, as the wrath of God experienced by lazy Atlanteans of the Atlantic, and Lumerians who were drowned for similar reasons in the Pacific Ocean thousands of years ago. These people of these beautiful countries could never figure out that just because evil humans look like everybody else, that evil does not mean they have an I AM soul. Not all people have a soul with which they can learn to love YOU. This a huge distinction between you and the mechanical, “human” replicas which they truly are.
Now, folks, sure, it is true that according to some science fiction writers, that rarely, a “robotic replica” of a human can occasionally begin to deduce that a much more subtle, fantastic mind must behind the fantastic seeming ability of Children of Light to solve problems or discover who has a “warm heart” and who does not. Sure, in the the benevolence of the supreme creator of all universes, it not unheard of for such a hugely observant, biological clone to be honored by receiving a true soul, which is, by the way, a reminder to maybe the less sincere “I AM” minds of a handful of “I Am” people, that that which Lord can giveth unto his select, he can also take away from his I AM faliures. So, be forewarned. Some science fiction can be as real as life, but we avoid these kinds of discussions most of the time, for even this simple discussion can be distorted by the evil ones of Earth when they get into their usual destructive, jealous moods.
- Thus, the hatred and jealousy coming from these evil beings may normally be foreign to God's I AM folks, but still these hollow beings are deadly and jealous who kill you very dead, at the drop of a hat, whether you see it coming or not. Must we mention the volume of deaths from fentanyl, which exceeds those killed in the entire 7 or so years of the Viet Nam war. Yet, too many of you, the I AM of God, turn your heads away from this truth, showing little empathy toward your fellow I AM folks, whether this truth makes little difference if it comes from from Fox or anywhere else.
But one huge reality is that these evil being's secret weapon is you and your chronically very, very unrealistic view of these parasites: Because they look like you-- and you credit them with a soul they do not have. Can you not understand that depriving the world by trying and executing these despicable beings, does NOT deprive God or Heaven of a single soul!
Heaven will not miss these evil ones, because, they are ONLY dust to dust. Nothing else. That is why the altered versions of the bible try to get you to think in terms of your being like them, “dust to dust.” When you agree to be married, it is only lasts "dust to dust." That is their trick, to get you to think you are like them, so that you may be trained to be vicious like them when it fits their purposes. Yet, this is another one of their tricks which is totally unperceived to the vast majority of the human race. Do you see?
With a slip of the tongue, they tell you exactly who and what they are. When you get tricked into doing their bidding like going to war, in a real massive death dual, you become a killer for them. Yet by acting with virtue in this situation you only make matters worse by refusing to protect your fellow citizens if you refuse military service! When you are on the verge of war you easily and legally become a person with no free will. And you kill others to avoid being killed without realizing you and your nation (and the enemy nation) were tricked into hate, fear and a self defense war due to conditions you allowed you governments to create. Today we are a gain on the verge of being tricked into war in order to save the necks of the psychopaths who control your congress and too much of the news.
Yet, somewhere someone dreams up these seemingly innocuous crimes against humanity and the churches. Meanwhile the churches trumpet Daniels ability to survive living in a den of lions, yet provide no explanation other than faith to explain Daniels strange ability to survive the apparent the “un-survivable” circumstance he found himself in. But probably even the church leaders are so focused on faith rather than asking practical questions about the Bible. They fail to find out the Satanic inteference in the writing of the bible it left the “practical” aspect of Danial's story out of the bible. Yet, to suggest there is Satanic intervention in the original Daniel story may leave you condemned by your own church.
The churches these days have allowed themselves to become the limp noodles of society by accepting the Satanic lie that only a “miracle” of divine fire mysteriously came from God and saved Danial. Yet, people do not suspect that maybe, God, in his infinite love for you, had originally provided a way for Daniel to direct this almost mythical “flame of God” according to your own initiative and guidance, but mysteriously (and may we suggest Satanically) the bible leaves what you could call “the important part” of this story out of the bible!
Even though the I AM folks embody the eternal traits of God, the churches have stripped them of knowing how to use the true power of God employed by Jesus and the Disciple. Yet they still claim that their church is the real church of Christ power and faith. Never the less, these watered down versions of Christianity rarely ever offer the directions to on how to use the true fires of God to settle the score with Satan.
It should not be necessary for us to suggest once again that Satan runs the world despite what the churches teach. And when some of the real crimes of one church, at least, hits the news, we assure you that it will curl your spine.
To move on, most of today's churches have no valid explanation to explain why people are born with one inclination or another, or nameless fears that appear to have no source. It is our opinion that this condition is caused by crimes against humanity when too many Christian churches fail to teach you how to neutralize Satanic captivity of the soul as Danial demonstrated by escaping death while in the Lion's den. That part, which can fully show you the way you can employ the one ultimate power of God, has “conveniently” been erased from the Christian Bible!!!
But it is important to not get “satanically upset” when you realize that it is the true ever present Faith that, to Satan's chagrine, that has kept the world together despite Satanic attempts to obliterate it in atomic wars.
Yet, despite explaining this truth several times, people would rather believe the Satanic “truth” that you are helpless until God, mysteriously, with no secret flames, decides to move in your favor. So goes the Satanic lies “plausibly” ignored by today's churches. And when you are a young I AM soul filled with milk toast type explanations you are left hanging in suspense, until next Sunday. Yet, despite today's churches claims of being centers of divine wisdom, the vulnerability of innocent I AM souls to Satanic power remains unabated, as will be outlined in the near future through the reports based on real investigations into Satanism by President Trump and his “White Hats.” You will learn that there is a very, very real Satanic momentum that has permeated the very fiber of the socalled spiritual world, and the physical Earth.
It remains unfortunate that most I AM souls have absolutely no idea of the myriad traps awaiting them from being tricked into a criminal life, or being victimized by subconscious vandalizing of your very I AM soul from simple trickery by being raped and sexually abuse, in which your God I AM is literally taken from you and thrown into unknown lower realms of hell, where you may experience absolute terror and even more terrifying ecstasy that can cause beautiful I AM souls, should they survive up to this point, may cause their I AM to withdraw or avoid intense human interactions for the rest of their lives.
It should be more apparent, then, that the more you think of life on Earth, you can increase your understanding why we of the Great White Brotherhood, who love you more than you know, are so concerned with God's I AM humanity who keep stumbling, failing to gain understanding of the world you live in. That you will more easily recognize evil "vibes" and pending serious dangers when they are a real and present threat. This atmosphere of smoke and mirrors created by fallen Archangel Satan and his nearly endless minions on Earth, are on the verge, after over 200,000 years, of being defeated by President Trump, General Flynn, and multitude of other deeply patriotic helpers of Heaven's true heroes. Thus we implore you to think carefully and pray and devising those Heavenly fires of Heaven ---
And assuming you ask, those Heavenly, violet fires of God (ARE present and easily available, but most of humanity listens to the terrifying “pooh's” from people who direct them away from “those” kinds of churches prayers. Nevertheless, you can help overcome Satanic evil momentums in the run of the mill chirches who do not like the “Violet Fire” taking over their religious authtority. Thus, Satanic momentum continues to roll along, mystifying most aspects of today's religious world. But here is where to start on your true assault on Satanism. It is advisable to also use the protetion of Archangel Michael's Rosary for at least 20 minutes a day when using the Violet Flame for decrees and prayers.
Some sources of Violet Flame instruction information are at:
Archangel Michael' non denominational Rosary (20 minutes a day ) for protection found at:
video at:
But beware that most churches offer no real defense to mental and emotional Satanic attack. But this St. Michael's Rosary protects you and dedicated searchers for truth very well while the the I AM Children of Light ply the hills and valleys of Satanic fear and attack. There is a safe way to conduct your search for real God based truths. That protection IS most certainly available with Archangel Michael's Rosary. Many people are realizing that Satanic suggestions work hard to guide the unwary away from those organizations who do have real answers to unsolvable problems. One such church that does provide excellent safety and answers is the Summit Lighthouse in Montana. They have a very excellent St. Michael's rosary I have used for about 30 years.
You use this rosary to protect yourselves and including where you can be vulnerable: i.e. You can list those to be protected, like yourself, you family, friends, people who work with you to defeat Satan, and so forth, national leaders (by name), etc. Do the rosary for 20min a day.
To continue, these Satanic evil beings are particularly dangerous because they realize God and the Masters and Angels are closing in on them and that keeps them stirred up and dangerous. There is no Heaven awaiting them because when their body dies that can't go to Heaven! There is NOTHING to send back to Heaven because they never came from Heaven. And tragically, even though your I am infinite, you have no recollection of where or who you were before you were supposedly created in your mother's womb. We, of the Great White Brotherhood, who have defeated Satanic on Earth after seemingly the never ending challenges presented to us by Satan's war with Heaven, have defeat the Satanic powers by Ascending beyond Satanic reach. But for the Satanic actors, all they have left on Earth is their record of the horribly evil treatment they gave the true I AM beings of God. YOU! The evil ones have proven what they are more times than any "normal" person will believe, are still being overcome by those who seek answers they are usually Satanically guided away from.
But, just maybe, enough true "Trumper's" will emerge among you, and will have the gall to FINALLY trample the spineless, murderous,' I AM haters' and hypocrites into the dust from which they originally emerged.
So stop this momentum of endless nonsense and lies that just because the handmaidens of Satanism are human looking, or they appear to have a soul, the Satanic murderers will vanish into nothing when they are executed. Sure, it is hard to imagine the truth. But that is a root part of you folks being week kneed about who these robots and soulless killers really are, and gullible about who has the real answers to the keys of the engine of God's all evil consuming fires of Heaven that are too rarely taught by today's churches.
Let us end with one last injunction: Some people may find the reasons Trump insists on American's going by the law of the land and give the accused criminals a fair trial before their peers. Bukt by Heavenly law, going by the law, even on Earth, increasingly means the accused have fair trials, and this IS one of the reasons President Trump and crew are so fastidious with the law.
Inspired law is the only way of being reasonably close to differentiating the evil law breakers from the "souled" law breakers. It is not a perfect legal system, but the people of Earth must have a way that gives some reasonable assurance that the people arrested for breaking the law are the guilty party. Therefor, people will be finding out about the the hundreds of thousands of Satanists Trump and crew are arresting and trying for death penalty crimes, including murder, treason and on and on, you may have a balanced understanding of the necessity of these trials.
When these reports of arrest and execution of Satanists start coming out in the not too distant future, you will find out what Satanic, non I AM souled people are really like (and what other people who sell their souls to Satan are really like). But, if people want to understand the most evil people, they must be able to appreciate the role of American Law which are often based on Universal or Cosmic law. Thus, to survive in the universally governed stars above, Earth must learn to live by Ascended laws.
It appears, even with the liberal lying getting the majority of "air time," the soul of America is winning out, little by little by little. As Earth proceeds into ascension today, the truth will become more and more clear, and people need to do endless, far more powerful prayers, for clarity on just who and what a Satanically run world is really like compared to ascended, Heavenly living. People must be shown just how dangerously close Satan is to destroying the entire world like he did to an unknown world that had once orbited the sun like Earth does, but does so in chunks and pieces for the past millennium
since its Satanically induced societal self destruction: "The asteroid belt is a torus-shaped region in the Solar System, centered on the Sun and roughly spanning the space between the orbits of the planets Jupiter and Mars." (Google)
And, that is all we will say about this matter, while the ignorance of Satan on Earth goes beyond any reasonable boundaries. But hope still hangs in there, that Satan will finally be gotten under control by the waking but still presently, very, very, very sleepy people of Earth. The Earth and the Great White Brotherhood depends on the people waking up before the patience of God runs out, and that is NO laughing matter.
There is, though, a growing differentiation of perception where honesty is slowly becoming a reality which truth and the people's comprehension of Heavenly Ascension depends on people waking up. Accepting the lack of God power in media lies means that soulless ones will keep up the habitual lying, and seek shelter in ever increasing emotionalism of "capricious or fantastic idea" (Google) as being the real, which it is not. TV liberal laughing and pretending imagined victory supposedly guarantees Kamala is already president, and even now this lie shows signs of exposing the hollow promises based on Kamala's lies. Lies that are attempting to become faltering national demands, devoid of a government who cares for the people and which loves the people more than does the dreamed up victory based on "basement politics."
'Sleepy eyed' patience still largely rules the public consciousness, as the libs wait for the guaranteed victory promised by cleverly placed television snippets of wisdom, all psychologically planted into the TV and scanty basement politicking."
But the focus of the public is turning more and more toward a better horizon, toward a future prepared for America by God and no one else, so hope is not lost from our perspective. But we must increase the public awareness of God's Will observations and understanding, we add, learning how to employ the true flames of God to dissolve deadly personal and worldly problems is becoming more and more critical every day.
The piercing, heroic reporting by Sean Hannity, Mark Levin and others on Fox News folks is helping guide the national mind. At long last the people are starting to see the game that has entrapped their political I AM being of God, with an improving perception of world events: and thanks to Fox News, is bringing God intervention straight into the minds of the people, more so since long before WWII, Korea or the Viet Nam war, or before the disastrous, non 'IAM' guided, ridiculous Afghanistan pullout of over 3 years ago. We send you or love and hopes for a fantastic I AM victory of Satanism on Earth!
But one of the more curious aspects of world conditions today is the confusion that arises when it is suggested that danger of nuclear war is high, and at the same time other writers are claiming the world is about to be cleaned up and saved. So what does this kind of talk, along with the nightly news, really amount to?
The teeter totter, back and forth views of the world are the result the lying nightly news owners who want to protect themselves, versus truthful news reporting, versus speculation in careful investigating and reporting specifically to either help the good in survive along with the world survive On the one hand the some of the nightly news bureaus who report news are trying to help the bad guys fool the people. Still, Fox News and many internet outlets, for instance, embody the opposition who also want a “mental revolution” against liberalism, and bring back basic beliefs of honesty and particularly moral rectitude. Where, some liberal outlets, for example, report young children's own, immature sexual identity is decided for them by less moral folks who ruin a child's entire life by changing the sex of a child, And, with no parental oversight. Thus you have people make themselves the only being on Earth who knows what a child's sex should be. We can all understand that these are crimes against God as well as the people.
But, among what we might call the most extreme “anti-God folks” are the Satanists, where reports claim a million or more children are tortured and killed yearly to Satanic death rituals and blood letting and adrenochrome manufacturing (from children's blood taken from children held like animals in cages.
Although the deluge of pro Satan “denials” and positive sounding “and glowing explanations of the sanctity of Satan, these folks have also infested the internet like larva on a dead corpse.
Yet the reality is too many factually reported incidents are piling up faster than Satan deniers can write compose their endless refutations of wrong doing.
Other hard facts are nevertheless being dug up, literally, in mass child graves, including in the United States and Canada. Other investigations by the military's of the world have turned up thousands of captive children, including bodies of often ritually killed children. It has been conclusively proven child and sex business is world wide phenomenon, even discovering caged children in the holds of luxury liners and cargo ships. Many articles or books have included people relating their experiences of being Satanic victims, even to the point the U.S. CIA having severely tortured many children in mind control experiments, turning some into assassins.
The sum total of this whole mess is your being left out of the “news loop.” Mostly, in the world's populations few people really know just how the 'pretend to be,' or concealed evil really is.
Thus, the world problem concerning true, disgusting and terrifying evil is more than child's night time story time. This also implies that the 'cure' is going to be more worldly comprehensive than people imagine. A lot of detail is revealed by Judy Byington on her daily news reporting on the internet.
Part of her reporting mentions how certain American leaders are heading up a gigantic, world wide search for Satanic caves and tunnels which they say practically infest the Earth beneath our feet. The military's of the world have reported that huge numbers (many, many, many thousands) of children have been found being caged and “milked,” of blood to create adrenochrome, which could arguably stand as the most deadly recreational drug in the world, some times going for thousands of dollars a hit. These are the anti-God and anti-Christ type activities that literally infest God's Earth without most people being aware. The story of all of this is yet to be told. Nevertheless, ridding the Earth of these vile Satanic practitioners is a top priority of President Trump and his world wide team of “White Hats.”
This, then, leads us to the question of just what kind of life is ahead for the world, once the Satanists and petty criminals and war mongering psychopaths are finally eradicated from our governments and the world?
What we (and our “national minds”) are about to be:
In this last section we must pay tribute to the incoming reality which our prayers and dedication to our personal truths regarding world realities and our yearned for future. Just as you may be drawn to the mysterious world of Heaven, you therefor have proven you are willing to accept at least some higher, heavenly realities.
Following is a list what we might term “fantastic” realities facing Earth should we continue tipping the world away from Satanism with our prayers and support for President Trump and military supporters.
Assuming this trend will keep developing, here is what Judy Byington has been reporting in the past several years as things have evolved to what they are today (which have necessarily, and mostly secret of course.) These secret developments, which to all intensive purposes, demonstrates how Satanically controllers of the news media have been nearly 100& blocked from learning or reporting the most “God supported” news. The new hidden world “White Hats” have been up to a great, great deal.
In the beginning President and the “White Hats” have place their confidence in you that the truth of what they have revealed and uncovered, and the plan that Trump and the “White Hats” have put in place, will be accepted as a form of Heavenly reality which is most detestable to Satan himself.
So, assuming the good folks on Earth will be on board with the Triumph of the world wide, White Hat, good guys, here is what Ms. Byington reports is an successful approaching conclusion to what the public needs to accept for peace to reign on Earth.
As may already be suspected, all the political drama that has led up to this development has been a highly, highly military plan to keep the Satanists off guard until the anti-Satan plans are so far developed that Satin is 99% sure to be defeated. That point in time appears to be here. It would be smart, then, to pray for a 100% victory over Satanic forces to lock this victory for God, country and world. Here is a portion of her report:
“No longer as slaves, are we. The RV. The Cabal created wars to accomplish their aims of dominion and control over Humanity.
M. Thurs. 29 Aug. 2024 The Deep State Downfall …Carolyn Bessette-Kennedy on Telegram
· Trump’s return is not just speculation. It’s a calculated move, carefully planned and executed by the man himself and his inner circle. What you saw in 2020 wasn’t a loss but the beginning of the Deep State's downfall. Evidence was gathered that night, and the trap was set.
· Remember the raid in Frankfurt? That wasn’t just about servers; it was about dismantling the machinery of fraud. Gina Haspel wasn’t merely captured—she was silenced. And in the months that followed, Trump put plans into motion, suspending the Constitution under GOG & COOP, activating Devolution, and using the Law of War Manual to outsmart the DS at every turn.
· This was not just another political maneuver. It was an all-out war against the Global Cabal. Trump’s team in the SCIF had everything they needed to expose the treason committed by the DS, DEMON-RATS, and RHINOs alike. Trump’s return was never in doubt; it was merely delayed to ensure every last traitor played their hand.
· By 2021, the military had already solidified Trump as Commander in Chief. The final moves are now being executed—executive orders, strategic arrests, and the dismantling of the Federal Reserve and other corrupt institutions are well underway.
· Election fraud? It’s being rooted out by the military as we speak, using blockchain technology to secure future elections. Corrupt politicians, from governors to local officials, are being held accountable. The 12th Amendment will play its part in the restoration, legally removing those who conspired against Trump and the nation.
· The stage is set for Trump’s return, backed by military support and an ironclad legal framework. NESARA and the QFS are set to reshape our economy, while the swamp is drained, not just in Washington but globally.
· The Storm isn’t just coming—it’s here. The DS’s (Deep State's) days are numbered. Trump’s triumphant return is imminent. The reckoning will be swift. Stand firm, patriots. The moment is upon us. Victory is near. Trust the plan. The final curtain call is here. Trump will rise.:”
additional information are at:
Archangel Michael' Rosary discussion for protection found at:
Rosary for Protection:
8-24-2024 World Revolution Time
This is Serious
being guided by President Trump and a ton of "White Hat" good guys
Coming revolution events are almost upon us. Foreknowledge can hopefully prevent panic. For those paying attention, Trump has continually advised: "Trust the Plan." The problem is accurate news releases are extremely hard for people to keep up with who are on a working schedule. BUT, IT IS time to know what is going on. Hope this helps.
Trump is advising people (in relatively secret releases on the internet) to "trust the plan." The information below is part of a semi-secret, or at least "limited" release of info that the corrupt news media (including Fox to some degree,, for now at least) will not touch, but people need to know ahead of time to at least avoid being terrorized about events that will change the world, drastically, with Trump being one of the major leaders.
With Trump's efforts, the world will be involved in this world financial "revolution," that is about to break loose. People need to know to hopefully avoid panic. So, forthwith, below, is a latest report internet address. And yes, this is a plan that involves very, very high tech computers that are in touch with space fleet computers who have been arriving in recent years to protect Earth from blowing itself up with nuclear wars. Maybe you can get the drift about the need to help people avoid panic.
As trump has been saying on the internet, "it is upon on us," or words to that effect.
Fri, Aug 23 at 11:37 PM
The War for Truth is Nearing Victory Each Day.
August 22, 2024
"Greetings beloved Emanuel and Pastora, I am Palas Atenea and you know me as the Goddess of Truth. I wanted to give some important information this morning. We’ve been working hard on all the preparations for Disclosure.
"These negative forces don’t stop hurting the planet. Already on their way out, they want to leave the planet devastated, they want to start a war, but we’re not going to allow it. NO, we are not going to allow you to use weapons of mass destruction or harm the planet, because this, as you know, not only affects the planet, but all the dimensions that we coexist with yours. Evil, defeat has them burdened, they know they are defeated and they have to leave, because before they leave, they want to do all the damage possible.
"Let no one be afraid, nor let no one be scared, it’s their tricks, their cunningness that they use to keep the population on guard, to keep them fearful, fearful and to lower their frequency.
"We are on the fighting foot. Star Commands are doing a great job of removing these debris, these leftovers, but they are powerful and they hurt. There have been a lot of things that have already happened on a planetary level that the media has not covered. But we are still working internally, our forces at the planetary level are still advancing.
"Several reports have already been released about all their acts in the dark and all their actions against this humanity. And many beings and many don’t exist, my beloved. All they have there are replicas, they are clones.
"Soon they will see how the northern empire collapses. As I always tell you, like cards, everyone else who was seconding them is falling. Better times are coming for the planet. Entertainers, within their organizations, everything burns, they no longer have to do to maintain control and to keep humanity in its clutches.
"I tell you, we have negotiated between quotes, with many and they have accepted the proposal to leave the planet. But as always, there is disunity and disharmony among them all, they are not coordinated, because each one is looking for his own interests.
"I wanted to comment on them and I wanted to show them their acts in the light of everyone. They are already aberrant, despicable, abominable, they want to continue to maintain control over humanity. But this humanity is not the same as they think, there are many who are, who are still there lit and embellished with their shows, with their information.
"The act they did at the Olympics, was an aberrant, aberrant act. We understand that religions no longer apply in the new earth, that religions was a weapon they used for control, but it was also not to take to the extremes of ridicule.: PALAS ATHENA GODDESS OF TRUTH ~ Soon Everyone Will Know All The Truth About This Planet. ......................" Published by Colleen Son. 22 Aug 2024--------
More at:
Aug 17, 2924
Military Report from Judy Byington
“It’s Like the US is Sleepwalking Through a Disaster” General Mike Flynn
More is going on behind the scenes than most Americans have any idea of. The country is, in a way, experiencing actions similar to what Venezuela has been going through, which is bringing a final resolution of who is the true president who are the folks who are committing massive crimes against humanity. Below is a micro picture from Judy Byington on what is really going on with the United States Government, starting with Mexican soldiers in the U.S.
After the Worldwide Blackout the Mexican soldiers being trained in the U.S. near Cheyenne Mountain would then move the Mexican nationality to a massive revolution. The people of Mexico were united to take down the Mexican Cartel operations and rid their country of CIA control and CCP corruption – which must be done in order for Mexico to join the United States in the new Global Currency Reset and Financial System.
- Operation Hammer is a military operation presently in effect with Arrest Wars and the White Hat Military: Hammer involved 450,000 Sealed Indictments, 1000s of JAG Tribunals, Trials, Sentencing and Executions. Executive Orders 13818, 13848, and 13959 were combating crimes against humanity, foreign election interference and Chinese military companies like Evergrande. This historic crackdown on crime is reshaping justice and accountability on a global scale.
- Fri. 16 Aug. 2024 Will Barney, former Banker: “We are undergoing a massive transition in the World and the financial system is about to collapse. Chase Bank has lost two billion in deposits. It’s a Banking Apocalypse. The Military is on heavy movement throughout the US. There are internet outages where people are being taking into custody and the Military wants to stop communication. There are tests of the EBS system. Germany is on the edge of a big financial collapse. All credit could freeze up. The RV will likely be during the EBS. Train derailments are continuing. The Deep State is moving cargo they shouldn’t be and the Cabal is deliberately spilling chemicals into the ground water to create chaos.”
- Fri. 16 Aug. 2024 Tyson Foods has been closing some of their production facilities after it was disclosed that they put insects in their foods.
- Fri. 16 Aug. 2024 High Alert! The Next Phase of the Coup: “It’s Like the US is Sleepwalking Through a Disaster” General Mike Flynn: General Mike Flynn & Clayton Morris: High Alert! The Next Phase of the Coup Is Coming (Video) | Alternative | Before It’s News (
- Fri. 16 Aug. 2024 Situation Update: Bombshell Report! Judy Byington: The Global Military Alliance Arresting & Holding Military Tribunals on Over Half a Million Deep State Cabal Political & Global Elites… – – American Media Group
- Fri. 16 Aug. 2024 Situation Update (video) Judy Byington: Un-Redacted: Worldwide Emergency Alert! Tues. 20 Aug. 2024, US Military & DC Police Preparing to Evacuate Washington DC! Special Intel Report 8/16/24 (Video) | Alternative | Before It’s News (
Arrests Imminent 8-15-2024
Judy Byington,
" The big shoe is about to fall-" "Donald J. Trump"
- “This, the Final Battle, is About Saving, Restoring, Preserving and Protecting Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness:
“This, the Final Battle, is more than party politics. It’s about Saving America’s people from those who wish us harm. It’s about Preserving our safety, our Republic and Old Glory. It’s about Restoring our Nation’s strength and Protecting our children. It’s about Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness.” President Donald Trump
"As of Thurs. 15 Aug. the US Military was stationed in around 300 to 360 cities, bracing for the shockwave of the upcoming Brunson Brothers announcement (on Mon. 19 Aug. 2024?), which revolves around the return of Donald Trump and Impeachment of Joe Biden.
“Right now the Global Military Alliance is arresting and bringing to justice, over half a million Illuminati Deep State Cabal Globalists. We are on a mission – a mission from God: Restore America once and for all. The time is now.
“As of Wed. 14 Aug. the Federal Government began preparing for evacuations of senior personnel from Washington DC! US Capitol Police have just conducted an exercise with Blackhawk helicopters over the US Capitol. This was a landing zone familiarization flight. The aircraft did not land at the Capitol.
“The International BAR Association, the American Bar Association, their judges and lawyers will soon be taken down. In the 1500s the International Bar Association (BAR, British Accredited Registry) was created by foreign entities of the Roman Vatican Empire in collusion with the Pope, the Queen of England and King Henry the VIII. In the 1800s the US Corp. crafted a new branch of the BAR called the ABA (American Bar Association). Both associations are controlled by foreign entities. Their Rules of Civil Procedure was written under old Roman Law and does not apply to “We The People.”
“On Wed. 14 Aug. 2024 the World Health Organization declared an International Emergency for Monkey Pox – a Coupe aimed to end our national and our personal sovereignty. As of Wed. 14 Aug. 2024 24 Republican Governors had signed a letter stating they would not comply with a WHO Takeover.
“Within the next five months new technologies will change our World. We will see things such as Neural interfaces for direct mind-computer connection; Holographic displays and augmented reality contact lenses; Teleportation devices for instant travel; Nanobots for medical treatment and bodily enhancement; Anti-gravity vehicles and personal flying suits; Replicators that can materialize any object; Time manipulation devices; Invisibility cloaks or fields; Artificial general intelligence indistinguishable from humans; Memory editing and implantation technology; Consciousness uploads to software; Genetic engineering for bio-design with enhanced humans; Fully immersive virtual reality worlds and faster-than-light space travel.”
more at:
edit 3
The BRICS Wars With the World's Banks
The Divine Fulcrum
A Release of the Great White Brotherhood
Decisions on the monetary teeter totter.
What is BRICS? BRICS is an intergovernmental organization comprising
Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa
and now including Africa, Iran, Egypt, Ethiopia, and the United Arab Emirates.
BRICS – In 2006, Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa created the "Bric" group. South Africa joined in 2010, making it "Brics". The group was designed to bring together the world's most important developing countries, to challenge the political and economic power of the wealthier nations of North America and Western Europe. Feb 1, 2024
One could reasonably say that BRICS is a first step toward making international monetary activity safe and honest,
and making banking transactions simple. It may help if one thinks of international trading as a sort of
Decisions based on a "balanced monetary teeter totter."
Without being a professional trader, I would liken a teeter totter on a child's playground to international trading. The fulrum holding up the teeter in the middle maintains a balance trades whenever possible. The teeter totter sits on the fulcrum that allows the teeter totter to pivot as negotiations go up and down for as negotians of "international deals" takes place.
Prices and profits go up and down depending on the deal agreed to between two trading parties. The fly in the ointment BRICS addresses, possibly without saying so, is complicated by certain parties having a sort of international trading practice that hides who controls outcomes when international trading takes place. In other words, without an agreement on what constitutes fair trading and less than open trading (secretly moving the fulcrum (or the value of currency) in good faith trading, has led to international trading problems. It appears this problem of having less than reliable currency value, i.e. the value of the dollar, has been a problem which amounts dishonesty in international trading practivces. According to what this writer understands, the American dollar (or reserve dollar used in international trading), has been somewhat a less reliable international trading tool.
Without honesty and fairness being control over the fulcrum of the international trading teeter totter, problems of less than up front honesty percolate to the surface. It unsettles what should be a firm agreement regardsing costs of trading. Up to lately, the U.S. dollar is known as "The Dollar: The World's Reserve Currency.". It could be considered the falcrum on which the teeter totter "teaters" back and forth depending on how much value the "reserve currency" is agreed to buy trading parties products.
Besides a fulcrum being described as the "pivot point of a teeter totter," another definition of a fulcrum can be : “An agent through which vital powers are exercised.”
Up to recently, today's monetary balance between nations has been based on something that seems mystical, and called the SWIFT or dollar based banking system. The problem with the SWIFT banking system, world wide, and from what I can understand, the dollar that has been used by SWIFT system has been ostensibly value based on the petroleum industry trading. The problem with the SWIFT and the U.S. Dollar, is that there is little or no standard of what a paper U.S. Dollar (or reserve currency) means when this “note” fails to establish a reliable “fulcrum” or balanced, agreed upon value between nations. In other worlds, doubt lingers in international trading when trading partners cannot be certain just what the value of the international, reserve currency actually is.
If honesty between seller nations and customer nations can not be reliably established and agreed upon, tremendous problems can come to the surface, with U.S. Dollars having a unreliable trading value. In other words, to make trading an honest business, the upcoming, new BRICS “dollar” must have a fixed value today, tomorrow, next year and decade, etc. Thus a fixed fulcrum (like a gold based economy) is needed to maintain the balance of honesty and integrity in trading between fellow nations.
Presently, in relation to the economies of other countries, the value of the dollar has been established by the “experts,” who we dare not call crooked, but who, by exerting their best efforts, use what seems like arcane (understood by few; mysterious or secret: (Google)) methods to establish the value of the U.S. Dollar. Rather than using actual gold backed certificates to pay for foreign goods, America uses a more or less “sliding scale” valued currency where a certain figure is arrived at to establish the value of the U.S. on the open market. To complicate matters further, the U.S. Government, can respond to uncertain political currents by changing money trading value of the reserve dollar without notice to other countries. Thus you have the problem solved by the U.S. where the U.S. just prints more "unbacked paper" U.S. Dollars, thus lowering any value the dollar has at any moment in time.
Subsequently, in order to put honesty and dependability into the commercial community, other leaders of the world have decided to level the monetary field by requiring traders of the world to pay with new, non-value sliding, gold backed notes (which guarantee their “Notes” are backed by real, solid gold and not backed by arcane, petroleum “grease,” so to speak).
The question, then, before |BRICS was invented, was to figure out how to make the present commercial system to be fair and balanced to all parties, with no sliding scale, and no forever changing dollar “values” or worth. The answer has been to set up or create a entirely new banking/monetary system, “BRICS,” which favors the people using honest, gold backed notes rather than the arcane, relatively valueless "reserve" U. S. paper to pay for goods purchased from other countries. This would, in effect, put fairness into the center or fulcrum of the commercial teeter totter. Then, negotiations for payments for goods purchased, requiring gold to be the agreed upon payment method, and all will have safe, monetary tool for all trading now and into the future.
BRICs has become this fulcrum, if you will, making a more sound guarantee for the value for payment of goods and services in the incoming NESARA/GESARA, which will regulate world economies, by regulating the way the commercial teeter totter stays balanced between purchaser and seller, and hopefully free of war. It so happens that something like BRICS is needed to bring the still unnoticed NESARA/GESARA into reality on Earth. But, to date, without calm, knowledgeable heads being in charge, changing over to BRICS can put the world in peril, as we find happening, and demonstrates the dangers of a new BRICS system being rushed into untested waters by unscrupulous people rushing to take control. The AMG news article, below, hints at the dangers of having incapable people being put in control of responsibilities beyond their capabilities.
AMG News states: “BREAKING Update: The world teeters on the edge as Vladimir Putin prepares to declare full-scale war on Ukraine, threatening to obliterate entire cities. Dive into the disastrous consequences of Biden and Harris’s catastrophic foreign policy blunders, the rise of the BRICS currency, and how their reckless choices have pushed us to the brink of global chaos and unprecedented destruction.”
“BREAKING Update: President Putin Address to the World — Biden and Harris’s Catastrophic Blunders Push Us to the Brink of War and Global Annihilation” – VIDEO:
The article continues: “ The implications of the BRICS currency cannot be overstated. If successful, it could undermine the economic power of the United States as the dollar faces total collapse and the Russians, who now deal in gold backed currency find the whole situation is “leading to a seismic shift in global trade and finance. Countries may begin to pivot away from the dollar, weakening its status as the world’s reserve currency. This would have devastating effects on the U.S. economy, as well as on the broader Western financial system. The BRICS currency represents not just an economic shift, but a geopolitical one, as emerging powers assert their influence on the world stage...”
Putin describes the turmoil all of this change is stirring up at: “
The AMG News states emphatically that “The U.S. Congress has been complicit in this disaster from the start. Instead of holding the administration accountable, Congress has supported the illegitimate regime in Ukraine, turning a blind eye to its numerous transgressions. The Ukrainian government, which has overstayed its lawful term by many months, refuses to allow its people to vote, effectively stripping them of their democratic rights. Yet, Congress continues to funnel billions of dollars into this corrupt regime, ignoring the will of the American people.
“The complicity of Congress in this debacle is beyond comprehension. They have failed in their duty to represent the interests of their constituents, instead opting to support a foreign government that has shown little regard for the rule of law. By doing so, they have not only undermined democracy in Ukraine but have also jeopardized the security and stability of the entire region. The actions of Congress will be remembered as a betrayal of the American people, and a stain on the legacy of U.S. foreign policy.” “
And yet, being prepared at the moment, almost incomprehensibly, a new government for Earth, called NESARA/GESARA, stands in the wings, waiting for implementation across the entire world.
To claim banks are the ones who bumble into wars may have some merit in the opinion of some, but one can make a case that it was the SWIFT system that at least tolerated the undependable, sliding scale dollar which, at the least, has added an unnecessary element of unpredictability to the world monitory system.
On the positive side, though, it is becoming more and more clear that President Trump MUST be at the helm in the near future. There is no way country bumpkins like Biden and Kamala have any chance of successfully installing a revolutionary new and improved "reserve" currency into the U.S. (and world banking) system, a system which in which Biden and Kalama are still unskilled amateurs at best.
"Generosity: Yes, it's a virtue. But it can mask a sense of inadequacy for which some try to "compensate" by lavishing others with gifts, attention, money, or time." google
Staged as a "Warning"
A message from the Great White Brotherhood
“When you walk through a storm hold your chin up high
and don’t be afraid of the dark.
“At the end of a storm is a golden sky
and the sweet, silver song of a lark.
“Walk on through the wind,
“Walk on through the rain
though your dreams be tossed and blown.
“Walk on, Walk on with hope in your heart, and you’ll never walk alone.
You’ll never walk alone.”
You’ll Never Walk Alone, from Carousel | The Tabernacle Choir (
Brightly Beams our Father's Mercy | The Tabernacle Choir
But, on Earth, the ride is getting tuffer. Hang on everyone. You may not understand that there is a 49% likelihood the United States and even the world could be destroyed (by Iranian nukes, for example) due to the general lack of interest on the part of American, including world citizens, who have come far, far too mentally and spiritually lazy to pay attention to the extreme danger of our present times.
Even by outer space (Galactic Federation) standards this is an extremely, extremely, extremely perilous situation, and we HAVE TO HAVE BOTTOM OF THE BARRELL, 51% SUPPORT FROM THE WORLD VOTERS TO SAVE THE WORLD. So, as ex-platoon leader, and in the name of Plt. Sgt. Rogers, Sgt Wright, and the whole deceased platoon, they would say, get off your rockers and do your duty to God and country before it is too late to just depend on others to save your butts for you. Look, there are even galactic standards of responsibility that cannot be violated on a world wide scale, BUT YOU do not know that. Of course Earths folks find it nearly impossible to think in a galactic type environment. Yet, if you looked at Earth from where that tiniest little star is on the other side of the galaxy, you would see pumped up, little people, who think you don't even exist.
But, Speaking for Sgt. Rogers, "----I could care less what your religion is. Or what your names are, or why you think you are so valuable you don't need to say your prayers.----"
But, if you believe you can have the angels do for you what they did to President, by making sure he held his head exactly "so," at the precisely correct moment, and saved his life to demonstrate Galactic, Heavenly protection WHEN you deserve it, like President Trump did, then you better rethink what Faith is all about. What Trump went through was no accident and as a "live fire" operation, at least one observer at the site learned things do not always go as expected.
"Did you hear that clearly?. You feel safe? Or maybe you have not been praying with God and giving thanks to his extremely hard working, very over taxed Archangels, Angels and Saints. Think noting is happening in Heaven? Think again. And, no, when it comes to answering calls for help for Earth, the Saints and Angels have a hard time saving our "xxx ---" hind end, non existent.
I know because someone upstairs saved my life in Viet Nam by grabbing a piece of an exploded mortar round (a piece of steal about 6 inches long by an inch wide), out of the hair and practically handing it to me, saying "an angel grabbed this from the air and put on on the little pile of dirt so that you could see it was aimed at you when you were asleep in your tent."
So, don't e stupid enough to say prayers don't work. OK, then, for the ones who are part of the lazy 51%, be lazy if you don't believe God NEEDS to know whether or not you want so save your fellow man and also save your world. You do have responsibility to help save the world because Sgt. Rogers has seen fit to report this disgusting situation to you, who are on Earth. So, AT LEAST some of the 51% OF THE lazy PEOPLE MUST LET GOD KNOW YOU ALL CARE!!! And-- tip the scales into our favor for the good guys!
But, you see, the Iranians and others are getting too pissed at FBI and CIA types because they are disgusting organizations. The they take it upon themselves to be the big shots who set national policy by sticking their noses in other countries business and assassinating their leaders and people. America has become too fat and lazy from having too much power and abusing their power in the world. Americans have not the slightest perception that tiny 2% to pray and help save the Earth. All it takes is for a shift for God requires at least 51% of the world's population to be kind to each other and to pray to have their world saved. We, of the Galactics, need to get that tiny 2% to start praying to save the people and planet of Earth from being destroyed by the crazy extremists, commies and Nazis.
In other words, society has societal obligations in addition to personal obligations. Therefor, if 51% of the a society or country or world is so lazy they cannot pray to God positively, or society as a whole does NOT care enough to tell God they want to save their world from evil, it will not be saved. Like, tough love. Like or not. Like if you don't care about Earth enough to tell God and thank God for Earth, why should he take time to save your ungrateful (thank your Sgt. Rogers) butts???
Sgt. Rogers is a patriot for humanity, you know. He gave his life for you and the U.S. If you think there are not many Sgt. Rogers up there worried to death about what they are seeing down on lazy Earth, and are watching to see how lazy you caretakers of Earth really are, the NCOs can spot you lazy ones in a heart beat. You better get off your lazy butts and do your prayers for God and mankind! And, yes, I am standing back and being quiet, because Sgt. Rogers and his squad leaders don't wait for me to tell them what to do with the lazy ones, and they are experts at giving very well designed lessons why it is good to do your job and NOT be lazy. So, please spare me the need to get overly enthusiastic with "negative" pronouns which Sgt. Rogers and his squad leaders are a past masters of. But Sgt. Rogers does have a beautiful way of verbally putting pain in the lives of the lazy one's.
So, listen to Sgt. Rogers, and if you think he is not telling you you need to pay attention, think again. These days he is feeling like and he and his whole, beloved platoon gave their lives for nothing. It is getting just as bad today as it was in Viet Nam, and in some ways a lot worse.
Just, alone, we have had the rough number of alien invaders come into America to fill 10 o20 or more divisions of infantry soldiers. And, are you listening to the quality of criminals and terrorists our stupid communist leaders encoourage to come here in the U.S. I mean, the neglect of Americans is disgusting! OK, so Sgt. Rogers to cool it a little. We are supposed to be representing the Great White Brotherhood, as it were.
Ladies and gentlemen, the BIG message is there ARE, ARE, ARE-- real threats and plans to kill President Trump (and Biden) in a plan to destroy the United States, WITH illegal aliens and Iranian NUKES if nothing else. Folks, not enough Americans, specifically, are taking the increasing strident, televised death knells coming your way, where death plans are being planned for YOU, simply because you are an American, and hopefully not a lazy, "not praying" American citizen!
As a Viet Nam veteran who has lost far, far too many friends and acquaintances in war, and have been saved from shots aimed at me (just like happened to President Trump), this real, staged event WAS USING REAL AMMUNITION, AND I am telling you, get off your butts and SAY YOUR PRAYERS because God and Sgt. Rogers are losing patience???? That may not be the GWB way of getting a message across, but it is a soldiers way. Do you HAVE NOT THE SLIGHTEST IDEA OF THE HATE AIMED AT YOUR VERY OWN CIA AND FBI WHO HAVE STIRRED UP a new enemy AGAINST THEIR VERY OWN COUNTRY?
Are you so hypnotized by the media that you can't know or suspect malignant motives lie behind the HATRED FROM OTHER COUNTRIES OF THE WORLD LIKE IRAN. If you are one of the lazy ones, QUIT BEING DUMN IN THE HEAD. We have had maybe enough illegals here, in America, to make up at least I, as a soldier who is far more lucky to be here, and who God has saved me from at least half a dozen certain deaths, like falling 700 with a defective parachute, or keeping me from tripping over a huge, at least a 7 foot rattle snake has taught that when the Great White Brotherhood actually sends you messages that you need for your own good, THEN LISTEN!!!
"White Hats’ Countermove The Truth Behind the Fake Assassination Attempt: The first staged attempt was a strategic move by the white hats. They anticipated the deep state’s real plot to kill Trump and blame Iran. This would enable the globalist CIA and Pentagon to wage war, distracting from their sinister operations, including money laundering and pandemic cover-ups.
- "Trump’s Battle for Genuine Protection: Trump is pushing to replace the Secret Service with U.S. Special Operations Command and true Special Forces, as many current agents are suspected to be deep state operatives. The Secret Service’s compromised intelligence poses a significant threat to Trump’s safety at rallies.
- "Behind the Scenes: Documents are being filed by Trump and his military advisors, expressing their loss of confidence in the Secret Service and certain intelligence sectors within the FBI, CIA, and Pentagon. The aim is to secure overt military protection for Trump.
- "Preparing for a Real Threat: The staged assassination was a crucial warning to Americans. The next attempt is expected to be genuine and could trigger a full-scale war with Iran. The deep state’s plan includes killing both Trump and Biden, blaming MAGA and Iran, respectively, to enforce martial law and appoint an emergency president.
- "Deep State’s Coup Plan: The Deep State aims to seize control through these assassinations, leading to a military coup, widespread censorship, forced vaccinations, and the arrest of thousands of patriots, including prominent figures like Carlson, Musk, and Patel.
- "Call to Action Patriots, Stay Vigilant: If you attend Trump rallies, be aware of potential Deep State explosions designed to blame Iran. The first assassination attempt was no coincidence—a bullet that could have killed Trump left only a scratch. This was a calculated move with a one-in-a-million outcome.
- "Stay Safe, Stay Informed: Understand why the White Hats staged the first attempt: to expose the military coup, bring in congressional hearings, and initiate overt military operations to protect Trump. Any attack on Trump under military protection is an act of war, invoking military protocols.
- "Wed. 24 July 2024 At the Donald Trump assassination hearing, FBI Director Christopher Wray warned of a potential foreign terrorist attack in the United States, similar to the concert hall attack in Russia.
more at: 1332
Byington's latest report on NESARA,
assassination attempt, update
This Resort Supported by the Great White Brotherhood
New Inter-Galctic, Quantum Computers Online World Wide
(supported by camouflaged rows and rows of cloud hidden spaceships overhead)
Cabal Crowdstrike Strikes Back
attacking business computers worldwide.
Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of July 20, 2024July 20, 2024
Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of July 20, 2024
Judy Note: A global outage has been under way since the conclusion of the Republican National Convention on Thurs evening. 18 July. It started in Europe and was working it’s way across the Globe.
Massive global outages that have put the planet on hold was blamed on the Deep State Cabal run CrowdStrike. President of CrowdStrike Services and the Chief Security Officer served as the Executive Assistant Director of the FBI under the Obama-Biden administration.
It could be considered a strange coincidence on how the massive global outage began right after Trump gave his acceptance speech – especially since it has now been tied to the Trump Assassination Attempt.
Because of a so-called massive failure at CrowdStrike a mass global outage has taken businesses, including banks, airlines, telecommunications companies, TV and radio broadcasters, and supermarkets, offline.
Major US airlines have been grounded. Issues have been reported in Australia, India, the United States, and New Zealand. The outage seems to be affecting Windows PCs worldwide.
CrowdStrike was mentioned directly 19 times in Q drops. All were related to the DNC Server Hack, the framing of Russia, Ukraine connections, and connections to the Clinton Foundation and Obama. CrowdStrike was mainly owned by the Deep State Cabal’s Blackrock.
In other words, it appeared that the Deep State Cabal has deliberately set up this Global Blackout to bring down the global financial system – which was going down anyway because of the fiat US Dollar. They planned to replace all global currencies with their own non-asset backed digital currency so they could control your life.
Early Fri. morning 19 July I received a call from a friend at the Amsterdam Airport. She said she had been sitting there for 24 hours with all flights cancelled and computers down. I can no longer reach her.
The Global Military Alliance was on high alert all across the planet doing mass arrests of the Satan worshipping Deep State Cabal.
The Alliance was working in cooperation with the BRICS nations and Chinese Elders to release the Global Currency Reset of 209 nations to gold/asset-backed currencies that would trade at a 1:1 with each other.
Timing of Events: The 17th Letter (JFK Jr.) on Telegram Fri. 19 July 2024
· There will be a message on EBS saying that sometime in the next 5 hours or so, everyone needs to be home, where a global lockdown will begin for 10 to 12 days.
· NESARA will be announced to the world, which will show that EVERYTHING NEW is beginning.
· During that lockdown documentaries will be broadcast on every station to provide full disclosure for everyone to see everything that has been happening.
· At the end of the 12 days, apparently there will be an 800 number that we will then have to call and we will be given a appointment to set up our Quantum bank account with confirmed date and time to go to.
· Apparently all around the Globe all of us already have monies in our Quantum Account. The reason why there hasn't been much information coming from the QFS team in these last few weeks, is because some important things were happening.
· About 75 banks were said to have been seized, with all Cabal assets and accounts closed.
· These assets have then been taken and moved to the quantum financial accounts to be returned to the people.
· All trust funds were moved to the QFS account. So, that's already moved, which is awesome!
· In fact, over time, money will no longer be a problem. Money literally just won't be important because everyone will have enough to live an abundant life.
· So try to progress instead of being held back for so long. This is incredible news and it is what we have been waiting for.
· They also confirmed that all the Central Banks have been taken and entered into the QFS, so they are all on the ISO 20022 standard and the other thing to remember is that this is blockchain and nothing fraudulent can happen because everything is traceable.
· Any money that is sent they can see where it goes. Stops corruption in its tracks.
· There's nothing about moving money behind doors or, you know, banks in the middle of nowhere abroad and stuff like that.
· None of that can happen anymore.
· All money is traceable and remember this is on a computer that is from Out of This World... it's next level stuff.
More at:
What is the war against Trump all about? -- SATANSM! That's what!
The bottom line is Trump and Putin are at war with Satanism and Satanist Sex trafficker's, while, on the other hand, Biden, the Ukraine Nazis and millions of others on the planet are deeply involved in killer, Nazi/Satanism. The Satanically controlled American media , conveniently leaves this subject out of the nightly news. Maybe all of this starts painting a different picture about what "president" Biden is all about?
Time for the people to wake up.
Like, who do you think the anti-Russian Ukrainian Nazis, and the Ukrainian property owner, Biden, are really up to? Maybe the bungling, desperate attempt to kill Trump before the Republican convention had something to do with the timing of Trump's attempted murder? Maybe more proof of Biden's bribe taking million dollar "treason cash" from China, and his ridiculous attempts to make Trump a traitor and criminal, and Trump's attempted murder, are getting to be more than enough indirect evidence that points at who the real American traitor really is?
This whole mess leaves the overly suspicious impression that Biden is far more than he seems.
May we suggest that, at the same time that this rapid fire turmoil splashes across the nightly "news." an inside job, and is nothing less than an inside job when it comes to murdering President Trump? For example:
Judy Byington sums it all up admirably in her recent article of July 16, 2024:
Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of July 16, 2024July 16, 2024
Judy Note: Jonathon Willis, the police sniper who took out Trump’s would-be assassin (whoever they were – left wing extremists Thomas Matthew Crooks, Mark Violet or Maxwell Yearik), said he was ordered not to shoot and lost his job because he did – obviously pointing out that this shooting was an inside job.
This Event was not just about President Trump being shot by our own FBI, CIA, Secret Services or Department of Justice as have other US Presidents in the past, it’s about a gigantic chain of Child Sex Traffickers, Organ and Adrenochrome Harvesters who have perpetrated pedophilia and Child Sacrifices in their worship of Satan – done so in return for a promise of their own sick definition of power and glory.
It’s about the very International Child Sex Trafficking, Organ and Adrenochrome Harvesting, Drug and Weapons Running organizations Trump and the Global Military Alliance were in the middle of taking down – charging, arresting, trying and carrying out guilty verdicts of those Global and Political elites involved in Treason and Crimes Against Humanity.
We are talking the Bidens, Obamas, Pelosi, Clintons, a majority of Congress, Nazis of Ukraine, Zionists of Israel and all countries, Jewish, Mexican and Vatican Mafias, Secret Services, FBI, CIA, Police, Mainstream Media, including hundreds of thousands of corrupt doctors, scientists, educators, civil servants and their henchmen.
The State of the World and Nation was Much Worse Than You Could Ever Imagine.
- On Tues. 9 July at the NATO Summit in Washington DC the actor playing the role of President Joe Biden told delegates that he was not calling the shots, but that the US was under command of the Military. First the demented Biden introduced Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky as “President Putin” and Vice President Kamala Harris as “Vice President Trump.” He then continued to shock the audience by saying that he took orders from his “Commander in Chief, the Chief of Staff of the Military.”
- On Mon. 15 July 2024 Jonathon Willis, the police sniper who took out Trump’s would-be assassin Thomas Matthew Crooks, (or was it Antifa Left Wing Extremists Mark Violet or Maxwell Yearik?), said he was ordered not to shoot and was arrested by the FBI and lost his job because he did. BREAKING! Counter-Sniper Ordered Not to Engage: Arrested and Fired for Defying Orders During Trump Assassination Attempt - Gazetteller
- On Wed. 10 July 2024 Putin’s Adrenochrome Task Force apprehended an Israeli Ship and rescued 40 emaciated children from a Ukraine Baby Adrenochrome & Organ Harvesting Farm, though sadly found 30 more tortured children dead.
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Where is the POWER
in the
Spoken Word?
July 15, 2024
When I think of “affirmations,” I remember the Bible in which God says about the power of the spoken word. If any secrets of Jesus and biblical teaching have been suppressed by Christianity, I think the power of the spoken word is watered down to a ridiculous crumb. Here are a few examples that certainly hint heavily that speaking is supposed to be a sacred art that reveals the true power of God when we address God directly. So, at any rate, here are a few quotes with further explanations included later.But here are some of the biblical quotes which suggest at the power of the spoken word:
Hebrews 4:12 ESV / 1,408 helpful votes Helpful Not Helpful
For the word of God is living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing to the division of soul and of spirit, of joints and of marrow, and discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart.
Romans 1:16 ESV / 1,281 helpful votes For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, to the Jew first and also to the Greek.
Proverbs 18:21 ESV / 1,267 helpful votes Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it will eat its fruits.
John 15:3 ESV / 1,100 helpful votes Already you are clean because of the word that I have spoken to you.
2 Timothy 3:16-17 ESV / 1,019 helpful votes All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work.
Romans 10:17 ESV / 999 helpful votes So faith comes from hearing, and hearing through the word of Christ.
That starting point, I suppose, which explains my “mid set” on power of the “word.” But what the modern bible is less clear on is how to focus the power of the spoken word, and to me anyway, what is left out is that we also can include in our mind set the idea that God has also said that he can be identified by the name “I AM.” In other worlds, when you say “I AM,” you are telling yourself and reminding yourself that what you think of as being YOU on a daily basis, is not “me.” It is not “us.” Or not “I want,” or “I need a drink,” for instance, or even “God help me.” These are all, in one way or another, watered down versions of your own “self Perception” of what it means to have God in you. But, THE WORD that brings God power into you life is “I AM.” God himself has said my name is "I AM that I AM."
I.E.: The power of God IS YOU, not what you think you are. The power of the spoken word, therefor, comes out when you can feel and know God when you say “I AM” the source of financial supply,” for instance. The more you say, repeat, or chant using your true God, true I |AM, you automatically become more and more of a God being on Earth, and a Godly representative of what you AND God want you to be. So that is my explanation for understanding the I AM Affirmations.
You activate and become the true God in YOU by using the power in the word of God, “I AM,” which IS God in you put into action by you. And that is THE true word of God.
The true word power of God and brings into your reality the increasing power of God's Love, support, benevolence, help for others, and so forth. When we chronically or habitually fail to affirm our God within by swearing or neglect, we become an empty vessel, as it were, and can feel that emptiness, especially when failing to honor God first gets out of hand. Thus, we need to increase God understanding, God fulfillment, and God increase of wisdom within in order to be God's a true “Christ power of God” on Earth. Hope that makes sense. Will publish this now but will edit it to be sure I am saying saying it the way I want it to said. Here are some affirmations from the Summit Lighthouse.
The Summit Lighthouse is also known as the Church Universal and Triumphant in Montana.
Summit Lighthouse Affirmations (from Jesus)
I AM Affirmations – Tapping the Power of God
Jesus showed us how to tap the power of God's name when he made the statements:
“I AM the resurrection and the life,”
“I AM the Light of the world,”
“I AM come that they might have life and that they might have it more abundantly,” and
“I AM the Way, the Truth and the Life.”1
" We can take any of these I AM affirmations and make them our own. With an understanding of each of these affirmations giving voice to God working through us, we can create our own I AM affirmations. Many decrees are made up of I AM affirmations.
"I AM affirmations dictated by Jesus to the Mark L Prophet. Remember, every time you say, “I AM,” you are affirming “God in me is….” And when you give a decree, it is God who is speaking that decree through you.
As you give the Transfiguring Affirmations of Jesus the Christ, feel the power of God within you affirming your oneness with the Source of all life that can bring you the “abundant supply”—the spiritual and material resources—you need."
"Transfiguring Affirmations of Jesus the ChristI AM THAT I AM.
" I AM the Open Door which no man can shut.
I AM the Light which lighteth every man that cometh into the world.
I AM the Way.
I AM the Truth.
I AM the Life.
I AM the Resurrection.
I AM the Ascension in the Light.
I AM the fulfillment of all my needs and requirements of the hour.
I AM abundant Supply poured out upon all Life.
I AM perfect Sight and Hearing.
I AM the manifest Perfection of being.
I AM the illimitable Light of God made manifest everywhere.
I AM the Light of the Holy of Holies.
I AM a son of God.
I AM the Light in the holy mountain of God."
I AM the Light in Ascension's Morning
You may be interested in the explanation by Grace Turner.
Read more at Connect with the energy of your Higher Self (by Grace Turner.
Connect with the energy of your Higher Self
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Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of July 14, 2024"July 14, 2024
Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of July 14, 2024
"JUDY NOTE: On Sat. evening 13 July 2024 a bullet grazed Donald Trump’s right ear at a rally in Penn. One bystander was shot dead, two others seriously wounded. The shooter was Antifa member Mark Violets. Prior to the rally Violets uploaded a video on YouTube claiming "Justice is coming.” Immediately after firing eight shots into the crowd around Trump from an elevated position outside the venue, Violets was shot dead by a police sniper guarding the rally. Trump Shooting at Pennsylvania Rally on 7-13-2024. "Five days before the incident and again yesterday, President Joe Biden told Democrats to "put Trump in a Bulls Eye". Tucker Carlson has a video of Biden and two governors in a motel room planning a Trump assassination.....|" more at:
July 9, 2024 - Trump -- "According by J. Byington, Trump has "paused" all U.S. Gov functions, while several states and provinces in Canada and the United States are in a state emergency. Byington says on July 10 that "· Tues. 9 July 2024: “I, Donald Trump, have made moves and signed orders so that we can put the government on pause,” declared President Trump in a video statement that quickly went viral. “During this period, we will run a multi-layered psyop for multiple reasons. Our country was infiltrated. Our citizens were divided and lulled into slavery.” BREAKING NEWS: President Donald Trump Announces an Unprecedented Government PAUSE to Unify America, Eliminate Corruption, Revamp the Financial System, Protect Children and Empower Citizens. What a Time to be ALIVE!"
Below, in red, is Byington's report on the initiation of NESARA. According to the kabal, their version says:
internet, though, they are claiming the big news is that trump requested a "pause" before the court in one of the cases against him. My assumption, more and more these days is, that when the kabal bad guys feel threatened they flood the internet with dozens of reports deflecting what, for instance, in this case, for "pause" to mean a court case pause, NOT a government pause which, to me, is suggesting that a big push is starting to eliminating more and more cabal from the government.
- "Tues. 9 July 2024: “I, Donald Trump, have made moves and signed orders so that we can put the government on pause,” declared President Trump in a video statement that quickly went viral. “During this period, we will run a multi-layered psyop for multiple reasons. Our country was infiltrated. Our citizens were divided and lulled into slavery.” BREAKING NEWS: President Donald Trump Announces an Unprecedented Government PAUSE to Unify America, Eliminate Corruption, Revamp the Financial System, Protect Children and Empower Citizens. What a Time to be ALIVE!
- "Within the last 24 hours Kentucky, West Virginia, Ontario Canada, Arkansas, Killeen TX, Ohio, Missouri County, Charleston County and Jackson County in Kansas City have all declared a State of Emergency.
- "Don’t Forget The Children: In the US alone 870,000 children went missing each year, while an unbelievable two million young ones a year vanished worldwide. Where have they gone? See:
- "Tues. 9 July 2024: Military Source: The Final Stages of Military Operations is Taking Place. There is NO Coincidence!
- "Tues. 9 July 2024: EXCLUSIVE REPORT: FORMER PROSTITUTE KAMALA HARRIS IS A DOUBLE AGENT INTENT ON DESTROYING THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA – Matt Wallace , Judy Note Correction: I apologize for calling in previous updates, our cackling pretend vice president Kamala Harris “born a male to non citizen parents.” Rather, our cackling pretend vice president Kamala Harris is a “prostitute born a female anchor baby to non citizen parents.”
- "Tues. 9 July 2024: ALERT!!! Bombshell Report! Judy Byington: Sky Event Inbound! Cabal’s Project Bluebeam Invasion Imminent! The Global Military Alliance Has Their Own Project Bluebeam Plan. . .
- "Worldwide we will receive seven Trumpets (aka EBS Text messages) on our phones alerting us on what is happening and urging us to tune into our TV and radios.
- "Worldwide on TVs and Radios the EBS will play eight hour documentaries three times a day for ten days (called Ten Days of Communication Darkness).
- "Worldwide the Internet and ATMs will not work during the ten days.
- "Worldwide Phones will only work for 911 calls, but we can obtain a Signal App from the Military which will secure the phones for regular use through the new Star Link Satellite System and Quantum Computer.
- "The documentaries will cover topics of arrests, tribunals, fraud, corruption, pedophilia.
- "After the Ten Days of Communication Darkness, all phones, TVs, radios and computers worldwide will be connected to the new Quantum Internet run on the secure Star Link Satellite System.
- "All peoples of the World will be called into Redemption Centers where we will receive NESARA/GESARA payments, can exchange and redeem our currency and Zim and set up secure bank accounts (identified by our own body rhythms) through the new Quantum System. Banks will no longer have access to our monies.
- "From now on all Voting Worldwide will be done over our phones and computers through the new secure Quantum System. No more voter fraud."
- more at:
July 9, 2024 - Trump and team, and World Leaders, kicking Butt:
· "Mon. 8 July 2024 Texas in Crisis Engineered by the Cabal’s HAARP: Not a single mainstream weather model predicted Hurricane Beryl would make a direct hit on Houston. Now more than 1.5 million customers are without power in Houston because of strong winds and heavy rain. How did Hurricane Beryl go from a projected hit on Mexico to now Texas? What's happening in Texas right now is 100% geo-engineering HAARP. …Ghost Ezra on Telegram
· "The CIA Coup has failed in Africa as the African countries fight to free themselves of US, CIA, UK, M16, Mossad Control.· Six Countries including Iran have formerly join the BRICS nations of Brazil, Russia, India and South Africa to ditch the fiat US Dollar!
· "Mon. 8 July 2024: The QFS, NESARA, GESARA Redemption Process Has Begun!· Med Bed use in Japan has been confirmed!
· "Mon. 8 July 2024 (video): Bombshell Report! Judy Byington: Checkmate. Down They Go. Trust The Plan! Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Mon. 8 July 2024
· "Sun. 7 July 2024: BQQQM!!! Behind the Scenes: “The Storm” and Europe’s Covert Military Operations Stirring Global Power Shifts, Military Secret Operations, Viktor Orban and Putin Meeting
· "Mon. 8 July 2024 Situation Update (video): Judy Byington: Un-Redacted: Checkmate! Down They Go! Trust the Plan!! Special Intel Report 7/8/24
more at:
7-7-2024 - "We as a society can no longer ignore the tortured children, because if we continue to do so, we can no longer consider ourselves human.
- "From Anthony Weiner’s laptop we learn that way back in 2013 the NYPD knew of (but were forced to cover up, with certain detectives mysteriously dying) an official AG Report that revealed that immigrant children were going missing in the thousands, plus Obama, the Clintons, US corporations, various mafias, the FBI and CIA were involved in cover up of those missing children, along with a cover up of Intel on Pizzagate and Pedogate that tied into an international Child Sex Trafficking Ring run by the Vatican.
- "Ten years ago on 1 July 2014 during the Obama Administration (2009-2017) The Washington Spectator reported that “Cartels have moved into the human-smuggling business, imprisoning would-be border crossers, charging high rates, or requiring border crossers, including children, to act as drug mules or prostitutes. The former Wachovia Bank (now Wells Fargo), Bank of America, and Western Union all made or continue to make millions from drug money collected in the U.S. and sent or laundered back to Mexico. General Dynamics, Motorola and Raytheon were doing well by the (human child trafficking prompted) so-called border security build-up.” Obama, Clintons, Mafia Child Trafficking
- "Children crossing the US border in the thousands have been kidnapped, or sold into child sex trafficking to fulfill pedo-sex requests of high ranking US officials, including members of the US Congress and state legislators, according to Intelligence sources. A significant number of those high ranking elites have been under surveillance for quite some time, with some caught making calls for children they “ordered” for sex. CIA, Vatican, Obama, Bush, Clinton, Soros, Royals Child Sex Trafficking...."
- more at:
Also on the above site they state that the operations to secure the children and finally destroying the war on the evil Kabal will include:
B. Emergency Broadcast System Alert:
- "We will receive seven Trumpets (aka EBS Text messages) on our phones alerting us on what is happening and urging us to tune into our TV and radios.
- "On our TVs and Radios the EBS will play eight hour documentaries three times a day for ten days (called Ten Days of Communication Darkness).
- "The Internet and ATMs will not work during the ten days.
- "Phones will only work for 911 calls, but we can obtain a Signal App from the Military which will secure the phones for regular use.
- "The documentaries will cover topics of arrests, tribunals, fraud, corruption, pedophilia.
- "After the Ten Days of Communication Darkness, all phones, TVs, radios and computers will connect to the new Quantum Internet run on the secure Star Link Satellite System.
- "We will be called into Redemption Centers where we will receive NESARA payments and be connected to our bank accounts (identified by our own body rhythms) through the new Quantum System. Banks will no longer have access to our monies.
- "From now on all Voting will be done over our phones and computers through the new secure Quantum System. No more voter fraud........"
7-5-2024 Have been feeling better. Chiropractor got rid of the leg cramps at night. I am assuming that the older we get the less electrolytes our body maintains on its own. I have taken a small amount of a brand called "nuun." Comes in tubes 10 tablets. Certainly do not need that much just for sitting around and writing. I have found that taking 1/4 of a tablet in a drink keeps me more alert when I am writing, and seems to last a few hours. When walking I have found that my bum right calf stops stiffening up when I walk maybe a quarter or half a mile. Helps a lot. I do have a congestive heart failure problem so I have to constantly monitor my weight and use Hawthorne and niacinamide and occasionally lasix to keep my weight at below 180, when dressed (below 175 when in pajamas). Anything over 180 lbs causes the heart congestion to kick in. So, the bottom line is that I am feeling better over all, and my mind is more clear when taking just the right amount of electrolyte. Also,as you know, have had heart concerns for so many years, like over 30 years, so I started using Archangel Raphael's Rosary and I do seem to get good guidance and help, and seem to find answers to a health problem that has stumped me. That rosary is a non-denomination rosary. If you are interested in AARaphael's Rosary, I could not find it on the internet for some reason so I have included it here, below, after the July5 article: (in green letters)
Judy Byington Report 7-5-2024
7-5-2024 White Hats Setting Biden Handlers up for the Fall
(as in "falling down")
Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of July 5, 2024
What is behind the headlines?
- "Wed. 3 July 2024: Bombshell: GUANTANAMO IS LOOMING – Hillary Clinton Conspires with Nazi Ukraine Against Trump
- "Tues. 2 July 2024 Supreme Court Announcement on Presidential Immunity: The Dems/MSM are framing this whole thing incorrectly. The Supreme Court did not “grant” Trump immunity. Presidents have always had immunity, the Supreme Court just had to overrule the corrupt Biden regime’s unprecedented law fare against a political opponent. The Dems/MSM are making it seem like the Supreme Court just made this up out of nowhere, when in reality, it was the Biden regime who crossed the line and have been violating the law, by weaponizing the DOJ for political means and election interference. The Supreme Court merely did their jobs, and put the Biden regime in check. The Dems never cared about the “rule of law.” They are just throwing a fit, because their Gestapo-like election interference operation has been shut down. Their entire campaign strategy revolved around Trump being behind bars, and now it’s blowing up in their faces.
- "Wed. 3 July 2024: US Marshals find 41 missing kids in five week NYC Operation. Dozens of missing kids were found and three people busted, including a sex offender, in a five-week-long citywide joint operation conducted by the US Marshals Service, NYPD and Homeland Security Investigations. Officials tracked down 41 “critically missing children” – including those coerced by adults into criminal activity or sex trafficking. The name of the operation was: "Operation We Will Find You 2.” The joint operation took more than a month. All 41 children are safe now.
- "Wed. 3 July 2024: Bombshell: British ‘Pedophile Rings’: How Members of the UK Aristocratic Families and Ruling Elite Sexually Abuse Children and Control Underage Child Trafficking Networks"
more at: More at:
Archangel Raphael's Rosary 7-5-2024
=I AM asking to be aligned to the healing energy of Archangel Raphael, allow me to accept and experience a healing that is appropriate for me.’
=I AM asking Archangel Raphael and the Angels of Healing to surround me completely in a bubble of healing and nurturing light. I ask that your healing light assists me in increasing my light quotient, realising my abilities of acceptance, transformation and anchoring the consciousness of the Creator that I require currently in my life to activate my Creator presence within me. Assist me to in embodying the wholeness and completeness of the Creator’s light within me, building my bond with the Creator and inspiring others to do so. Let it be.’
=I AM invoking the powerful loving consciousness of Archangel Raphael, the Angels of Healing and the Creator to penetrate my aura dissolving all negative energies, emotions or thought patterns. I invoke the powerful loving consciousness of Archangel Raphael, the Angels of Healing and the Creator to penetrate my physical body converting all negative consciousness of pain, suffering, illness and disease into positive loving consciousness of the highest vibration. I invoke the powerful loving consciousness of Archangel Raphael, the Angels of Healing and the Creator to particularly penetrate (Brain, Heart, thigh, RT calf, etc.) to manifest perfect glowing health. I am open to my energies shifting so that my entire being is aligned to the light of the Creator, experiencing a continuous awakening process.’
=I AM open to a healing from Archangel Raphael and wish to ask you to predominantly assist me in understanding the purpose and meaning of my current suffering so that I may realise the lesson that the Creator wishes me to overcome, achieving perfect health with ease.’
=I AM asking Archangel Raphael to activate my natural healing abilities, my natural ability of absorbing and deciphering the consciousness of the Creator, gaining mastery over the skills of acceptance, shifting and anchoring healing vibrations. Allow me to feel, sense or acknowledge your healing vibrations
and my own healing, caring and awakening light flowing from my being. Thank you.’
=I AM invoking the healing presence of Archangel Raphael to channel the consciousness of love, balance, peace and equality between the masculine and feminine aspect of the Creator into my being. Please allow me to experience the blissful and joyous vibrations and consciousness of the angelic
=I AM asking for an intensive healing from Archangel Raphael, the Angels of Healing and the Creator. I ask for an intensive awakening, embodiment of light and consciousness, and connection with the ‘I invoke the healing presence of Archangel RaphaelCreator. Allow all negative blockages within my physical and spiritual body to fall away so that I may focus on building my bond with the Creator.
Thank you.’=‘Archangel Raphael, Archangels and Angels of Healing, my beloved guides and the Creator, I call upon your sacred presence, support and protection. Please balance and prepare my energies so I may be open to converting the consciousness and light vibration of my physical body.
=I AM asking that you now channel the pure and blissful angelic and Creator healing energies into my energy and physical body. Please allow me to accept a higher vibration of light, a purer vibration of love and a new positive consciousness, anchoring this deep into my physical body, flesh, bones, blood, organs, DNA and cellular structure.
=I AM asking that all negative past programming, consciousness, beliefs and fears stored within my body from previous generations on the Earth and from my current lifetime on the Earth are dissolved, released now with ease and perfection.
=I AM asking to Please assist this conversion of energy within my physical body, ensuring that this is a gradual process of peace and increased perfect health. Please anchor into my being and energy your support and assistance.
=My physical body now holds the pure light, love and consciousness of my soul, soul group and the Creator to aid my further spiritual development on the Earth, free from fear or doubt, embraced in love and positivity. Thank you and let it be.’
Take time to imagine, sense or acknowledge the healing, rejuvenating and activating light flowing into your physical body, sit or lie in peace until you feel the process is complete.
- It is beneficial to practice this each day for 14 days (March 30 thru April 12) in order to allow the transformation to occur within your physical body.
- It is important that over the 14 days of transmuting any negative vibrations and embodying positive vibrations that you invoke the Angels of Love from the angelic level to surround you and to channel their pure energy of love deep into your being.
- Ask for this at least three times a day, as it will ensure that you are supported and held in love, allowing all negative energies or consciousness to be released instantly and converted into love of the highest vibrations.
In constant support and love, 14
Archangel RaphaelMore Archangel Raphael
The information of the below site has been altered.
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"Now It’s Planet Earth’s Turn To Integrate With These Worlds
Of Light, June 28th, 2024"
Uncategorized - By Per Staffan / July 1, 2024
"Now It’s Planet Earth’s Turn To Integrate With These Worlds Of Light.
"In the entire universe there is life, in the entire solar system there is life, on all planets there is life.
"In Jupiter there is life, in Jupiter’s moons there is life. Throughout the solar system there is life, life but in higher dimensions. There is no life as we know it, life like ours in the third dimension.
"What we’re seeing is the waste, it’s the hatching that was left, because all those planets in this system have already ascended to another dimension higher than the third.
"Very special, there is a very special place on one of Jupiter’s moons where there is abundant life there. Human life in 5th dimension.
Ganimedes, there is a very technologically advanced society. Crystic beings live there also on that moon of Jupiter.
Ganimedes is a very beautiful place, ---------------"
"Creative Intelligence: This site requires membership for some articles, including this article. More at:
Another reference Co-/creaters with Earth --
July 1, 2024 - Update -- Have been keeping busy. Recently, although I am not a exercise runner, I decided to take some electrolytes to help my beat up old body, and have a better sense of general well being, as it were. It was a nice surprise when I started feeling more alert and less tired. Have also been going to the chiropractor to get my back straightened out from my old parachuting accident, and that is going well. So, I guess the update is that my legs no longer go to numb when I am sleeping. That has been a welcome improvement, plus my legs no longer cramp all night long which, of course, meant some nights with no sleep at all! Odd that I never really had much trouble over the years but I guess the parachuting part finally caught up with me. One small problem I have had is that my right calf must have been injured when I hit the dirt from a near freefall, and in the later years it would sort of seize up when walking. The good news, now is, , the electrolyte definitely helps that a lot, and the calft no longer gets overly tired or stiff as board. But onward:
I have to sort of chuckle these days when people can't seem to expand their minds enough to encompass NESARA. I tell people what is coming, and one reaction I got was that reading about NESARA several years back meant that it will never happen. Still can't get the logic in that. Maybe they had kids 30 years ago and found that because some people have red heads (which consists of about 2% of the population), that that means there will be no more read heads after 2025 or something. Good grief! Like, who in heaven name knows how people can think. Weird. But, one thing, to change the subject, it will be interesting how the world changes as it keeps moving into the next dimensions, which I think are classified as the 4th, 5th, and 6st dimensions (meaning we are leaving simple 3 dimensional living behind).
According to some internet reports, the change in dimensions is taking place now and can account for unusual things like unusual diahrrea, feeling disoriented, among other things. One may feel unaccountable dizzy and other unusual sensations. There are several internet sites that address this phenomenon.
One site lists quite a few things like feeling excessively tired, or: 10. Heightened sensitivities to your surroundings. Crowds, noise, foods, TV, other human voices and various other stimulations are barely tolerable. You also overwhelm very easily and become easily overstimulated. You are tuning up. Know that this will eventually pass.
11. You don’t feel like doing anything. You are in a rest period, ‘rebooting’. Your body knows what it needs. In addition, when you begin reaching the higher realms, ‘doing’ and ‘making things happen’ becomes obsolete as the New energies support the feminine of basking, receiving, creating, self-care and nurturing. Ask the Universe to ‘bring’ you what you want while you are enjoying yourself and having fun.
12. An intolerance for lower vibrational things of the 3D, reflected in conversations, attitudes, societal structures, healing modalities, etc. They literally make you feel ‘sick’ inside. You are in a higher vibration and your energies are no longer in alignment. You are being ‘pushed, to move forward; to ‘be’ and create the New.
13. A loss of desire for food. Your body is adjusting to a new, higher state of being. Also, part of you does not want to be here anymore in the Old.
14. A sudden disappearance of friends, activities, habits, jobs and residences. You are evolving beyond what you used to be, and these people and surroundings no longer match your vibration. The New will soon arrive and feel so-o-o-o much better. ---- There is a lot more on a lot of sites.
more at:
I think that knowing about these kinds of possibilities sometimes helps to explain when things in our bodies may seem odd, and yet we also seem to be OK. Just different in some way. I think, for myself for instance, I feel a little loss of equilibrium, like I know where I am and where I am going, but just feel off balance in some unexplainable way. At any rate, maybe others are have odd things going on at times, like being here on Earth, and yet the world is just not EXACTLY the same as it used to be. Maybe some of these explanations can help people feel like maybe they aren't ill or or going crazy or having an illness or something scary to worry about. Not too much going on otherwise. Hopefully we will be getting some good news about NESARA pretty soon. Certainly Judy Byington and her contacts all seem to be forecasting NESERA may be starting right now.
Guess we will see.
Hope all is well. Cordially, AS
Worldwide Bank Runs - The "Onset" of NESARA
June 29, 2024 Vindicated by SCOTUS
The onset of NESAR_GESARA will likely be nearly invisible, but the increasing velocity and incident counts of big things cranking up is increasing rapidly. Here are a few reports of the recent news, much of which carries explosive implications or portends for the more or less immediate future.
· near the White Hat headquarters in Cheyenne Mountain for a revolution to over throw the Mexican government. The Mexican government has been controlled by CIA drug, gun running and human trafficking operations for over a half a century.
· "The World Court was finalizing legalities of Common Law to be implemented in all Sovereign nations participating in the Global Currency Reset. (this is a lot bigger than it may sound like.)·
“Trump was expected to return sometime between Mon. 1 July and Fri. 5 July. We know SCOTUS has already made a decision on 2020 voter fraud and a positive announcement of such should come out at any time – which would dissolve the Biden Administration and all of Congress.” …The 17th Letter (JFK Jr.) on Telegram Sat. 29 June 2024
· "THE BORDER IS NOT SECURE: MILLIONS of deadly Fentanyl doses have poured into the U.S. 90 people on the Terror Watch List were caught crossing the southern border this year. Over 400 migrants smuggled in by an ISIS-affiliated group. President Trump WILL secure the border.
· "Sat. 29 June 2024: The Executive Branch = Military and President (in other words, Biden is a phoney figurehead)
· " Sat. 29 June 2024: Bombshell Report! Judy Byington: World War III Reaching DEFCON 1! Avian Plandemic False Flag! Bank Runs Imminent. .
· "The Earth is a living organism and deep within, it is producing an unlimited amount of it’s own water and oil.
· "The release of Julian Assange before the Presidential Debate set the stage for the US Supreme Court to soon intervene against the Department of Justice ruling on January 6 political prisoners, therefore (based on the SCOTUS finding, the releasing hundreds of political prisoners and exposing an unjust JUDICIAL SYSTEM.
· "Fri. 28 June 2024 Banking Crisis: HSBC, Lloyds Bank, Nationwide, Virgin and Barclays banking apps are DOWN as thousands of customers hit with outages
· ""Team Nancy Pelosi just posted “How Dare Trump Blame Anyone But Himself For January 6” On camera paid Crisis Actor John Sullivan confessed that January 6th was a plan to takedown Donald Trump. Nancy Pelosi’s daughter filmed the Event & sold it to HBO. In it you can hear, “We did it! You were right we did it! Is this not gonna be the best film you’ve ever made in your life, Hell Yeah!” There are no such thing as coincidences in US Government.
· ""Sat. 29 June 2024: Judy Byington, Un-Redacted: Trump Says “Checkmate”! World War III Reaching DEFCON 1! Avian Plandemic False Flag! Bank Runs Imminent! Special Intel Report 6/29/24
A. Global Currency Reset:
More at: Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of June 30, 2024
Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of June 30, 2024Judy Byington Reports
6-29-2024 The ultimate challenge. Judy Byington has been predicting for months at least, if not longer, the basic idea you see paragraph 1. But--surprise! line #22
Sat, Jun 29 at 12:57 PM
The ultimate challenge. Judy Byington has been predicting for months at least, if not longer, the basic idea you see paragraph 1 (blue). But--surprise! line #2
Is Judy Byington lying because the internet is unscrupulous, or is Fox a turncoat for agreeing with some concept or "lie" Byington has been saying for many weeks of not months? Who is lying? Who is the liberal "blue?" Or who is the "red" honest conservative?
to continue:
Judy Notes on "What We Think We Know as of Fri. 28 June 2024:"- 1. "We know that SCOTUS has already decided on (and very likely agreed with) two cases of 2020 Voter Fraud brought by Sidney Powell and the Brunson Brothers – a positive decision on either of which would verify that Trump actually won the election and was the sitting US President, while dissolving the Biden Administration and all of Congress."
2. "On Friday Fox News announced that SCOTUS will, in fact, make an important announcement on Mon. 1 July, while word was floating around that Trump would be back as US President sometime between Mon. 1 July and Fri. 5 July." - ------------------------------
- (Check the click address below. Works on my computer. You can also copy/past the blue address into the net address line if clicking does not work. I sometimes miss setting up the "click" address. Hope it works for you. (Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of June 29, 2024.)
- ------------------------------
- But shooting at the internet from the hip at internet reports can produce unpredictable conclusions? Another topic that will pan out as time goes by is the NESARA concept. This will produce unbelievable changes in our world, like free electricity for a tiny, tiny hint. But without knowing the background of how the NESARA law came about, due to bad mistreatment of the farmers and the farmers joining together to take on the government (and winning), there would be no NESARA Law.
But the law of NESARA is so alien to us that it is virtually not understandable without a lot of explanation. Yet, NESARA, IS a law initiated by American farmers, back in the 1990's, and was signed off by congress and the president who was, believe it or not, Bill Clinton, and is now the law of the land.
Saying the NESARA Law is a lie because it is on the internet seriously undercuts the amazing implications of the real law. Thus a more complete picture of NESARA is necessary because NESARA is extremely important to the future of America and the world.
Unfortunately for the liberals, the liberals realize that if NESARA is ever implemented, it means they will never, ever see the liberal political "light of day" again. That is part of the reason they hate Trump. That is a major part of the reason that the liberal establishment lie and lie and lie on the internet, until ferreting out truth from fiction is nearly impossible by the American citizens. So, NESARA is extremely important, and we can see how, today, Trump is beating the liberals to the political punch, and the liberals know that once NESARA is implemented, they will be politically dead forever and ever and ever.
Barbara, here is a little hint: Back in the early 1900's a man called Tesla invented free energy along with a pile of other nearly unbelievable inventions. After documenting his inventions in detail, "big business" trashed his lab, so to speak, and tried to destroy all the documentation on how to build his tried, tested and true super inventions.
But, here is a nearly unknown sequel to this little story: Donald Trump's father, by hook or by crook, after Tesla's lab was "reconfigured" (torn up) by big business, somehow Trump Sr. got control of all of this Tesla documentation. It has been reported that now, with Donald's father dead, Donald has kept control of all of this documentation. If you look into this matter deeply enough you will find that much of Tesla's work will fit in very nicely with the implementation of NESARA, and with the growing momentum of an ever increasing grasp of Americans of the battle between good and evil that is going on right before our very eyes. You may realize, then, that a lot of apparently unconnected things are not yet connected together in the public mind, but behind the scene a whole lot is coming together. But this is a major reason that makes "shooting from the hip" a highly questionable habit, because you are liable to be unknowingly throwing out the Donald's new political baby Donald is bringing into this world, with the bath water.
All of this narrative about a fantastic potential, Trump supported world, when lumped together, fits in too perfectly with what we see happening on the very positive aspects of Fox News to be ignored. And, Fox, who to their credit, avoids misleading people as much as possible ("much as possible" meaning literally, to stay alive while being in deadly opposition to the nearly undefeatable forces arrayed against the (Fox) truth). Yet, even the liberal news are now forced to face a growing reality that liberal politics is looking more and more like a dead horse.
So, to avoid being stung from more shots from the hip, I will leave this narrative for now. You and your "significant other" have a good day. Cordially, AS
Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of June 29, 2024
6-28-2024"Good Old Fox News"
Didn't get your email Erhyl said you sent. This is my opinion on Fox News, right or wrong. But, I get a little touchy about news in general because even Fox does not tell some pretty critical information about world affairs. Alghough they are excellent on the general topics of the need for morality, honesty, constitutional stuff, etc., all is not as pure as it seems to conservatives.
Little things that might or might not stop world wars: i.e. -- like who is on whose side? Like did you know it is reported that Biden owns land in the Ukraine, and on that land are Satanic worship stuff and associated factories for Satanic worship? Or that the Ukraine is considered the Satanic center of the world? Like, did you know that the CIA knows all about Biden and his Ukraine crap, and manufacturing Satanic supplies on or near his property in Ukraine. Or did you know Putin has war ships off our coast and at Cuba? Putin, for crying out loud is getting rid of Satanism in the Ukraine. Little stuff like that. Like I suspect Putin would like to be an ally and work together with the U.S. to stop WWIII! But, maybe our CIA is our real enemy. Why doesn't Fox push for peace with Russia? Whenever have you heard of that happening. Why not say something like -- "Hey, A---hole CIA, get the crap out of Ukraine! And quite supporting Satanic A-holes in Europe. Little things like that.
Barbara, what good is all the good Fox News stuff they are doing if they can't support getting our CIA under control? But, NO. Fox News will not tell us the whole story about world news. Sorry. Putin as adamantly anti-Satan and pro peace. But where on Fox do every hear any of that kind of talk? Fox is not remotely, let alone, having real peace in the world. Even Biden is pro-Satanic cult material in the flesh! How can you justify Fox not jumping on that with all feet and hands and a herd of elephants?
Where do you hear about that on Fox? Did you know that Biden owns Satanic property in cooperation with the Ukraine government. But where on any news station do you hear about these kinds of things? NO Fox will NOT tell you that. Do you know from Fox that Ukraine is the enemy of all good nations of the world? NO. I like Fox News conservative position and the way they stand up for a lot of good things. But there is no excuse for Fox refusing to report on our killer CIA. Where is the peace talk? Do really think Putin would do an interview with Tucker Carlson if he was an actual America hater? Putin is a peace maker who HATES Satanic B-Sh, anti peace CIA. Politifact headlines states: " ---on March 2, 2022 in a blog post: “Putin bombs Biden-owned villa in Ukraine while hammering biolabs & pedophile rings.” Politi-fact appears to be an outfit that fabricates their own version of stories and the best you can say is that for every truth on the internet talking about CIA crimes, there will be a dozen "Fact Checks" pooh poohing any idea that America and the CIA are anything but perfect little gentlemen.
Well, in my mind, what ever the article is pooh poohing, the question remains of what on Earth does own in Ukraine? Heretofore unanswered questions certainly abound.g My suspicion is that ther is a lot here that is being hidden for whatever reasonis. I doubt than anything Biden is involved in fully above board, and without any international intrigue.
"Nov 4 (Reuters) - Former Russian President Dmitry Medvedev on Friday cast Russia's war in Ukraine as a sacred conflict with Satan, warning that Moscow could send all its enemies to the eternal fires of Gehenna.
Russia's invasion of Ukraine has killed tens of thousands and triggered the biggest confrontation with the West since the 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis when the Cold War superpowers came closest to nuclear war.
Medvedev, who once cast himself as a liberal moderniser as president from 2008 to 2012, said Moscow was fighting "crazy Nazi drug addicts" in Ukraine backed by Westerners who he said had "saliva running down their chins from degeneracy".
"We have, we have young trans kids coming here,00:3903:11
Ukraine and the West have repeatedly dismissed President Vladimir Putin's assertions that Ukraine is run by fascists who have persecuted Russian speakers. Instead, they cast the war as a brutal land grab by Moscow.
In a message marking Russia's Day of National Unity, Medvedev said the task of the fatherland was to "stop the supreme ruler of Hell, whatever name he uses - Satan, Lucifer or Iblis".
"Medvedev, now deputy chairman of Russia's Security Council, said Russia had different weapons, including the ability to "send all our enemies to fiery Gehenna", using a Hebrew term often translated as Hell.
Since the war began, Medvedev's rhetoric has become increasingly fierce though his published views sometimes chime with thinking at the top levels of the Kremlin elite."
What is wrong with paying attention to positive developments in tbhe world? Putin would be an outstanding ally of everyone in the U.S. who hates Satanic crap. But no, the CIA, Biden and his pro-Satan buddies will never allow the CIA to change there stripes. We need a U.S. -- Russian alliance to keep peace in the world. But no. Fox keeps up the anti-Putin rhetoric that shows him Fox and the rest of us support the CIA murders in other countries, and overthrowing governments, i.e., via our criminal CIA. Fox does excellent work with the moral orientation, but they still deliberately refuse to support world wide peace that could guarantee America survives in order to STAY America. And THAT is what has to change if we are to stop war on Earth.
3rd edit
Part 7a of 7A and 7B
THE GOOD NEWS IS: · Wed. 26 June 2024 Military is the only way: “Since Trump became president of the US more than seven million children and women have been rescued from Sex Trafficking and slavery by the Military. I’m happy to report that all of the biggest players of the Illuminati Cabal have been arrested and prosecuted, most of them executed for their heinous Crimes Against Humanity. Saving the children of the World would not have been possible without someone as strong and un-corruptible as President Trump and the 1,700 strong Military Leaders in command of the brave US Military who have witnessed pure evil during their rescue missions – they say some 17,000 times worse than War Atrocities. Many celebrities, businessmen and politicians have blood sacrificed either their own children or close family members. Look it up. It’s all of them. Some Cabal players have been left on purpose to be arrested and publicly tried when evidence of their evil is revealed. …The 17th Letter (JFK Jr.) on Telegram Wed. 26 June 2024
Part 7b of 7A and 7B
6-27-2024 - Something to think about (with hope and prayers)
Release of the Great White Brotherhood
Why are AOC going crazy lately?
It appears the liberals are suffering more and more frustration in their attempts to take President Trump down. Here is another indication of how the theoretical conservative, “conspiracy theory" terrorizes the liberals into their self created desperation.
The increasing liberal terror over gradually losing the political battle, plus their demeaning or “putting down” more powerful conservative concepts, and the liberal week kneed, constant "conspiracy theory" mind set, keeps nibbling away at the vaunted liberal political autonomy.
Now that their liberal dreams of dictatorial ownership of the government are slipping out of their hands, the conservative "conspiracy theory" will hopefully die with the other liberal dreams. The death of the lilberal invented “conspiracy theory,” is proving to also be the likely death knell to liberal/fascist power grab. And, Liberal manipulation of the media is slipping away from the fascists, dramatically, causing liberals to realize that their lies and false labeling of conservative values, only increases the mounting liberal self created terror and their desperate state mind. This is certainly being revealed by the increase of liberal desperation in attempting to get an iron grip on America before the American public kicks Biden out of office this November. xxxx
Judy Byington also notes the liberal lambasting of conservatives with false "conspiracies theory" accusations, it now appears that liberals themselves, are becoming the big losers in the “name that theory” game, suggesting the future bodes poorly for liberals.
In chalking up a big + for Fox, we note that the maverick Fox News channel has been successfully shredding liberal, immoral political educational propaganda, which includes revealing liberal sexual and political corruption of our children right in our schools. Byington also reports on some additional factors now coming to the surface which indicate an ever weakening liberal, unsustainable leadership capability.
""Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of June 27, 2024
"Judy Note: There appeared to be an elaborate trap in the works to have Donald Trump arrested and thus make him ineligible to run for office. The trap was set to go off after he walked off the stage at the end of the Presidential Debate on Thurs. 27 June evening.
"Details of this trap began to be uncovered last Mon. 24 June when federal judge Aileen Cannon heard arguments to impose a gag order regarding Trump speaking about his classified documents case. If Cannon imposed the gag order and Trump tried to defend himself in the Thursday debate on questions about the documents case, he would be in violation of that gag order and subject to arrest.
"However, the planned arrest of Donald Trump was unlikely to hold for long. Next Mon. 1 July 2024 Trump was expected to be reinstated as the legitimate president of the USA. It was rumored that on that Monday Judge Clarence Thomas would announce SCOTUS decisions on two cases brought before the Supreme Court several months – perhaps years – prior.
"One case was presented by Sidney Powell* that contained undisputed evidence from a Military vote count of 2020 Watermarked Ballots. The official count was said to show that Trump won by 80% in 46 out of 50 states. Sun. 8 Nov. 2020: Trump Win Validated by Quantum Blockchain System Recount of Votes
"The second was concerning the Brunson Case that alleged Congress failed to investigate 50 official allegations of voter fraud before certifying the 2020 Election. Since it was blatantly true that Congress failed to investigate, the SCOTUS decision was bound to produce a slam dunk positive decision.
"Announcement of SCOTUS decisions on either or both cases would automatically dissolve the Biden Administration and all of Congress – and place the US under Military Law – which would reinstate Trump – until a new election could be held."----------------------
Ms. Byington goes on to quote a famous person, saying:
--------------------“The World will change and tremble in the next couple of weeks! I tell you today - don’t be afraid. All assets are in place. The truth is the light - defeats darkness. Biden Impeached. Trump Q rules. I’m alive. She is alive. He is alive. We are in the silent war, which is a final battle over the entire entire planet. It takes time, be patient.” …The 17th Letter (JFK Jr.) on Telegram Wed. 26 June 2024:
more at:
* - I like Sydney Powell. Like Judy Byington, she is a straight shooter gal. Very smart. Seems fearless and in the middle of a lot of bad guy, good guy battles. Big tech liberals hate her (as well as hating all mysterious Q-Anon supporters), which, to me, says a lot. Like, Byington, she may be belittled by the libs, but to me, that says a lot for Sydney Powell. One liberal report states: "In the days since, Powell’s baseless claims have been propelled across the internet by Q-Anon’s adherents. One of the people who spoke at the Arizona conference retweeted Monday a post that called Powell “our attorney doing God’s work to preserve our Republic!”" Big Tech platforms say they have cracked down, even banned, QAnon conspiracy theories – but they can still be found on all the major social media platforms.”
* Q-Anon -- A conservative who is Hated by liberals: A conservatize hero, QAnon, has earned the terrifying liberal label as a: DOA – The “Dead On Arrival” conspiracy theory which liberals love bad mouthing (because it threatens liberalism, and means “don't read this” - We liberals are terrified of this “conservative”garbage,” and you should be too.))
This all inclusive DOA "conservative label" is applied to nearly all prominent conservative concepts. According to Wikipedia doctrine, the conservative evil, this horrible "conspiracy" label renders conservatism as a meaningless as being DOA.
Appropriately, then, left wing Wikipedia says: "QAnon is a far-right American political conspiracy theory and political movement that originated in 2017. QAnon centers on fabricated claims made by an anonymous individual or individuals known as "Q". Those claims have been relayed and developed by online communities and influencers." Wikipedia
And so goes the deadly “conspiracy theory,” which like a shotgun, kills off conservative values and honesty.
Appropriately, one can also paraphrase this liberal habit of denunciation of conservative values and concepts to mean: "we liberals are terrified of Qanon."
Even looking up “QANon on line can be a challenge. Of the first 3 googles, all brought up the site that consists of many, many, many pictures but not much information.
We will leave things at that. Even the above googled internet site is a "in your face" internet site that leaves one (badly?) confused. Maybe that should be the last item to mention. At any rate, we will leave deciphering of the liberal confusion and blathering to the reader. The truth will eventually emerge and President Trump will be vindicated many times over, despite the constant liberal manipulation, lying, unethical behavior, backbiting and bickering.
6-23-20247 Message - Back home from Goguak. Beautiful day to be at a lake. Went to town in B.C. to listen to guitar and songs. Sort of special downtown for my daughter's husband whose comedy club used to be downtown, about a block away. We got our new steel roof all finished. Looks good. The guys are coming tomorrow to rebuild the walk we have going around out raised back porch. Have to have a sidewalk because the ground goes downhill behind our house. Otherwise makes it hard to walk around the house in back. They will be here the first thing in the morning. Not much to report. We are getting over the virus that had us staying home most of the time. Am trying some electorlytes to see if that will help me sleep in the cold, air conditioned air at night. It will hopefully help. Otherwise we are doing OK. Taking one day at a time with all the construction going on at our home. Hope you all are doing well. Cordially, AS
Sort of Like It or Not Report 6-21-2024 8,000,000 Nazis arrested world wide, among other important stories.
Like it or not, a deadly DCT (Deadly Conspiracy Theory), scenario has been playing out since the 2020 election. Out of all that has been said about the 2020 election, combined with all the extensive number of reports destroyed by the DCT (deadly conspiracy theory “shot gun”), also known as a “conspiracy theories idea killer:” So, conspiracy theory or not, any semi coherent person will recognize that some kind of extremely serious struggle has gripped the psyche of the nation for many, many years now. Our conclusion is that SOMETHING HAS been happening, and that is not easily explained away by the DCT; like it or not.
A large credit is due to investigator/writer, Ms. Judy Byington. To me, logically and legally, the Judy Byington reports are investigated and extensive over recent years. A lot of Byington's reports have a firm basis relying on her extensive, earlier reports and new investigation reports.
The larger picture that is a basic reality, discussed in previous reports, contains what we might describe as the parallel global effort going on to try, convict and punish the evil, war minded, rapists and criminals who call themselves “leaders." Plus, the Byington reports are integral parts of a the much larger picture, a picture of warfare against the CABAL few people have any idea of. So, for the curious, included in her reports of the past, she has also written about her personal, extensive investigations of child abuse, torture and murder, including identifying some of the officials covering up much of this Satanic activity. So, LIKE IT OR NOT, this gal is a force to be reckoned with. Here is part of her latest report on national matters she has gathered through reliable contacts of hers who are in the know. So. to proceed forth: Many of her reports are cryptic and "abbreviated" but still generally understandable.
Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of June 21, 2024June 21, 2024 By Judy Byington:
Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of June 21, 2024
· Evidently within the last month or so the Supreme Court privately heard and made a decision on the Brunson Case that alleged Congress failed to investigate allegations of 2020 Voter Fraud before certifying the 2020 election. If a public announcement of a positive decision was made it would automatically dissolve the Biden Administration and all of Congress.
· “This was explained back on Mon. 13 May 2024: US Under Martial Law; Trump Commander-in-Chief; Biden Executed
· “Prior to the 2020 Election Trump put an Interim Military US Government in place to run the country. The two US governments: (1) a legitimate Interim Military US Government empowered by the Constitution and the Department of Defense under Military Code 11.3, and (2) an illegal, fraudulent foreign paid-for, foreign controlled (on the foreign ground of the District of Columbia) Biden Administration.· Biden died at GITMO in 2018 Death Certificate Confirms:
· “On Thurs. 20 June 2024 Donald Trump and JFK Jr. made it clear that he was formerly back as the President of the United States of America, while a US Interim Military Government remained in place. “Now it’s not only MY TURN but WE THE PEOPLE’S TURN. I AM not only the Commander in Chief of the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA REPUBLIC but of SPACE FORCE and the GALACTIC FEDERATION. We are going to make AMERICAN GREAT AGAIN! …The 17th Letter Q (JFK Jr.) Thurs. 20 June 2024
· “In the early Mon. morning hours of 17 June 2024 between 3 and 6 am a blackout occurred in Washington DC around the White House. Police, US troops, Military vans, buses and police cars were everywhere loading up passengers, taking them down the road and across a bridge and then coming back empty to do a repeat. When it was over and seemingly on Q, fireworks lit up the sky. Reports from those on the ground claimed that by later that day the White House was closed up tight and remained so as of right now.
· “Reports say there were originally over 450,000 indictments on Global Elites worldwide. Charlie Ward reported “Of the 450,000 indictments and Tribunals we are in the last 5-10,000 to complete.” In addition, Space Force along with other military from around the world, have arrested over 8,000,000 Nazi Cabal Deep State Treasonous Traitors. As of May 1 another 500,000 sealed indictments were released to arrest Judges, attorneys, mayors and governors who had their names on the sealed indictments filed in federal courts across the nation since Trump took office in 2016. It was reported that when Global Elites were served, “The deal that they got was that if they gave information that was useful, they could have a better death, or a jail cell for life. Obama gave up Michelle, and then breached his warrant”.
· “This week there were massive internet and network outages on the East Coast said to be a cover for Special Operations (SOF) units making arrests of Deep State bad guys. It was likely that rolling blackouts would occur in other areas of the country as arrests were being made. Communications would be cut off for a short period of time.
· “We could see the banks collapse this next weekend. The Vatican has never been good; they’ve always had a weird relationship with young boys. There is going to be a change very soon from the old system to the new Star Link Quantum System. Certain members of the Royal Family and certain politicians are not here anymore
· “On March 20 1854 the Republican Party of the US was founded in Ripon Wisconsin. Purpose: to counter the Democrat Plan to expand slavery in America.
· “Using US Taxpayer monies Fauci tortured and killed poor Black and Hispanic orphaned children in NYC for "research” that developed the HIV Virus.
· “Thurs. 20 June 2024: BQQQM!!! Judy Byington Bombshell Report! Major Code Red Alert: Prepare For Ten Dark Days Under Military Watch!
“JUDY NOTE: A. MON. 13 MAY 2024: US UNDER MARTIAL LAW _ US Under Martial Law; Trump Commander-in-Chief; Biden Executed
· Evidently the USA has been functioning under Martial Law since before the 2020 Election with Donald Trump as Commander-in-Chief over the US Military and “President Joe Biden” played by masked actors.
· “Joe Biden was said to have been arrested in 2021, tried for Treason and Pedophilia, found guilty and executed at GITMO. He has been played by actors ever since, mainly Arthur Roberts.
· “For many years the Chinese Communist Party (not the Chinese government, which was working to become a democracy) had been involved in a takeover of America. That war culminated when just prior to the 2020 US Presidential Election, the CCP (Chinese Communist Party) bought Dominion Voting machines that in collusion with the Democratic Party, CIA and Vatican, threw millions of Trump votes to Biden.
· “A Military count of the water marked 2020 Election Ballots has confirmed that Trump won in every state but one with an over 80% win.
· “The CCP paid for and the CIA developed Smartmatic Software and Dominion Voting Machines while conspiring with the Vatican, Italian Government and other communist parties to throw Trump votes to Biden in the 2020 Election.
· “Back in 2019 Biden knew the 2020 Election would be cooked and even said so in public, “We have put together the most comprehensive voter fraud organization in the history of politics and you guys did it for the Obama Administration also”: Joe Biden brags about having “the most extensive and inclusive VOTER FRAUD organization” in history. (
· “Biden was so confident of the set up for 2020 Election fraud that he bragged that he didn’t need US citizen votes to get elected: Joe Biden Tells Voters “I Don’t Need You To Get Me Elected” (
· “Before the 2020 Election Ukraine Courts had ruled that Biden had stolen billions from their country:
· “Even before that US Vice President Biden had bragged about blackmailing the Ukraine prosecutor: UKRAINE PRESS RELEASE ABOUT JOE BIDEN
· “Trump wouldn’t have it and prior to the 2020 Election put the nation under Martial Law. Trump would remain as Commander-in-Chief of the Military until all those who committed treason were arrested, including those who certified the illegal 2020 Election.
Nazi report at: More at:
search for: --- "8,000,000 Nazi Cabal Deep"
additional information below (6-21-2024 email)
email of 6-21-2024 -- Mike Lindell explaining, along with computer experts, how China and other foreign countries helped to get Biden elected.
The first 25 minutes pretty much explains the whole story. Scary stuff. I keep expecting that the Supreme Court will put a stop to this B.S. Foreign countries have had access to most voting machine tabulation centers and make changes according to however they want to cheat in the U. S. election. Like, who in the U.S. has figured out this is a UNITED STATES election.
Like, where in the hell are our congress, or maybe they are just too dam busy being bought off, along with Joe and Hunter by the Chinese and and Ukraine.
Plus, from a lot of other sources, that is just the beginning. As far as I can tell Fox and everyone else has failed to report about how the Russian Navy is doing shit that, in the 1960' s almost caused a "too close to call" all out Nuclear war with Russia, when Kennedy and I think it was Khrushchev, finally stopped the madness that had the whole world in total agony for weeks. That got Russia the hell out of the Gulf of Mexico. Now, they are back. Anyway, sorry, but the clear lack of Fox News mentioning a replay of 1962 should be a signal that our whole nightly news is not to be trusted.
. And this situation is really, really serious no matter what our political associations or opinions are in the U.S. And guess what?
We have the most dumb, totally brain goofy person you could imagine as president! Talk about a war ready to happen! Thank God Trump still has the nuclear codes that control our nuclear arsenal.
Everybody needs to watch at least a half hour or so of this video that tells a pretty nasty story about how we, the U.S., do not control our government. Now do the commie millions in payoffs to Biden and Hunter start to make sense? Cordially, AS
Video at:
,5th edit still being composed
6-22-2024 Update _ Sorry for the interruption. Our household has got the crudd. Coughing and dizzy and feeling miserable. Went to the chiropractor to get adjusted from my parachute accident, can you believe, from 60+ years ago. Wanted this doctor because he specialized in sports injuries. The Dr. and helper were sort of amazed you could say, about my parachute "accident, "700" foot free fall (except for the parachute flapping in the wind) that I literally, after I woke up in the farmer's field, and walked away. . Anyway, he found "a lot" of joint problems the last few weeks, for the first time in 60' years, and now, as you might guess, and now my legs have stopped going to sleep when I am trying to get some sleep myself. Last week had a couple of nights with no sleep at all due to the almost continuous leg cramps. Of course, it took a couple of weeks just to get an appointment.
So, at least things went much better last night, so am doing double duty to more or less be the the house chef and do dishes and so forth, and other than these lousy colds we are starting to do a little better. The doctor gave me a work over. And that is why I had to stop writing, as you may have guessed. The subject in the article below ( 6-8-20) is quite interesting and sounds like it will evolve into a little discussion, at least, about some of the many things Satan has controlled with Earth society that practically no one has any idea of.
As we have indicated, Satan has controlled a very large percentage of what we know and learn and think on Earth, to the point when you tell people about some details, they just roll their eyes at you and walk away. Little things like why do you think so many people and their religions are "allowing" you to think there is no life on other planets? Very interesting stuff, although, more people are beginning to question such "old" ideas more and more. With that said, my wife and I are ready to continue our "R&R." And, that is the story up to now. That is about it for now. Hope all are well. ACS
"Reducing the Odds of Evil Victory:"
6-8-2024 Continuing
with "Dissolving Stubborn, Serious, Unsolvable Problems:
Finding ways to elicit “miraculous” results from prayer can be a complicated challenge similar to many we all face in life. And before we continue, I want to point out that speaking from a standpoint of compassion for all people, as suggested by the Tibetan Master T. Lobsang Rampa, we all are important to God and within that context we present several different standpoints of viewing the problem of how to make the most of prayer. All prayer, evil or good, must eventually come back to us, and in this the Tibetan faith stands firm in their belief.
That in one form or another, including what we say and think and pray for, will become a part of our future lives, for all of us, together on Earth. But making prayer that is most needed and powerful for the present as wellfare for the future of humanity is a challenge for everybody on Earth, and that, of course, includes the prayers of all Christians of positive faith.
Today all of us face complicated challenges of how to make the most of an increasingly complicated life on Earth. And before we continue, we want to point out that speaking from a standpoint of compassion for all people, we all are equally important to, and equally loved by God, and within that context we present several different points to be made in the preparation of prayers which, and the Tibetan Masters are very aware of, cut through the often Satanically influenced methods of prayer used in the Western World.
Due to the attempts of Satanic “employees,” to impede communications between heaven and earth on the mental or telepathic airways, they attempt attempt to maintain total control over humanity. Nevertheless, they know they are beginning to lose their efforts to keep humanity in a “slave like” obedience to any thought that drifts into their minds. So, our hats are off to you the reader, and we gratefully appreciate your growing discrimination of truth from evil that assails everyone on Earth daily.
This constant evil telepathic bombardment includes bombardment on your media news and entertainment, and is a complicated challenge in our efforts to gain a greater, detailed awareness of exactly the largely still invisible steps one can take to break through the mental confusion which makes perception of Heaven considerably more difficult than necessary.
And before we continue, we, “of Heaven,” and the Great White Brotherhood want to point out that speaking from a standpoint of compassion for all people, we present several different standpoints of viewing the problems of how to make the most of prayer.
Therefor in what we may refer to as in the “Rampa” tradition, we will discuss this problem and solution of achieving strong, highly faith oriented prayer. Not all people will respond to one description or methodology or idea, and one outlook or another on prayer may not all always fit their need. So, please, bear with us as we attempt to present these writings, which we hope help you make “custom fit” prayers for your needs.
With these preliminary thoughts in mind we hope we can continue with minimum annoyance with things that seem unnecessarily lengthy explanations.
Therefor in what we may refer to as “in the Rampa tradition”, we will discuss this problem and solution of achieving strong, more reliable prayer from more than one approach.
So, with these preliminary thoughts in mind we hope we can continue with minimum annoyance with things that seem may unnecessarily lengthy explanations.
Recently the thought occurred to me about how frustrating it can be to search for prayers and ideas and needs that should logically work to alleviate wrongness in the world. Yet, in comparison to, say, Einstein's ability to solve minor problems like understanding microscopic, invisible riddles like the" theory of relativity," we more often get involved in more difficult, maybe less all inclusive thinking, like frustration of a persoanal nature.
We can, for instance get totally frustrated about thinking how there is simply no way we can solve an unsolvable problem. For instance, we may have a disagreement with a relative. Maybe where we can't get along with our favorite aunt, aunt Millie. We cogitate about all the ways we can think of to solve our bitter disagreement.
Yet, instinctively, you are sure there is an answer.
And, yes, instinctively you may be tapping into a reality that you cannot put your finger on and discard that possibility. But. Yet, there IS a way to possibly mend the fence and prevent a permanent stand off between you and and Aunt Millie. But, the likelihood is that you don't actually know how to tap into that knowledge. Yet, the Satanic control of the much of the western mind, can easily convince you no methodology or answer exists. If you could only put you finger on what you are cogitating over that seems like an impossible situation!
Even more frustration is to realize you and Aunt Millie love each other, and all of a sudden, out of the blue, deep, an indescribable antagonism makes no sense at all.
In finding a solution, then, we have to come to terms with the opposition which has taught you that there is not way you can begin to gain control over the invisible. And, as equally as frustrating as your argument with Aunt Millie goes, you need to come to terms with the problem that you are often guided away from that prayer that will work the best. That one little stickler is to solve the reason you get thrown off course in little ways. You will almost always be guided away from solving the problem you most need to solve.
While there may be more reasons for becoming off track than not, one of the main reasons is that if you live on Earth, and I assume this applies to you, you MUST come to terms with the reality that this is a Satanic planet. God may have created it, BUT by evil trickery, Satan at least temporarily runs the place, (not all of the time. But MOST of the time). It is this invisible "most of the time" aspect of Earth that is invisible to the human eye for the most part.
Satan has vicious, very subtle control over you, as a good natured person, who does not let yourself think about evil too much lest you become trapped by evil, so to speak. Well, the real reality is that to live on Earth you must be trapped into false beliefs in some ways just to survive. Yes, this is a bitter truth, but this, in the end, has created a mental and emotional reality which puts our dilemma on a similar riddle or plane with Einstein solving his invisible to us, rule of relativity. Google says that: "Einstein’s special theory of relativity states that the same laws of physics hold true in all inertial reference frames. In other words, no matter how fast you’re moving or where you are, the fundamental rules of physics remain consistent."
Ok, we will discard any further entanglement with Einstein and his rules. BUT, the invisibility (to us) part of Einstein's riddle solving still holds true for the rest of us who want to understand that just as the rules of relativity do not consciously apply to us, neither do other rules made up by the wise men of our ancient past seem to apply to us because of Satanic tampering. These ancient true religions were the first to recognized the secrecy of who and how the evil ones of Earth operated.
Today, for instance, you can perceive on the internet that many indications are that the henchmen of the big, old time world wide bankers, are likely examples of banker henchmen personified. These days Gates, the Bushes, Obamas, Cheneys, the Clintons' and others are cited as big banker controlled henchmen who are the top world leaders from the world.
At the same time a an argument might be made for top religious leaders. The names are not as important as the over all picture we are trying to portray, that evil has impregnated society on Earth for thousands of years, and to reverse this invisible, anti-God control of the people, certain wise folks have deciphered how to break through this web of psychological control of the world's populations. Thus, where simple Faith is a power to be reckoned with, Faith coupled with good old fashioned American practicality of making Faith miracles become a practical everyday reality must not be over looked. In other words, you may give the car keys to an aboriginal after demonstrating that that it takes keys to start the car, but you have to make sure the aboriginal understands the concept of practical, "making it work safely" in order for the aboriginal to survive early experiences of driving.
You might say the world is still in the early stages of understanding how to guide or "drive" the "Faith" vehicle safely. Clearly, with the dark ones planning and carrying out millions of premeditated, planned deaths a year i.e. COVID shots that have reportedly killed millions, including Nazi massacres, criminal murders, criminal banking practices and so forth, we see that humanity has not figured out exactly how to drive the "Faith" vehicle as effectively as he should be doing.
For instance, we tend to be less generous in how we view other religions. When you see yourself as a good Christian, because we are a Christian nation as it were, we treat other religions like they on a plane roughly equal to Einstein's theory of relativity. In other words, like with Einstein's theory, we AUTOMATICALLY ignore a some of the truths inherent in other religions. To reconfigure that statement, other religions are ahead of Christianity in some subtle ways that, if people understood these other religions better, people would understand that keeping an open mind is the first prerequisite in finding answers that do do not seem to exist in the religious world. We assume, then, that you are of a more sensitive to other religions.
So, rule number one can be, Satan keeps control of our subconscious mind by simple, kindergarten maneuver to "divide and conquer." Overcoming this problem can open the door to other good teachings which we might otherwise ignore.
THAT is the problem Satan has created for us on Earth. Ignore those things that can do the most harm to Satan.
Therefor, no one can agree on what works and what does not work when we pray other than the usual "dogma" which is to follow the rules for praying for your particular church. That is NOT necessarily wrong. But additional knowledge about the way prayers are handled in Heaven can be very helpful indeed. In viewing the world situation, with all variety of churches available, it is obvious that where Jesus could work miracles, the churches cannot seem to stop the incessant wars. Therefor becoming more knowledgeable in prayer is becoming a necessity. TBC.
Inaugurations Updated 6-1-2024:
Secret Inaugurations, 12-11-23 PR.odt
Speak this call for three consecutive days and you are free from all vows and invocations that have ever been given to you in this way by being told this unsolicited.
I ask you, Jesus Christ, to lead me into your light,
Release me from all the inaugurations that were
without my conscious permission and decision
which were allowed into by being.
I ask you for the comprehensive healing of my energy bodies,
so that I am free and again I AM myself.
I AM who I AM. I AM Free. Secret Inaugurations, 12-11-23 PR.odt
The War Changes Direction? A Release of the GWB
We wish to assure the people that the fascist, Biden "bunch" has fallen for the "Trump" trap, as the world witnessed the atrocity of Trump's "trial" on the news. And, with a full life drama that reveals the fascist nature of Biden and his "dark allies" evil .
We must point out that to be found guilty of something like 32 charges in a matter of what, a day or two of day jury deliberations, is to anybody even barely familiar with trials, and who have seen juries hung up for days and weeks over just one disputed charge, will immediately see the absurdity of this trial. It is on its surface, for all to witness, a snap judgement, "off the cuff finding" that is corrupt practically beyond belief.
But, this whole festering trial has influences the liberal establishment is all too familiar with. These influences include behind the scene liberal lies and invented charges and false detail which they do not want to be lost on the public by any revelations or truth being leaked to the media ahead time. Trump's theoretical guilt with made up felonies must remain front and center headlines.
But what is the reason for so rushed a trial and obnoxious deliberation over Trump's supposed guilt? Not surprisingly, Biden has a lot to hide behind a TV created façade of "Biden invented," headlines of Trump's theoretical guilt regarding made up Trump crimes.
So much for court "objectivity in guaranteeing or receiving a fair trial before your peers by an unbiased court. In fact, still to be revealed are many thousands of Biden's and cohort's and their criminal operations.
It may come as a less shocking surprise, to learn that President Trump reportedly has witnesses to specific specific, criminal code crimes committed by the Biden fascists', with REAL proofs, and real witnesses; including, times and places of offences, often including a lot of murders, that will put many, many many supposed Biden, theoretical "heroes" of Fascism behind bars or worse, or for a long, long time.
But, another background development not taken into consideration, and that is pertinent to understanding the importance of the trial, is what one might consider a slow "aftershock" that should emerge after the initial shock of this evil "illegal" earthquake has subsided.
Our report, today, may likely make more sense to people who have a nose for ferreting out what is likely true and not true on the internet as time has proceeded in the last few years. And it is fitting that the people be able to know that Biden has, again, with the revelation of the now fully illustrated court corruption in New York Court System, broadcast on world wide TV their own heavily implied criminality to America and the entire world with NO idea of what they have just done to themselves. Thus, again, they have underestimated Trump's ability to understand his enemy and catch them at their own criminal games.. These fully covered, Trump criminal trial broadcasts clearly illustrate how Biden and his corrupt, fascist (Nazi) allies have fallen for the "Trump trap" to make their own Biden corruption as clear as possible, and make a reality seen around the world
And to rub very painful salt into the wounds of Biden's self destruction, there is a very serious but benign aftershock coming as a result of all of the Biden dark souled evil that no one other than the heretofore unmentioned "White Hat" or good guys are aware of. Heaven, dare we say, "is deadly intent" on ridding the world of evil. This amazing aftershock will undo the Biden evil in a way few people have yet to grasp.
The amazing background of this publicly unexpected new reality is something that should start becoming more apparent as President Trump, as true to his reputation for paying extraordinary attention to detail on all matters under his responsibility, reveals charges against Biden and crew that will likely stand up in court very well. He has accumulated many, many extremely detailed accounts of unbelievably huge numbers of "dark hearted" crimes of officials in high places. Crimes that are of specific criminal charges on Biden and his dark heart criminal consortium, revealing a criminality that will eventually shock the country and the world beyond anything you may initially WANT to believe!
The clearly displayed corruption that has taken place in New York State legal system is not to be without consequences. Be assured that, Trump's trap for Biden also illustrates the immensity of the criminal influences infesting too many areas in the American and world governments. Areas operating in ways that are unforgivably evil and are a evil reality taking place before the gaze of God and His beloved People and Countries of the Earth.
We, of the Great Brotherhood, are on the same mental plain of honesty as are the honest, good people on Earth, and none of us, in Heaven or Earth, are interested in going out on a limb regarding the future that will become more visible shortly. Let us, therefor, assure everyone, it will be appropriate to stay calm and let President Trump and other equal quality leaders, and "White Hat" leaders, including the ancient ancestral lenders of China with President Chi: President Putin of Russia: and leaders of Japan and Europe and Asia, including the Middle East and all good world leaders, who are appointed to be a leading part of this immense effort now getting under way.
These leaders, are unified under solemn oaths before God, the Cosmos, the world, and with the full support of the Great White Brotherhood. We pray for all people's to let their duly appointed leaders do their incredible jobs of clearing Earth of horrible, unspeakable criminals and their evils which have gone on far, far, far too long on planet Earth. Pray continuously for the White Hats and all leaders of the world. And, always, be patient, and let the "White Hats," do their job.
So, congratulations to the patience and faith in God all America and all God loving countries of the world. You all have have placed faith in God, and your love of God, and his everlasting Grace for all mankind. You will be rewarded beyond expectation!
The incoming "New World" influences from the realms of Heaven, are at present descending into all the affairs of all Earth, a little at a time, and we hope to be able to communicate more often as time goes along. We will be, along with you, the good "God lighted" souls of the world, be following the positive developments. Reports will be made available regarding continuing efforts of President Trump, Presidents Chi, Putin, and all the world leader "White Hats," of the world's governments, and their allies efforts to make the world a safer and much more prosperous and beautiful place to live.
The speed of this cleanup of American and world politics and living conditions are planned to increase with happy anticipation, and with an increasing love for each other, by all "Heaven lighted " people of all mankind.
The corrupt political system of planet Earth, and her minions of dark, evil souls, will be cleared away by our extremely devoted "White Hats," and sent to the Galactic and Universe "higher headquarters" for final dispositions, many being sentenced to places that are the last places in all of the Universes without end that they will want to go. They they will suffer the very evils they so energetically design for the people of Earth.
The high command, and the world's best military's, soldiers and government ministers and employees are now being reoriented to protecting the God Given Rights of all on Earth, in all countries of Earth. But, please be patient as this will take considerable time and careful oversight by the increasingly busy White Hat leaders, implementers and militaries of Earth.
God speed to all the God loving, "Heavenly, lighted" souls of the people of Earth. This advanced notice is, of course, to let you know that the best is yet come!
3RD edit
!Focus, Nuclear codes 5-25-2024 A Release of the Great White Brotherhood
Some news reports stand out like a blood red wolf in a herd of gray sheep. This can be an amazing contrast, not noticed by most Americans. For instance, in a May 25, 2024 article it was indicated surreptitiously that a certain breed of people who, compared to the average American, lied, cheated, and enjoyed the misery of others.
What developed, in America, since WWII, was the need to identify the clever persons who had the ability, as happened in Germany, to lead the public into supporting politicians whose only real motive was to dictatorially take control of the countries leadership.
Yet, other few true Americans, with enough insight, were the heroes who discovered this a similar, deliberate stabbing of the American people in the back. These heroic Americans were often high upon the “well off” list of Americans, and ultimately fitted well into the society of their yet to be identified “deep state people.” These were people other good Americans found to be evil. Their clandestine activities, according to the good guys, led good American folks to identified them as deadly enemies to all Americans. But it was the ultimate trait of these new breed of anti-American, Nazi sympathizers that alerted American patriots to the human defects in these sympathizers that put a logical process into action, a group called the “White Hats.” What these few true Americans heroes began to notice over the years after, WWII, was that some of these hitherto unnoticed but evil folks had a rather malignant attitude toward their fellow man.
For example, the easiness by which these evil people can turn simple, juvenile crimes into anti American policies is scary. They learn how to easily hide their less noble personality traits, such as has happened with the then President Biden, years ago.
Interestingly, a person named Adam Eutous wrote an article that clearly laid out one of Biden's less noble, anti American traits of lurking around people's homes and neighborhood.
It came to the "White Hat's" attention, at some unknown moment in time, that certain of the most popular people, including politicians, business men and even actors, had strange family roots connected to Nazi families in Germany from WWII. Not withstanding the problem that the CIA actively pursued a policy known as "operation paperclip," that recruited top Nazi leaders were recruited into the CIA. This profound rape of the cream of the crop of the CIA organization developed a policy that has pursued the psychological life and blood Nazi policies.
As these select Americans began to become familiar with CIA and FBI folks, many of the “popular folks,” and politicians less than admirable antics, began to be a part of secret, self interested group of people. Some were actually and truly Nazis from Nazi Germany. Some were Americans who were closely associated with or were old supporters of Nazis of Germany and similar characters in America. But that was not all!
At my childhood home, near Detroit, for instance, in contrast to how my parents raised me near Detroit, and taught me the dire consequences of going into other people's homes unbidden, Biden raised his son by different standards more akin to getting away with whatever you could get away with.
Although Biden has apparently not been connected with German Nazis, there is a disturbing background of Biden where he raised Hunter by Joseph's own standards of dis-respect for others. This was done back when there there were no nuclear missiles waiting in their silos, waiting to be fired for what ever reasons. But, at the moment:
This is the "Biden" kind of person we refer to is one who doesn't mind alarming the good folks living in affected neighborhoods by his antics. The reputation of such people as these gain a reputation that is hard to live down, and have other scarier implications in your neighborhood. This story would alarm anyone living back when Hunter and siblings were just children. I can vouch for this when I was accidentally arrested at 5 years old for going into houses under construction near Detroit. But, to continue:
In 2019, I (Adam Entous) , August 15, 2022 – The New Yorker Magazine) wrote a piece for this magazine about Hunter Biden, the younger son of the current President, Joseph Robinette Biden, Jr.
“Hunter, describing his childhood in Wilmington, Delaware, told me that after church his father would sometimes drive him and his brother, Beau, through wealthy neighborhoods, where they would sneak onto empty estates that were either abandoned or on the market. If the front door was locked, the boys’ father would hoist them through a second-floor window, and they would run downstairs and let him in. If a real-estate agent arrived when they were there, Biden, who at this point was a senator, would charm the agent into giving them a tour.
So there you have it. A real United States Senator who thought nothing of breaking and entering homes for what appeared to be recreational purposes for his on sons, and actively, without remorse, taught his sons how to “break and enter.”
Biden's adolescent attitude toward the rights of others can not have gone unnoticed by high ranking citizens for ever. And, to make this as short as possible, a group, including Donald J. Trump, became part of a group of flag waving Americans of the upper class. Now known as the “White Hats.”
This group of American “upper class” observers were the first to realize these immature “leaders” who also sympathized with the CIA, were becoming “sloppy” in hiding their true nature and agenda from the people around them. These new revelations, unfortunately, gave no opportunity for the average American people to get a glimpse into their ability to trample over the rights of others that, here to for, had been hidden in the “high society” of congressional politics. The high ranking concerned citizens eventually became organized into what we now know as the “White Hats.”
Nevertheless the few who were learning the truth about what was eventually to be called the “deep state,” began to realize that the United States was on the edge of being demolished if the “white hats” could not get control of the Deep State political “momentum” that was building and surrounding the United States.
The plan, as it appeared back then, and still is today, was to help the American people become aware of the more immoral, vicious tendency of certain characters whose habit it was to move more and more with stealth and force to get their way with controlling governmental decisions with less than appropriate regard for the wishes of the citizens. Their actions were eventually telegraphing their intentions which Americans in general were not aware of. The deep state intentions slowly emerged, that once these folks, some with apparently Nazi affiliations, were interested in gaining control of the American arsenal of nuclear weapons, leaving American's defenseless against nuclear blackmail while potential nuclear war was a constant nightmare possibility.
It is not too much a stretch of the imagination to realize Biden does have a particular personality defect that seems to put a stamp of approval on invading the properties of others. A personality defect that would easily permit him to disrespect President Trump's American rights and property, apparently in more extreme ways, even many years after his children had grown up. The Deep State group has obviously coalesced around Biden and threatening malicious intentions, if necessary. And, in recent events we read:
Julie Keely says on May 21, 2024:
“But (“Biden's) DOJ was apparently ready to open fire on anyone who stood in its way in what reads as though it could have been a Waco-like siege.
“Julie Kelly with RealClear Investigations shared unsealed documents relating to instructions agents were given before they raided Mar-a-Lago.
“One such document declared, "Law enforcement officers of the Department of Justice may use deadly force when necessary …" This a totally unprecedented action against a previous American President!
“Tons of new unsealed filings on classified docs case--I will try to post as much as I can (there goes the workout) but this is mind-blowing,” says Kelly.
“FBI authorized the use of deadly force at Mar-a-Lago”
- Julie Kelly ?゚ヌᄌ (@julie_kelly2) May 21, 2024
It is not too much a stretch of the imagination to realize Biden does have a particular personality defect that seems to put a stamp of approval on invading the properties of others. A personality defect that would easily permit him to disrespect President Trump's American rights and property, apparently in more extreme ways, even many years after his Biden's children had grown up.
It certainly appears that if Biden and crew fail to peacefully gain total control of the country, particularly when watching him systematically destroy good relations with many of our allies, destruction of the whole country is too serious threat to take a chance on, if Biden and crew should get control of our nuclear weapons.
And thanks to the nightly news deliberately keeping the public in total ignorance of the extreme seriousness of the situation, (and de-facto protecting those who would possaibly kill us in an instant), the whole nation remains ignorant of the true stakes which have been set in motion by Biden and his ilk.
BUT: The purpose of Trump's election was stated clearly by Ms. Judy Byington:
“That's a part of reason Trump was PLACED (supported by patriots to run for president because - added) as president: and from that action events followed from Trump to “collect the NUCLEAR codes as president. Since Trump got control of the NUCLEAR CODES, he closed Cheyenne Mountain. Biden, Obama and CIA were all blocked and prohibited (Biden) from going (into) the MILITARY base that controls the Nuclear U.S. operations.” (with the U.S. Military reportedly fervently siding with President Trump ever since, and refusing to let President Biden to play nuclear chess with the U.S. arsenal.)
And according to the Great White Brotherhood, that is the basic story of what has been going on behind the scenes with President Trump, the White Hats, the evil of Joseph Biden. America MUST wake up to what is really going on or die. Those are the stakes that have motivated the White Hats. Unfortunately, where the Nazi types are concerned, they have proven millions of times that they will kill with absolutely no remorse. And, no matter how little the American public can understand the concept of mass murder (which has already been a tricked/reality that has made ABSOLUTE fools out of Americans, and HAVE DONE SO, embarrassingly, right under their snoring noses!!) Well, good luck to America. You may need it and more.
In addition, future news reports are necessary to show the people exactly who the “evil” ones are who the people have ignorantly put their confidence in over the years. And, these revelations will be extremely distressing to the whole nation. But that is an experience you will have to live if you don't wake up. Remember the Alamo! Remember Nazi Germany!
To contiue:
Other emerging events support the fear that there is something dreadfully wrong President Biden's basic moral view of what is right and what is wrong!
It is not too much a stretch of the imagination to realize Biden does have a particular personality defect that seems to put a stamp of approval on invading the properties of others. A personality defect that would easily permit him to disrespect President Trump's American rights and property, apparently in more extreme ways, even after Biden's children have grown up.
Julie Keely says on May 21, 2024:
“But (“Biden's) DOJ was apparently ready to open fire on anyone who stood in its way in what reads as though it could have been a Waco-like siege.
“Julie Kelly with RealClear Investigations shared unsealed documents relating to instructions agents were given before they raided Mar-a-Lago.
“One such document declared, "Law enforcement officers of the Department of Justice may use deadly force when necessary …" This a totally unprecedented action against a previous American President”!
“Tons of new unsealed filings on classified docs case--I will try to post as much as I can (there goes the workout) but this is mind-blowing,” says Kelly.
“FBI authorized the use of deadly force at Mar-a-Lago”
- Julie Kelly ?゚ヌᄌ (@julie_kelly2) May 21, 2024
5-23-2024 Amazing Earth Report
Still unsure about "New Age Stuff?"
Try again with this report!
In around the 1970's I started reading a couple of books written by a Tibetan Doctor, Lama/Abbott (and one time advisor to the 13th Dalai Lama 1895-1933), named T. Lobsang Rampa. Mr. Rampa's exploits and reports about aspects of Earth's “unknown” realities both left me feeling dazed, amazed, and even quite unable to envision some of the topics he talked about. Here, in the below referenced article, the now deceased “Matthew” and his mother Suzie, who has since been able to communicate with her deceased son who died, years ago, in his teens, discussed a few of these realities related to her by "Matthew."
I mention this recent article because Matthew and Suzie relate information that has had little publicity that I have read about since reading the books by the Abbott, Dr. T. Lobsang Rampa. Here, in this article, more information, we most likely consider astounding even today, is related by Matthew to his mother, Suzie. You may understand why I was a little bit “stunned” by similar information about Earth I read way back in the 1970's. "Matthew’s Message via Suzy Ward, May 3, 2024" Article at:
3 edits
5-20-2024 Updated 6-1-2024
Secret Inaugurations, 12-11-23 PR.odt
Speak this call for three consecutive days and you are free from all vows and invocations that have ever been given to you in this way by being told this unsolicited.
I ask you, Jesus Christ, to lead me into your light,
Release me from all the inaugurations that were
without my conscious permission and decision
which were allowed into by being.
I ask you for the comprehensive healing of my energy bodies,
so that I am free and again I AM myself.
I AM who I AM. I AM Free. Secret Inaugurations, 12-11-23 PR.odt
Update 5-19--2024
Things have been pretty quiet lately. The big item is our kitty Arthur got quite sick and a good, healthy bill later, he seems to be recovering. Likely he hate something like a piece of plastic bag or something that plugged him up. Had supper at the neighbor's. Discussed politics, of course. Also think I have finally unraveled the Jan 6 horror of trump supposedly trying to take over congress and where the woman was shot to death right on TV, and the place, Washington D.S., was surrounded by several feet high of barbed wire. . It was interesting that in another incident that came up where the White House was also surrounded by several feet of barbed wire, apparently around the time around the general period when D.C. was filled with 26,000 national guard troops, where this whole weird, scenario has never been explained to the public.
It appears in the mix Trump, it seems to have become aware of a Satanic "den" of caves and sacrifices and many children were discovered, some dismembered and other dead or starving under the White House. As far as I can tell part story seems to include Trump putting on a “fake” party after discovering the Obamas/Biden Satanic party rooms under the White House where they raped children, etc. Once the party gathered under the White House, the whole bunch were arrested. Then they were taken upstairs and put into the White House grounds which were surrounded by several feet high barbed wire and surrounded by members of the 26,000 national guard stationed, for some reason. in D.C.
None of these articles seemed to make much sense because it sounded so weird, I suppose is one way you could describe the situation, until recently at least, where I read at one point in the past year or so, that one writer wrote in his news on the internet that something so horrific had been found related to the White House AND Buckingham Palace, something unheard of occurred. That big item was where the "White Hats" and/or good guy compatriots are planning on leveling the White House and Buckingham Palace and getting all evidence of these places having ever been there do to the extreme evil they represent, was what I got from that idea. At least that is the impression I had of what was described. Now after months and year and more, the whole picture seems to be coming together. At least, that is what is looks like to me.
The whole Satanic business appears to have infected the White House, Buckingham Palace, the Ukraine and Biden/CIA operations (which were at least partly operating on property in Ukraine, that belongs to the Biden family.
So, that pretty much summarizes our Sunday dinner discussion.
On another subject I did have an interesting experience that, surprisingly, seemed to have stopped my nightly leg cramps when I came up with this “prayer” or Decree. The wording turned out to be surprisingly specific in terms of wording that help can help the GWB powers that be help me, in this case. and I suspect may help in other ways as times goes along.
It reads: “I call to transmute the obstacles, causes, cores, effects, karma and ka that gives away the light of my soul,. my “I AM,” to evil entities in this and other lifetimes, including to Satanist spirits, and bring in the power of the God approved, transmuted evil effects and karma and use it to protect the “light” of my I AM soul from being taken over by said entities” The response I got to this prayer was the power and specific nature of this call or “prayer” brings the call into our inner I AM self. Their wording was to the effect that, “'our inner I AM core, experiences the Bliss of Heavenly'” as experienced by the already Ascended Masters in the GWB. It felt very good to me. Hope it can work well for you too.
Another interesting report of 5-19-2024 says
“Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of May 19, 2024
May 19, 2024
Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of May 19, 2024
“Judy Note: Martial Law, Emergency Broadcast System Activation, GESERA and Med Bed rollout were all imminent as the Deep State faced defeat with arrest of close to eight million on the CIA database. Many other Global and Political Elites have already been tried, convicted and executed in Military Tribunals and other court proceedings including Queen Elizabeth, Pope Ratziner, Pope Francis and former Canadian Prime Minister Brent Harper.
“It is my personal opinion after reviewing the below information, that now we are looking at Memorial Day Weekend May24-27 2024 for a Global Financial Crash that would bring in the Global Currency Reset.
· “Back in 2013 and 2014 six judges of the International Common Law Court of Justice in Brussels found Queen Elizabeth, Pope Benedict Ratzinger, Pope Francis Bergoglio and Canadian Prime Minister Brent Harper, among 40 other Global Elites, guilty of Crimes Against Humanity including pedophilia and Child Sacrifice. In the two year-long ICLCJ Court hearings 36 jury members from various countries heard from over a hundred witnesses to pedophilia, child torture and murder. It was suspected that the Global Alliance Military has now carried out the execution of all 40 convicted....”
More at:
And, that is about it for tonight. We are going to GR doctor tomorrow. Have been feeling reasonably well for 84+ years old. Hope all are well. Have a good Monday. As Always, Cordially, AS
5th edit
True Leadership is a Myth for the People of Earth To the Republican National Committee
A Release of the Great White Brotherhood
This letter is no doubt every day stuff for the Trump team. But, to the answer your question of how energized are the people in my town regarding the presidential election, the problem I see is mainly that the people here do not know for sure what the real problems in this election revolve around, other than what is on the nightly news and the problems President Trump talks about. The message which could tell the people we are living in dangerous times is not carrying the needed impact.
The people see the confusion, but to me they are pretty tone deaf to the overall, potential of a dictatorial takeover of the U.S. Government. They do not see the true powers that are in play, although President has done a remarkable job of "defining" an emerging consciousness of the "Deep State." Still, the public awareness of the world wide control of public power consciousness us ill defined in the public mind. For instance, I see no indication that the public is aware that there is an extremely strong likely, in the absence of extremely unusual precautions, that President Trump may be assassinated.
But one voice is, sometimes, only one voice. And that voice has to temper his ideas with care and continuous consciousness of others who stepped over the invisible line for their unforgiveable honesty and forthrightness---: And paid the price for something the world as a whole has never really understood.
But, the world certainly took notice when Lincoln was shot: When Martin Luther King was shot: When John F. Kennedy was shot. When Robert F. Kennedy was shot: When Ronald Regan was shot.
The missing concept here is who or what strange, behind the scenes entities take it upon themselves to decide for YOU who the best leaders are for your country and world? These ultra-secret entities uncannily know who to kill in order to keep people in the dark about "something you are not allowed to know about!" In other words you are not allowed to know who ordered these shootings and why? And, their tactics are very effective in keeping you ignorant. For instance, today it is not likely that the public has any particular suspicion that Trump is on the assassination list because he is too honest with the people, and knows too much about the vaunted "Deep State." Today, the list of more perceptive questions about what is going on gets longer and longer.
Those questions are always become more complicated and mystical to our consciousness because the nightly news, Fox or otherwise, does not address a large swath of problems that surround “untouchable” subjects, like secret type people and why they kill people they don't like. To the public, the Nazis or Satanists practically do not exist. Although the actual organizations like the Nazis or Satanists, change their names at their convenience, the latest blanket name is called "Deep State" by President Trump. And this is a red flag, meaning you can be sure President Trump is on this groups "assassination list."
This malevolent influence on world decision making basically gets a free hand to control you and what you are allowed to think or do. The alert among us have detected that the dictatorial type leadership is more and more clearly part of the psychological makeup of the Biden administration and their policies. So what doe the Republicans need to do to get the confidence of the people in our small towns into a position of knowing how to fix this problem?
To answer that question pretty directly, the people need to be told who the A _ _HOLE_ S are who have been starting all the wars, who is keeping the traitor Biden in office, and encouraging local as well as government crimes, and identify who are the bosses of the henchmen who come across our borders with no presidential cares at all. But it is the true killer bosses, blackmailers, and child eating criminals which remain hidden that I am concerned about. These are the ones at the top of the evil pyramid: Get rid of them all, permanently, by getting the support of the people, And, that, will never be accomplished using the nightly news reports. The reports of such, evil, underground activity have yet to hit the nightly news, so how can the small town public have any idea of what there is to vote for that matters?.
I have talked and talked to the average type person for a long, long time, mostly in ouor little old small town and neighboring towns. NONE of them has any idea of what is actually going on. My favorite person I talked to is a secretary at a veterinary clinic. She is one of those happy, bouncing gals who, after listening to my “rant” on where the true evil in politics starts, summed up her problem with politics recently: She put it beautifully: “Who are the real criminal leaders you are talking about, that no one can identify? How can you vote for people when history proves that the people do not know who the bad guys really are?” And that points out a real problem for someone like trump who wants and needs their sincere, grass roots, small town support. In this case, the answer needs to be more down to Earth than the very, very public display of the horrible, immoral legal system President Trump is forced to endure.
Although realistically acknowledging the immorality and evil of today's liberal, legal mind is an excellent start for those people who appreciate the art of negotiating the corridors of today's court system. In my view, however, small towns pose a different problem. I have found that the average person in our town does not seem inclined to pick apart the legal system with any enthusiasm. This suggests a different approach would help clean up politics in America that educates real political operations rather than pretend that answers are just around the corner.
One of the really irritating things to me is that virtually EVERYONE IN POLITCS AVOIDS identifying who the real “killer,” the most evil, or who the blackmailers are, or who the actually blackmailed or “compromised” leaders really are? Making such exposes is certainly a daunting problem, but here is my opinion from a small town. People here, like our veterinarian secretary want to know WHAT THE BAD GUYS NAMES ARE? What did they do that was bad? How can we clean up politics. Simple information like that.
Like, looking at the bigger picture for small town folk, NO ONE I talk to in little old small town U.S.A. has the slightest idea that the almost mystical, rumor like cults and Satanic activities are anything other than rumor or a handful of folks running full gallop away from the FBI or CIA officials. A result is that at home, NO ONE KNOWS who are the real powers behind THE REAL CHILD KILLERS AND MURDERERS WHO ZEALFULLY KILL AND EAT OR “ADRENOCHROME” THEMS SELFS ON KIDS BLOOD. And, as an addendum to this line of thought, their exemption from the regular reports of the misguided nightly news leaves a vacuum in the reality of the small town perception of reality. Not to mention identifying other horrible, horrible, true cult realities which almost all the people I talk to simply can not comprehend. It is no wonder people here simply do not know who to vote. That does not say much for a countries leaders, who too often fail to do the will of the people.
Practically no one, here, has any way to relate their world to Satanist evil. Practically no one. And if they do, what do you want them to do to help? The true reality of the world's Satanic leaders, and their unspeakable horror of the way they, like communist's and Nazi's, have not the slightest sympathy or feeling for real live, human people or children. To these vermin, humans are just another form of cattle or penned up animals. This attitude or callousness is not comprehensible to small town America. Thus, without a realistic perception and connection between our daily lives and evil cults, small town American sees NO “anti-human,” or anti-God,” danger, or potential or inhumanly planned national disaster when it is staring them in the face.
The fine, delicate touch of Satan's scalpel is simply not a “mental or emotional touch stone” for the people in my town.
THAT IS THE ONE BIG, BIG, BIG TRUTH. And even when told right to their face who the controllers of Earth really are, the people simply cannot process the actual reality that controls this world. Thus they never try to vote the real devils “out” because they have no awareness of who the real “devils” or killer politicians really are. That leaves potentially good politicians on their own to obey the dishonest, immoral demands of the evil "devils'" desires of these devils or become victims to the devil wrath and vidiousnes.
There is your answer. Politics, since true evil cannot be mentioned by politicians without being mortal danger, commands the physical, political landscape. To the people I know, politics is simply a game of inventing lies that will help get candidates into office (too often under false pretenses). With, possibly, the exception of the Kennedy's (or Reagan's or hopefully Trump's, being the likely least of all the other evils), this means lies are required by the true powers that run this world if a candidate wants to get into office. In that sense, until you can solve that “evil invented”, “uncomprehending” mental state of mind of the American and world public, the ongoing political game of “truth” hide and seek, murder and mayhem will, like in the Days of Atlantis, keep stumbling along until the world finally destroys itself once again. Tragically, that is the biggest “end game” the awareness of which, the people have been evilly denied.
Unfortunately, I simply cannot answer a lot of your questions about who seems happy about what until I see some results of your (cross my fingers), effective attempts to really educate the people, as shocking as such and education is likely to be. As far as I can see, although President Trump has made amazing headway in the poles, but, in our small town, the Biden presidency makes present true leadership a mystical story for too many Americas. People in Paw Paw have happy memories of Trump, but apparently still do not see the presence of the “anti-Trump, anti-human” evil, and the potential disaster which this evil, anti-Trump entity portends, should President Trump lose the upcoming election.
And that is my answer to your questionnaire-poll. Allen Smith
still under editing -- 14th edit Latest 5-5-24 update save the children subject underlined below.
Update 5-10-2024 w/GWB (Great White Brotherhood) Explained.
Introduction to the GWB. New Beginnings 5-10-2024 start with the Great White Brotherhood
5-10-2024 the Ascended Master have, over the millennia, initiated most of the great religions of the world, including Christianity and middle east and far east religions in an attempt to finally unite the world against Satanism which works overtime to kill off all religion on Earth.
Most people do not know that great souls have ascended from all major races of most land masses on Earth, including East and West hemispheres with masters from most races including African ascended masters who get practically no headlines in today's racially charged world. The Great White Brotherhood, on the other hand, is made up of "purified," fully Ascended souls from most religions and nations of the world. People of all positive religions will benefit from the teachings of the Great White Brotherhood (White meaning the aura of the purified souls, no matter their racial origin on Earth.)
"Ascended Masters, Teachers on the Spiritual Journey To Higher Consciousness "The appearance of the Ascended Masters is not new," explained Elizabeth Clare Prophet, "but the term Ascended Master is new. It something we need to understand as we enter the Aquarian age. The term is actually self-explanatory: master is one who has the full faculties of being, who has mastered one or more areas of human endeavor. But in the is sense, we are speaking of the master as a teacher and the master of life.
"An Ascended Master is one who has ascended, or reunited, with God. He or she has accelerated consciousness, is free from the rounds of rebirth and does not continue to incarnate in flesh-and-blood form."
"The ascended masters demonstrate that the world of Spirit has no division of race, religion or philosophy—there is simply oneness.
"The ascended masters, such as Saint Germain are part of a vast spiritual Brotherhood of ascended beings and angelic hosts that join hands with mankind to work for the betterment of life on earth.
"This holy order is known as the Great White Brotherhood (the word "white" refers not to race, but to the white light that surrounds these immortals) works with earnest spiritual seekers and public servants of every race, religion and walk of life to assist humanity in its evolution."'
Latest Update below, underlined.
5-5-2024 شرور العالم
[5-4-2024 The Evils of the World}
13 hinayidh qadamuu 'iilayh 'atfalan liadae yadayh ealayhim wayusaliy, fantaharahum altalamidhu. 14 faqal yasue daeau alawilad la tamnaeuhum an yatuu aly lan limithl hawula' malakut alsamawati. 15 fawadie ealayhim yadayh wamadaa min hunaka.
[Matthew 13: Then were they brought unto him little children, that he should put his hands on them, and pray: and the disciples rebuked them. 14But Jesus said, Suffer little children, and forbid them not, to come unto me: for of such is the kingdom of heaven.]
5-5-2024 The Evils of the World
That FOX or CBS or CNN or ABC
do not Report: including
"American Black Brain Mold",
(The new law of the land)
A mold that just keeps on keeping on:
A release of the Great White Brotherhood"
"Trump and the Alliance to the rescue. Their Military missions culminated with US Navy Seals, Russian Special Ops and OUR Protection Team discovering 1,245 barely alive children, teens and adults and taking 1,366 dead bodies from 30,000 containers on the Illuminati’s Evergiven Ship that blocked the Suez Canal from Tues. March 23March to Mon. 29 March."
Anadenochrome/Child Murder! – What should you Believe?
WE of the GWB caution you to: -- Do not be deluded into believing this is just a Suez Canal drug problem. For one thing the ship was Chinese, and the Suez is an international water way, that ships from all around the world constantly travel through. But, when one tries to look for anything to do with the nationalities of the children who were murdered or died on this particular ship, you find nothing. If you search for the nationalities of any children on board the “Evergiven” ship or anywhere else, you will find a problem, that for just about every true article on the evils of children abuse and killing that are true, dozens other articles on Google search almost immediately spring up, and universally deny that any child mistreatment, anywhere, exists, except in your imagination.
We of the Great White Brotherhood must point out that this universal “pooh-poohing” of just about every report of child killing and Satanic practices of eating children and their blood, and raping of children, and a product from child torture blood called adrenochrome manufacturing and use by elites etc..... are universally denied in multitudes of absolute lies in opposition articles. This lying, coverup campaign against the truth of child and crimmes against humanity, has come to the point, that if one makes a persistent search for maybe a half hour, you find that google, for instance, has been just about completely sanitized any true articles with many, many, many more articles pooh-poohing the few reports that were for the most part true to the facts.
If you are surmising that all this sanitizing, of denying reports of Satanic treatment of children, and these reporters appear to be nervous, terror struck, frantic, panic stricken in nature, we of the GWB absolutely agree.
These lying “de-bunkers” of true reports (of child torture, mutilation, murder,) and their compatriot writers, are facing a real, real problem, and they know it!
The world wide penalties for the horrible, horrible mistreatment of children, assuming the terrible extent of the mistreatment was clearly understood by the world's people, would be terrible for these Satanic supporters. There would be a worldwide screaming and demand for the hanging or shooting of these evil beings that would ring loud and clear throughout the whole world and throughout the entire galaxy. And that is NO exaggeration!!!
Keep in mind, when you read the endless “sanitizing” and “neutralizing” all military and police reports on the exposure of the true evil, that these vermin are TERRIFIED of what will happen to them once YOU UNDERSTAND what they have been up to for more decades than have any idea of. Their very real problem is that there is a world wide internet that, regardless of their attempts to Pooh-Pooh reports of their crimes, people are waking up and these Satanists who are becoming absolutely terrified!
So, let us proceed with this article with a little awareness of the actual stakes that are in play for these absolute disgusting, NON-humans who are facing their actual and ultimate demise, for they CAN NOT remain on an Earth that is ascending into higher 5th and 6th dimensional, Heavenly Realms.
With that said, let us continue.
************** The Adrenochrome Bust You Never Heard About*************
Posted By: RumorMail [Send E-Mail]
Date: Thursday, 26-Mar-2020 13:11:34
In Response To: by Janet Ossebaard (RumorMail)
**************************** **************************************************
Is there any answer, then to this question? How many tears does God shed for the child whose blood makes one dose of Adrenochrome, which is a deadly recreational drug known to kill anyone who tries to kick their addiction this drug?
We also ask, how many tears doers God shed for all the children it takes to make enough adrenochrome to be worth one semi truck full of Adrenochrome? According to the report on the above truck load of Adrenochrome, its market value was worlh about $100,000,000,000.
That is $100 (billion) $ worth of Adrenachrome on one semi truck.
To continuew with our original article:
Probably one of the most pathetic aspects of this information is that today, in America, is to watch the demonstrations on college campuses with HAMAS agents selling murder , in America, right in the face of U.S. law enforcement and American citizens, making the Americans citizens look like fools who are not able to stand up to murderous HAMAS in our own country. We pay no attention to our own sin of lack of perception that borders on criminal American laziness. This is an outrageous national situation which I definitely did not fight for in Viet Nam!
The below reports of child torture and murder and being victims of Satanic worship of Satan in the United States and around the world. These human sacrifices to Satan have been going on and on and on at least since President Trump was in office, starting before 2016, and has not let up yet. This is an important point because people don't know or don't care about some things that should be an extremely high priority, and high enough priority to equal the reasons why Americans gave their lives in WWII when that terrible war was going on. Then, the nation was united. Then the nation cared.
To be sure, something akin to black mold in the brain has taken control of the majority of American citizens: And the default of legal laziness, or lackadaisical citizen obligation to take responsibility for their own country, [which is the result American "black brain mold,"] openly allows that deadly substance to form new, immoral "laws of the land." The resulting criminal negligence of the American citizen owner's toward our laws (you and I), has allowed this vacuum to be filled by "black mold laws." Because, Americans no longer care about God's Laws or Universal Law or Cosmic Law, or even God's Biblical Law that would (God save us all for our laziness) clearly save the lives of the "little ones," we are now on God's black list so to speak, and we find ourselves in an indefensible, unsupportable moral circumstance.
This truth of the more and more certain, unbelievable evil being uncovered literally under our noses, is treated so negligibly by an uncaring public that the repentance God will require to set us straight is frightening. This "nationally approved murder by inaction (or by "default" by not putting a stop to it) is yet to be revealed. This should frighten even the most naïve.
Serious, serious payment to God is required for a country which can muster no public outcry and allows heinous murder, even still to be revealed national mass murder within the U.S.: crimes so horrible God's falling tears must be shaking the rafters of Heaven with terrifying thunder.
Still, with a president that today, who is still flying in thousands of illegals (including known criminals, rapists, and murderers and insane asylum inmates, into the U.S.). But, is there an outcry? NO! The people are so black mold, brain sodden that there is no inkling that the retribution "bill" for citizen lazy acceptance of national murder, national slaughter of the innocents, has too late set the fate of America into motion. Ladies and gentlemen, the bill to pay for lazy allowance of national murder of your future national citizens is telling God you do not want this country of ours, and that that almost phantom, divine retribution for crimes against God and humanity is coming due.
After it is over, then, maybe you will understand the frustration of god with a nation of people who do not care for their freedoms that are being giving away by a traitor and traitors in national office in the theoretically world's leading country, the United States of America! Yes, because of endless crimes against God and humanity being accepted as the national norm, a certain national black brain mold IS has become, by inaction against evil, new black mold law is now THE law, by default, on the part of the American people, and is rapidly becoming the unwritten law of the land.
Yet, today, the below kinds of reports build and build and build and build, in disgusting quantity, and are a main reason, although you are unaware, why Trump is fighting so hard for YOU and ME.
- - - -
Although Judy Byington starts her articles saying, "What we think we know as of Fri. 3 May 2024:," her reports have never been proven wrong in any particularly pertinent manner. Yet, the narrative does not change other than the quantity of horrible, dastardly, vicious, vicious, heart rendering crimes being done to OUR citizens, or children, and have continued, unabated, from well before the time of Trump's first election through today --- including, of the unbelievable impossible agonies, child murder right in the bowels of the White House itself.
Yet the people continue to remain hypnotized by the so-called "nightly news," as if the nightly news was the word of God. Still, thankfully, all will be exposed and the public will pay an equally sickening price of being queasy, angry, spiteful, and downright sick, wishing they had had taken the time to be God's citizens instead of being sleeping manikins.
So, excuse my French, but the people must understand what the hell is going on and the BIG reason President Trump is hated and under relentless attack by the most vicious Satanic forces of Earth!!! And obviously under relentless attack by the very people, many of whom, who will pay the ultimate price for the whatever Satanic and other horrific crimes they have been involved in as related by Judy Byington in her investigations going back many, many years. YOU should be thanking God that people like Judy and far east reporter Benjamin Fulford have incurred enough, important protection that they are even alive today to continue their extremely dangerous work!! So, with out further ado, here is part of Judy's report as of May 3, 2024:
Judy Note: What we think we know as of Fri. 3 May 2024:
- "The Vatican was the center of the Ninth Circle Satanic Child Sacrifice Cult, which ran an international Child Sex, Organ and Adrenochorme Harvesting Ring; and, along with US Inc. and the Crown of England, controlled the World’s wealth. The Vatican kept 650 plane loads of the World’s stolen gold in a 150 mile tunnel that ran between the Vatican, Switzerland and Zionist Israel. That gold was repatriated by President Trump to it’s owner country, mainly the new US Treasury.
- President Obama, Joe Biden and the Clintons were in charge of a Pedophile Ring out of the White House; maintained illegal bio-weapon labs throughout the World, and ran Child Sex Trafficking in DUMB Underground Tunnels throughout the US, Europe and the Middle East, with Ukraine as their primary headquarters. That is the real reason why they are still trying to fund a failed war against Russia in Ukraine.
- The Illuminati Deep State Cabal Globalist’s three locations of Power: Washington DC, City of London and the Vatican have since 1918, controlled and spent US Taxpayer dollars laundered through the CIA, and their privately owned IRS and Federal Reserve.
- The US Dollar has been fiat since the Deep State’s independently owned Federal Reserve’s bankruptcy in 2008. Now their Central Banks are failing worldwide.
- The US has been under Military Occupation in a Continuity of Government with President Trump as Commander-in-Chief since before Trump left office in 2021.
- The Seven Kingdoms of the Global Alliance composed of Putin (Russia); Xi (China); Kim (North Korea); Modi (India); Bolsonaro (Brazil) Bin Salman (Saudi Arabia) and Trump and JFK Jr. (USA) was in the process of taking down the Illuminati Deep State Cabal Globalist in preparation for the greatest transfer of wealth in the history of the World.
- “We have hard proof that President Obama ran a pedophile ring out of the Whitehouse” said Julian Assange in a Fox News Hannity bombshell report in 2022. “…a young boy the age of 5…will make the perfect catamite for the president” read a Wikileak email to Obama according to Assange. “He will arrive from Romania on Tuesday. I’m sure the president will be pleased.” Judy Byington Bombshell Report: Obama/ Biden/ Clinton/ Pelosi White House Pedophile Ring Uncovered by Wikileaks – American Media Group (
- Other notables named as being involved in the pedophile ring were Bill and Hillary Clinton, Tim Kaine, Elizabeth Warren, Jimmy Carter, Harry Reid, Ben Affleck, Cory Booker, Al Franken and Nancy Pelosi. Trump Attorney Lin Wood included Chief Justice John Roberts in the group.
- Child trafficking by the Obama/Biden Administration using the Clinton Foundation was well known in the intelligence community. The extensive network of Child Sex Trafficking was believed organized by the Black Hats, or Illuminatti at the Vatican and funded by the CIA Black Budget and Chinese Communist Party Child Trafficking Ring.
- Apparently their ring extended to trafficking children caught at the border, those who went by submarine to Biden-owned Water Island that lay next door to Epstein’s Pedophile Island, DUMB tunnels that ran beneath every capitol city in the nation and globe and included an underground tunnel system under Biden-owned property in the Ukraine and another buried two miles beneath the White House.
- The chief income producer for Child Trafficking was the sale of Adrenochrome – obtained by harvesting the blood of a traumatized child. It was said to produce a “high” and prevent aging, although one of the side effects was death if the supply was taken away.
- An Alliance of nations was rescuing millions of children being sex trafficked and used for organ transplants and Adrenochrome production in an extensive labyrinth of Illuminati tunnels across the globe. The ring was run by the Vatican and financed by the Chinese Communist Party using Bitcoin facilities beneath China’s Three Gorges Dam – via a tunnel that ran to the Wuhan lab that produced and released the CV-19 Virus global plague.
- Trump and the Alliance to the rescue. Their Military missions culminated with US Navy Seals, Russian Special Ops and OUR Protection Team discovering 1,245 barely alive children, teens and adults and taking 1,366 dead bodies from 30,000 containers on the Illuminati’s Evergiven Ship that blocked the Suez Canal from Tues. 23 March to Mon. 29 March. Evergiven and accompanying vessels caught in the Canal were shipped by the Chinese Communist Party.
- They also had on board tanks of Adrenochrome, a nuclear device and Weapons of Mass Destruction including the CV-19 vaccine. All were destined to start a war in the Middle East and decimate the world population for their New World Order agenda......."
- Hundreds of US Banks At Risk Of Failure According To CNBC" more at:
5-3-2024 -- Update -- Sorry for the late update. Our neighbor is dying and we just got back from the hospital in Kalamazoo. Nice old guy. About my age. His daughter in law keeps track of him and about 4 or 5 other family members besides working and it keeps her on the run. Have trying to get time and so forth to proceed with another article on telepathic communication. Watching the TV these days is like watching a bunch of people who have been released from an insane asylum. The post just keeps percolating hotter and hotter.
One interesting that happening lately is that a major Supreme Court Decision supposedly came down on what is called the 'Brunson Brothers" case.
The case has been sounding like a major "all or nothing" type case regarding the last presidential election. No one has actually come up with a final decision on whether or not Congress has failed to protect the United States election integrity by failing to investigate the election which, purportedly, according to other sources, because the election was won by Trump in a major, major landslide. Other information has it that Trump made sure all "legal:" ballots were printed with a code that must be on all ballots legally needed to show who won the election. All very interesting but no one has published any definitive results the mess. The upshot is that all congress and Biden will be "fired" if worse comes to worst for Biden and crew, where what seems obvious to a lot of us who watched the election on TV, that it was clearly full of packed ballot boxes over most of the tire nation. At any rate, not much more to report from here. We are bumping long, waiting to see what the next day brings. Have a good Saturday. Cordially, AS
4-29-2024 Entities on Telepathic Channels
4-29-2024 Article by Elizabeth Clare Prophet
Entities in telepathic "mental" channels can often be relatively dumb creatures who can, simply by their presence, might be attracted to your personal "heavenly" light of your soul, if you please, and like a dog or hungry animal, take your Heavenly Light from you "if you are not protected by the rules of the 10 commandments, for instance, They ignorantly can "eat" the light like dogs or cats eat little animals without malice or really thinking about it, as it were. Your light can also be taken from you in several ways and people new to telepathy need to be aware of this. That this "telepathic, non-physical" kind of happening can, if you have trouble wondering what is happening to your energy, leave one tired and worn out unless you can protect yourself. For protestants, you can do this, for instance, by doing the Summit Lighthouse' Archangel Michael's Rosary for maybe 20 minutes a day, or if know what the exact problem is, ask Archangel Michael for protection for any particular problem you need help for.
This includes telepathic or "psychic" problems for specific cause or causes that might be the source of your problem. Do the rosary until you can feel or tell you are getting results. This article explains a little more about why you may feel drained of energy, and not know why, if your light is being taken without you knowing it. Some of the rules of the bible help prevent this kind of problem, like obeying the ten commandments, for instant.
One protection you can get is from a "non Roman Catholic" rosary by Archangel Michael, which I would say is very good and it also helps bring more light into the world to help other people from what I can understand, in addition to protecting. Although it may sound Roman Catholic, it is similar when read, but is actually a more detailed, protestant rosary that is quite effective if one uses it 20 minutes a day for overall protection, for personal and family protection, for instance. As anyone who knows about the several times I was saved from nearly instant death in the army, where many, many others were killed, I realized after leaving Viet Nam and the army, someone, somewhere (in the Great White Brotherhood (I am suspecting) was doing the rosary for me. It may take a little practice for special occasions where the source danger may be unknown, but is does work, and as indicated, it is actually a protestant rosary which, as far as I know, are not usually taught in most protestant churches.
It can be purchased for $5.95 at:
Be Aware of What You Attract to Your World
By Elizabeth Clare Prophet
"Elizabeth Clare Prophet taught extensively on the law of attraction, including secrets about how your aura can either be full of light or full of darkness. She said:
"Energy fields can be magnificent when they are properly qualified. For not only can they surround their creator with his own vibration of bliss but, according to the law of attraction, they can also magnetize the vibrations of joy and happiness from many parts of the world.
We acknowledge that the reverse is also true. Seldom do people realize that from time to time they are surrounded with discarnate entities—entities of fear, of doubt and of grief. Individuals create the climate that attracts these outsiders into their aura by their own attitudes.
A discarnate entity is a disembodied being who has not ascended to God; hence he is not karma—free nor is he free from the wheel of rebirth. Since such a soul:" More at:
4-28-2024 Disengage
from Satanic Mind Control Mantra
Repeat at least 3 or 9 or 27 times (GWB) (23)
I AM in God control of I AM
I AM the Peace of God
I AM the Silence of God
I AM the Gratitude of God
I AM the Love of God
I AM the Wisdom of God
I Am the Power of God
I AM the Will of God
4-28+-2024 Def Satanic Mind Control.odt (23)
5-6 edits
Telepathy I
Foundations of Anti-Telepathy- 4-22-2024
A Release of the Great White Brotherhood
Satanic conditioning that biases humanity against true telepathy is maintained through convincing the soul that telepathy is imaginary. The bible, for instance, does little to alter this assumption, while, at the same time the bible does a marvelous job of maintaining the faith in Christ in the modern age. We are of course, referring to the fact that Faith in God and Christ have been under unmerciful attack for 2,000 years, yet still survives in its many, many churches around the world.
With that said, we can move forward and investigate a world that has nearly succumbed to Satanic attack with its nuclear weapons and constant hate, race bating and so forth.
Still, Satanic lies that Satan has used to gain some autonomy over more powerful teachings, is a real problem for Earth.
It pains us in Heaven to see many people fail to stand up to the false realities, which if they did, would release an avalanche of new, marvelous discoveries the reality of which are not even suspected by the average Earth person. This is part of the higher realities being hidden from you by Satanic lies. It is a hide and seek game Satan plays with the human consciousness that keeps the "reality pot" stirred up and confused. Hopefully this article may help people get a more realistic view of subjects like telepathy and larger understanding confusion controls people.
Never the less, Satanic forces still can still confuse the perceptions of the people instead of helping people move Earth society past the Satanically loved idea that you are their servants to do as you are told. Thus, it is often the human part of Earth living that can disguise the real truth of Heavenly reality, leaving Earth to appear to be less than the Heavenly place God created. Unfortunately the subject of telepathy is one area being held under Satan is control.
The people of today mostly do not suspect that Satan is far more than just “real,” and congenitally uses tricks to cleverly subjugate the power of the spoken word of God to Satanist's own wishes. Satanists hide ever more cleverly the telepathic, “God” power, of the spoken word,. This evil Satanic secret manipulation causes overall weakness in the people's objectivity and in the people's ability to perceive the specific people who are the true forces and who actually run the world.
The actual vicious attacks on the subconsciousness of mankind is a clever blocking trick, using victim perceived fear of death or torture, for instance, which distorts objective observation mind perception. Through evil use of the spoken word (i.e. example nightly news), and the deft manner in which the nightly news avoid telling ing the whole news, allows the fertile growth, but cleverly controlled, social activism (like making girls bathrooms into open brothels by honoring lies of what is male and not male). Such ridiculous rewording of pronoun and sexual identity game playing becomes rooted at a subconscious level in the social mind. This alone destroys a huge percentage of human telepathic capability which requires “truth in reporting” on the physical level of life to maintain any validity at all.
True to Satanism, however, remains the true means used to control your more modern subconscious mind, a fact that will never be hinted at by the Satanist cult which presently runs the world. Satanism is the true, actual root master of societal control, going back before biblical times. This is the actual history going back long before high technology became the new barrier that prevents the people from realizing how solidly Satanism is in control of the world's mental/political mental climate.
Unbelievably, to most people, Satan and Satanists are past experts at twisting the “word” around and using it as a weapon against God's own people. That includes using of the power of the “word” to control you and YOUR perception of God, and hide who and what and where you were before your biblical, God, I AM self, was born. You may have noticed the liberal love of changing the meaning of words and what the result is. Such as boys are now girls: girls bathrooms are no longer girls bathrooms, become brothels, and so forth. This is all part of Satan effort to change familiar words to you by changing the way specific words can change the way the world “used to be” before the changes in wordings occurred.
Hence, we emphasize, that words which are based on the words that may have been created by the influence of the mind of God, become Satanically corrupted. This, then, is useful in helping the media control the way whole communities and nations see the world the live in.
The lack of public perception, even of their own I AM self, is a glaring example of how public perceptions are created and destroyed depending upon the whim of the few Satanists who are head of the Satanic, public pyramid of power. The disruption and stunned in-action on the part ot the public, and its failure to put an end to this nonsense, is graphic proof of the power of God's spoken being allowed to stand with out public objections at all but does stand as a large example of the public ignorance of the powers at work in their world. This where we get the observation from, when we suggest that Satan has no power other than what society gives him through accepting being ignorantof our world around us as a valid way of thinking of the world society as a whole.
This public fails to recognize Satanic attack right under their nose, emphasizes the weakness in God's attempts to wake people up. People too often fall into Satanic traps. Just like in ancient times. Revealing this self destructive nature of Earth human beings was the main part of Jesus mission on Earth.
E.C. Prophet states: “This is where your soul's instinct toward spiritual self-preservation comes in, prompted by your guardian angels.
“By contrast, the subtleties of the world and the machinations of the colorful personalities of the Evil One come into your subconscious through the mass mind as you gorge yourself (or used to be before you knew better and decided to do better) on the channels of the mass media. These thought forms are taken in by the eye, the ear, and the spiritual orifices known as the chakras. And they gain entry through the similarity in vibration of the records of your own past lives magnetically recorded in the memory body --- your Book of Life.”
“Such negative thought forms remain in the unconscious as a deleterious influence until you make your mind to exercise the power of the spoken Word to strip from those very thought forms that misused power which was originally God's and which must be returned to him alone.
And so the only way to get rid of that fly in the ointment is to let your free will merge with the greater will of God until, a day at a time, decision by decision, you make his will your own. Thus consciously, by choice, you can return the predestine state where there is no longer the warring of the law of God and the law of sin in your members, but only the supreme will of God. And you yourself have become that One – consciously, by choice. Our Father would not have us any other way.” p236, The Lost Teachings of Jesus 2, by Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet, copy right 1986 and 1988, Summit University Press.”
Possibly, then, one may grow in strength of the spoken word when you can compensate for the problem that modern churches assume that teachings left out of biblical rewriting becomes the authority to replace KEY information from the the original bible texts with statement unattested to in many parts of biblical thinking.
But, on the other hand, there had to be a method or true mastery of the spoken word of God Jesus used to do his miracles. Maybe you, the reader, may have, long ago, sat upon a sand dune around 90 a.d. or maybe 210 a.d. somewhere, trying to figure out where Jesus teachings of how to use the power of the spoken word of God was not accurately carried throughout later editions of the bible.
Yet, maybe, somewhere in your memory way back then, you were sure you remembered one old revered biblical teacher of Christ teachings, who taught what Jesus originally taught about the true power of God's true word, but the original texts have vanished? This old teacher said something like “that you must learn how to use the power of the spoken world of God if your are to defeat Satanically and fantastically subtle, evil influences of Satan.” There are, of course, many, many, many reinterpretations of ancient texts, and even missing texts. So uncontrolled subtleties of bibilican origin varied from century to century. The GWB maintains that ancient subtleties of the variety of “slight of the verbal hand adjustment to the original” still stand as used even today in modern bibles. And they still, keep man kind subjugated, continuing to remain constant victims to wars, murder and death. Such is the slave status of people living in a Satanically controlled world, albiet with a “modern,” technical” world vernier.
Possibly, then, you will begin to suspect the lack of telepathic communication in this world is not so “less true,” but more that it is hidden by the constant War and mental, even subconscious misdirection of the world news, education systems, and even, sadly, certain information “vacuums” that now replace original biblical teachings that the original disciples could share with each other over 2,000 years ago, And, of course, shared before society and religions became more and more subject to information “vacuums” and telepathic interference.
Cont'd 4-24-2024 2ne edit
One may surmise, then, that the never changing world “status quo” is actually, almost invisibly and constantly being changed, deliberately. When one considers how the mental/emotional effects of the constant attempts by Satanic peoples constantly messing with words and wordings and who is what is sex, and where war will break out next, and how many people died from COVID, and how many people died in the Hawaii man made disaster where a whole island village was apparently burned down (started secretly) from energy weapons, and so on and on and on, it is no wonder the kaleidoscope effects of never changing visual and verbal realities make our unconscious world very confusing and unpredictable. And, of course, this mess also makes telepathic communication an almost guessing game should one suspect they may actually have a little telepathic ability themselves.
Without people realizing it, this whole unrelenting change, disaster, war, arguing, killing and on and on, creates an atmosphere where dependable, invisible, telepathic communication is very unreliable. Trying to rely on telepathic communication would be like trying to steer an ocean liner into port using a rowboat. By now it should become apparent that learning to communicate using telepathy requires a very reliable, almost heaven like world where communications can be verified emotionally and quickly. Today's Earth is not such a world at the moment.
One could look at telepathy as the electric or laser wire connecting people's minds. On Earth this is nearly impossible, because all the confusion is like striping off the rubber insulation covering the wires, separating them from each. On Earth, all the discordant conditions similar to striping off the rubber insulation that keeps the wires separate and prevents the wires shorting out.. The result is what we have today, where our telepathic communications are shorted out by chaotic conditions on Earth, and shorting out the wires, makes telepathic miscommunication on Earth nearly impossible.
When one becomes aware of how embattled Earth can never seem find peace, it becomes more and more clear that someone, somewhere on Earth, is deliberately stirring up the pot. Which, also obviously, works to keep wars, killing, massive crime and general turmoil an on going problem.
In that sense, then, we are definitely going through a biblically discussed Armageddon, where the only solution is to the destroy the murderous, child torturing and killing Satanists will, who plan, unfortunately, to kill us if we do not get rid of them first. We are presently like children in kindergarten on the playground, and the Satanists psychology is, unfortunately, “if WE can't have Earth, NO ONE can! "So, THERE! Take that!"
By their very nature, the murdering Satanists want it all, or death for whoever is the weakest: And that boils down to: it is either us or them. Until then, may God be with us all. ACS
4-17-2024 Mantra to Disengage from Satanic Mind Control
Repeat at least 3 or 9 or 27 times (GWB)
I AM God Peace - ECP
I AM God Silence - ECP
I AM God Gratitude - ECP
I AM God's Love - acs
I AM God's Wisdom - acs
I AM God's Power - acs
4-5-24 -- Update Was a momentous week with Israel being attacked. Looks like there was practically no major damage done anywhere due to the extensive defense systems the U.S. and Israel deployed. Seems like the whole week was a "pins and needles" week, so to speak.
Have not gotten any word about when the articles on telepathy will start. I can tell, though, that the "powers that be" have been very, very busy lately and have not communicated with me much. Sort of eerie to not hear from them more often. It seems like the past few days have been more exhausting than usual. Have been mainly doing a lot, and I mean a lot of decrees for the GWB, trying to keep up with what they decrees they need done for to help cover recent events in the Satan versus the "good guy" or "White Hats" never ending struggles. Although, importantly, the good guys do seem to be keeping the upper hand with a lot of quiet or "underground" type reports that many celebrity or government leader types are being arrested and tried and punished where necessary. But with the atmosphere of the world being changing back and forth with politics and health and so forth, for the world's residents, it is hard to tell if feeling tired is is from exhaustion or just lousy politics wearing on my nerves.
Have to keep an eye on my health and take diacritics to keep from coming down with congestive heart failure type stuff, which has been going on for 10 years at least. In that area of discussion, I have had to stop using the tiny amount of lasix that I usually take, to keep excess water out of my system, because of the leg cramps and generally not feeling good, like being dizzty from lasix. So far my home concoction of supplements like Hawthorne, chicory, dandelion root, burdock root, tea and niacinamide and so forth, has been working better and is far more gentle than lasiix which is just too harsh. Over all things keep bumping along with the health in pretty good shape.
All this stuff together, with the ascension looming and the "almost war or Satanic Near War" that keeps on keeping on, keeps me more upset than usual, and I don't like to have to worry about the effects of heart damage I suffered form my old heart attack from 3 or 4 years ago, (due to my heart valve being clogged with loose artery plaque coming off the walls of my arteries which are pretty well cleared up now (that all happened about 3 or 4 years ago which is of course old history)). Normally keep taking vinegar with "mother" to keep the arteries open. Never seems to be a real problem but just a worry that I can't do much more about.
At any rate, with the increasing and serious world political situation getting ever more intense, we just have to play it day by day. But, when we reach this situation where threat of military's clashes are becoming more and more intense, all we can do is watch and pray.
Most people are not of what you might say, totally aware, that the real authorities (Trump, allies, and the military are fully ware) with detailed investigations and reports on all voting places in the U.S. These massive reports show that Trump won the last election and it was a huge, huge landslide, all jimmied up with democrat operatives lying about vote results. But Trump and the military, according to detailed investigations, are fully aware, and claim to have full reports, even going to the Supreme Court, showing Trump is actually the true president, and this Biden business is being acted out on behalf of the White Hats (meaning "good guys") so the people can see the full, real and horrible, horrible, horrible extent of the claims against the Biden (Satanist) infestation in the businesses and politics of America and the world. Many, many of the old, and many newer politicians, are up to their eyeballs in Satanism.
According to extensive, off the record reports, the truth will truly, truly shock the (cr _ _ p) out of the people when Trump/military (White Hats) and team of investigators reveal the horror that is to become public. THEN, we will know what the hell has been going on, and we will finally understand that the reason the crazy, most extreme, extremist liberals' hate Trump with total, total insane intensity. Because, "they" and some republicans ARE allegedly the deep state, and many deep state thousands of other types of professional folks have already been arrested, and apparently executed, according to some reports. So they can hate Trump all they want. It will, in the end, do the deep state no good, and just get them hung or shot by military tribunals already long at work, in secret, in Guantanamo Bay, military type bases, according to extensive "off the record" reporting. Never the less, full and detailed reports on these tribunals, with videoed confessions on the part of the guilty, will be televised, with sentences of death or long years in prison sentences to be reported, according to underground reports. So, I guess I have rattled on long enough. That is about it for now. Have a good Tuesday. cordially, AS
2nd edit
4-5-24 -- Update Have been trying to figure out for the last couple of years at least why I have always been a little dizzy. Had been chalking it up to old age for the past 2 or 3 years. One way or another, though, I decided I had had enough of dizzy and cramps and also harder to walk over the past year or two. Had not been thinking it could be Lasix because the pills are practically as thin as a sheet of paper.
I only take one about twice a week when I had too much water in my system. So, I finally looked lasix up the internet and it causes both leg cramps and dizziness. As a result I cooked up some diacritic type stuff with burdock, Hawthorne, dandelion root, chicory and black tea, along with taking cumin with Metamucil which all together has really calmed my gut down and stopped the loose stools. This has only been for the last few days, but have been feeling better than I have for the last couple of years. Who would have thought a tiny, tiny pill that you hardly pick up would cause so much trouble. Anyway, that has been good news, and I am sleeping better and actually feel like my body is healing instead of just hanging on. So, that is pretty much the news on my health. Other than that we spent time helping our daughter move into a better house on the Goguac Lake. I think they are getting tired of moving after something like 4 or 5 moves in the last 10 years or so.
My poor sister is still convinced that there is nothing unusual going on in the world. but, with the world, being guided by Trump, is slowly beginning to ascend toward more heavenly realms and I thing some of weirdness today has something to do with that. I guess that is not unusual for people to not realize anything unusual is going on, but at least they will wake and up and recognize, for God's sake, that something unusual is certainly going on with the politics, and that the world will never be the same again once Trump is satisfied he is an a position where he will be taking down the Satanists and horrible criminals in the world. I guess it sort "whatever". That is about it for now. Will go for now, have a great Saturday. Cordially, As
4-1-2024 The Faint Hearted of Holy Perception A Release of the Grat White Brotherhood
Dear Ms. Evra, and Ms. Emily Avril, the hard hearted:
It is a sad day indeed, judging by your last letter. Slam the door! Shut me out! Do what you want.
Extremism is not healthy. Where is the Christ reality or the practical, divine optimism in today's world if God is changing the world despite your abject, frail emotional structure? How is it that God is doing his magic on this world, and you, the supposed last word on Godly, bible predictions, has not the smallest awareness of the present (Armageddon prediction coming true) Will of God in action? Your rage smells of “shoot from the hip” kind of religious anxiety.
When under scrutiny, though, the shoot from the hip religions, who purport to have all the answers, appear in God's eye to be puffs of stale air from a child's expended balloons. Where is that wisdom now? Despite protestations to the contrary, God is here, now, anxiously watching the failings of hollow preaching, but never the less sending in the Armageddon cure despite an unpredictable, public frailness.
How can the world decipher what is and what is not God's World when churches deny his divine will when it is action? You seem to imply, that yesterday's biblical predictions are now today's hardened reality. While there is truth to this idea, you have missed the point of my initial query by a wide margin.
The original query I had for you was wondering if you could see God's hand in the progress of the very present Armageddon prediction, now emerging out of antiquity. A prediction, which is being assisted into action by no other than President Donald Trump. Yet by your very own reactions, we perceive that you do not, in your “shoot from the hip,” less than conservative interpretations of biblical predictions, actually know when predictions are arriving. The present Armageddon that is supposed to be eliminating evil from the world IS happening, with or without your belief or faith or trust in God. Even if all Armageddon is to accomplish is to do is solve a lot of problems for just 1,000 more years into the future, it is happening now.
So, now you have slammed the door shut between us in your fury due to reasons we of the GWB do not particularly appreciate. You have accused this writer of going to hell and that his and your ideas are different like black from white.
Yet you never did provide an answer as to whether you could detect a particular prediction coming true that is happening now under your very nose, the answer of which is you do not.
It does suggest a certain lapse in your understanding of biblical predictions. But there is also another suggestion that your large body of biblical knowledge is morphing into hysterical loneliness.
Your knee jerk reaction to Trump possibly having a particular divine blood line was to claim Jesus never had any children and that that somehow proved President Trump could not possibly have any of the Jesus blood line in his veins. But instead this “shoot from the hip” snap reaction has guided you into error and confusion.
The problem with shooting from the hip, in this instance, is that there was no need for Jesus to have children in order for Trump to have Jesus blood line. Eventually your desperation about this has you upset to the point you wrote to this writer about predictions having nothing to do with recognizing the incoming Armageddon topic at hand at all. It appears to us, rather, that appearing to be an expert on biblical lore was your main motivation.
But regarding Trump's blood line, all it takes for Trump to be in the blood line of Jesus is to be a descendant of one of Jesus brothers or sisters, and the bible clearly states Jesus did have at least 1 brother. At any rate, it appears your church's incessant, pre-programmed need to recklessly “shoot from the hip” style preaching is a chronic symptom for people with inferiority complex problems. Such over reactions on the part of “shoot from the hip” churches, on the whole, also reflects negatively on Christianity around the world. This unnecessary interference with the true word of God and God's actual presence on Earth is making it more difficult for the GWB, and the real “truth” preachers, to reach the people with the truth.
Anyway, so much for “shoot from the hip” Christianity. This is, of course, is summed up by the slammed shut door and claiming that this writer is going to Hell while you, dear sisters, will go to Heaven. This writer has no idea of what personal problems you have that produced all the confusion. Trump is not a reincarnation of Jesus, and is not a descendant of Jesus children as you pointedly exclaimed, but he is a "divinely chosen" descendant and does have the family blood of Jesus in his body.
Don't know what other hallucinated type agonies you are going through in your life, but typically, people who are rational certainly do not act with adolescent intensity and with wild accusations, all of which suggest there is other deep, deep fear of something in their lives.
But, as far as President Trump is concerned, the assumption is that whatever DNA “strand”, or whatever his blood has, it is a biblical important characteristic of the blood of God's true, original human archetype as designed by God. Biologically speaking, this presence of the divine “strand” in the divine blood line strongly implies these people are ancestors of the true human race created by God in the beginning. It is without question, according to the observations of the Great White Brotherhood, and our perusing of the akashic records, that the President is the true McCoy, as it were, with the Jesus strand and whatever in his body.
These people are the closest to God 's heart and the divine presence of God. And are, like Jesus, the best communicators and translators of the will of God as it is spoken and written throughout out the bible.
Like it or not, that somewhat exclusive group of divinely annointed people includes President Donald Trump. So, take some Pepto Bismal, say your prayers, and get a good nights sleep.
3-29-2029 Update - Had quite a time trying to communicate with my sister lately, and it just keeps going on and on.
I will tell her what I am thinking about the Armageddon and how it is playing out now, as far as I can see. Sent her a list of things I think are a part of the indications that the biblically predicted Armageddon is here, which she promptly throws out, so to speak, saying it is not true and she and I are different as black and white. Her reply to my sending me the list of items that were like Armageddon conflicts coming true today was even more startling when she reversed course and sent a bible description she thought matched what I was reporting, like I an no longer on her hit list and she now agrees with me.
It appears she looked each item and listed all the bible prophesies she could find that matched my observations. All that was really great that showed to me we were thinking along the same lines after all. All was OK except it seems weird to be agreed with while our differences are like black and white. At any rate, it is very tiring going mentally around in circles all the time. I still do not really know what she really thinks or why our differences are like black and white? Will probably never know. it all makes me feel very disoriented at times. I think a lot of unhappy karma between me and my sister must have something extreme somehow, that maybe happened around the time of the Roman Empire or something. Whatever, it the only way I can think that would cause the extreme dis-logic of the past few days.
Sometimes I think the world changing in profound ways affects by emotional perceptions of things going on in my life too. Things like Trump must still be president from what I have read over the last few years and he still seems to be the real president with Biden simply being allowed to show the people what asses the Satanist liberals really are. I have also concluded that the reason the libs are so totally blinded by rage is they are totally aware of the Satanists among them, like Hillary and Huma, are being hunted down, tried, and executed. I am pretty sure that is a main reason they hate Trump so much. Trump is simply dong away with the worst Satanist murderer scum and killers. That means each one of the ones left of the worst Satanists knows they will be "next" to meet their maker one of these days. It is the only thing I can think of that would make Biden and his Satanist buddies so totally blind with rage that they can't even imagine why the people do not like them. They are so blinded that they are losing the vote of their own democrats' for crying out loud.
I am certain the reason the lib "deep state leaders" hate Trump so much is because Trump is taking out child murderers and Satanist child killers as fast as he can find them. Like I have seen the arrests of these people jump to 200,000 a couple years after Trump took office, and lately the numbers have up to over 500,000 about 6 months to a year ago of arrests and trials of total deep state type Satanic killers and a lot of other less glamorous killers. Claims are that the military tribunals are executing the ones who refuse to cooperate, wile lesser maniacs are getting life in prison if not executed. There appear to be more deep state liberal Satanists who kill and eat kids than we can imagine (which have been regularly reported on the "underground" news). The NYPD found years ago on a video with Hillary and Uma Abadine terrorizing and mercilessly killing a little girl. So Trump and the military and police are hot on the trail of this kind of human trash who do not deserve to live.
Health wise have been having trouble off and on with my legs and being weak going up and down stairs. Figured out my arteries and getting plugged up again so have gone back on vinegar again and feel much better and stronger after a few days. Just getting started, of course, but I do feel a lot stronger. That has been helping a lot. Now I am hoping I can start sleeping better pretty soon. The last item is getting my computer running again. Turned out the reason it would no longer start was a dead "start up" battery you find on car key fobs we have with our car keys.
My homemade computer started acting up and after a little inspecting discovered that the little battery inside that is needed to start the computer went bad so put a battery that goes in our Toyota key chain fob also works in my computer, so got is going again.
That is about it for the evening. This is kind of rough, but I am going to hit the sack and hopefully get some sleep. Hope all are well. Have a good Saturday. Cordially, AS
1st edit
Intro to Expanding Telepathy Capalities 2024
This is an interesting subject that will become more useful as more and more strange things start happening in the future. One particular area is the expansion of the use of telepathy to communicate with between people of Earth on a pretty regular basis as time goes by.
My experience with telepathy started in around 1962 and to 1966, which was the year I resigned my Captain's position in the U.S. Army. At that time I had already been “saved” (by unknown powers) from a fall from around 1,000 feet when my parachute collapsed, providing little help from falling into the field in which I would land in.
After other episodes including walking up to a 6 foot rattlesnake in the Georgia woods and walking away without injury, which was nearly impossible when I stood within 2 feet of a snake that has the fastest strike of any snake in the world. Within a half hour after surviving the snake ordeal, the “guys” had killed the rattle snake and we went up to the landing zone to wait for our aircraft go pick us up. About 5 minutes after arrival we were radioed that “our” aircraft we were waiting for collided with each other killing everyone on board both helicopters.
To make the story shorter, I was separated from my favorite platoon (when I was still a Lieutenant), just before leaving for Viet Nam on Ship from the east coast. It was obvious someone was watching over me by then. After arriving in Viet Nam, the next day, I met my old, favorite platoon Sgt. for the last time as he and my whole old platoon, including their new platoon leader, were wiped out to the last man the next day. After that “radio department” duties temporarily, and then was assigned to a new platoon, and before I could join them half of my new platoon were killed within less than a week after I was assigned to them. At any rate, shortly thereafter I started having telepathic communications with a voice that I could not identify.
The upshot of this dissertation is that, even though I was assigned to higher headquarters and never went back to the front lines again, weird things kept happening. Although another incident happened that saved me from certain death (when I found a piece of cast iron about 2 inches long on the ground aimed at me bed from the night before), what had to be an angel told me, as I picked up the shrapnel, that “an angel grabbed it out of the air and put it next the hole left by the hole the mortar round had made. Then, the voice, a few weeks later, told me that they had saved my life up to then, but “they” could no longer protect me if I did not resign my highly valued commission and return to civilian life. That certainly made it clear that my life had been saved so many times because the “powers that be,” needed me to be doing other work, which, of course, led to more “telepathic” work.
Now, it appears, decades later (and being 84 hears old), I look back and know that I was supposed to be connected with these ethereal beings. In fact, that became official when I agreed to work for them and they would be sure to help me survive upcoming open heart surgery. Here, some 20+ years later, They have have stood by me through 2 open heart surgeries and an near lethal heart attack more recently which caused me to lose 30% of my heart function. Now, some 60 years after “1st contact,” they, the Great White Brotherhood, have asked my to write about how to become more telepathic and remain safe while doing so.
With the new Earth arriving as the planet ascends into the heavens, it is clear telepathy will be needed to communicate in the new world where the world will be much less physical (as she migrates into Heavenly realms). And, with all the help I have received, I am , of course, am unable to say no to those who stood my me until I arrived here, some 60+ years latter. (TBC)
edit #9 -
Christ Love Victory 3-18b-2024 PUB.odt
edit #10 Updated, finalized 3-18-2924
The Christ Love
Shall Not Be Denied
A Release of the Great White Brotherhood (GWB)
(This article claim does not claim President Trump, General Patton or President Kennedy or anyone else are reincarnations of Jesus Christ. They are blood relatives only.)
Dear Ms. Evra, and Ms. Emily Avril, the Hard Hearted: To come immediately to the point, where is your faith that God can save the Earth from the Armageddon. This had been a very nice day today until I spoke with you. I did not expect such gloom and doom from a "Christian." I was very, deeply disappointed in your likely jealousy of "good news" reporters who are on the spot and able to report President Trump's blood lineage with Jesus. This certainly encourages my view of what the likely cause for your condition actually is. It certainly does seem to be the likely cause of your gloomy outlook on life.
It also seems to me a true Christian would be ecstatic that President Trump is in the lineage of Jesus. It seems to me that God has provided a sort of "Christian Faith (Reinforcer)” that is surely meant to renew the people's faith in God and that HE is actually and strongly looking out for the welfare of the people.
Why should the revelation be anything other than a good omen sent to us by God himself? It certainly can be a very very, very good omen that God and Christ are clearly planning on a God victory over the Armageddon. That is also what we of the GWB, see with our “ascended” eyes. To be sure, then, Donald Trump, who is the real president of the people, is asking for support and respect from you, and the people.
It is hoped and prayed, here in Heaven, you will provide a solid, positive sign that you support Trump to be the world "God's Will" leader. That you support President Trumps extremely detailed plan to "take out," and destroy the world of Satanism on Earth, for good. Let us then, proceed with what appears to be a new education for many of the "Christians" and other people of God's Will for Earth that will raise the Faith of the people and support God's Will plans for Earth.
If he, Jesus, does not get that support and appreciation from the majority of humanity, and humanity does not openly recognize the sacrifices He, Jesus Christ, has made for us," the ungrateful people of Earth will never be allowed by God to move closer to the realms of Heaven. Thus, when gloomy dark spirited people are called upon, and they ungratefully refuse to recognize the Christ spirit in this critically important leader, and they fail to understand he is one who is a critically important leader in the Heavenly scheme to set Earth free.
Such blindness and lack of faith in God's methods to set Earth free from world Satanic domination, demonstrates a lack greatfulness for what has already been received. It is as if the people accept Heavenly candy but are unable to say to God: "Thank you Lord."
Failure to correct this act of lack of gratitude toward God and Christ can create a worldwide dark spirit that will cut off the souls of Earth from God's protection. If YOU, a purported Christian, cannot distinguish the works of God, standing before your very gaze on your I-Phones and televisions, who can? This constitutes a rejection of the Christ spirit when it is doing its most important work yet, to save the world.
It would constitute a rejection of President Trump's Divine heritage and divine presence. This would also be a direct insult to God and his benevolent concern for His Children who fail, by design or by accident, to honor our infinite God. President Trump is most certainly one of our Lord's primary and top "God's Will" handyman, being an incarnation of "God's Will" in the flesh.
You are his children, created by a Father/ Mother God, and guarded and cared for by the Christ spirit. The apparent potential, unexpected spreading lack of interest in Trump's lineage will be corrected one way or another, for Trump's supreme efforts will be rewarded, with our without support from the people of Earth.
By not honoring the true God and his son Jesus Christ and their highest ranking helpers, as they stand before you on your phones and TVs, ready to save your lives, is what you could also describe as the failure of the Children of God to overcome their dark, groaning lack of Godly initiative.
It must be understood that defeating the Armageddon is not accomplished until Satan and his minions have been vanquished to the last, extremely vicious Satanist on Earth. There may be a potential for victory, but there will be no guarantee of victory for a lazy, self induced spiritually blind public.
Failure of today's modern "Children of Light" to recognize the Jesus lineage in President Trump can have disastrous consequences. The result may likely be the what the GWB agonizes over the most, that a spiritually lazy public may not be able to do their part to help save themselves or the world. They may not be able to turn the tide away from the error of having no concern regarding what happens to their fellow man.
In such an extreme case the good Lord God may be forced to cancel the American experiment all together, and justifiably, allow the built up centuries of neglect and hatred on Earth to trigger the worst effects of the Armageddon. That does indeed constitute a tumbling down of our civilization in a true Armageddon disaster of Atlantis proportions. And, we hasten to add, it will also be caused, in large part due to a the lack of faith and gratitude for all God and Jesus has done for us over the past thousand and more years.
In spite of this gloomy picture, God himself has sent us a being with extraordinary political and business and economic capabilities capable of saving the world; IF the people demonstrate to our Lord that the world is important enough to be worth the effort of being saved. Thus we plead with you to please help us and President Trump to make sure Earth survives!
But, ladies, truthfully, I did not know you were such doubters of Jesus ability to reach out to the people through his ancestry and really do good works. When asked to help the President, your answer was: "Maybe?" – (Thus, we say “Really?”)
Let us not, then, corrupt our relationship with the almighty by ill considered, snap judgments simply because the truth was not your idea or to your liking. By hasty forgetfulness of the need to love God in return for the love of Christ we receive daily, we put our Divine feet into the lonely, deadly quicksand's of time. So, let us send our appreciation to our creator: “That ye may approve things that are excellent; that ye may be sincere and without offence till the day of Christ.” Philippians 1:10
Yet, today, with our "I" phones and endless attractions provided by the evil ones, who pull your attention away from your God and Saviour, it can be said again that:
"9But these two things shall come to thee in a moment in one day, the loss of children, and widowhood: they shall come upon thee in their perfection for the multitude of thy sorceries, and for the great abundance of thine enchantments.
"10For thou hast trusted in thy wickedness: thou hast said, None seeth me. Thy wisdom and thy knowledge, it hath perverted thee; and thou hast said in thine heart, I am, and none else beside me.
"11Therefore shall evil come upon thee; thou shalt not know from whence it riseth: and mischief shall fall upon thee; thou shalt not be able to put it off: and desolation shall come upon thee suddenly, which thou shalt not know." Isaiah 47
What lies in the balance is the question, will Earth become another Babylon or not?
For the inveterate doubters we continue with our observations and maybe even a revelation or two that may be to your liking. For instance:
It was not by accident that President Trump, with his successful election just happened to block the evil Biden political ascendency for four more years. It is not by accident that in these later days you were able to graphically compare the God's Will Trump leadership being destroyed by Biden's evil when he suddenly reversed Trump's more divine policies which improved the lives of most Americans.
It was not by accident that President Trump avoided assassination (like that which happened to his "look alike" in Mara Largo, several ago). It has been no accident, on the other hand, that Trump has managed to avoid being removed from the 2,000 election by the Nazis or Communists in the CIA (like happened to President Kennedy). Since Americans have no suspicion that reports exist about assassination of one kind or another, like what Nazis did to the Twin Towers, or how they managed to get both Bush Nazis elected. And that Bush II was likely elected thanks to the Murder of one of the Supreme Court Justices. People DO ignore these kinds of reports by calling everything negative “conspiracy theories”. People MUST to pay attention to these kinds of reports, for many are far more accurate than the people think. (So, beware of the "conspiracy theory lable").
One may conclude that the stakes are very high in this election, but strangely, apparently no new assassinations have taken place. One could also conclude that the Earth's apparent situation, has been like a make believe semi truck rolling over and over, as it rolled a mountain side. Yet, against all odds the semi has remained undamaged and President Trump is still with us, hail and hearty. One might conclude that something akin to "divine excellence" has entered the Earth's otherwise extremely shaky (downhill rolling semitruck) public mind "pool."
Therefor, out of our appreciation for the divine biblical provision of incoming “divine excellence”, why don't you show your gratitude to Jesus, thanking God and Jesus for sending a very smart Jesus lineage leader like President Trump, and promise you will do whatever you can to support God and Christ through the Heavenly, Divine offices of President Trump and through strong prayers. WE ask you to pray for the instigation or implementation of the world's clear gratitude for services received from God's son, Jesus Christ of Nazareth, and Christed relative, President Trump, and do so with a voice that will rattle the rafters of Heaven itself.
And, by all means, gratefully help the president, who is a clear descendant of true Jesus the Christ, and do so in ways that show that the world's lazy, silly uncomprehending Children of Light are a minority to be forgiven.
Let us remember that the creators of the ingratitude we send our Lord's way will not be allowed to enter the portals of Heaven itself.
And most of all, strongly and deliberately send prayers to the Heart of God and Christ, strongly urging God's Will be done, and bring an end to the faltering Faith of the people of Earth before another Armageddon con occur. Pray that the evil and worldly crass denial of the presence of the Christ spirit in President Trump will no longer to be allowed on planet Earth again. T-GWB
Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of March 19, 2024
'This Cabal power has been held in 34 Satanic Structures"
"March 19, 2024 Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of March 19, 2024
JUDY NOTE: We await a misleading depiction of World War III – an orchestrated chaos that will serve as a catalyst for activation of Alliance Military forces around the world – which will unleash a torrent of events that will bring the Cabal to its knees.
· The Emergency Broadcast System (or Emergency Alert System) will activate and usher in Project Odin – a Alliance Military Operation that will dismantle and neutralize the Cabal’s hold on global power.
· This Cabal power has been held in 34 Satanic Structures around the World that were now targeted to collapse, including the Vatican, Buckingham Palace, White House and China’s Three Gorges Dam.
· These Events will include destruction of the Mainstream Media Satellite Network that has been at the center of global manipulation. Every major media channel on the planet will be taken over by the Alliance to broadcast documentaries.
· For ten days in those documentaries everything will be revealed on Crimes Against Humanity of Global Elites, political institutions and the Vatican. The final three days will reveal suppressed extraterrestrial life Patents and the new Earth.
· These Events will be the linchpin of the Quantum Star Link system, a quantum leap in technology that promises to redefine our world. These systems are protected by secret space programs that operate beyond the reach of the Cabal, ensuring their integrity and security.
· The NESARA/GESARA funds owed to The People will finally see the light of day, while The People will be entrusted with the monumental task of rebuilding a long-oppressed world.
· Fri. 15 March 100 Countries on High Alert for Massive Military Strike on Global Elite Arrests, Quantum Gold Launch and Three Day Global Shutdown: Over 100 countries have been placed on high alert as General Flynn takes the helm, leading a coalition of 17 nations in what is being described as the world’s largest military parade. This unprecedented assembly of force is reportedly in preparation for mass detentions of global and political elites, with charges signed at the International Court of Justice in The Hague. The charges? A litany of accusations ranging from corruption to involvement in human trafficking networks, implicating figures as high as Hunter Biden and, allegedly, his father, Joe Biden......."
edit 2.5
March 10, 2024
Regarding Project 2025 on Christianizing America
by getting Trump to make America
a religion other than a nation.
To the Captain: I found this on NewsBreak: Shocking Online Manifesto Reveals Project 2025’s Link to a Coordinated ‘Christian Nationalism Project’
Hi N: I agree. Shocking for sure. I like your observation regarding Project 2025.
Interesting organization. But here is what caught my attention the right away. One is the use of "Nationalism" in their "project's" name. Nazism has long, since WWII, been associated with "nationalism, where the state or Nation, not law, decides what is right or wrong. I.E., Nazi has has long been associated with Nationalism and the murderous "Nazi's.
This indicates to me that this outfit is likely so extreme there is no way they will get Trump to implement their Nazi--fied manifesto, assuming Trump elected. He will never put up with that nonsense. They are likely way to far to the right, like the Nazis, where they seem to even want to put "Christian" leaders in charge of enforcing what I presume would be their new laws and legal system, as far as I can tell. That is what Nazis do.
TAnother immediate thought is I read the manifesto was Project 2025 sounds like a dreamland idea from the Biden outfit. Or, even more, sounds just like the the Muslims and their Sharia law.
Sharia is just an interpretation of Muslim beliefs instead of Christian beliefs. While I love God and Christianity, throwing out an unperfect, but generally reasonable, legal system that is mostly fair, is a dangerous operation to perform. While I respect the true presence of God in "God's" religions, ideas like Project 2025 are dangerous for the country and the freedom of the people, in my opinion.
I have to ask, in a purely hypothesized "Christian" legal system like Project 2025, just whose "humanized," divine mind produces the theory, of what constitute punishable crimes. A major, major problem is that both Mohamad and Christ are no longer here. So, whose views should prevail of what is legal and what is not legal? A landslide of "judgments will be needed to simply write the new laws that would most likely confuse the public and law enforcement alike. You can imagine the agony and likely terror when people who know little about what would be right and wrong, start being basically, arbitrarily arrested for laws they likely don't know exist! Then, why a new Christian 2025 system at all? This is already a Christian country. If that is such a problem, why not just change over to a established body of law like Sharie? I for one do not like that idea. And, regardless of what system we chose, what are new crimes to be, (or what are the new, accompanying punishments if one is found guilty).
Like the Project 2025 says: " “Christian Nationalism is a set of governing principles rooted in Scripture’s teaching that Christ rules as supreme Lord and King of all creation, who has ordained civil magistrates with delegated authority to be under Him, over the people, to order their ordained jurisdiction by punishing evil and promoting good for His own glory and the common good of the nation.”
And Sharia Law says: ".... The (Sharia) law represents a divinely ordained path of conduct that guides Muslims toward a practical expression of religious conviction in this world and the goal of divine favor in the world to come." Sharia | Definition, Law, & Countries
Sharia, the fundamental religious concept of Islam—namely, its law. The religious law of Islam is seen as the ex...
What's the difference other than the names of religions involved? They are both totalitarian approaches to the law. The big question that always comes up in my mind, with this kind of is blathering, which Nazi will be the Godly being who decides and enforces extremist religious opinions on what is right or wrong?
The term " ‘Christian Nationalism Project’ carries unhappy implications. Nationalist often associated with Nazism. As I recall, Nazi stands for "National Socialist German Workers' Party," or also referred to as "nationalists."
"Nationalism is an idea and movement that holds that the nation should be congruent with the state)
Naziism /-si.ɪzəm/),[1] the common name in English for National Socialism
Unofrtunaely the German Nazis were big on gas chambers and shooting people if you gave them the a fully justified index "finger," as it were! So, some people seem bent on creating another nationalist government, now in the Unite States
Ye Gods. Time to say a thousand or two prayers. I never heard of this particular Nazi group befor, (the name of which stands for The National Socialist German Workers' Party
Sorry for carrying on but with my experience of holding a lot of court hearings and preliminary hearing cases, I felt at home discussing the matter. Thanks for the info.
(3-10-2024 Update after article)
Here is very interesting info
who specialize in Biblical family trees.
(Plus a special request from President Trump)
Do you know who the Trump's or Elvis' or the Lincoln's or the Patton's (George) really are?
Now, here is something to think about. The Kahlooni Family: Who would have guessed who the Kahloonis' Family really are?
The ANTI Satanic, pro God Kahlooni Family Tree:It's always been good versus evil... While there have been evil families, there are also powerfully good families... See the resemblance?
"PRESIDENT TRUMP IS ASKING EVERYONE TO FORWARD THIS BELOW family tree information article TO A MINIMUM OF 20 PEOPLE, and to ask each of those to do likewise. In three days, most people in the United States will have the message. This is an idea that should be passed around, regardless of political party." [Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of March 8, 2024]
Continuing: Only the shy blanch at the thought of dreaded theories, which is what the Satanic mind has programmed far too many people to do. But, it is a requirement of the incoming new age to resist the need to shy away from becoming better informed. Your life could depend on your being well informed. There is a whole host of a much larger and very very real "conspiracy theories" than people may have expected, and volumes of new true information are to come out in the future. At present, though, we begin with: -- President's message follows below:
· "Thurs. 7 March Donald J. Trump Office Live on Telegram: “I'm sure that it's just a coincidence that Bush Senior became the Director of the CIA and the CIA factually themselves killed JFK. This is the same man who talked openly about a New World Order. Everything is connected. That's what people need to understand. The web of corruption was so sinister that only God can and will truly save us. Yet we've already made tremendous progress, especially in The Awakening”.
· "Speaking in late 2020, World Economic Forum founder, Klaus Schwab, announces his desire to restructure and redesign "the post-Corona era. We have to make the world much greener. We have to put all our energy behind de-carbonization, in order to avoid a major catastrophe in the future. One thing is clear: We cannot come back to the old normal. We have to use this opportunity. We definitely will have to face other surprises—black swans, as they are called. Maybe different kinds of viruses".
· "This is an actual headline by a 2013 UN NPR Report, “Edible Insects: Future Prospects for Food and Feed Security.” The conspiracy theory is that a shadow Global Elite conspires to control the World population in part by forcing them to eat insects. It's not a "conspiracy theory" when the "shadowy global elite" are completely transparent about their agenda to propagandize people into eating insects, as demonstrated by the 2013 UN report.
· "Did You Know: The largest shareholders for Xcel Energy Inc.(XEL) are the same hedge funds/banks who also have ownership in many of the railroads and chemical giants responsible for Environmental Warfare in the United States over the last 3 years. It is worth noting that Xcel Energy admitted today that its equipment was likely involved in the start of what is now the largest “wildfires” in Texas history.
· "Thurs. 7 March: 57% of American voters believe Joe Biden is likely to have profited from deals with companies linked to the Chinese government. 35% of voters think this is unlikely. Now we know 35% of Americans are very ignorant liberals. It’s the only explanation!........................"
· On Fri. 15 March the new gold/asset-backed US Note could be available to the General Public and will replace the old Federal Reserve fiat US Dollar in ATM machines.
· It was also likely that on that same Fri. 15 March Restitution and Rebate monies will begin to be paid out and Social Security increases will begin.
· Wed. 20 March would end the ten days of Disclosure.
B. PRESIDENT TRUMP IS ASKING EVERYONE TO FORWARD THE BELOW TO A MINIMUM OF 20 PEOPLE, and to ask each of those to do likewise. In three days, most people in the United States will have the message. This is an idea that should be passed around, regardless of political party. [Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of March 8, 2024]Serving in Congress is an Honor and Privilege NOT a Career. The Founding Fathers envisioned citizen legislators should serve their term(s), then go home and go back to work … not get all kinds of freebies.
Regarding the long anticipated first indications NESARA is getting closer: ..............· "On Fri. 15 March the new gold/asset-backed US Note could be available to the General Public and will replace the old Federal Reserve fiat US Dollar in ATM machines.
· "It was also likely that on that same Fri. 15 March Restitution and Rebate monies will begin to be paid out and Social Security increases will begin.
· "Wed. 20 March would end the ten days of Disclosure.
"B. PRESIDENT TRUMP IS ASKING EVERYONE TO FORWARD THE BELOW TO A MINIMUM OF 20 PEOPLE, and to ask each of those to do likewise. In three days, most people in the United States will have the message. This is an idea that should be passed around, regardless of political party.
"Serving in Congress is an Honor and Privilege NOT a Career. The Founding Fathers envisioned citizen legislators should serve their term(s), then go home and go back to work … not get all kinds of freebies. Forward President Trump's message (or this whole email which already includes the president's message: "B. PRESIDENT TRUMP IS ASKING EVERYONE TO FORWARD THE BELOW TO A MINIMUM OF 20 PEOPLE. Or, you can forward the internet address of the Whole message at: Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of March 8, 2024
3-10-2024-- Update: Lately have been treating my candida infection which I have had my whole life. Am using 5 to 15 grams of garlic soft gels a day that are definitely helping me feel better and think more clearly. Straightened out gut irritations. Also to get the outer protective layer dissolved off of garlic candida cells itself, I am taking 1 to 2 tablespoons of coconut oil along with the garlic. The caprylic in the coconut oil is what strips the protective layer off of the candida cells. C is in B.C. helping our daughter move. Believe or not but they have moved several times in the past 10 years, and this move from Fla. to B.C. was I believe their 5th move, or something like that. He is a celebrity in BC and missed his "fans" and family in B.C. So, here they are, back in B.C., on the lake. Other than that, there is not much more other than my trying for the "umpteenth" time to get my office organized. I may be able to build computers and sort out thinking ideas fairly well, but forget being organized with my office and basement. Very frustrating. Have followed Biden's agonies and it makes me sick to see what a buffoon and totally incompetent liar and president we have. No wonder the had to cheat like hell to get him elected One gets theidea that we have the most evil vicious liberals in charge who are clearly destroying the country with the Nazi/Communist power grabbing. But, I do believe that is about to change, big time. I guess there is not much more to delve into at the moment. That is about it for now. Hope all are well. Have a good Cordially, AS
3-5-2024 -- Poison Meds by Dr. Ardis
To:Cody Richardson,Nancy Clock,Lesley Carol Fields,Keith Newburry,Keith Sarverand 5 more...
Cc:Carol E Smith,Joy Boots,Allen Smith,Diane Cull,Tom & Judith Branchand 6 more...
Tue, Mar 5 at 8:22 PM
Poison Meds by Dr. Ardis Over the years we have talked about why we don't trust “medical” drugs. Maybe our intuition is more rare than we have thought. I guess one other factor can be added to our frustration is where a lot of people don't particularly want to know what the facts actually are. Too many just don't listen or pay attention to what is really going on.
As the good doctors points out, he and his associates can list the poisoned medicines and who the so called inventors are by name. They can tell the names of who manufactures the killer “medicines” They can give you the names of the companies that produce which bad drugs. They can tell you the names of people who have died from their dreadful diseases
Yet, the most people can care less about these horrible, horrible criminals who will kill them if these criminals are not stopped.
Here is a larger story about the people's inhumanity to even themselves and their children and parents and so on, when they do not want to know enough to even protect themselves. Maybe this video it will be clear enough to wake up our families too. As mentioned, the problem of bad drugs is far, far beyond what we have talked about. The good doctor's video is the most informed report I have seen : Must watch video.
DR BRIAN ARDIS; A HERO FOR MILLIONS OF PEOPLE WITH CHARLIE WARDThinking of buying gold or switching your 401k to Gold visit and speak to Adam and James ...
3-3-2024 World Ascension:
"What will world Ascension mean? Here is a sort of “primer” article for people who are just beginning to fathom what world Ascension means......
"Of course, an individual is an individual and therefore, one’s ‘changes’ will depend on how that individual chooses to conduct one’s life, no matter what is taking place upon your Planet. That will never change.
"The Phases, of which there are Five, will take you on journeys as yet unknown … and within the period of the time these take, many aspects of Self will morph into a Higher grade of Self … eventually. There are to be Truths revealed that will disturb the psyche of Each One. Much confusion on many levels will incur as one tries to decipher all that is presented. There will still be those, even though evidence is presented, that will refuse to believe that which is before their very eyes.
Will they think, whatever it is, is CGI, AI etc.?
"For a short while. Yet, when it is ‘evident’ that there is no such trickery taking place, there shall be a process of processing all that needs to be processed!
For quite a while, many shall sit in a numbified status not knowing what to think, believe, or, where to turn. Yet, KNOW, Dearest Souls …
"...............The article goes on to say: "When it arrives, one can choose to look upon it as a HUGE step in the right direction, even though everything one is seeing, hearing, and experiencing is appearing as the opposite.
"Yet, we Trust many of you know better than to fall for the narrative as to the why all things are happening. Behind the scenes, preparation has been taking place on an unimaginable scale … so that when the lid blows off … the Divine Plan will be one of reassurance."That’s good to know, for it feels like many would not be able to cope with what is to be told, and we don’t really know who exactly is going to be doing the telling. So, you are saying that alongside of the Truth being revealed, there will also be revelations as to how the world carries on from there?
"This is correct. Obviously, it cannot be plain sailing. No one, on or off Planet, knows how the reactions of each individual will present and therefore, one cannot gauge the Energies that will be ‘in uproar’ and how this may affect the WHOLE regarding moving forward.
"Hindrances are to be taken into account.
"To try and keep on course with the question. It is for you to know that the ‘changes in Self’ … are to be wonderous "This is a process which has to occur in order for your world to move forward. So, as with everything … in time … your time … all that has radically shocked and rocked your entire Planet, …................." Taken from:
More at: The Federation of Light: Global Scope
Posted on 03/03/2024 by EraOfLight
New Sacred Connections: 3-1-2024
Here is St. Germain on how to create deeper, sacred connections with Heaven. Irregardless of what your churches teach. Here is information on what the world is being prepared to learn. So, let me state from the outset that I have read a lot of different ascended masters teachings, and St. Germain is THE top master of the Violet Flame of Heaven and God, and knows, as I have learned from experience, how to guide us away from confusion and uncertainty in our quest for divine understanding.
(Teachings from a member of the Great White Brotherhood, St. Germain.)
Keeping in mind that the world is starting to ascend into the “Heavens,:” and regardless of what churches teach, here is what one ”already” ascended master has to say about the process of ascension in his article:“ “How To Create New Connections.”
“One thing in the ascension process now is this energy of ease…of flowing…of effortless vibrations…effortless experiences. It’s almost about inviting you to know that you can make connections by simply being present with yourself. You can say to yourself, ‘now, I am present with myself…with who I AM…with my essence and this allows me to make the connections that are needed and necessary at this time.’
It is important to recognize that as you create this focus of connection, of openness and trust, that you may also find yourself feeling quite lost or unsure of the next stages of your ascension. These are all symptoms of the energies that are coming forth, and encouraging you to experience a greater connection and a greater oneness.......” More at:
Update: 2-27-2024
The Tide is turning fast.
These Byington reports are supported by the Great White Brotherhood
Here is an update from Judy Byington, telling about really big things starting which interpret into Trump's ore or less secrete, world wide, nation by nation sweep is under way, meaning all major corrupt big shots of the world have pretty much been identified and now are themselves targets of the world, including Satanists, are being collected by the thousands. They are being detained in thousands of jail cell type facilities around the world, while waiting trial.
Here are some of Ms. Byington's reports, which, by the way, show signs of being the real McCoy. Sounds like Trump is on a roll, and has been far, far, far busier preparing to take out the “deep state” than anyone may have imagined!
·” 100’s of Countries on High Alert. Thousands of Globalists to be Arrested. Blackout, Lockdown Confirmed. It’s The End. Game Over…Trump: WTPN SITUATION UPDATE 2/26/24 (
"· A Massive Storm was hitting 48 US states this week. Cross-country storm to bring severe weather, mountain snow, high winds next week | Fox Weather
"· The Military Alliance was collapsing the Deep State operations of the New World Order that were connected to CIA and their Global Elite organizations such as the UN and DAVOS. FULL Storm Operations to end World corruption took effect Christmas Eve of 2016 and continued until now. They were in the final phase. …White Hat Intel on Telegram Sat. 24 Feb.
"· Mon. 26 Feb. BREAKING! Bank Collapse Imminent: 90% Facing Risk Of Failure – JPMorgan Chase Bank Collapse, Silicon Bank Collapse, Citizens Bank Collapse – Bank Collapse Spells Doom for Housing Market and Economy - American Media Group (
"· The CIA built twelve Secret Spy Bases in Ukraine and has waged a shadow war there for the last decade.
· Head of the British Branch of the Rothschild Dynasty, Jacob Rothchild, has died at age 87. In one of his last public appearances he admitted, "My family created Israel (for the purpose of creating continuous wars from which we profit both sides of".) · Mon. 26 Feb. White Hats Were Bringing Down the Fed, Charlie Ward:
"· Judy Note: A High Up Contact and other valid sources have indicated that the Cabal capitulated Thurs. 22 Feb. Trump then confirmed and released the final phase of The Plan, which was now in motion with assets in place. The Plan would continue without interruption until the end. There was no turning back. …..........”
More at:
That is about it for now. Also, have been getting over some plugged up kidney problems and have gotten kidney cleansing supplements that are helping a lot. Like, what next. Everything seems to be quite treatable so things are looking good. Doesn't appear be be anything too bad, mainly I have to quite drinking soda pop which I should not have been doing to start with. Hope to get going on the article I started last night, unless the subject gets suddenly changed by the GWB. Have a great Tuesday. Cordially, AS
That is about it for now. Hope to get going on the article unless the subject gets suddenly changed by the GWB. Have a great Tuesday. Cordially, AS
2nd edit
The Putin Enigma - (The Better Dictator)
A Release of the Great White Brotherhood
It would not be far from the truth to say that Satanists have two focuses in life which include murder and drinking blood. To achieve these focuses, Murder is standard procedure, as well keeping the murderer /murderers hidden from the minds of the sleepy citizens of Earth.
One can also include in Satanic evils the falsifying of people's backgrounds. The Satanist leaders run the rest of us around, deliberately setting us up against each other (i.e. - liberals v conservatives, for example, and we comply with Satanists and by killing our supposed enemy in Satanic controlled war, and even in world wars). They set us up to do their killing for them. They set up some people to do their prison sentences for them.
Satanists run our world and change the shape of the world to suit their purposes.
That is the premise we need to work with if we want to understand the Satanists we ALL have to live with for a little while longer!
These twisted games have been played by the “KABAL, i.e., the old time bankers, industrialists, and the Satanic leaders who have been managing Earth and nations for millennia. These are the KABAL folks, who are ever present, and who create the synthetic appearance or staged managed innuendos and misguidance that describes what we generally call “the evening news.” A major part of their tactics includes is the how Satanists have a miraculous way of nudging us to believe the truth is not “here,” but elsewhere.
For instance, one of the Satanic maneuvers Satanists are not telling you about evil liberals or conservatives are bad. The let you do that for yourself. They put horrible, criminal, misleading accusations for liberals on the news, to be for conservative consumption. They tend to put conservative crimes, on one news for conservative consumtion. They put equally misleading news of supposed liberal chicanery on the conservative nightly news. And, conversely put misleading, dirty politics of the liberals on the conservative news. It works not because the news is telling you the truth or lies. It works because the Satanists cleverly leaving out enough info of both sides sins, and let you fill in the not so visible blanks, or in other words, let you fill in the blanks with you vivid imagination. They let YOU convert, ujsing your own imagination that hides the evils your own parties evils. In other words, the Satanists “allow” you assume the worst about your opponents with hateful vigor.
This sounds almost too simple to work, but on sleepy Americans, it works all too well, thank you.
The game of hiding the truth in the midst of a larger, nearly complete view of the world and its people, is manipulated just enough to help you get your dander up.
I suppose you could say that people who listen too closely to the news emotionally fall into a Satanic world where the truth is what the Satanics want it to be, while the people of the world may only have a small idea of what is really going on.
As a “for instance, Did you vote for Bush I or Bush II or someone else?
Did you know that they were both Nazis with Nazi killer instincts. For example, Bush purportedly had Kennedy killed. Bush II reportedly knocked down the twin towers. Yet, they were both presidents of the good ole U.S.A., and apparently still in good standing with the conservatives. This kind of confusion over who is who in the world of vicious leaders and who are considered good leaders, highlights the true problems of a world generally and secretly run using news releases where certain aspects of the candidates are instigating false beliefs in certain politicians character. This separation from reality is emphasized where certain items left out of the news. Information that Prescott Bush (Grampa Bush) was a Nazi and supported Hitler with guns and war equipment in WWII to the point congress passed a special law to prevent the "aiding the enemy" activity.
When I was a high school history addict, and learning about these altering of perspectives found in the nightly news: And, shortly after WWII was over, by following the lineage articles about the Bush family, and then reading about them over the years, their true character became outrageously obvious. When, however, we look a "Russia," new information emerges. As time went by it became apparent in what I was reading that in the 1940's and 50's that anyone who gained power in Russia were a different of breed of human compared to the the American Leaders of that period.
For first hand observation going back to the 1950's, when I was a paper boy, politics in Russian, and the fight for Russian leadership went on and ,to be the top dictator, it seemed to boil down to kill or be killed until one "candidate" remained. To us Americans, at least, there seemed to us that there was no good way to get into the ranks of power in Russia. It did not seem to matter who reported what in the early days of modern day pre-modern Russia. To Americans, because Russian murder was the ever present specter of that time, and constant neglect of the people was rampant, there was not enough food to eat, or not enough friends you could trust. But then, the secret, evil society we call the KABAL in more recent times, under president Johnson, some mysterious, temporarily unnamed persons murdered some of our best people with the murder of Rev. Martin Luther King. This leads to a logical question: Just what was the difference in political methods in comparing Russia and the U.S.A.?
The big surprise, in Russia, was that around the 1990's the soviet Union came across our news media as implying, at least, that socially acceptable murder of their leaders was a basic political weapon. Over time this evil idea ushered in new leaders with a little take on things in Russia. It was not, however, until a newer breed of leader appeared on the Russia leadership roles we began to see potentially good changes in the Russian leadership selection methods.
That, regardless of the potentially CIA influenced history found in the news releases of the day, this positive notion of better Russian leadership and quality of living, that raised expectations of the hungry and mistreated Russian citizens, and created a new hope for Russia's future. And, like it or not, a few Russian leaders took on a gentler, more soft spoken attitude toward the Russian citizens. This new approach, where hope arose among the Russian people that Russia might eventually be rich like America. New leaders began to successfully guide Russia out of its dictator type government. This new way of governing obviously was more popular with the Russian citizens. And, like it or not, Putin emerged as the over all leader of the infantile, more compassionate Russianized “American” dream.
It may be hard to believe, but sometimes even bad people, who were of uncertain Putin's politics, can turn the tide of evil times, and help improve their country and improve life for the people. That becomes reflected in considering the “old times” of Russia where this new change of leadership attitude toward their citizens would have seen a continuing improvement in the Russian people's expectations. Expectations which included hope for better financial situation for the people, and an end to the countries war instigating psychology. It was a hope for an end to almost continual food shortages and shortages of other products which were annoyingly easily purchased in the United States. This was a hope for a better life was not to be denied.
Up to the 1990's, for the most part, too many Russians lived on war like, near starvation diets, even during times of peace . The Putin era of improvement in Russia, after the 1990's, simply could not have happened if their new crop of (Putin era) leaders practiced Biden type leadership, that included Russian, old time murder for political control. Nevertheless, Americans have held onto the view that Russian leadership has never changed for the better.
One might suspect, however, that there are KABAL reasons for failing to emphasize the dramatic change in the attitudes of the Russian leaders of yesteryear. For instance, a quiet, unnoticed shadow of CIA meddling in world affairs has helped keeping peace in the world be a lost dream. For instance why the lack of interest in finding ways to promote a peaceful world? We can ask, for instance, where are the heroic, news worth stories about how Russians overcame their worst leadership problems to try better leadership methods? This appears to be one of those infamous “missing link” stype KABAL nightly news reporting.
Still, not much has appeared over the years in how the world could find its way to global peace. Nevertheless, the news casts suggesting how a more peaceful Russian government bodes well for the people of the whole world,has rarely if ever been a major topic in American news. It would have been very helpful in uniting the world in peace if the nightly news reported the progress Russia has been making toward a more sound, internal, national peace.
In contrast to Russia, the U.S. inner peace has been trashed by our criminal, federal court system that continually sides with border crossing criminals. Yet, no move is being made to close down our criminal courts which join the traitors of the United States in protecting the criminals. Street living American soldiers, on the other hand, have to stand by and watch as big cities put criminals in lusury hotels. And government owned properties and parks are turned into slums.
But instead, the major “news worthy” topics focused on the subversive plots and murders taking place the world stage. Over the years CIA type interference in small countries and in other world affairs has been suggests U.S. citizens are a second class drain on American finances, while hundreds of millions of dollars are spent to arm the Ukrainians. Until more recent decades, CIA type meddling in the lives of world citizens and countries has become normal fair for U.S. nightly news.. Today, the mysterious KABAL, sometimes deadly instruments for change, are suspected to exist in the CIA, and have become real in the minds of a huge percentage of non-Americans minds the world over. Irregardless of the rumors and gossip, proofs here and there keep turning up that sow the skepticism of the world citizens of the world, and the conclusions seem to be that U.S. government is anti oil, anti oil jobs, anti American in policy and is hateful of all true Americans, which are apparentlly becoming more and more well based.
As far as the U.S. and the world stage goes, the world can see how the simple Biden stupidity has been ruining the U.S. as a nation. Old time Russia was even more calloused toward their citizens, but murder, which was their standard tool for “improving” life in good old fashioned Russia, is giving way to a more humane government.
At home, there is an emerging pattern where, due to ever increasing frustration with the U.S. economy and socialist politics, it is possible that even more “King” and “Kennedy” type murders may start appearing on the American landscape.
Either out of stupidity or frustration, politics which focuses on political murder instead of practicing benevolent kindness towards its citizens, was in control under Stalin. This similarly dictatorial mentality of Biden against the people is slowly leading to a clear revolt against Biden's policies. The U.S.A. type, secret C.I.A. leadership used against small countries, gives our American/Communist - Nazi style leadership the appearance of having a evil, “studied” wisdom at is core.
What is needed, however, is a more benevolent governmental attitude toward the American citizens, but instead, the true C.I.A. usurpers of American political power remain in a maze of a bureaucracy jungle. The phony, CIA inspired American mass “consciousness” has been cleverly managed by Satanic minds who have been overseeing the unbalanced, citizen mass mind training, and are responsible for the decayed American responsible for the disintegrating, national mass sub consciousness. But there is more to the CIA, purported re-arranged, nightly “nightly news of the world” which is destroying the heart and soul of America.
In the process of becoming slightly more clever than the Russian Communists of the 1990's, the “American mind” became more and more under the control of American, C.I.A. On the other hand, over time the new Russia has emerged as Russia gradually wiped the “blood red,” now rusty veneer, off heir failed leadership of self important leadership. In its place, a new, better society/governing capability in Russia began to appear. While, as Americans have experienced the the decline of American freedom, and under the control of Soros bought, American Communist prosecutors and their cop killing drug cartels, the cartels have turned America into a country increasingly and more openly becoming, part and parcel, run by criminal enterprises.
While new developments in Russia have been exceptional, it appears to be that C.I.A. meddling, is taking over the ownership of the city with those proverbial “lights on the hill.” To say the America is losing its way can be an understatement.
Thus, America has successfully become corrupted and converted from being that “shining city” she once was, and now is a Biden arranged, cleverly camouflaged government criminal enterprise that wants to take overall control of America and likely the world.
It should be more and more clear that American Freedom has become more like an increasingly confining and manipulating, extension of the “Biden”family, criminally controlled cartels and their illegal disregard of the law at the same time,. Criminal cartels of South America and the nightly news releases of the day continue to report the unrestricted, uncontrolled popularity of committing federal crimes. In opposition to American freedom, a new sadistic, degenerative form of aggressive invasion continues, supposedly without guns. This growing rotting away of America the Beautiful, is slowly destroying the “shining city of the Hill” of the Reagan era.
Newer subversive news reporting of today's news, has steered the American Republic consciousness away from war because the people are sick and tired of wars after WWII and Korea and Viet Nam. It appears, however, that the vaunted C.I.A. did their best they could to keep control of the emotions and psychology of the American electorate.
Blatant murder is not just a calling card of Russia as it was years ago. Internal improvements of a better government, along with improved honesty in Russian news reporting, became more reflective of the Russian people's desire for peace.
To simplify things a little, the new Russian populism became almost a singular, guiding principal rather than the continual ignoring of the older murderous politics of the Russian leadership. A softer spoken and less murderous Russia has emerged rather than the continued disregard for the Russian people, while the reverse is happening to the “shining city on the hill” called America.
Who or what, then, has been devising a counter weight against violence that could guide the Russian public into awakening and realizing they have a chance to have a true American style government and economy, “for the people, and by the people.” The Russian citizen is realizing they want a government that supports ideas like having enough food for the people, including some of the nicer things of life rather that dark, drab rooms of the 50's and 60's for people to live in.
The Russian KGB, which is thought in America, to be a sort Russian version of the CIA), appears to be being pushed aside as if they were little kindergartners refusing to learn the alphabet instead of beating up on the quarrels of the other kids. But, in America, with the improvement of their living circumstances, popular speculation had been suggesting that President Kennedy, MLKing, and Robert Kennedy were all likely murdered by our CIA. It appears that considerable speculation and evidence may be coming to the fore over the past few decades.
For the most part however, with darker minds of the KABAL are guiding changes in the U.S., making sure the U.S. government is kept under KABAL control.
A glimmer of perception reveals there is a decaying spirit forcing change in the U.S. While evaluating who is in charge of keeping the U.S. government under their secret control, stranger things are happening. These folks have been kept in a semi-check mode, awaiting further orders from their dark, KABAL masters on how to deal with the highly popular President Trump, who is shredding the KABAL control of the United States.
Americans having been very shielded from becoming ware of the decades long improvement in Russia. Still, there are fewer “other nation” dictatorship style national governments for the U.S. to be compared to. On the other hand, there is no question that the old leaders like Stalin failed to establish peace and a higher standard of living for the Russians. The sum total should provide a clarification of the differences between American socialism and American values including finding a way to defeat the ever present Satanic KABAL, the CIA. and their present grip on the politics of the United States.
Now, with the emergence of Putin's leadership a lot has changed, which can be to the benefit of many other nations still operating under the old Russian Communiststyle socialism. The future has a much better hope for a world presently those parts of the world still living under sword of socialism, murder and starvation which the United States is slowly sinking into. Below, history of the old style Russian Leaders.
- Joseph Stalin (January 21, 1924 — March 5, 1953)
- Georgy Malenkov (March 5, 1953 — February 8, 1955)
- Nikita Khrushchev (February 8, 1955 — October 14, 1964)
- Leonid Brezhnev (October 14, 1964 — November 10, 1982)
- Yuri Andropov (November 12, 1982 — February 9, 1984)
- Konstantin Chernenko (February 13, 1984 — March 10, 1985)
- Mikhail Gorbachev (March 11, 1985 — December 25, 1991)
- Boris Yeltsin (July 10, 1991 — December 31, 1999)[8]
- Vladimir Putin (May 7, 2000 — May 7, 2008)[9]
- Dmitry Medvedev (May 7, 2008 — May 7, 2012) [de facto leader Prime minister Vladimir Putin]
- Vladimir Putin (May 7, 2012 – Present)
Like it or not, Putin is a very remarkable leader who was able to out do the old Russian leadership and their murdering ways, converting Russian society into an increasingly, well improved, managed economy, and for the most part,without the continuation of the political wars of old.
As you can gather, anyone can list off the names of the crimes someone may have committed, even to save his own life, possibly. But, sorry, Putin is a huge, huge advancement over previous leaders, And he has managed one way or another to preserve the peace within Russian boundaries, and avoid dragging the Earth through another world, even nuclear war, which most of us would probably not have survived. T
The lesson, again, is beware, beware, beware of the real evil powerhouses who hide behind the scenes, manipulating the rest of us AND OUR “pretend” LEADERS of the United States. These super secret souls are are true murdering, druggie types who run the more decayed departments of the CIA, and the old time banks, news reports and even businesses like Target and "Bud". Those kinds of leaders are our true enemies. Have a good Saturday. Cordially, AS
Play Time is Over. Time to Get Down to Business
Defeating SATAN
Getting over Infantile-ism
A Release of the Great White Brotherhood
Hi Julius C.: Good to see you and friends again. And, I might add, I was rather surprised to see how negatively the discussion regarding COVID shots was received by all knowing Christians. So, this may seem like an unusually elaborate letter where we have to deal with an otherwise all too common human condition of fear of worldly unknowns.
So, you may notice that I mention no names about terrified, highly emotional attackers of “conspiracy theorists.” One could say that, in truth, the actual reality of "Satanic Danger" is far more dangerous, terrorizing and insidious than practically any anti-'conspiracy theorist” can possibly imagine. And that is part of the problem we are facing these days. Meaning, we have an abject deficiency in the general “maturity” of Earth's population, where too many of the people unknowingly and ignorantly support Satanists subconsciously. At any rate, we refer to people who are terrified by “Conspiracy Theorists), by taking the role of attempting to be “anti-conspiracy-theorists”.
This is an important distinction because anti-conspiracists are actually too terrified to understand what Satanic realities are all about. They are consciously and totally unaware of how their ignorance feeds right into ensuring the safety of what amounts to mankind's most vicious, anti-compassionate enemy.
To be sure, the extremely vicious head Satanists of Earth will easily outsmart the average Sikhs, Christian and Muslim (and most other establish religions), at the drop of a hat, with the likely exclusion of the Buddhist religion from the rest of the religious pack.
It is no wonder, then, that people unknowingly fail to consciously tap into the nature of Satan's control over most of the world and most of the worlds religions. Thus most people also have little ability to connect physical world reality with telepathic resonance while in the presence of the real danger.
But let us get to a more immediate, “modern” anxiety complex that can affect anyone on Earth in negative ways.
At first, Julius, when you were visiting us, I was wondering why you seemed so unusually reticent to discuss the COVID ideas (which are definitely Satanic sourced) until I realized the situation with others present. I decided it best to leave sleeping “dogs” be still, as it were. But, of course, we do need to discuss a few things that will otherwise be "pooh-poohed" by certain more hard nosed Christian “anti-conspiracy theorists.”
Some of established religions put forth less than honesty “inspired” teachings, although, this reality will be hard for some well intentioned people to swallow. But, swallow new ideas they must, for the desperate state Earth in its deadly struggle with Satanism on Earth demands the powerful attentions of the top, can we say, Cosmic "Surrogardia," or "guardians of God's worlds and Cosmos.”
These fabled beings become involved in the most dire of circumstances which we find on Earth. And, that means if the likely Surrogardia inspired President Trump is successful, it will certainly indicate Cosmic forces and their space ships have sent to Earth this level of protection, assuming the people of Earth can bring thiemsleves to accept the much needed Surrogardia leader leadership. These "Surrogardia" are immensely capable of stepping in and governing the various troubled Empires of the Cosmos, which Christianity knows nothing about, and of course Christianity denies the reality of many things they do not understand like a spiritual leadership which surpasses anything Earth has previously experienced!
So, the coin is tossed, and the only question left is whether 51% of Earth citizens will step to the plate, as required by Cosmic or Universal Law of the Universes (if they are to receive help to defeat Satanic infestation of Earth). If humanity cannot understand the severe danger they are in, and the people, through their ignorance give up that 1% safety margin needed to receive Surroguardia assistance, Earth will likely be lost to Satanic forces. Obviously, the people MUST wake up and step up the the plate to be saved by higher, divine intervention. Otherwise, Earth will experience the retribution of the delicate scalpel of Satanisism.
But, if we have these absolute spiritual experts present who can help Earth people defeat Satanic forces, this assistance would be led by the Surrogardia of the cosmos and their divine assistance. The space traveling individual who knows best what is going on is the Surrogardia and their helpers.
Thus, people must understand that the Surrogardia of the Cosmos are allowed to save planets like Earth only if at a bare minimum of 51% of the population will cooperate to defeat Satanist infestations such as we have on Earth. Without the knowledge and awareness of the people of Earth being involved, our cosmic family will likely be helpless to save Earth from their own ignorance, as painful as that revelation may be to the people of Earth.
To demonstrate how Earth has been differentiated from "normal" cosmic worlds, only a handful of Earth people have even known about another subject involved in potential future of success against the Satanists. Our Earth family we are descended from, in the stars above, who have stayed in touch with Earth for over 200,000 years. It appears, however, that the Buddhists of Tibet, who have communicated with cosmic space ships and people for these eons of time. This compartively small Tibetan contingent consists of a small percentage of Earth's population who know what the Satanists have been up to for over 200,000 years. And, it should not be assumed that Pres. Donald Trump is necessarily being ignored by the cosmic space forces here who are deeply dedicated to helping us. The characteristic of Trump will be seen in the cosmic forces penetrating trait to "never give up." Humanity has an excellent chance to help the cosmic forces save the humanity themselves from what appears to be the overwhelming power and extremely high intelligence of Satanists on Earth.
As you may already sense, this is likely one of the the last "truth telling's" that less informed, proud, unbending Christians want to endure. For instance, anything that comes close to the real truths about our evil, Satanically controlled society are defined and protected by Satanic operatives. Little gets out to the public regarding Satanism on Earth. It is no wonder true Satanic influences can terrify Christians so easily. And, for the moment at least, there is no easy way of getting around this possibly needless, but still very real circumstantial conundrum. But, like it or not, Satan is extremely proficient at keeping control of the world as a whole. Satanism of Earth, however, has not yet seen the likes of the devastating power of the divine Surroguardia protector of planets. How, then, with all this power of protection being on hand, does fear manage to control the opinions of the people so thoroughly?
But, it is this more or less unexpected, twisted nature of Satanically manipulated thinking, and, infant learned, and infant oriented emotions that keeps the Satanics alive and well, and well hidden from the rest of humanity. This discussion may seem unrelated to “conspiracy theory” power which holds the attention of the minds of the less observant people. But, we must realize that Children are trained by the likes of Disney, that real life is safe from threats. Harmless characters and pretty, colored bears, tigers, mice, cats, cows and goofy the dog control child safety at Disney World. They supposedly keep all safe children and sound. But, as will come out someday, and hopefully relatively soon, this is a charade to keep children calm, and for less than honorable reasons.
The world is far, far less safe from Satanism than children and parents are taught to believe.
- - - - - - -
At any rate, I ran into the same problem of ignorant "Satanic Protection" with a certain American couple thousand miles just west of the Himalayas in around the year '21'. The event of the Twin Towers in America came up. The family went ballistic at the idea that (Satanic) Nazis were behind the downing of the Twin Towers, which by the away, they were.
But, the nature of "conspiracy," is so absolutely terrifying to some people, and so disguised, through emotional trickery, and being so at odds with daily experience, that the truth is, more often than not, comes across as a “conspiracy theory” which is automatically accepted as a lying conspiracy. The people have been taught to be terrified of truths that could help them realize the steps needed to protect society in the future. In the end, people believe truth is a lie, and become grossly at odds with God's potential protection and common sense.
That, in the nutshell, is the situation the Surroguardia faces when arriving on Earth. How, then, can the Surroguardia save a people who are stubbornly glued to the road of self destruction? How can this be?
The only explanation left is that we humans are subject to being clandestinely "trained" by well meaning, loving parents who do not notice the world's Satanic reality now being telepathically absorbed by the open, vulnerable mind of their newborn infant. By comparison, our infants adults are nearly equally psychologically ignorant of their own telepathically induced fear they absorbed as an infant themselves. The parents have no awareness of the new "fears" that may be accidentally, and secretly adopted by their infants highly telepathic minds which are heretofore, not yet Satanically untainted and innocent.
Thus, Julius, as you likely are fully aware, there is no reasoning with folks thus accidentally affected with an ignorance of derived by their own upbringing. That ignorance, in reality, is in itself a disguised or unnoticed by the parents or doctors or whoever. Hence, the infant emotions are equally inadequate as the parents who cannot perceive or decipher the infant mind of subconscious terror. The end result is, of course, that the adult later emerging from their infancy, cannot remember the initial, primal fear they “adopted” when they had no frame of reference about what the world was all about. The effect is to allow the infant to remain Satanically “pre-programmed” to be terrified by the unknown as an adult. So, inadvertently, you might say the "Satanically" adopted, infants people, later in life may often become the dominant controlling anti-“conspiracy theory" promoters.
Thus, Satanically suggested labeling of “conspiracy experts” as crazy, is designed to help people scoff at those who are better at understanding some of the problems we find on Earth. This emerging, negative minded majority, socially focused mind eventually can become a world wide society whose victims are, in fact, the promoters of the anti-"conspiracy theory that can prevent God's divine Surroguardia from helping save Earth.
A lot more people than we may realize go "knee jerk" goofy and totally unreasonable, and I have experienced this deep anger and rejection and belittling over trying to explain Satanic reality “theories” to them. So, I have leaned to keep my mouth shut, and that is about all we can do for these poor souls.
---- ---- ----
Except, wait!
The cavalry is on the way! Great attempts will be made to reverse this Satanic resistance of people who cannot recognize Satan and the extreme danger he has put the world in. One might say that “if all else fails to wake people up, shock the sleepiness out of them. So be ready for some likely very “graphic” reports on the hidden realities of a Satanically managed world.
The truth will be graphically illustrated, according to what I understand. It may very be very well revealed under the guidance of President Donald Trump and his heroic, still unseen allies. Their reports are supposed to be on the internet and on what may be new TV channels that block any further Satanic interference with our minds.
So, temporarily at least, the real truth of evil is conveniently camouflaged by the deeply, loosely rooted, emotionally based title of "conspiracy theory." That super simple brained explanation is bought into by the majority of people because the very idea of "conspiracy" alone scares the hell out of them. That is natural because Satanists control a lot more than infantile emotions, and do through massively detailed and fully contrive brilliant brains which they are not given credit for.
But, telling people that this is what happens in their subconscious emotions, simply makes matters worse. Denying they are scared is the usual lie you get from their subconscious when in discussions of conspiracy theories. And one of the all time promoters or leaders in this lying "conspiracy" game are the main line churches, as disgusting and frivolous as this truth may seem. But, to avoid complications, I can tell you why later when we can talk privately. We are, having to avoid antagonizing terrified people if e are to remain in relatively civil company, so me must avoid getting sucked into such dead end discussions of what churches are guilty of and what they are not.
Julius, the whole country, meaning way way over 50% of Americans, or more, like 70%, are otherwise perfectly sane people who have this terrified emotion built into them from birth, and you may be able to think back to how easily very young children are programmed by things in their childhood that may be derived from otherwise perfectly normal parents. The little children play hell getting over the initially, unobserved, non-verbal flood of unknown, unorganized emotions they must endure while still infants.
When they are grown up, Julius, as, adults, our inner child is unable to distinguish good from being Satanic. We don't know Satanic horrors exist until we adapt to language and improved observations, and this unavoidable ignorance from childhood is what the news controlling Satanists use to forth key off of to keep us upset and ignorant. That is the stem or core of the acceptance of "conspiracy theory," and we are subject to possibly never getting over this subconscious type of fear in adulthood. The big Kahuna in all of this is that This IS a Satanically run world, schools, and limited religious training is devastating to a society struggling to do God's Will.
It certainly does mean that society, as a whole, actually is trained to emotionally "key off" certain subconsciously "remembered family fears, for instance," or otherwise with infants being unable to understand relatively, innocent type verbal phrases. These can become key "insinuations" of human insinuations of the meaning of speech which governs the people who are very, very scared of conspiracy theories. Most people are able to avoid fighting over conspiracy theories, but there are always a few we have to be handled with kid gloves. And, that is not as unusual as it may seem. We can destroy really good relationships by being dragged in hair pulling, screaming, fist flying arguments. There are, however, other says to keep peace until the "cavalry" arrives. and the Cavalry is on the way, make no doubt about that.
But, it is really sad to realize that one and maybe nearly the only way to recognize Satanic thinking is to observe who is scared of "conspiracies" and who is not. But, this IS a national problem and fighting over these types of ideas only creates recriminations and more karma that builds and builds on itself until relationships become permanently disabled. We may not have learned how to deflect the traps these Satanics set for us.
Thus employing avoiding or "delaying actions" until the cavalry arrives is a necessary option. Terror based emotions are carefully built and also hide solutions that society itself will wake up to when people really learn the truth about how totally Satan and Satanic controls the people of the world. That may be the thing we can talk about in private whenever it is convenient. That is about it for now. Hope your day goes well. Cordially ACS
Hi Julius C.: Good to see you and friends again. And, I might add, I was rather surprised to see how negatively the discussion regarding COVID shots was received by all knowing Christians. So, this may seem like an unusually elaborate letter where we have to deal with an otherwise all too common human condition of fear of worldly unknowns.
So, you may notice that I mention no names about terrified, highly emotional attackers of “conspiracy theorists.” One could say that, in truth, the actual reality of "Satanic Danger" is far more dangerous, terrorizing and insidious than practically any anti-'conspiracy theorist” can possibly imagine. And that is part of the problem we are facing these days. Meaning, we have an abject deficiency in the general “maturity” of Earth's population, where too many of the people unknowingly and ignorantly support Satanists subconsciously. At any rate, we refer to people who are terrified by “Conspiracy Theorists), by taking the role of attempting to be “anti-conspiracy-theorists”.
This is an important distinction because anti-conspiracists are actually too terrified to understand what Satanic realities are all about. They are consciously and totally unaware of how their ignorance feeds right into ensuring the safety of what amounts to mankind's most vicious, anti-compassionate enemy.
To be sure, the extremely vicious head Satanists of Earth will easily outsmart the average Sikhs, Christian and Muslim (and most other establish religions), at the drop of a hat, with the likely exclusion of the Buddhist religion from the rest of the religious pack.
It is no wonder, then, that people unknowingly fail to consciously tap into the nature of Satan's control over most of the world and most of the worlds religions. Thus most people also have little ability to connect physical world reality with telepathic resonance while in the presence of the real danger.
But let us get to a more immediate, “modern” anxiety complex that can affect anyone on Earth in negative ways.
At first, Julius, when you were visiting us, I was wondering why you seemed so unusually reticent to discuss the COVID ideas (which are definitely Satanic sourced) until I realized the situation with others present. I decided it best to leave sleeping “dogs” be still, as it were. But, of course, we do need to discuss a few things that will otherwise be "pooh-poohed" by certain more hard nosed Christian “anti-conspiracy theorists.”
Some of established religions put forth less than honesty “inspired” teachings, although, this reality will be hard for some well intentioned people to swallow. But, swallow new ideas they must, for the desperate state Earth in its deadly struggle with Satanism on Earth demands the powerful attentions of the top, can we say, Cosmic "Surrogardia," or "guardians of God's worlds and Cosmos.”
These fabled beings become involved in the most dire of circumstances which we find on Earth. And, that means if the likely Surrogardia inspired President Trump is successful, it will certainly indicate Cosmic forces and their space ships have sent to Earth this level of protection, assuming the people of Earth can bring thiemsleves to accept the much needed Surrogardia leader leadership. These "Surrogardia" are immensely capable of stepping in and governing the various troubled Empires of the Cosmos, which Christianity knows nothing about, and of course Christianity denies the reality of many things they do not understand like a spiritual leadership which surpasses anything Earth has previously experienced!
So, the coin is tossed, and the only question left is whether 51% of Earth citizens will step to the plate, as required by Cosmic or Universal Law of the Universes (if they are to receive help to defeat Satanic infestation of Earth). If humanity cannot understand the severe danger they are in, and the people, through their ignorance give up that 1% safety margin needed to receive Surroguardia assistance, Earth will likely be lost to Satanic forces. Obviously, the people MUST wake up and step up the the plate to be saved by higher, divine intervention. Otherwise, Earth will experience the retribution of the delicate scalpel of Satanisism.
But, if we have these absolute spiritual experts present who can help Earth people defeat Satanic forces, this assistance would be led by the Surrogardia of the cosmos and their divine assistance. The space traveling individual who knows best what is going on is the Surrogardia and their helpers.
Thus, people must understand that the Surrogardia of the Cosmos are allowed to save planets like Earth only if at a bare minimum of 51% of the population will cooperate to defeat Satanist infestations such as we have on Earth. Without the knowledge and awareness of the people of Earth being involved, our cosmic family will likely be helpless to save Earth from their own ignorance, as painful as that revelation may be to the people of Earth.
To demonstrate how Earth has been differentiated from "normal" cosmic worlds, only a handful of Earth people have even known about another subject involved in potential future of success against the Satanists. Our Earth family we are descended from, in the stars above, who have stayed in touch with Earth for over 200,000 years. It appears, however, that the Buddhists of Tibet, who have communicated with cosmic space ships and people for these eons of time. This compartively small Tibetan contingent consists of a small percentage of Earth's population who know what the Satanists have been up to for over 200,000 years. And, it should not be assumed that Pres. Donald Trump is necessarily being ignored by the cosmic space forces here who are deeply dedicated to helping us. The characteristic of Trump will be seen in the cosmic forces penetrating trait to "never give up." Humanity has an excellent chance to help the cosmic forces save the humanity themselves from what appears to be the overwhelming power and extremely high intelligence of Satanists on Earth.
As you may already sense, this is likely one of the the last "truth telling's" that less informed, proud, unbending Christians want to endure. For instance, anything that comes close to the real truths about our evil, Satanically controlled society are defined and protected by Satanic operatives. Little gets out to the public regarding Satanism on Earth. It is no wonder true Satanic influences can terrify Christians so easily. And, for the moment at least, there is no easy way of getting around this possibly needless, but still very real circumstantial conundrum. But, like it or not, Satan is extremely proficient at keeping control of the world as a whole. Satanism of Earth, however, has not yet seen the likes of the devastating power of the divine Surroguardia protector of planets. How, then, with all this power of protection being on hand, does fear manage to control the opinions of the people so thoroughly?
But, it is this more or less unexpected, twisted nature of Satanically manipulated thinking, and, infant learned, and infant oriented emotions that keeps the Satanics alive and well, and well hidden from the rest of humanity. This discussion may seem unrelated to “conspiracy theory” power which holds the attention of the minds of the less observant people. But, we must realize that Children are trained by the likes of Disney, that real life is safe from threats. Harmless characters and pretty, colored bears, tigers, mice, cats, cows and goofy the dog control child safety at Disney World. They supposedly keep all safe children and sound. But, as will come out someday, and hopefully relatively soon, this is a charade to keep children calm, and for less than honorable reasons.
The world is far, far less safe from Satanism than children and parents are taught to believe.
- - - - - - -
At any rate, I ran into the same problem of ignorant "Satanic Protection" with a certain American couple thousand miles just west of the Himalayas in around the year '21'. The event of the Twin Towers in America came up. The family went ballistic at the idea that (Satanic) Nazis were behind the downing of the Twin Towers, which by the away, they were.
But, the nature of "conspiracy," is so absolutely terrifying to some people, and so disguised, through emotional trickery, and being so at odds with daily experience, that the truth is, more often than not, comes across as a “conspiracy theory” which is automatically accepted as a lying conspiracy. The people have been taught to be terrified of truths that could help them realize the steps needed to protect society in the future. In the end, people believe truth is a lie, and become grossly at odds with God's potential protection and common sense.
That, in the nutshell, is the situation the Surroguardia faces when arriving on Earth. How, then, can the Surroguardia save a people who are stubbornly glued to the road of self destruction? How can this be?
The only explanation left is that we humans are subject to being clandestinely "trained" by well meaning, loving parents who do not notice the world's Satanic reality now being telepathically absorbed by the open, vulnerable mind of their newborn infant. By comparison, our infants adults are nearly equally psychologically ignorant of their own telepathically induced fear they absorbed as an infant themselves. The parents have no awareness of the new "fears" that may be accidentally, and secretly adopted by their infants highly telepathic minds which are heretofore, not yet Satanically untainted and innocent.
Thus, Julius, as you likely are fully aware, there is no reasoning with folks thus accidentally affected with an ignorance of derived by their own upbringing. That ignorance, in reality, is in itself a disguised or unnoticed by the parents or doctors or whoever. Hence, the infant emotions are equally inadequate as the parents who cannot perceive or decipher the infant mind of subconscious terror. The end result is, of course, that the adult later emerging from their infancy, cannot remember the initial, primal fear they “adopted” when they had no frame of reference about what the world was all about. The effect is to allow the infant to remain Satanically “pre-programmed” to be terrified by the unknown as an adult. So, inadvertently, you might say the "Satanically" adopted, infants people, later in life may often become the dominant controlling anti-“conspiracy theory" promoters.
Thus, Satanically suggested labeling of “conspiracy experts” as crazy, is designed to help people scoff at those who are better at understanding some of the problems we find on Earth. This emerging, negative minded majority, socially focused mind eventually can become a world wide society whose victims are, in fact, the promoters of the anti-"conspiracy theory that can prevent God's divine Surroguardia from helping save Earth.
A lot more people than we may realize go "knee jerk" goofy and totally unreasonable, and I have experienced this deep anger and rejection and belittling over trying to explain Satanic reality “theories” to them. So, I have leaned to keep my mouth shut, and that is about all we can do for these poor souls.
---- ---- ----
Except, wait!
The cavalry is on the way! Great attempts will be made to reverse this Satanic resistance of people who cannot recognize Satan and the extreme danger he has put the world in. One might say that “if all else fails to wake people up, shock the sleepiness out of them. So be ready for some likely very “graphic” reports on the hidden realities of a Satanically managed world.
The truth will be graphically illustrated, according to what I understand. It may very be very well revealed under the guidance of President Donald Trump and his heroic, still unseen allies. Their reports are supposed to be on the internet and on what may be new TV channels that block any further Satanic interference with our minds.
So, temporarily at least, the real truth of evil is conveniently camouflaged by the deeply, loosely rooted, emotionally based title of "conspiracy theory." That super simple brained explanation is bought into by the majority of people because the very idea of "conspiracy" alone scares the hell out of them. That is natural because Satanists control a lot more than infantile emotions, and do through massively detailed and fully contrive brilliant brains which they are not given credit for.
But, telling people that this is what happens in their subconscious emotions, simply makes matters worse. Denying they are scared is the usual lie you get from their subconscious when in discussions of conspiracy theories. And one of the all time promoters or leaders in this lying "conspiracy" game are the main line churches, as disgusting and frivolous as this truth may seem. But, to avoid complications, I can tell you why later when we can talk privately. We are, having to avoid antagonizing terrified people if e are to remain in relatively civil company, so me must avoid getting sucked into such dead end discussions of what churches are guilty of and what they are not.
Julius, the whole country, meaning way way over 50% of Americans, or more, like 70%, are otherwise perfectly sane people who have this terrified emotion built into them from birth, and you may be able to think back to how easily very young children are programmed by things in their childhood that may be derived from otherwise perfectly normal parents. The little children play hell getting over the initially, unobserved, non-verbal flood of unknown, unorganized emotions they must endure while still infants.
When they are grown up, Julius, as, adults, our inner child is unable to distinguish good from being Satanic. We don't know Satanic horrors exist until we adapt to language and improved observations, and this unavoidable ignorance from childhood is what the news controlling Satanists use to forth key off of to keep us upset and ignorant. That is the stem or core of the acceptance of "conspiracy theory," and we are subject to possibly never getting over this subconscious type of fear in adulthood. The big Kahuna in all of this is that This IS a Satanically run world, schools, and limited religious training is devastating to a society struggling to do God's Will.
It certainly does mean that society, as a whole, actually is trained to emotionally "key off" certain subconsciously "remembered family fears, for instance," or otherwise with infants being unable to understand relatively, innocent type verbal phrases. These can become key "insinuations" of human insinuations of the meaning of speech which governs the people who are very, very scared of conspiracy theories. Most people are able to avoid fighting over conspiracy theories, but there are always a few we have to be handled with kid gloves. And, that is not as unusual as it may seem. We can destroy really good relationships by being dragged in hair pulling, screaming, fist flying arguments. There are, however, other says to keep peace until the "cavalry" arrives. and the Cavalry is on the way, make no doubt about that.
But, it is really sad to realize that one and maybe nearly the only way to recognize Satanic thinking is to observe who is scared of "conspiracies" and who is not. But, this IS a national problem and fighting over these types of ideas only creates recriminations and more karma that builds and builds on itself until relationships become permanently disabled. We may not have learned how to deflect the traps these Satanics set for us.
Thus employing avoiding or "delaying actions" until the cavalry arrives is a necessary option. Terror based emotions are carefully built and also hide solutions that society itself will wake up to when people really learn the truth about how totally Satan and Satanic controls the people of the world. That may be the thing we can talk about in private whenever it is convenient. That is about it for now. Hope your day goes well. Cordially ACS
2-6-2024 -- Got past the sleepy stage sleep of the tooth extraction. It still leaks from my mouth through my nose but does not cause a problem. Found this very interesting article where Tucker Carlson, now released from Fox News, is interviewing Vladimir Putin which includes talking to him about Russia and the Ukraine. He says: ""Rather, from the standpoint that Vladimir Putin knows about the puppeteers and is about uniting the world, along with Messrs. Trump, bin Salman, Xi, Modi, and others, to “drain the swamp.” Once and for all.
"And it’s one huge swamp they’re draining.
"Every time one locale is drained (biolabs in Ukraine, for instance), the deep state represents the situation in divisive ways instead of shining the light on the problem in its entirety." And there is the phenomenal change coming in the news being reported. To me it certainly shows how Fox News keeps their reporters on a very short leash when in reality, Putin appears to trust Tucker more than Fox news does. More at: /
Tomorrow is good old shopping day again. We finally have found a new house cleaner who sounds like a very sharp business person although she is managing her own company. She know what she is doing. Other than that I have been watching the for new developments and this Tucker/Vladimir interview is something I will be watching and following. It is interesting because, even going back to the old days when Gorbacheve was the Soviet Leader and there was a lot of infighting over who would be the ultimate "Putin" type leader. That was when, Putin's name came up where a secret servied, KGB very high ranking officer, talked about how he liked Putin because he had known Putin for years and he said the Putin was one of the very, very few really honest men he had ever known, (and that was while Putin was still a KGB agent).
Anyway, it hit a cord with me, and for the past 20 or so years I have never believed any of the negative stuff that may have come over the news about Putin. Now, more than ever, I think he really might be the right man in that part of the world for Trump to work with and Putin appears to be on his way to be one of the very, very, Trump type, top managers of world politics and world peace, as his association with Trump would seem to imply. Will see how it goes. But I am highly suspicious that Putin we be seen as a world hero for taking out what I believe to be the Satanic headquarters of the world in Ukraine all their child rape and murder and torture. Makes one be very, very suspicious that our dear Biden is a true Satanists at heart. This is not the only thing that makes me more and more suspicious Putin is headed toward actually saving the world from a tremendous amount of pain, and maybe even more so than Trump might be able to do. OK. will have to go for now and get some rest. Have a nice Wednesday. Hope all are well. Cordially, AS
Texas Border Update 1-30-2024
The border conflict in Texas appears to becoming more and more serious as even military people are leaving retirement to face Biden and his Federal Government idiots over the big border issue these days.
Here is a little info from a couple of days ago, although some reports that are up to date have the same intensity of purpose.
K. Sat. 27 Jan. White Hat Intel: It Has Begun
· Army Green Beret loyal to the Oath of keeping the United States Constitution against foreign invasion and protecting U S. Soil leads soldiers (current and ex military) police, Sheriffs, deputies, militias, part of 34,000 U.S. military Oath Keepers into Texas to defend the Constitution and the revolt against the Deep State government and their Elites that control the system (DAVOS Group, CIA, Carnegie Endowment, Obama Regime, Biden World Corruption leaders and systems).
· Now Green Berets were in Texas with the National Guard, Army, Police, Sheriffs and ex military. Over 34,000 military oath keeper loyal to Constitution and over 700,000 U.S. citizens are heading to the Texas to defend the country.
· CURRENTLY over 700,000 Truckers and caravans head to Texas to join the Green Baret, military (current and ex military) and Texas National Guard to stand up against the Biden administration and DAVOS /UN agenda (to break down the U.S. borders in illegal unconstitutional acts that is connected to clear and present danger of an invasion).
Have been Recovering from the dental work, mainly. It is the anti-biotics that bother me the most.
All I want to do is sleep. Even now I want to lay down and go back to sleep. But, I did take the last antibiotic today, so maybe I will start getting more energy. Not much else to report than that. Hope all is going we well. Cordially, AS
January 25, 2024 General Update, and Bankruptcy of Banks, cont'd
The conclusion from our experience with "reversed deposits" has been sort of inconclusive since we don't have access to what the reason if for the bank's sort of bizarre behavior. They gave an explanation that the deposit was late due to the mail, then reversed that saying the check was returned to the credit union because it bounced, and when we went to the credit union who tried to make the deposit for us, they showed is a photo copy of the check and said that it did not bounce, but was simply returned to them. Now there are a couple people from some corporate office who are trying to contact us for some reason. So, the mystery seems to have accidentally occurred when I wrote a check on the wrong account and I guess the original problem was an overdraft problem. Anyway, why they refused to accept a check which should have covered the problem is still not clear, leaving us still wondering if they are or are not having a "reverse deposit/bankruptcy problem. I guess we will not have an answer unless the banks do suddenly start failing, openly, instead of still staying in background with their little financial secrets. The best observation, based on what we checked out, is that the supposedly bad check was not bad, and it seems like it should have covered the house payment, but I doubt we will ever know for sure what is going on, except maybe theoretically anyway, the banks are trying to fluff up their A/C (accounts receivable) to make themselves look good, partly because, and common (international) knowledge is, anyway, that the banking system IS going bankrupt in the U.S., as far as I understand it, because the U.S. is not on the now nearly universally acceptable gold standard and that, if noting else, leaves countries like the U. S., anyway, out in left field when it comes to functioning in the world financial markets, which the BRICKs countries are pretty much in control of now days.
So, the tooth extraction went well. The oral surgeon, Dr. Hamlin, I have is really good at his job. Also went to our chiropractor in G.R. He is a very intuitive guy and keeps pretty healthy most of the time. Below is the beginning of an article I am writing to him that talked about subconsciousness and how it is related to God, I think one could say. He is the only one left who can help C. One other guy, Nick Fedesta died a few years back. Otherwise we are doing pretty well. Just hectic trying to keep up with everything, and now my daughter and husband are moving to a very nice house on Goguak Lake. He was in the Marines in Viet Nam and so he gets tax free living on the lake. Pretty good deal since it is an expensive place, or so I have been led to believe.
Below are my early scratchings for the good doctor. Hope all are well with you folks. Kind of late so will stop for now and not do more editing as I have other stuff to do before I can go to bed. Have a good Friday. Cordially, AS
Invisible Highways of the mind.
Dear Dr. S,
Hidden highways of the mind.
Was reading this article and it seems to reflect what I am discovering where our normal subconscious is actually made up of, with no real references available, I would describe as subconscious pathways that, with proper training, give us talent and a better understanding on how God can bring his will forward, through our highly trained pathways of faith and understanding, to, for instance, help people who God wants helped. That, indeed, lead me to think of you because you have a natural affinity to “divining” people's physical problems, and do so in spite of the highly touted “medical” system most doctors are trained in.
Maybe you will resonate to the thought that maybe a greater medical methodology lies secretly beyond the reach of “chemical” treatment for things that can be classified as diseases. Diseases causes by one form of “food deprivation,” meaning one form of nutritional starvation or another. But there is another kind of intuitive and trainable roadmap, I believe, that people can be trained in that maybe defines a little why your methodology relies on a more “God's Will” treatment that comes naturally to people like yourself. People who, maybe unknowingly, are tapping into what are to most people, invisible, mental or spiritual pathways (highways) connecting the human mind to the will of God in ways medical science does not begin to delve into.
In defiance of watered down Christianity by less worldly theories, this kind of inner “road map,” invisible to the public at large, is where I see a hidden higher reality at work. It is where the soul of God, the connection between Earth and God, sort of hits the road of everyday life and brings much needed understanding of God and Earth: often in defiance of the everyday rules fostered on us by the overbearing medical profession.
For instance, I am certain that, 5 and 10 year old children, who are on these talent shows and sing like professional singers, obviously “tap” into these spiritual pathways, that to God, are just as real as the highway we speed down in our cars. Thus, well earned talents from strict training in past lifetimes becomes easily apparent even to the casual observer. Anyway, to avoid blubbering too much, here is a passage I came across recently which I referred to in you office, and which made me think of you-. -----still being written Reference:
January 21, 2023 Bankruptcy of the U.S. and Banks loom in the air.
( It may be a little rough, but here is the story.)
Although I do not know of any banks going bankrupt in our area, Recently I recently read an article about the potential for a more disreputable bank to alter what you might call its market value to make their imminent bankruptcy more obscure. The purpose would be for a bank that is going bankrupt in the U. S., for instance, to want to make its books reflect the overall market value of the a bank to be higher than it really is, presumably to have an advantage in the banking market competition and try to hide their imminent bankruptcy. I can't recall the article that talked about this potential problem where reverse deposits can be used to increase the bank's apparent overall market value.
The suggestion here is that your money accounts could be carefully reduced to increase the banks “Accounts Receivable” which are part of the banks overall market “wealth,” so to speak. Although, I do not know of any bank doing this, this process of immorally using reverse deposits on your account appears likely, from what I had deduced, to produce a positive, false increasing the bank's value.
Even though I do not know of any banks trying this scam, the apparent bankruptcy of the U.S. and a potential of likely bankruptcy of much of our banking system in the works, I read an article (that I can no longer find), and here is what I, not being a banker, is what got me started thinking about what the theoretical horrors of "reversed deposits" were all about.
The unnecessary crisis came when we received, for instance, a surprise bill for twice our house payment due, which still does not make sense to us. Anyway, we have savings in a credit union so that the banks can not get their hands on our savings account money or checking account money if they go bankrupt, although we do not know, yet, of any bank going bankrupt that we have dealt with.
We make the house payment to the bank automatically from this separate credit union checking account by automatically depositing in into the bank. Today, though, we got a bank statement today falsely saying our hose payment was delinquent, using the "reverse deposit" excuse. In other words maybe I deposited necessary dollars to cover the house payment. . So here is what happened and what got us to looking into whether or not our house was going to be repossessed or not. That is not a reasonable fear these days.
In the realm of absurdity, this is not our first go around with false alarms. A few years back we once got a letter from the courts that our house was being up for sale by the county due to unpaid taxes. To be quick with this story, the county failed to bill us $25 taxes for a tiny parcel, so they were going to sell a several thousands of dollars house to collect $25. Obsurd. Unbelievable, but true. Anyway, of course we were worried about a similar kind pf stupidity happening with the bank.
But, here is what they did.
1. The bank received the money from the credit union to pay the house payment at the bank.
2. Then proceeded to refuse to accept the house payment money or deposit (I have being making out house payment this way for over 10 years), and they reversed the deposit, sending it back to the credit union for no reason at all, falsely claiming I did not have enough money in my bank checking account to make the house payment at the bank. Alarm bells started ringing. At least that how it seemed to us.
3. Then they they were saying that there were insufficient funds in the bank account to pay the house payment (money which they obviously deliberately, but wrongly, in my imagination, deprived me of.)
4. Lastly , they kindly added the "unpaid) house payment to our records, which in turn, increased the value of the bank's accounts receivable.
5. What the article that I can no longer locate suggested is that the clever ruse can supposedly potentially increased the bank's Accounts Receivable and can be multiplied into huge dollars. Clever if it works.
6. The crooked suggestion or upshot of all of this appears to be that the bank can now supposedly, or secretly, add this "reverse deposit" (unpaid house payment) to their corporate accounts receivable. Fortunately I have had some accounting experience from selling business computers a few years back. All this clever "error" in accounting means that it illegally pumps their bank "total worth" a whole lot. If this were all true, it gives you an idea just how bad off and desperate these banks might become as the national bankruptcy may potentially increase with the bankruptcy of the entire banking system. But, setting speculation aside:
7. If for instance, if the bank loaned one million home owners money to buy a house, and scheduled the house purchaser to pay $300 house payment and interest of one month, this theoretical scan can directly affect the banks Accounts Receivable. For instance, if a million similar loans are outstanding and victimized by reverse deposit of each account, that really cranks up the bank's apparent value fast. That "extra money" in the bank's accounts receivable, comes to a total increase in their bank's NET RECEIVABLES, in our example, TO the tune of $300 X 1,000,000 (million loans), or somewhere around $300,000.000 (three hundred million dollars, or one third of a billion dollars) of phony asset value of the their bank. All by simply cooking the books in this simple way for one month. Anyway, based on my uncertain, tentative panic when we experienced "Reversed Deposit, tell Anyone you know who gets such a notice, to READ THEIR MONTHLY BANK STATEMENT CARFULLY and check with the bank:
Check the statement for:
1. Any kind of "reverse deposit" type entries on your bank statement.
2. Check for or an incorrect, very high overcharge for your monthly house payment.
If you know anyone in this predicament be sure to let them know that they may only have a couple of days or short period of time after they discover this scam to turn the bank into the proper authorities IF -- (if they want to collect or retrieve their stolen "reversed deposit" money or possibly even retain ownership of their home). Hope I make sense to any readers.
So, below is how it all turned out for us. And I repeat, it PAYS to keep track of details like we did, and find out what really happened. Any articles like the one I read may be scary, but the banks I know of have not been are not dishonest either.
But, some strange bad luck, and if you are being scammed, you may have a short time, like 2 days from time of discovery of the problem, to report problem with a government bank authority in order to get your money back. For instance. You can contact : "We’re the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, a U.S. government agency dedicated to making sure you are treated fairly by banks, lenders and other financial institutions.
TB Cont'd (How it all turned out for the good)
Jan 6, 2024 Message ORF7
High N. Have finished about 80 to90% of the video with the good pastor Hibbs. (Hope I got most of the mistakes).
I gather that part of what you are interested in is my reaction to Pastor Hibbs philosophy. So far I would sum up my observation by pointing out that Satan runs the place and I have not met anyone who has any idea about how thoroughly Satan and his henchmen have, up to now, been in control of the WHOLE world and the way we think believe and accept evil as if it we the ONLY reality. One of my main rules are that when you get the message that you are supposed to be scared because the bible version of the world. thus, people may accept ascension to be scary and predicting scary times, well: THAT is Satanism.
That is how Satanics control the thinking and emotions and belief's of the people of the world. Their Satanic thinking is often to start the killing so that they can justify coming in and wiping out the good people, (i.e. Auschwitz and so forth). The real lies are considerably more complicated than the good pastor claims them to be. I will only add that good people are going to be here and some already are here, who are waiting for the people to really wake up to what the "end times" are all about and stop listening to Satanic "BS.". As a result, we will not get the true story until "God" wants us to get the true story.
There is nothing like letting society suffer under what to God are Satanic leaders, until they are so sick and tired of going through the real hell, that they finally wake up. As we humans would say, sometimes people need "tough love" until they wake up. And THAT is what all the BS and terror is designed to hide, until people figure it out and stand up to the Bidens, Hitlers and Stalins.
In other words, God knows how naïve people are and HE is the one who will make sure humanity eventually "gets it," meaning they understand the whole story on Satan. If people don't stand up to the anti-Christ, it leaves God with no other choice than let us live with hell until we figure out who is causing hell on earth. Nevertheless, the process of moving into a better future is not enough for the Satanic leaders of Earth, who, by the way, ARE losing their grip of Earth control. Its just that people, INCLUIDING MOST CHURCHES don't get it, which is to understand, what the real game with Satanism is all about. Satanic, anti-God control on Earth thinking is that if it isn't scary and doesn't terrify the people, people will never come to understanding and Satan's true end game. Thus we have Armageddon agony and turmoil in almost every description on the Earth you can imagine, and teaching people to attack people from space is part the endless Satanic fear game.
And we have those marvelously Satanic "synonyms," terrorist style words like: "Apocalypses, catastrophe, disaster, doomsday, collapse, calamity, end-time, tragedy, bloodbath, debacle, cataclysm, meltdown, upheaval, crash, convulsion, accident, blast, fatality, blow, paroxysm, misfortune, misadventure, casualty, mishap, double whammy, mischance, and on and on and on."
This stuff is all over the place and people still can't recognize Satanism when, like with the Twin Tower debacle, they were watching American Nazi's mass murder right under their uncomprehending noses. But do you know anyone besides myself who even believes anything other than the lying nightly news? Anyway, one thing FEAR does not promote is a future world of love and a kindness, and a benevolent God. That IS where Faith is important. I mean, why does god want us to go through all this crap when the real life is love, wisdom protection and happiness? Obviously, God wants us to grow up and finally think spiritually grown up thoughts and ideas and concepts which, up to now, we allow evil interference to rule and ruin our intellect and lives. What we do not need to have is ignorant people and pastors training people to antagonize Satan by attacking true, evil extraterrestrials (evil extraterrestrials who, by the way, are in the vast minority among extraterrestrials). Leave that up to the Trump, our new space force, and the military. Make sense?
I will be looking for “Part II.”
Have a good day. Cordially, AS
12-26-2023 Message --
Hope every one had a good Christmas. I am a little delayed in writing because of the “family” dynamics which kept us off balance and wore us out Christmas Eve. To be very efficient in this subject, a particular family member, years ago, formed a sex for sale “department,” in his grocery store. He was supposed to be a father who cared for his family with little toddlers. He basically failed miserably in life and ended up in Jackson prison due to his idiocy, leaving his very young children and the young mother on their own. This was a blow NO ONE expected. But now grown up, so you can imagine the scars this left on those little kids from years ago.
At any rate, this whole pile of emotional horrors re-descended on a family that did not deserve to be treated this way, and the scars have been on their conscious and subconscious minds for all these years. For some reason God must be aware of, all this negativity in our yearly family Christmas get together. Things went all right outwardly, but at the same time left a lot of us a little shaken up. So the last couple of days have been very upsetting even though it was maybe 90% in the sub-consciousness of the people present. So for us seniors, though, it was a day that that wore us out. We actually celebrated Christmas on Dec 26 after we recuperated a little from the family Christmas Party. Sort of had the impression that some kind of major change in consciousness occurred in how the family focuses on itself that might help them in the long run. Weird, though.
Maybe God is resolving some confusion that naturally is seriously imbedded in the family psyche some how. So, that is that.
For the children, though, Christmas was a traditional happy day for our great grandson who, at 3 1/2 years old, had a great time opening presents. Our new, maybe 4 month old, great grand daughter mainly just watched, not really comprehending yet what Christmas was all about. But you can just see an unusual brightness in her eyes which I think was not seen in us great parents generation practically at the time of their birth.
On the lighter, hopefully more optimistic side, here is a quote from Judy Byington. She notes that NESARA is getting nearer: “Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Tues. 26 Dec. 2023 says:
“Compiled Tues. 26 Dec. 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington, MSW, LCSW, Therapist ret, Journalist, Author: “Twenty Two Faces: inside the extraordinary life of Jenny Hill and her Twenty Two Multiple Personalities ----
“Welcome to the Great Awakening
There is an Operation Under Way to Take Back Our Country.
“They have a Plan.
“That Plan doesn’t succeed without We The People.
“We Are The Plan.
“…President Donald Trump....”
Hope than ends the day on a positive note! Hope all are well. Have a great 27th. Cordially AS
12-20-2023 Message of the day (and yesterday)
OK. We will try it again. This time we will NOT lose the message.
Took a nap after getting home from grocery shopping and slept really, really hard. To be to the point, the big deal I am struggling with is why people live in a fantasy world, and never see through the unreality of the world they live in.
This is a tricky problem for the world to solve. But, if you believe what I call the basic lie, it turns out to be so big that no one will believe it or even suspect that there is a lie. THAT IS the world we live in.
One of the great unknowns of Earth is that the physical planet herself is the home of the Earth people's mind pool. This mind pool is essentially shared by everyone. It is the beliefs and planetary history of the people who are “supposed” to be in charge of, including being in charge of the purity of the people's thoughts which too easily, when the people are ignorant, can be corrupted until the whole planet is corrupted with “anti-God” lies and evil, Satanic controls, Satanism and endless wars and murder and blood drinking, etc. This works because the Satanists understand things the people of Earth do not understand. Anyway, that is more or less the starting point of this thinking. Am finding references that shed some light on this matter. Very “mind absorbing” subject to think about and how to write about it.
Otherwise have been busy, busy, busy with important prayers and so forth that have been keeping me on the go trying to keep up. Have, though, made some progress on sorting out some of the medical stuff that keeps me in turmoil where I get different advice and medications from different doctors. My family doctor seems to get into his head that he knows more hearth treatment and medications than my heart doctor, who I really like, so I end up ignoring our family doctor's advice and medications because my heart doctor does not prescribe anywhere near what our family doctor wants me to take. And my BP goes up to ridiculous numbers when I deal with our family doctor, purely out of frustration. So more and more I ignore my family doctor which tends to upset him to no end. So far he has prescribed 3 or 4 BP and other medications which my heart doctor has taken me off of. My BP has lately gone way, way, way up when I go to our family doctor. I get too disgusted with being treated like an idiot for doing my BP myself, even when I and my wife explain to him how I keep it normal. He just ignores us and goes on with chemical treatment of my BP.
I once told a doctor a few years ago that Lisinopryl, I think that is how you spell it, and that it makes my BP go up, not down. The doctor back then whose name I have fogotten, used it anyway and it ended up at 235in the hospital. Now, recently, my BP goes up automatically to 200+ when I am around my present family doctor, NO MATTER how much BP meds he putsme on. Like, for instance, it hit 250 while in his office, the last time, ofyou can believe that. I keep telling him that it is pretty normal, like around 130 before I leave to see him. Anyway, the last time I went in, maybe 3 o4 weeks ago, it was normal at home and when at his office it was 250. So my conclusion is to stop going to his office. Like, you know, “duh?”
Anyway, you would think out that with my BP going over 235 under the delicate care of the hospital doctor a while back, and now going over 250, maybe that all has something to do with why I do my own BP. My God, I have never, ever, ever had my BP go anyway near the much when I take careo of it myself. Anyway, I guess that is about it for now. Will try to get into the reasons Earth, other than the animals and nature in general, is a phony world, and it is phoniness that will get more real as people get back to God. Hope all is well with you folks. Have a Merry Christmass. Cordially, AS
12-16-2023 Message from Ben Fulford:
Mr. Fulford has reported on the basically “unknown, secret” Satanists in the American government and in governments around the world. In his most recent report he says:
“...............Take a look at this UN vote where the US was the only country to veto calls for a ceasefire in Gaza. It shows just how isolated the current US and Israeli regimes are. So, they are totally delusional if they think they can install someone like Donald Trump as King of Israel and rule the world from Jerusalem.
"Furthermore, to understand the criminally incompetent nature of the US regime, take a look at their “climate envoy” John Kerry................” (below)
“Kerry works for child rapists and murderers.
"He proved this by calling for a ban on use of hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) in refrigerators and air conditioners because it is a “climate super-pollutant.” The reality is Du Pont’s patents on HFCs are expiring so they are using BS to force people to switch to a new product they still have a patent on.
“In other words, Kerry works for Du Pont who are trying to use the same trick they did with the Ozone hole scam to force the world to buy HFCs when their fluorine gas patents ran out.
“By the way one of the main instruments they used to perpetuate this fraud was NASA (Not A Space Agency). Take a look at this hilarious recent NASA video in “space” at minus 270 degrees, with canvas doors.....”
“French farmers expressed the views of many about “climate change” by pouring literal BS on government offices, where it belongs.
“To summarize you have a US government “climate envoy” lying to try to force the world to pay more for air conditioners and refrigerators in order to enrich a family of pedophiles and murderers.
“In case you didn’t know Du Pont heir Robert Richards IV was in 2009 convicted of raping his three-year-old daughter and admitted to raping his infant son. He didn’t get a prison sentence. Other members of his family have been convicted of crimes like murder.
“Other oligarch families are guilty of similar things. For example, it looks like Walmart is selling children online.
“This sort of thing tells you how degenerate the US has become.
“The world is figuring it out....”
Addendum: As a paying and supporting member of Mr. Fulford's reports, I would like to point out that Mr. Fulford has had several assassination attempts on his life because the Satanists who control much of the world's governments are absolutely livid about the work he is doing. His enemies certainly appear (to me anyway) to be the same team of American & worldwide Satanists who try to dictatorially control the American people and the people of the world.
Having been an infantry officer in Viet Nam, I personally know about the terrible killing these Satanists inspire. So, I personally want to thank him for his work, and I ask anyone reading this information from Mr. Fulford to support him with donations. .
A lot of this information would not become public without the infinitely important work he is doing. I hope this urgent plea will make up for any “membership” information I am passing along to try to help Mr. Fulford in any way I can. He is making great strides in waking up the people. And, we pray that his team succeeds in their dangerous mission to help wake people up to the very, very mortal danger the country and world are in today. AS
12-10-2023 -- We got back home last night, safe and sound. Was a little crazy because the battery on our sedan died. So we took our old stand by van we usually drive to Florida. Everything went well after that. Although I did forget my coumadin and had to mess around with a Kentucky Walgreen who had only a coupe of tablets in stock, so I reverted to mustard for a coupe of days to keep the blood thin enough. But, other wise things went ok. The Gideon party was nice but most of the people we used to see there were not there, which was a sort of bummer.
Keep having the feeling that this ascension process is progressing and that the way things have always been will not continue to be that way. Also, will have to write again in a day or two to explain how the "powers that be" seemed to have been guiding me to write about a key factor of the "Surroguardia of Notra Jam-pour" may actually be what is going on today with all the rumors about people like the Bushes and Clintons and others seem to show up for some time after they are supposed to be dead. The same is coming to surface about Trump, if you can believe that, where his longevity, compared to Biden, certainly is pretty remarkable. Will have to fill you in later when I remember more of the concept of these people "replacements." That is about it for now. Hope all are well. Have a good Monday. Cordially, aS
12-3-2023 -- (11-27-2023) We are getting ready for our annual trip to Kentucky this week. Will be gone for 4 days this week til Saturday. The news from Judy Byington, though, is really interesting and sounds devastating for at least a few of the secret people in the deep state. For example:
Here is some interesting information from Judy regarding some of the secret, deep state people.
“Among the 200 on the arrest list, destined to take a one-way trip to Guam to face a military tribunal were Oprah Winfrey, Jimmy Kimel, Whoopi Goldberg, Joy Behar, Rachel Matto, Jim Acosta, Chris Wallace, Savannah Guthrie, Caitlin Collins, and Ari Melber. Jag opens new jail for MSM. Riccardo Bosie confirms major US-marine/navy fleets are in operation.......”
More at:
At home I have been reorganizing my computer and data. What a job. Trying to get my articles stored in one place along with pictures from trips, etc. Have a new archiving tool that replaces about 10 wires doming out of my computer with 2 wires. Clever gadget. Makes it much, much easier to plug in hard drives that have data I want to save, and see what is on each one. No more plugging and unplugging USB3 wires and accompanying power cords for the power needed to hook up hard drives with the USB computer plugs.
But one thing is improved with going to Kentucky is that, unlike last year where we had to stay home due to being sick from the mold infestation in the basement, that is all under control and we have a dehumidifier running 24 hours a day. It pumps the collected 50 gallons a day of water into the basement where it is transferred to the house drain system. The house has been much, much better, and so have we. So, we are optimistic that this will be trip much less worry free. At least we will not have mold problems to come back to, which of course, is why we canceled our trip to Kentucky and the Gideon's Christmas dinner at the Calvary Baptist Church. It is a beautiful church almost on the south side of the Ohio River, , in Covington, OH
MY newer potassium of taking 1,00mg tablet each day has been helping toe bod to function better and have more strength coming up the stairs which is an improvement I like a lot. Had dinner at the neighbors today. Was nice to get out.
I guess that is about it for now. Hope all are well. Cordially, AS
(12-3-2023) -- Weekly Report
Was trying to figure out why I felt kind of strange and could not put my finger on it My BP was acting up and I got to wondering why, of course. Was just feeling off more than usual, I guess you could say. Didnn't want to do anything and that kind of thing. Anyway, somehow I decided my BP was off due to minerals and tried potassium and magnesium and still little change. Somehow i got to looking at the potassium tablet that said the usual 99mg of potassium was in each tablet.
The more I thought about that the more I wondered what percent of the 99mg tablet was actually pure potassium. Got a not so nice a surprise, and it all depends on which government reports you want to take seriously in order to be healthy.
It appears that, according to the bottle there there is only about a ridiculous 2% of usable potassium per tablet. In other words if you are taking the governmental suggested or "recommended" dosage, you could be in trouble. And in reports I found out this tiny amount was based upon the governments opinion that it too easy to overdose on potassium and we must avoid potassium as much as possible, or so the reports (and tiny 99mg tablets) seem to imply. So, the carefully described justification of guiding us to be governmentally correct, and instead maybe dying of a potassium overdose, you can take the 99mg tabs and die from Potassium "underdose", so to speak. That is sick.
Anyway, I took ten instead of my usual 1 tablet a day. I took ten (about maybe a total of 5 or 10 mg, and even with that tiny increase I started having more energy. That very minor change in potassium dosage with my tiny little potassium tablets of 99mg each actually made a surprising difference where I would not have thought that if someone was telling me that happened to them. So, with the new small 12% of the daily requirement for potassium, and each with only 12% of the 99mg tablets actually being potassium, I actually started feeling a little better. All that sounds like it is not making any particular, spectacularly important point. But the really big point is that the government recommended starvation diet of potassium supplements is the only potassium you really get, and can and will definitely give people serious potassium deficiency. That to me is immoral potassium malnourishment? To make the point as pleasantly as possible, potassium is running rampant, at least in the U..S..
And, according to internet reports, and guess what, potassium deficiency is a real problem in the U. S. in the report and information i read about on Google, at least. Do you suppose the government would actually stoop to scaring people about over dosing on potassium, and use fear to scare them into using less than useless microscopic potassium tablets? I can't imagine that any more than I can believing the Gov about the wonderous life saving benefits of the COVID shots.
You would think feeling better by taking more small tablets would imply that maybe two or three times as much potassium intake, say taking 500mg a year, might mean almost enough. But, here is the kicker, in that, the daily need for potassium is a really whopping 2,000 or 3,000 mg a day, compared the true 10mg in each government supported 99mg tablet. So, as the last couple of days have gone by, I have been feeling weirdly better due to the amazingly small increase in taking the little tablets, (and my BP has been strangely failed to be far out of whack as I expected after taking a tiny bit more potassium). I am going to go up to around 500 mg a day of potassium a day now. With the true "need" our bodies have for 2,000 or 3,000 milligrams (with maybe 500+ magnesium a day also. I seriously doubt I will be over dosing on potassium. So that is the latest. I still can't believe how much better I have been feeling on only about a small, couple hundred milligrams increase of potassium a day.
Otherwise I have been redoing my computer, trying to get rid of all the extra wires using a lot of USB3 drives causes. It should really help reduce the amount of wires getting in the way as I save my writings to archives. Hope all are well. Cordially, AS
11-19b-2023 -- Vicious “Parent City,” USA
A Release of the Great White Brotherhood
The American people appear to be losing the battle with their own soul. How is this happening, you ask?
To put it succinctly, the United States is a nation which kills its God Christed (I AM) children, and is a dying nation by killing its own God's image and likeness population. It is a nation where the people are allowing the human created baby bodies, in which God has placed his precious and overwhelming powerful I AM, Christ spirit, to be viciously destroyed.
For some reason the American people, who abhor murder of adults and “born” children, sit back and allow their own unborn flesh and blood, their little, helpless Christed (I AM) ones, to be murdered. Some people may say: “it is just a few who actually die through abortion. But, are you really sure of that? There are other reasons Satanists kill babies than pure viciousness.
Satanists know the tiny, helpless Christed critters will grow up someday and take the Satanists to the cleaners. So there is a big reason infants yet unborn are such vicious targets. You should know, if you need to be told, that babies in wombs are unable to carry guns. They are unable to shoot and kill Satanist rapists and murderers on sight, or arrest them or wrestle them to the ground and give them a good thumping. So to overcome future opposition to Satanist/Communist/Nazi dictator type governments be destroyed, kill the I AM children of god now, in the womb. "Don't let them grow up!.
On the other hand, what people do not realize is the impact of these legalized abortion kinds of anti-Christ laws have on a nation as a whole. Like, did you know that a country that allows abortion on demand, is secretly a country being destroyed, slowly, and unnoticeably. It affects the countries own growth rate. At home, the average U.S. Growth rate is already in trouble. The U.S. Census Bureau states that the U.S. growth rate is in slow, imperceptible decline. “US population growth is slowing" and is expected to stall before the end of the century. The US population is projected to peak in 2080, then start declining, according to a new analysis by the US Census Bureau. Nov 9, 2023”
Talk about creeping. Can we politely mention that Satanists use underhanded tactics in ad nauseum; like making societal and political changes too slow for people to notice something has changed. Interestingly enough, Satanists or Nazis/Communists do respect the power of the spoken word, and is why they lie so much. They have no tools to effectively oppose the honesty and caring for your fellow man when the spoken word is used to according to God's intentions. We all are, obviously, victims of chronic political lying that is taken to, well, even greater heights of ad nauseum.,the%20end%20of%20the%20century.&text=The%20US%20population%20is%20projected,by%20the%20US%20Census%20Bureau.
The position of the Great White brotherhood, on the other hand, is that a nation's strength is as strong as the moral integrity of her people. And, the little ones in the womb, who have quickly received their Christed I AM identity from God, which is also the will of God, and which we know as their “Christ spirit.” Unobservable by modern hospital technology, the Christ spirit is implanted into the little one only according to the Will of God, and not according to the will of the undecided, expectant mother. The confused and sometimes too quick decision by the expectant mother to abort their little one, indicates that this woman or that woman, who spouts off with the misguided notion that she has the right to control her own body, has not incorporated the precious, precious Christ awareness into her own life. Ignorantly she refuses to accept the solemn duty to protect the little being God has placed into her care. For there is no right to kill a child “just because,” or that the child's mother is scared of accepting her own motherhood or afraid of her financial future.
One perspective which must be understood is that abortion is not a matter of a woman's rights to kill viable little ones as if motherhood is a matter of inconvenience. And it must be understood that premeditatedly killing ANY Christed being, requires an immoral, acceptance of Satanic power to actually carry out the deed.
This is a most abhorrent truth which you never see or hear being pointed out on our Satanically controlled nightly news.
And, it should be apparent, especially after watching on TV the arguments of Satanically oriented women of why a child can be murdered. One MUST clearly accept the almost totally ignored truth, that abortion oriented future mother's are controlled, robotic tools of Satan. Once people become demonically obsessed in Satan's war against Christed ones, the Satanic method is to expand Satan's grip on a new Christ child being before the fetus is born and becomes old enough to consciously recognize its true I AM identity. But, by slowly, by creep and stealth, increasing increasing amount of child killing is more dangerous than you may think. and can easily be expanded by Satanic societal and political influences to include as victims older and older children as time moves along. If not stopped, such “creeping control” will eventually include killing of Christed people at an older age, such is happening in Canada, under the auspices of the Canadian government. "The 2016 law legalised assisted death for Canadians aged 18 and older with a serious and irreversible condition, whose death was 'reasonably foreseeable'" --(google) "In that first year, a little over 1,000 people received an assisted death, a number that has grown every year since."
Arguments will be raised trying to justify any kind of murder by the simple minded, weak willed, Satan inclined people who cannot grasp the immoral simplicity concept of murder.
People must learn to accept the increasingly clear, beyond a shadow of doubt, presence, of absolute evil and growing presence of evil, and the outrageous slight of hand trick being played on the people.
Still, the ordinary citizen may suppose evil is an old wives tale, and then relax and fail to see the true evil lurking when man made laws, for example are examined and assumed to be in alignment with God's Will. Unfortunately, just because all appears to be in alignment with the law, that does not mean all is well with human law. And that is where the tread hits the road, so to speak. Eventually society must accept the reality that just, because all the Satanic verbal gunfire and foot stomping, screaming that their anti “God's Will” rights are being violated," all that uproar does not make them right with God.
It is the fact, however, being a mother and caring for and protecting the Christ spirited child rests on a main reality being ignored by the far out leftists. That reality is that Motherhood is a solemn duty bestowed up the expectant mother by God and in spite of her true Satanic leaning. And, nowhere in God's Laws or historical laws, or even in Galactic Federation laws, are mothers given the right to cull the population of babies to be before they are even born.
There is still time for the U.S. to turn around and block and reverse anti-Christ, human designed laws allowing expectant mothers to viciously kill their unborn. And, it is also time for confused young mothers to grow up and accept the responsibility for their own “pregnancy” situation, as they themselves have brought pregnancy upon themselves.
This attitude, which tacitly accepts Satanic child murder regardless of the new infants “birth” or “pregnancy” status, clearly, clearly illustrates how tacitly the news media and the public have no, we repeat, they have NO idea of how strongly and ignorantly they are tolerating the unconscionable Satanic treatment of our own fellow human beings.
To finish up, maybe a few figures will illustrate how Satanist use the idea of stealth and creeping Satanic progress to keep you from noticing how cleverly they are successful getting you to help them support Satanic leadership. Below are a few figures showing how the lurking, unhappy and growing drug problem in America does not approach the damage done to humanity and our nation by abortion. The people must become alarmed and realistic and understand that the murder of babies far, far outstrips the horrors of drug overdose death, and people must wake up to how they are being suckered into following a very, very wrong, Satanic path.
We point out, as a graphic example, that 6 or 7 years of Viet Nam killing and bombing, about 50,000 to 60,000 Americans actually died. Yet, going by the average of killings per year, maybe 7,00 or 8,000 were killed in Viet Nam a year. But that does not begin to approach number the of baby killings in our supposed “guardians of health” agencies we call hospitals and clinics.
To sum up this article, the following figures show how deliberate killing of fetuses (abortion) kills twice the number than does voluntary, recreational overdose on drugs.
Average overdose deaths per year are around 349,649.
Average government authorized abortions per year are about 740,000 per year.
This illustrates the extremely serious inroads Satanists have made into weakening the core of the United States Government and may mean that the U.S. is loosing its status as freedom's beacon or light of hope high upon the hill. Hopefully Americans will wake up and grasp the significance of the understandably secret Satanic forces which have successfully made horrible changes in our nation's policies over the years. The emerging, overall picture is drawing a dramatic, ghoulish picture of how corrupt and how Satanically oriented our own government's policies are toward its own citizens.
But, to close, we save the largest, more secret observation for the last.
Considering that there is an Average overdose death rage per year of about 349,649, and about a 740,000 abortion death rate per year,
We ask: Who are the truly worst international criminals?
The recreational, illegal drug users in America? (349,649 deaths per year)
Or, is it the U.S. Government which supports the killer abortion clinics?
(causing 740,000 deaths per year)?
(or 61,667 abortions per month, and 2,027 obrutions a day),the%20end%20of%20the%20century.&text=The%20US%20population%20is%20projected,by%20the%20US%20Census%20Bureau.
As you can see in the above figures, America is beginning to fall behind on population growth. The insidious nature of this reality shows how the nearly unnoticed, anti-christ “creep” method to changing society without being obvious to the public, is taking its toll on the population growth, and is successfully undermining the national morality of the United States.
11-19-2023 -- Additional reports coming from what I consider to be a reliable source, namely Judy Byington, explain how it came to be that Biden was temporarily allowed to play the part of president. Recent polls show more and more and more clearly what Trump most likely known all along. Namely, that the extremist liberals are your worst nightmares. For instance, on practically the first day Biden was supposedly put into office, he arranges for People to see immediate calloused decision that got people killed and terrified in Afghanistan. People are waking up to the fact that Biden and crew are all in favor of controlling the money, and lying to you about a whole lot of things, things of which is revealing the unbelievable selfishness of these potential Communist/Nazi killers. People are starting to realize just how Biden and crew habitually have other goals than improving the economy and living conditions for the people. Biden's performance needs further evaluation.
On the other hand, Trump appears to be fully aware of the murderous nature of Biden and communist crew and extremist/anarchists -- AND ---- Trump appears to be fully aware that Americans are sadly, very, very clueless about what a communist is and what he is not. Americans have long needed a graphic example, like the absolutely needless deaths of Americans in Afghanistan, of what true callousness, communist style, is, and how it is defining Biden's presidency more each day. The true nature of the Biden beast is slowly becoming more visible to a hitherto extremely naïve American public. Unfortunately, this discussion is necessary, for instance, because it is typical, as the naïve German nation under Nazi Hitler learned --- that naivety of the public is what gets good leaders killed and allows communist/Nazis to ruthlessly rule the roost. These are things Americans are in sad need of understanding, and "American citizen confusion and gullibility are at least part of the reason congress appears to be worrying more about their own survival than getting intelligent legislation passed.
Judy Byington is what I consider to be one of the more reliable reporters on what is going on behind the scenes and who is responsible for worsening conditions in America. However it happened, Biden took over control of American leadership by abusing his opportunity to show the world his calloused, communist style indifference towards fellow Americans which includes opening the gates to every possible kind of terrorist killer who wants to do harm to the United States citizens. I have a bad feeling we have not heard that last of this matter yet. But the people are beginning to smell the rotten fish in the cooking pot of the "Biden-nomics" prosperity.
In the below reports Byington covers a wide span of Biden leadership and thinking style which is slowly becoming visible to American citizens.
("Judy Byington. SGAnon ~ Situation Update 11-19-23 ~ Trump Return - Restored Republic via a GCR.)
Report is at:
11-19-2023 --
It has been a quiet day so far. The computer has kept me busy today with maintenance work to keep it in peak condition. Will be going to supper with friends. But there are some new developments. I discovered I have been accidentally taking too much Betaine HCL to help the BP.
As usual, when I make more or less major adjustments to supplements it makes me feel like I have been combat with the "fates," so to speak. The now dosage has been working fine, up to now, except for the side effects of a the new dosage will help me feel better. The new, development in doctors, however, includes dumping my old doctor who was useless to say the least when it came to acknowledging my success in controlling my BP. He has gotten me to the point that literally, I have been so frustrated and angry that he has given me new dosages of BP medicine and when I go in to get tested for BP, my BP has been over 200. Like the last day I went it was 250 f you can believe that! It went down to 180 after the doc giving me a new dose of BP medicine in his office. He finally he sent us home when it was at 180, which to me is considerably too high. The problem is that I tell him over and over and over and over that I usually keep my own BP in the 110's to maybe 140's. He is like a child and cannot understand supplements AT ALL! Even his own BP medicines can not do what I can do on my own.
Like, for instance, when the BP came down to 180 at his office, he sent us home. On the way we stopped at United Parcel. While waiting for C. I decided to check the BP and it was still at 180. So I took my own stuff and we drove out of the parking lot. Before we even got on the road it went down to about 160, and by the time we reached home about 10 minutes later it was in the 130's. Maybe you can see why I get so really, really angry with his ignorance and attitude!
So, I think any rational person would say that if the doctor is the high BP problem, stop going the the doctor's office. Works for me. But the new doctor, who sees my daughter, is very aware of supplements and my daughter thinks I would do a lot better than the rather slow minded one I have now. We got an appointment in March which is the soonest I see her. But just the thought of getting away from my "supplement resistant" old doctor calms me down a lot. Other than not, not a whole lot to tell. Except, of course, our kitties and are doing fine and agree with me that I did good to change doctors. We have really smart kitties! Hope all are well. Cordially, AS
Thought for the day--- "....... The controlling, manipulating, mastering of life by way of the mind, the intellect, has become the definition of power. You can see, as you look around you, how much we know and can produce. You can see our skills everywhere, and how we can even manipulate the human body. If you would ask humanity to point to its highest display of power, its greatest achievement, it would point to the fruits of technological progress, which in essence involves the power to transform nature and life itself into our idea of how things should be, and then to control them.
"But, strangely enough, when you do that you take the “life” out of life. You kill it, so you can arrange and re-structure it to your own concepts: those of your mind. In its essence, this movement toward arranging and structuring life is born out of fear. It is the fear of not daring to move along on the great movements of life which are associated with the changing of the seasons, with birth and death, a child growing up, the blossoming of sexuality, the dance between man and woman. All creative forces of an artist or of a mother rearing children, everything humans do, stem from a deep inner flow of inspiration and creativity which cannot be grasped, contained, or understood merely by the mind.
"In short, what has happened is that thought has been placed above authentic feeling. By authentic feeling, I mean following your inspiration, following the flow of life as it naturally would evolve. There is a false picture of what power means. Power is usually defined as “having power over”, in order to be able to master everything in a masculine way, and that is not power in the true sense of the word. True power means moving along with the current of life.
"Please bear in mind that your soul is a reflection of life, a manifestation of the divine Source........" More at:
Observations from Lord Maitreya Teachings -- 11-13-20233rd edit
This meditation from a dictation by Lord Maitreya was delivered July 1, 1981, and published in the Pearls of Wisdom Vol. 24 No. 30.
This teaching by Lord Maitreya brings up a major question, when we consider his teachings and look back at our world, we may wonder why the true teachings of higher heavenly life causes such frustration on Earth. Why are God's rules so strict? To be sure, one of the answers has to be that true freedom comes from paying attention to the details of the rules, and in that context, a heart full of Heavenly desire will find the excellent self discipline which encourages the necessary dimensional rearrangement of our consciousness so that we percieve Heaven and the Saints, as they are, and not as we would make them seem as we gaze at Heaven with 3d eyes.
Thus we address this question of why some religious teachings seem almost impossible to understand or to emulate the Saints, while even stranger religious disciplines seem to accomplish the impossible alignment of our consciousness with Heaven, often making further religious study seem futile. And this brings us to our main question for this writing. That question being based upon a couple of Bible teachings regarding where we were before we were born. There is practically no perception of God and how we are in his image and likeness when viewing this problem using traditional, 3d constructed religions of the present day.
“I and my Father are one. I and my Mother are one.
“I and my Father are one. I and my Mother are one.
“There is far more to this mantra than you can even imagine in your outer mind. For the fullness of manifestation in all degrees of consciousness within thy being comes about through the entering into the center of the spiral and there converging, inverting the light but never perverting any formula of the sacred fire. Thus, penetrating downward and around and upward again--this mighty flow of inner God-realization ultimates in the manifestation where I AM of Alpha and Omega, worlds without end.
“Let us continue the mantra, pouring love—the most intense white fire—into the sphere of Alpha and Omega, now congruent in the etheric octave with your own heart, beloved ones.
…..”For this is why I AM here—to extend starry bodies of far-off worlds within the vastness of my own being, each star the coordinating point of Alpha and Omega. Where there is the fervent heart, the fervor of your heart will magnify the intense white-fire glow. Let it be!
“I and my Father are one. I and my Mother are one.”
The above article referred to, by Lord Maitreya we humbly add that the a person may have dreamed about a higher reality, or a bit more prosperity, or a more deeply passionate love, which marriage is meant to protected, or most anything important to them. But there are those annoying limitations God puts on us to guide us in life. For instance, when a man harasses a woman considered off limits by God and the highest morals of society, and they may be coaxed into into physically having a sexual affair; in that case both parties are choosing the lesser, inconsistent, 3d sexuality, and its well known limitations instead of living by the rules. That is not to imply that we cannot repent and clear our souls of feelings of guilty, for instance. But added discipline, that is well and intelligently guided, can do wonders to get back into the good graces of God. The main point being sometimes Satanic pressures can cause to be ignorant of realities that would alleviate our overall ignorance in our battle with Satanic influences, and almost all people are nearly oblivious of the delicate attentions of Satanic, dangerous influence.
Satana's influence is responsible for is the inconsistent nature of 3d living where natural law is less than the perfection of true, divine, Universal Law. This difference between Earth 3d and the divine is that the nature of illusive, 3d world realities include even 3d sex . So, overall, there is a major point of confusion on Earth and the more expansive heavenly, (often referred to as spiritual realities). Not withstanding the problems of horrific child abuse which permeates Earth 3d society. Abuse, alone, complications immensely a persons ability to grow into perceiving the greater array of dimensions which, often, a person may intuit or catch a realistic view of. Even without abuse being a problem, in reality, life must be sternly protected if one wants to obtain that higher dimensional, perceptual capability, where the individual may contain a higher degree of mutual respect for all people and all life in general.
Thus, one must overcome karmic, past lifetime problems (where we have failed to live by God's highest rules multiple times and multiple life times). When unyielding problems hamper our efforts to reach a certain goal, the secret enemy can be evil accomplished in another lifetime. Thus, until you clear old karmic records and overcome misleading religious, teachings and mental blockages caused by this abuse Satanically instigated in this world, you will be held in check by old wrongs you may deny you ever did. Thus the enemies ability to deprive us of a happier life are legion, are very, very surprisingly Satanic, and can also cause inadequate dream quality of remembrances. Thus, preventing most individuals from achieving any true vision of Heaven they may have had when karmic guilt encourages one to forget Heaven's nightly messages.
It is this picture presented by the legions of evil dream thieves on 3d Earth, which compose a false awareness of Heaven, is because we are out of sink with God as often as not. In the larger scheme of things, we must learn who and what produces the lies and crimes which deny you a lifetime of true dimensional soul growth to reach into the Heavens with 4th and 5th and 6th dimensional vision, “spiritual eyesight.”
That is an accomplishment that must be diligently earned and not automatically given by any potential grace of heaven. But 3d living requires a high degree of dedication to Heavenly standards not always clearly delineated by today's mainstream religions on the United States. For without accounting for past lifetimes “crimes against heaven,” the ignored lessons of past lifetimes must include the clearing of mortal errors and crimes committed, but still held in abeyance in the heavenly balance sheets that keep track of the past eternity of your existence. You may realize, then, that with the tacit, Satanically inspired blackout of information, which can guide you away from balancing your entire eternity of creation before God, you will most likely be denied your ascension. In other words, you may very well be denied your ascension and because of subtle Satanic interference (and by the way Earth religion which shuts down the truth needed to ascend), you will be defeated when, with your have faith in Godly guidance, you could ascend.
A large percentage of modern Christianity, today, fails to address answering the question of, what were you doing before you were born, or where you were or who you were as an image and likeness of the infinite God being which you truly are. In complete contradiction to its own biblical teaching, one is left with a great big , never ending, blank space, never realizing they have been deliberately misguided by Satan himself, and that is how serious this problem really is.
For instance, check out these supposed answers to the question of who or what we were. Google has listed are around 30 or 35 discussions of where we were before we were gorn. Basically it leaves us with no real knowledge about this matter. And, with no way to find out who and what being a divine, infinite image and likeness of God really means. This lack of knowledge it taints your spiritual vision. It leaves one with the suspicion that the true mystics are probably the only people who know the answer to who or what we were before birth. That, falsely, diverts you from finding out the true relation between you and the the true mystics and Saints, and makes your understanding of these beings weak and untrusting. Such weaknesses in your understanding can misguide you into believing you heavenly benefactors are actually your supposed the enemy.
Do you see? That is the reason for the emergence of Nazism and Communism you see in the world today. Their mission is to kill off or make the Saints seem unreal before the Saints can educate you sufficiently to save you from your own Satan assisted, self made enemies.
The whole variety of was this matter is discussed on Google----
( ), and insinuates no one has the absolute answer except for those folks who have ascended and returned to heaven, where they came from. In that case, the soul's present lifetime seems to relegate our future to the idea that no one exists who ever had a past lifetime, except of course, for those hearty folks who refuse to believe a lot of the misconceptions which some religious teachers push onto us a factual. Even their own arguments tend to reveal the ignorance about what our present lifetimes will look like from Heaven. Like, will God slap our mouths if we utter the unthinkable, and we say that that “there are no past lifetimes for people” (in Heaven) who obviously came from an Earth somewhere?
Our conclusion is that trying to understand 5 levels of dimensions by using a 3 dimensional brain controlled perceptions should tell, at least, that Earth has a whole, whole lot to learn about the higher dimensions of Heaven. In the meantime, just maybe realizing in all eternity, maybe, just maybe, some mystical masters of past historical lifetimes got to Heaven by learning how to transmute their natural born, 3d perceptions into higher 4th and 5th dimensional perceptions. That IS part of the magical secrecy of the Saints in heaven. This would of course, mean those who do most of the “Heavenly teachings” are too often victims of the false writings of other, past, 3d bound religious writers. As kind hearted and sincere these people are, they usually don't know much more than they find by reading today's religious teachings and using a 3d brain imagining.
One must, it would seem, conclude that the only way we will get any kind of realistic answers in this lifetime is to get the human race to work and guide the rest of humanity in a religious ascension type teamwork, if you will that allows us, as an equal among equals, to work together to get us all to spiritually grow into extraordinary 4th and 5th cognitive ability. It will be a big job to convince some supposed biblical experts that it is not so much how much faith that is needed, but rather, learning to apply that faith to solve greater problems created by Satan, and how to overcome Satanic interference itself. Mankind desperately needs to learn to peer into the Heavenly mansions above our heads, and follow the the path the actual Saints have done to reach the Heavenly dimensions like so many of our older and newer Saints have learned to do.
We desperately need to learn to appreciate the immense beauty and depth of the galaxies and universes above us, all created by the same God who created us. If that does not imply an immensely greater potential expansiveness for the rules of Ascension for the 3d, human mind, then I am stumped to figure our what will.
( The above comments are provided by this humble writer on behalf of the Ascended Masters of the Great White Brotherhood)
11-7-2023 -- TMost people are pretty oblivious to the changes in the world and in themselves regarding what is coming. The below article by Patricia Cota-Robles --, discusses what everybody will be going through in the next several days, with 11-11-2023 being the main day of the next transition step toward ascended with Mother Earth. These are big, big changes that will affect everyone on Earth. Ms. Cota-Robles states that: "This includes the Solar Light Codes flowing through the Portals of our Physical Sun – Helios and Vesta, our Central Sun – Alpha and Omega, our Great Central Sun – Elohae and Eloha and our Great, Great Central Sun – El and Ela.----"
"-----Through every person’s I AM Presence these higher Solar Light Codes are recalibrating our spiritual brain centers which include our pineal, pituitary and hypothalamus glands and the ganglionic center at the base of our brains. This recalibration is Creating the sacred space for our I AM Presence to Heal any fragmented circuitry within our brains that is still preventing us from communicating intuitively with our I AM Presence, the Company of Heaven or our Father Mother God."
This is information that can help people understand a little better if they are having strange sensations and thoughts that they can't otherwise explain. But to continue with Ms. Patricia Cota-Robles:
"This includes the Solar Light Codes flowing through the Portals of our Physical Sun – Helios and Vesta, our Central Sun – Alpha and Omega, our Great Central Sun – Elohae and Eloha and our Great, Great Central Sun – El and Ela.
"Through every person’s I AM Presence these higher Solar Light Codes are recalibrating our spiritual brain centers which include our pineal, pituitary and hypothalamus glands and the ganglionic center at the base of our brains. This recalibration is Creating the sacred space for our I AM Presence to Heal any fragmented circuitry within our brains that is still preventing us from communicating intuitively with our I AM Presence, the Company of Heaven or our Father Mother God.-----------------" More at:
10-30-2023 -- One site I am reading has some pretty good descriptions foods and chakras and so forth and how we can become very unable to function if the chakras are not functioning. I am definitely no an expert in chakras, but here are a couple of references that seem to make sense to me.
Another site is at the Summit Lighthouse:
Will let you know more as I move ahead, but I definitely need something to give me more energy. Cordially, Al
10-29-2023 -- The main event this past week is a sort of Protein crises where my legs basically gave out with no energy so I had to find out how to get protein to digest and work for me, because, I have been taking protein drinks for years and they finally, I suppose of my age, basically quit working like, being nearly impossible to go up the stairs. So got some creatine and protein powder and all together and the legs have been doing much better. Our neighbor took me out for a birthday dinner in Matawan, more or less at the top of "snake hill" on Red Arrow. New place. Still not together on their menus and so forth. But is was very thoughtful of the neighbors to take us out.
Have using been motor type oil on my heppa filters (which makes them 10 times better than the are others wise), and now need to get something like olive or peanut oil t use on the filters, because motor oil is not good for us humans. Am going with peanut oil to start, partly because olive oil is a little expensive to put in a heppa filter. But, using oil on micro cloth wash rags really cleans the mold spores out of the air. It is easier for me to sleep overnight now with practically no coughing for the first time in years (during the colder months). Just need to get rid of the motor oil for the micro cloths.
Our new little great grand daughter, Zatie, who is about 10 or 12 days old, is already smiling at her mother. Newborn babies seem more alert and aware of their surroundings than when we were born. Our 3-4 year old great grand son is, with the active help of his step mother and pre-school, is reading already. I remember when I was in kindergarten and 5 years old and was not able to figure out what learning the alphabet was all about. Not too much else going on to report, so, will sign off for the night. Hope all are well. Cordially, Al
10-24-2023 -- Don't know what is going on. Don't know if I ate something I shouldn't have are what but lost track of the time. I know I am , probably like most people, tired of the war and evil crap, but have lost interest, for the time being anyway. Finally got C's printer going on her new computer. Also am trying to improve my supplement stuff to keep from losing so much muscle mass in the legs. Get really tired lately. Don't know for sure what the reason is that the past week or so do not seem any more evil that usual. Don't know if maybe fasting for a week or so affected me. So, will stay away from fasting. It did seem to help give me more energy for awhile though. It seems like trying to keep your body healthy can get out hand without realizing it. Am going to check in on the negative side of fasting and see what I can find out. My BP, though, has been spot on with my latest "recipe." Hopefully I will feel like I am coming back to reality instead feeling so dreamy so much. Can't interpret that symptom. Not yet anyway. Like I have been pretty much unaware what day of the week is, like, I have to keep checking the day on the computer or Apple telephone. Hopefully this will all clear up pretty soon. That's is it for now. Hope all are well. Will write again, and hopefully on the assigned day! Hope all are well. Have a great Wednesday. Cordially, AS
P.S. Took some zeolite shortly after writing the above and my head started clearing up right away. It seems that diet drinks are a lot worse for us than I thought. Have not had any for a day or so, and when I had more water with supper and Zeolite I immediately started feeling better. The powers made their point when they wanted me to fast. Now I understand how bad some of our food is for us. Will keep you posted. Best Wishes, Al
“The next two weeks are going to be a very, very painful.”
…President Donald Trump Thurs. 12 Oct.
10-15-2023 --A more detailed report on the world reaction to Satanic cults -- MUST READ.
10-15-2023 Am starting a "fast" which has left me feeling slow in mind but at least better in body the last few days. Hopefully I will start thinking more more clearly as the "fast" progresses. In the mean time, here is an interesting article which concludes with the suggestion for people to start applying our nearly dormant, overlooked, but nevertheless very powerful, image and likeness of God "I AM," which needs to brought into this war through the power of the spoken world by the good people of the world. Maybe some bible lovers will remember that "I AM that I am" is God himself. That you and your soul were made in HIS image and likeness. Applying this truth to the world scene of terrorism, clearly there is a lot of correction needed to neutralize the evil use of the power of the spoken by terrorists and evil ones who scream and screech evil with all the power they have in their lungs. It appears the Galactic Federation would like to see more of the verbal, spoken correction of these evils which, unknown and unrecognized by most of us, hang like invisible Satanic vultures, overhead, in the self created and highly abused atmosphere of misery of our souls, if you will. Below is the latest article by Steve Beckow.
Israel Would Be Last --- New Article
The Galactic Federation suggests, in a somewhat lengthy article at goldenageofgaia, that the people of the world should more strongly start using the power of their true identity (your nearly dormant, God given, image and likeness of God power for prayer to help good to overcome evil in this war.
October 15, 2023 by Steve Beckow
Article starts saying: "What bigger (evil?) operation could be expected than arming yourself with the stockpile of weapons left behind when the U.S. left Iraq (Afghanistan) under assumed-President Biden? And financing yourself with a part of the $6 billion given to Iran....." --- more at:
10-12-2023 Political Mass Murder in the Middle East
A Release of the Great White Brotherhood
10-7-2023 "Alert: The people of Gaza are about to be sacrificed to Satan unless the world acts"
By Benjamin FulfordOctober 7, 2023
"Both Mossad and MI6 sources confirm the attack on Israel by Hamas was orchestrated by Benyamin Netanyahu in order to create an excuse for the mass slaughter of the Palestinian people. This is meant to be a sacrifice to Satan intended to start a nuclear holocaust.
Still don't get it when we mention the “Repooplicant-Dumbocant” Political Party? , Benjamin Fulford has uncovered some highly revealing info on who some of the members of the “Repooplicant-Dumbocant” Political Party really are.
His information shows, short and sweet and clearly, how this evil and nefarious American/(even International Party) works. You may begin to realize that the truth revealed by Fulford may very well spell the doom for American politics, as we know it today, if the truth of Fulford's report of 10-9-23 is made known and is further verified by other reporter/observers. And judging by Fulford's reputation for well investigated accuracy with big news items, this recent report may very well be further verified in the not too distant future.
Therefore we can likely plan on learning new, secret categories of gross political brain hemorrhaging things we, to this day, have never wanted to know about. According to what Fulford is spelling out, he seems to be implying that we have to make huge changes in or governments, or die trying.
Who what is Ba'al?
“God Baal Origin, Worship & Biblical Significance -
7 Dec 2022 · Baal has sometimes been interpreted in Judeo-Christian religions as the devil or a demon. In the Hebrew Bible and Judeo-Christian religions, ...
To continue with the WEEKLY REPORTS (by Fulford)
“Cult of Ba’al stages mass sacrifice of Jews and----” By Benjamin Fulford October 9, 2023
Before we get into who is who in this incredibly Satanic type group, and what they really are, Fulford deserves huge world honors for finding out information that may prove to be the beginning of the end of the “whose who's” that are in the Satanic mosaic of American and world politics.
It has long been my contention that there is only one political party which controls what you know about in the U.S., and now World Politics and news. Highly regarded investigative reporter Ben Fulford reveals some interesting identities of those who make up this secret group of supposedly solid but extremely deceptive American politicians. Without quoting this whole article, and I hope I am not breaking the rules of news reporting “morality, but, in this discussion some of the names Fulford lists as recipients receiving hush money, we can understand that presumably, they are being paid to maintain a solemn secrecy for their part in the “military planning and politics/pre-knowledge” of the Middle East War. A war that is already producing deliberate, Satanic insanity intensity, and needless deaths in the present Middle East War.
The “pre-knowledge” of the planning for the present Middle East War, and its Satanic needless mass murder of many, many innocent lives, according to Fulford, seems to include the knowledge these folks have of when arrangements were made for main political players, like themselves, to be receive secret protection. It appears to us that Fulford is speaking of “hush money” payoffs to make sure the traitorous politicians to keep their mouth's shut about their unconscionable part in war planning. According to Fulford, this list of subject politicians includes: Joe Biden $92 M, Mitch McConnel $89M, Nancy Pelosi $86M, Lindsey Graham $82M, Adam Schiff $62M, Elizabeth Cheney $77M, Mike Pence $61M, Ilhan Omare $31M, Elizabeth Warren $42M, and so on.
But for those of you who are so asleep that you still cannot imagine evil so dense as this, dream your dreams of your particular political party while U.S. and world political leaders knowingly play their Satanic games. Through ignorance, you understand, you secretly give aid and comfort to the real enemy as the political world tears itself apart! But hopefully, you will see why the “too secret to believe” factor keeps these Satanic culprits truly and fully hidden from the consciousness of the American people.
Thank you, thank you, thank you Mr. Ben Fulford!
October 10-10 2023 - Have been trying to get over a cold for the past few days. While in the process have had trouble sleeping. When trying to sleep I have encountered a sort of white light like a translucent, maybe frosted glass, that I can not seem to get past or turn off. After a lot of violet flame I happened to read some of Elizabeth Clare Prophets discussions on our “I AM” presence. Have concluded that the white light is my I AM trying to get my attention. Have printed off an article she wrote about how to be in touch with our I AM which is kind of like the engine of a car which is the rest of the car depends on to function properly, so our I AM needs the light to live, so to speak.
I found an article she wrote back sometime before 2001 where she talks about how and why, if we want to advance and ascend, for instance, we need to communicate with our I AM daily. Interesting. Have printed off a copy that and will read tomorrow while C is getting her hair done.
Anyway, all this stuff about the white light started with trying to figure out with wondering we really understand about how we and our souls manage to be connected or work together. What can we can do to when we seeing or doing God's Will, from Heaven's perspective. I thnk in that are Christians are horribly, horrible left ignorant as a new born baby. So how can we know God's Will. In the process I found an article in which she says: "That article I found at "
That led to another article about what E.C. Prophet had to say about how to know when and how to keep in touch with our I AM (like we are in God's image and likeness, and like the bible says that God's name is I AM that I am ('English Standard Version ---
God said to Moses, “ I AM WHO I AM.)” It should be obvious a lot of detail is left out of the bible on that score.
And he said, “Say this to the people of Israel: ‘ I AM has sent me to you.’” So if that basically sums up all we know about the self admitted power of I AM by the bible. So, where is the meat of this reality?
For instance, the bible does not show us we can know we are doing God's Will. Prophet says, though: “Some people do not remember to give attention to their (God's image and likeness). So, here "I AM?" I pondered thiks I AM Presence daily for quite a while. How do we know our I AM is doing good? And then to retain that attention on the I AM Presence throughout the day. People ask me (Prophet), “How do you do this?” "Well, when you establish a very firm connection with Almighty God from the moment you awaken and you begin your meditation even when you are preparing yourself for your activities, and you give your decrees, it is like the background and the backdrop of your day. Whatever else your attention may be engaged in, your attention is really always on God, and everything else proceeds from that attention. And when you get into tense situations and long periods of total exertion of all of your forces, you take microseconds, split seconds, and you go back to that point of attunement and oneness. It is the anchor point of your energy and your Light. It’s like taking all of the forces of one’s being and hanging them on the hook of God and seeing that all is in an upward motion and an upward movement....." Article at:
Anyway, that is where I think I am at, and am getting ready to embarking on a Summit Lighthouse (Great White Brotherhood) fasting process to help communication with my I AM and I believe includes communicating better with the GWB. Apparently this is also a process leads to Ascension (without necessarily dying). At any rate that story goes on and on. A larger concern in my attention is the war in the Middle East. I fear we are in for a hard time in the U.S.. Has anyone noticed how the fascist Biden has let in hundreds of thousands of trained, evil, foreign agents in over our borders. People do not know that the bad guys have put roads tunnels under Trump's wall and have had free access, shipping people, terrorists, weapons and whatever the hell else. Do you suppose the Iranians plan on doing to the U.S. what they are doing to Italy?
I mean. They have been making nuclear weapons for years (officially they started their atomic program back sometime in the late 1980s or 90's or something like that. For God sake, they have been reporting every year since sometime around the 1980's as I recall, promising that they will have the atomic weapon ready in about two years (I think I remember that B.S. being reported when Reagan was president as I recall)
Like that makes a nice nuclear barrage over the U.S. with what they still claim is an arsenal that is now maybe 15 or 30 or whatever years in buildup! How long does it take to build an arsenal that can annihilate the U.S.? Americans WILL be getting a huge wake up if they don't wake up soon on their own. Then, who know, like Israel, it may be too late to save what is left our babies and families, etc.
Seeing as how Iran hates the U.S. worse than anyone else (we being the “Great Satan”), the door is now open, thanks to Biden's traitorous tactics, of opening the door to anyone who wants to come in tan do us harm! Well, Iran in proving today what they plan on doing to all their most hated enemies. I.E.: I hope people understand what beheading babies and Americans in Iran ia all about!
GET READY: the hate storm is forming up and growing while Americans stupidly sleep themselves silly. Well, I guess that takes care of my rant for the evening.
Still working on getting over my cold. Nasty stuff but am feeling better. Took C to the hospital the few days ago for severe flu that was causing her to nearly pass out. Turns out her heart and so forth are functioning properly, but like the last time (and this time both) now and a year ago or so, I walked my butt off just getting food and so forth while visiting. I bet I walked more than a mile going back and forth to the cafeteria from the emergency room. Bronson is a beautiful hospital, but nearly impossible to have a comfort visit. But the old legs and heart are holding up surprisingly well, just leaving me pretty worn out for a couple of days.
So, that is about it for now. The U.S. May not know it, but she is in desperate need of lots and lots of prayers.
Hope all are well. Cordially, AS (Will edit this some more. Am worn out for now.)
10-6-2023 -- "Weekly Geo-Political News and Analysis – by Benjamin Fulford
ByBenjamin FulfordSeptember 25, 2023
"Something fundamental has changed at the highest levels of power in the West. The signs are everywhere. The US government is being shut down. The traitor Mark Milley is resigning as head of the Pentagon at the end of this week."
That sounds like a theme in the government we may hear about more and more as time goes by. At any rate that seems to sum up, for me, anyway, the theme to be repeated over and over as the U. S. government is dismantled in coming months. Really big changes. This is certainly going to reverberate throughout our economy and world more and more as time goes buy.
Have been having a low grade cold the last couple of days and am mainly laying around trying to get over it. BP and all that seen to be hanging in there alright.
The mold problem became or acute the last few days with new water in a hole in the basement floor started kicking out new black mold spores, making me dizzy. Decided to just a bunch of bleach into the water and spread it around the sides of the hole. That seemed to to the best job of anything and I am getting over feeling dizzy and tired out all the time. That sure is nasty stuff. But, needless to say, between the mold and cold I am pretty well worn out.
Was reading somewhere today that AOC was behind getting the speaker fired. I guess AOC schooled Gaetz in how to pull it off. Dirty stuff going on. As usual,.
Need to get C's printer working and I hate the way you cannot just install printers under W11 like you can in W10. That is an ongoing problem . Sorry to cut this short but do need to get some sleep. Hope all are well. Will write later when I feel better. Cordially, AS
9-24-2023 --Corruption appears to be growing beyond reasonable bounds these days. If you remember who supposedly owns the company who produces the faulty election machines (---owners who reportedly own Dominion --Paul and Nancy Pelosi) and debunked at ( You may be interested in other sordid details discussed on the internet, where Maresca She says that “Smartmatic, Faces Federal Grand Jury Indictment for Illegal Activities.”
It is hard to tell just what the facts are, but it appears, with Hunter added into the mix, political, criminal type revelations of corruption are coming out in what appears to be a growing typhoon of really unprecedented proportions, the democratic party is getting into deeper and deeper “dodo.”
September 29, 2023 by Suzanne Maresca (article above)
Whatever the truth is I notice that the Democrats, besides having an extensive litany about Trump's theoretical law violations, are now producing an extensive lists of reasons that anybody who says anything about Dominion being guilty of criminality are off their rocker. Just the intensity of it all tends to create a feeling of disbelief in people's minds that could never go away. I think this is where Biden's unbelievable treason and gouging of millions of dollars around the world will sort of diminish the credibility of a lot of other Democrats, like the Pelosi and Feinstein.. At any rate, this article warfare between conservatives and liberals is getting to the point of being idiotic.
Other than that kind of news and information, things have been pretty quiet here. Slept most of the day because could not get to sleep last night. Other than that things are pretty quiet here. Will be going to the neighbors for supper on Sunday. She insists we eat Sunday dinners at her house and she is a very fine, very caring person. That is about it for now. It is just turning “Sunday” according to my computer, so have a good Sunday. Cordially, AS
9-24-2023 -- Getting kind of tired, so hope this reads OK. It has been a good day and after how many years of the blood pressure wars, I FINALLY figured out how to get my BP back to normal without having to constantly monitor "just in case." Seems whatever I have been eating and drinking (don't drink alcohol anymore), presumably too much sugar. At any rate the problem is my probiotics have not had enough food specifically to feed and keep the good probiotics alive. It was necessary to finally figure it out as I was anticipating (with the help of the good guys and gals upstairs) that Dr. Gundry might change his product I use, and it appears he reduced some of the stuff he puts in his capsules, and cut back on the daily dose so that I spend roughly twice as much, which was about $120 a month to keep the BP normal as possible. With the additives I buy for about less than 1/4 of the cost, my BP has been mostly normal all day, meaning since starting out this morning with the new products, it has been normal, like 130 pretty much the whole day, which is pretty much unusual. Finally fixed what seemed to me to be "violent" swings in BP and for first time, I can do it without it getting out of hand.
That is the main big news. To change topics, we had dinner with the neighbors today and one of our group is a die-hard liberal who actually does a pretty decent job to not snarl about conservatives. He did slip up once tonight, snarling about conservatives, and made me think about how one article, several months back, said to not get "caught up" in the wars in the world, or in the "black and white" war politics, etc.
Actually, have been thinking about this quite a bit and an article that is a series of articles from "Father Absolute," addressed this world wide problem saying: " I hope you can read this without a member ship. That is about it for now. Hope all are well. Have a great Monday. Cordially, AS Father Absolute – Window On New World (Unintentional Revival), September 22nd, 2023
/ Father Absolute / By Per Staffan / September 22, 2023 More at (scroll down past non-sexy sex article) to: " 22 September 2023, Father - Absolute
Source: This other site allows you to read without a membership that the "Sananda" site requires.
Greetings, my dear beloved children!
Well, as a follow-up to my previous message that spoke about two groups of people – those who believed the authorities unreservedly and those who could figure out the genuine message of the things in progress today we will talk about the segment of Earth’s population that cannot be ranked among either the former, nor the latter.
As a matter of fact, everything that is taking place on your planet cannot be considered from this black-and-white perspective.
A person, if it is really a human being with a Divine soul, is so many-sided and, even possible to say, of many faces that to describe all their qualities – strong and weak points – one needs a whole gamut of colours in the Universe.
Another thing is that for many centuries they have been doing their best to “decolour” people rendering them featureless grey.
This way on your planet there came into being a huge segment of population that can be called but “grey mass”.
And now an opportunity has arisen to introduce different shades – bright and lovely – even to these people.
In what way can it be done and who can manage this?
9-17-2023 -- Well, so much for warning people about the slow destruct of the banking industry. But, in addition to the banks most likely going belly up, I feel like major change in the world situation is are slowly coming about, and today the world I live in, anyway, seems to have changed in some strange way. Like, I look at the sky and it is the same sky I looked at yesterday, but, yet, it is strangely not the same sky. Like it is quieter of less harsh looking, like some new dimension is slowly beginning to emanate into our present reality. Will have to wait and see I guess.
Everything is pretty quiet here otherwise. Have been coughing more the last few days and finally figured out that the Hepa filters needed cleaning. I have 2 going in the living where I usually sleep and no one else can sleep when I get coughing. Anyway, the Hepa filters are indeed strange creatures. They do not seem to work on some irritant in the house. A year or so ago, just to be sure maximum filtering is working I thought that maybe putting in extra electrostatic (Hepa type micro cloths) in front of the factory filters. material might help. Low and behold, a couple of months I started coughing and this time the mold in the basement is pretty well under control, so it had to be something else.
I washed the "washable" filters and cloths. When I first cleaned the factory filter it was clean! No dirt came out at all that I could see. So I washed the several cloth filters I put in in front of the factory Hepa filter. They were really dirty it as was clear with the amount of fine dirt & dust I got out of them, micro rags/cloths work better than plain Hepa filters. After I washed them and oiled them (to help trap super fine dust), and I started up the filter blower again, the fine added micro cloths work better than the Hepa filter. Laid down in front of the fresh Hepa filter and Walla, I could feel by my body relaxing and feeling much, much better. Have had no coughing in the last few hours. Thank heaven for that. Thank heaven for micro fiber cloths! Maybe I well get better sleep, finally.
In other areas of interest information is surfacing regarding child abuse, kidnaping and so for the emerging in Maui. According to a Judy Byington report: "Residents reported seeing white vans rounding up children who were home alone during the fire. Some say they were killed in the fire, but no bodies have been produced. Others say the Global Alliance military white hats were investigating an international child sex trafficking ring-centered in Lohina. We know the white hats have been proactive in rounding up and taking care of Maui fire perpetrators. Some say the children may have been rounded up for human trafficking. Dr. Jan Halper reported that the children were safe but gave no further information."No one and authority will talk about the missing children, not the governor nor mayor nor police chief, nor Maui survivors. Nor Global Alliance military, and certainly not the fake news mainstream media. Pray for the Children. A child’s prayer, 2013, the Tabarnock acquired no media coverage on 2,000 Still missing Maui children believed kidnapped. Where were Mauis? Over 2,000 missing children adults and children burned alive as FEMA. Maui cops blocked escape routes. 2,400 children missing in a Winfrey, Gates, Zuckerberg, CIA child trafficking cover-up over 1,200 Hawaiian children missing, parents believed murdered by deep state FEMA Maui missing kids."
The article goes to say: "Must-watch video: new Philgitlevsky, Capitulation. Trump Special Intel. Flatearth events. September 14th, 2023. On Thursday, 14th of September, the Panama Canal shut down in 40%. 40% of the global supply chain came to a halt. Ships are stuck on both the Atlantic and Pacific Ocean sides of the canal and being ordered to travel with 40% less weight to deal with less water. The Panama government said these restrictions will last at least 10 more months. Hal Turner Bulletin: The Panama Canal has stopped. Expert predicts catastrophic black swan event will rock the housing markets. A Thursday, 14th, of September Trump office, a message to all the conspiracy theorists and curators for all of you who have ridiculed social media and been called crazy for years,...." .... The thought never seems to stop emerging: that "something rotten in Denmark," or something to that effect.
I guess that is about it for now. Have a great Monday. Hope all are well. Cordially, AS
9-13-2023 -- Here is a report which should get anyone's attention who deals with any money at all. MEANING: EVERYONE SHOULD BE PAYING ATTENTION!
World economy on precipice of a nose dive.
- The highly regarded, international reporter, Ben Fulford, reporting on the world situation and pending U.S. bankruptcy, summed up in his latest article saying....: "The big question now is whether the world’s leading terrorist entity, the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA CORPORATION, will finally go bankrupt after the September 30th fiscal year-end. In the latest sign the US financial system is imploding, there has been a 45% drop in US home purchases, a bigger fall than during the Lehman shock of 2008. Similar shocks are hitting credit card companies, small businesses, car loans, etc. as the entire economy is in freefall....." more at: ----for some reason this link does not work. Article is on the Ben Fulford site and the article discusses this topic at May hove to use google to find it. Have no idea what the problem is. It works off and on.
9-11-2023 -- It has been a busy week with a new baby, visitors and the aftermath of my daughter's wedding. Her husband is getting quite interested in natural health treatments and chucking most meds into the garbage. More and more people are thinking this way. We went to Paw Paw days celebration with all the old, rebuilt and beautiful cars. Had a hot dog. Did a LOT of walking and my age is catching up and I get tired out more easily. Feel pretty good most of the time, though. Got C a new computer and it took several days to get it set up for her because I was not knowledgeable at all about Windows 11. Really a pain until you figure out where the basic things are and get Openoffice on it and so forth. Very fast. I built myself one but her new one has a newer and faster mother board and really zooms along. Mine has the same super-6 CPU "brain," and it does quite well but the mother board is older and a little slower. Not a problem, however. The bid deal is Windows 11 that is a lot different than W10. After 3 or 4 days got it set up with the right sized letters the screen, the right icons, learned how remove or put icons back and add new ones. All different that W10. Very frustrating to deal with all the super, duper, fantastic new windows that really isn't much better the W10 which my older computer has.
Other wise, have been watching the political war and Biden's stupidity and the Dems continuous efforts to manipulate the courts into setting Trump's court dated to coincide with the elections so that they can manipulate and steal this election (again). Sickening, although I do remember Bush II and his stealing the election from Al Gore (by threatening to kill the Supreme Court Justices families if they decided for Al Gore), during the political wars ongoing at the time. Actually, I just happened to voted for Gore because I could not see where Bush anything to write home and tell "Mom" about.
So, today, however, I am tired from all the walking at the Paw Paw festival. Not much else going on at the moment. Looking for interesting articles on the internet and not much new going on. Hopefully we will start seeing more of a positive direction for politics and education of our kids. Of course I do not need to tell you how disgusting the teacher's union is these days as you know from very trying, personal experience. I can't believe how screwed up the teacher's union is, even trying to teach kids that they are not the sex they obviously are. God. They will do anything to corrupt and confuse the youth of today. I would love to see a bunch of those Communist idiots in prison like they have deserved, for the past few, what? Decades now? All I can say is "may God have mercy on the souls of union and leaders." And, that is about it. Will go for now. Hope all are well. Have a great Monday. Cordially, AS
9-4-2023 -- Just a quick note to let you know our great grand daughter was born about 10:05 last night. Caesarian. Doing well. Our grand son and wife all doing very well. Met her other "grand parents" too. Have been having trouble sleeping so will go to bed and hope I get more sleep tonight. Hope all are well. Will write later. Cordially, AS
9-2-2023 -- Here are my views: On the LBGT
Hi N: Sorry if I rattle on too much here. But maybe this answers any questions about my views on Gays or Lesbians. Although, I didn't really know what the rainbow flag was until I Googled it.
Reminded me that I am a bit tired of my gay grandson making it overly clear that he is a die hardnosed gay LGBT "human." So, he is "married." He is the very militant type, but his "mate" is a pretty nice, cool headed guy. His mate is making the Air Force a career. I must say that I don't have anything against gays or lesbians. But I do think there is a lot of confusion and certain mental issues with the militant, LBGT ones.
I think it is telling that the bible does not say the God made men men and women women "because---." On the surface it may appear people were made one way or the other accidentally somehow, but I suspect God wants us to stretch our spiritual wings, you could say, and learn to understand how to feel an ever increasing sense of wisdom and love regardless. Google says about love: "This term shows that the divine nature includes qualities we associate with both fatherhood and motherhood, such as wisdom and love."
This larger understanding of God's nature "is very practical in bringing strength and reassurance to daily experience, as well as being an important part of spiritual healing." At any rate I have always believed that a mother's love is more powerful than a father's warring masculinity. So what does that mean?
God has a reason for us to live by the rules of behavior between men and between women. Doesn't make our souls evil, but the rules strongly imply God wants us to learn things we are a little weak in. Like, if people grow in a larger wisdom and love, and learn to feel a much higher, infinite and deeper love than we know on Earth, we also grow and will help the world live in peace. Although wisdom is in the mix, I suspect that sex is the real battleground for the LBGT. The only wisdom they seem to understand is that being gay or lesbian is the only way people should be allowed to live. Like, maybe we are dealing with secret Commies or Nazis or something.
Love is love, and no love is mostly "anti-love," I suppose. If all women changed their nature, and took up arms like men, and practice killing, that would imply negativity beyond imagination. My conclusion is, that if God wanted to make women enemies of men he would simple have made all women men!
This gay/lesbian war, like my grandson loves to get mired in, only proves how impractical a person is or how anti-God and militant they are. Regardless of all this BS and sex changing, if God intended all women to be men, they would have been born with sword between their legs and a canon in their mouth. But no, the LBGT have nary a thought of doing God's Will, or to just get all the bitching over with.
As you can see I do have some strong feelings about all of this confusion and back biting and what amount to war mongering. I say "down with the LBGT idiots!
Anyway, how do we recon there even is a God and Love? Well, do you remember some of the old time stories from the WWII war front. When men were dying, they very, very often called out for their mother, NOT their father. My conclusion is that God makes us whatever he wants us to be, and if we are born men, act like one, and if we were born as a woman, act like they are the embodiment of Love. Mom wins in the ending death throws of her children, and especially those who have a harsh death.
Like, God had a reason for making women who, secretly, in mind of most of humanity, are mainly regarded as mostly good people. And likely the quiet people are the ones people remember as the best of humanity, when they die, and who will be looking for a loving, understanding God.
Now, tell me, what do people secretly believe in or hope incomplete, still under editing -- 10th edit
Latest Update highlighted in yellow below.
5-5-2024 شرور العالم
[5-4-2024 The Evils of the World}
13 hinayidh qadamuu 'iilayh 'atfalan liadae yadayh ealayhim wayusaliy, fantaharahum altalamidhu. 14 faqal yasue daeau alawilad la tamnaeuhum an yatuu aly lan limithl hawula' malakut alsamawati. 15 fawadie ealayhim yadayh wamadaa min hunaka.
[Matthew 13: Then were they brought unto him little children, that he should put his hands on them, and pray: and the disciples rebuked them. 14But Jesus said, Suffer little children, and forbid them not, to come unto me: for of such is the kingdom of heaven.]
5-5-2024 The Evils of the World
That FOX or CBS or CNN or ABC
do not Report: including
"American Black Brain Mold",
(The new law of the land)
A mold that just keeps on keeping on:
A release of the Great White Brotherhood
"Trump and the Alliance to the rescue. Their Military missions culminated with US Navy Seals, Russian Special Ops and OUR Protection Team discovering 1,245 barely alive children, teens and adults and taking 1,366 dead bodies from 30,000 containers on the Illuminati’s Evergiven Ship that blocked the Suez Canal from Tues. March 23March to Mon. 29 March."
Anadenochrome – What shoild you Believe?
BUT-- Do not be deluded into believing this is just a Suez Canal drug problem. For one thing the ship was Chinese, and the Suez is an international water way, that ships from all around the world constantly travel through. But, when one tries to look for anything to do with the nationalities of the children who were murdered or died on this ship, you find nothing. If you search for the nationalities of any children on board the “Evergiven” ship or anywhere else, you will find a problem, that for just about every true article on the evils of children abuse and killing that are true, a dozen other articles on Google almost immediately and universally deny that any child mistreatment, anywhere, exists except in your minds.
We of the Great White Brotherhood must point out that this universal “pooh-poohing” of just about every report of child killing and Satanic practices of eating children and their blood, and raping of children, and adrenochrome manufacturing and use by elites etc. are universally denied in multitudes of opposing aritcles, to the point, that if one makes a persistent search for maybe a half hour, you find that google, for instance, has been just about completely sanitized true articles with many, many, many more articles pooh-poohing the few reports that were for the most part true to the facts.
If you are surmising that all this sanitizing, of denying reports of Satanic treatment of children, all appear to be nervous, terror struck, frantic, panic stricken in nature, we of the GWB fiercely state “YES.”
These lying “de-bunkers” of true reports (of child torture, mutilation, murder,) and their compatriots, are facing a real, real problem, and they know it!
The world wide penalties for the horrible, horrible mistreatment of children, assuming the terrible extent of the mistreatment was clearly understood by the world's people, would te terrible for these Satanic supporters. There would be a worldwide screaming and demand for the hanging or shooting of these evil beings that would ring loud and clear throughout world and throughout the entire galaxy, and that is NO exaggeration!!!
Keep in mind, when you read the endless “sanitizing” and “neutralizing” all military and police reports, that these vermin are TERRIFIED of what will happen to them once you UNDERSTAND what they have up to for more decades and cent rues you have any idea of. Their very real problem is that there is a world wide internet that, regardless of their attempst to Pooh-Pooh reports of their crimes, people are waking up and these Satanists are absolutley terrified!
So, let us proceed with this article with a little awareness of the actual stakes that are in play for these absolute disgusting, NON-humans who are facing their actual and ultimate demise, for they CAN NOT remain on an Earth that is ascending into higher 5th and 6th dimensional, Heavenly realms.
With that said, let us continue.
Reader: The Adrenochrome Bust You Never Heard About Posted By: RumorMail [Send E-Mail] Date: Thursday, 26-Mar-2020 Posted on March 26, 2020by fromthefirstorder
**************************************** Reader: The Adrenochrome Bust You Never Heard About
Posted By: RumorMail [Send E-Mail]
Date: Thursday, 26-Mar-2020 13:11:34
In Response To: Reader: The End of the World as we Know it – The Fall of the Cabal by Janet Ossebaard (RumorMail)
Opening Question- How many tears does God shed for the child whose blood makes one dose of Adrenochrome, which is a deadly recreational drug known to kill anyone who tries to kick their addiction this drug?
How many tears doers God shed for all the children it takes to make enough adrenochrome to be worth
True Leadership is a Myth for the People of Earth
To the Republican National Committee
A Release of the Great White Brotherhood
This letter is no doubt every day stuff for the Trump team. But, to the answer your question of how energized the people in my town are regarding the presidential election, the problem I see is mainly that the people here do not know what the real problems in this election revolve around, other than what is on the nightly news. And that is always a problem because the nightly news, Fox or otherwise, does not address a large swath of problems that surround “untouchable” subjects, like Nazis or Satanists influence on world decision making. So what should the Republicans need to do to get the confidence of the people in our small town?
To answer that question pretty directly, the people need to be told who the A _ _HOLE_ S are who have been starting all the wars, who is keeping the traitor Biden in office, and encouraging local as well as government crimes, and identify who are the bosses of the henchmen who come across our borders with no presidential cares at all. But it is the true killer bosses, blackmailers, and child eating criminals which remain hidden that I am concerned about. These are the ones at the top of the evil pyramid: Get rid of them all, permanently, by getting the support of the people, And, that, will never be accomplished using the nightly news reports. The reports of such, evil, underground activity have yet to hit the nightly news, so how can the small town public have any idea of what there is to vote for that matters?.
I have talked and talked to the average type person for a long, long time, mostly in little old Paw Paw and neighboring towns. NONE of them has any idea of what is actually going on. My favorite person I talked to is a secretary at a veterinary clinic. She is one of those happy, bouncing gals who, after listening to my “rant” on where the true evil in politics starts, summed up her problem with politics recently: She put it beautifully: “Who are the real criminal leaders you are talking about, that no one can identify? How can you vote for people when history proves that the people do not know who the bad guys really are?” And that points out a real problem for someone like trump who wants and needs their sincere, grass roots, small town support. In this case, the answer needs to be more down to Earth than the very, very public display of the horrible, immoral legal system President Trump if forced to endure.
Although showing the immorality and evil of today's liberal, legal mind is an excellent start for those people who appreciate the art of negotiating the corridors of today's court system, small towns, in my experience, pose a different problem. I have found that the average person in our town does not seem inclined to pick apart the legal system with any enthusiasm.
One of the really irritating things to me is that virtually EVERYONE IN POLITCS AVOIDS identifying who the real “killer,” the most evil, or who the blackmailers are, or who the actually blackmailed or “compromised” leaders really are? Making such exposes is certainly a daunting problem, but here is my opinion from small town Paw Paw. People here, like our veterinarian secretary want to know WHAT THE BAD GUYS NAMES ARE? What did they do that was bad? Simple stuff like that.
Like, looking at the bigger picture for small town folk, NO ONE I talk to in little old Paw Paw has the slightest idea that the almost mystical, rumor like cults and Satanic activities are anything other than rumor or a handful of folks running full gallop away from the FBI or CIA. A result is that at home, NO ONE KNOWS ABOUT THE REAL CHILD KILLERS AND MURDERERS WHO ZEALFULLY KILL AND EAT OR “ADRENOCHROME” THEMS SELFS ON KIDS BLOOD. And, as an addendum to this line of thought, their exemption from the regular reports of the misguided nightly news leaves a vacuum in the reality of the small town perception of reality. Not to mention other horrible, horrible, realities all the people I talk to simply can not comprehend. It is no wonder people here simply do not know who to vote for.
Practically no one, here, has any way to relate their world to Satanist evil. Practically no one. And if they do, what do you want them to do to help? The true reality of the world's Satanic leaders, and their unspeakable horror of the way they, like communist's and Nazi's, have not the slightest sympathy or feeling for real live, human people or children. To these evil ones, humans are just another form of cattle or penned up animals This attitude is not comprehensible to small town America. Thus, without a connection between our daily lives and cults, small town American sees NO “anti-human,” or anti-God,” danger, or potential or inhumanly planned national disaster when it is staring them in the face.
The fine, delicate touch of Satan's scalpel is simply not a “mental or emotional touch stone” for the people in my town.
THAT IS THE ONE BIG, BIG, BIG TRUTH. And even when told right to their face who the controllers of Earth really are, the people simply cannot process the actual reality that controls this world. Thus they never try to vote the real devils “out” because they have no awareness of who the “devils” they really are.
There is your answer. Politics, since true evil cannot be mentioned by politicians, must revert to lies. To the people I know, politics is simply a game of inventing lies that will help get candidates into office (too often under false pretenses). With, possibly of the exception of the Kennedy's (or Reagan's or hopefully Trump's, being the likely least of all the other evils) lies are required by the true powers that run this world if a candidate wants to get into office. In that sense, until you can solve that “evil invented”, “uncomprehending” mental state of mind of the American and world public, the ongoing political game of “truth” hide and seek, murder and mayhem will, like in the Days of Atlantis, keep stumbling along until the world finally destroys itself once again. Tragically, that is the biggest “end game” the awareness of which, the people have been denied.
Unfortunately, I simply cannot answer a lot of your questions about who seems happy about what until I see some results of your (cross my fingers), effective attempts to really educate the people, as shocking as such and education is likely to be.
At present, as far as I can see, although President Trump has made amazing headway in the poles, but, in our small town, the Biden presidency makes present true leadership a mystical myth for too many Americas. People in Paw Paw have happy memories of Trump, but apparently still do not see the presence of the “anti-Trump, anti-human” evil, and the potential disaster which this evil anti-Trump entity portends should he lose the upcoming election.
And that is my answer to your questionnaire-poll. Allen Smith
True Leadership is a Myth for the People of Earth
To the Republican National Committee
A Release of the Great White Brotherhood
This letter is no doubt every day stuff for the Trump team. But, to the answer your question of how energized the people in my town are regarding the presidential election, the problem I see is mainly that the people here do not know what the real problems in this election revolve around, other than what is on the nightly news. And that is always a problem because the nightly news, Fox or otherwise, does not address a large swath of problems that surround “untouchable” subjects, like Nazis or Satanists influence on world decision making. So what should the Republicans need to do to get the confidence of the people in our small town?
To answer that question pretty directly, the people need to be told who the A _ _HOLE_ S are who have been starting all the wars, who is keeping the traitor Biden in office, and encouraging local as well as government crimes, and identify who are the bosses of the henchmen who come across our borders with no presidential cares at all. But it is the true killer bosses, blackmailers, and child eating criminals which remain hidden that I am concerned about. These are the ones at the top of the evil pyramid: Get rid of them all, permanently, by getting the support of the people, And, that, will never be accomplished using the nightly news reports. The reports of such, evil, underground activity have yet to hit the nightly news, so how can the small town public have any idea of what there is to vote for that matters?.
I have talked and talked to the average type person for a long, long time, mostly in little old Paw Paw and neighboring towns. NONE of them has any idea of what is actually going on. My favorite person I talked to is a secretary at a veterinary clinic. She is one of those happy, bouncing gals who, after listening to my “rant” on where the true evil in politics starts, summed up her problem with politics recently: She put it beautifully: “Who are the real criminal leaders you are talking about, that no one can identify? How can you vote for people when history proves that the people do not know who the bad guys really are?” And that points out a real problem for someone like trump who wants and needs their sincere, grass roots, small town support. In this case, the answer needs to be more down to Earth than the very, very public display of the horrible, immoral legal system President Trump if forced to endure.
Although showing the immorality and evil of today's liberal, legal mind is an excellent start for those people who appreciate the art of negotiating the corridors of today's court system, small towns, in my experience, pose a different problem. I have found that the average person in our town does not seem inclined to pick apart the legal system with any enthusiasm.
One of the really irritating things to me is that virtually EVERYONE IN POLITCS AVOIDS identifying who the real “killer,” the most evil, or who the blackmailers are, or who the actually blackmailed or “compromised” leaders really are? Making such exposes is certainly a daunting problem, but here is my opinion from small town Paw Paw. People here, like our veterinarian secretary want to know WHAT THE BAD GUYS NAMES ARE? What did they do that was bad? Simple stuff like that.
Like, looking at the bigger picture for small town folk, NO ONE I talk to in little old Paw Paw has the slightest idea that the almost mystical, rumor like cults and Satanic activities are anything other than rumor or a handful of folks running full gallop away from the FBI or CIA. A result is that at home, NO ONE KNOWS ABOUT THE REAL CHILD KILLERS AND MURDERERS WHO ZEALFULLY KILL AND EAT OR “ADRENOCHROME” THEMS SELFS ON KIDS BLOOD. And, as an addendum to this line of thought, their exemption from the regular reports of the misguided nightly news leaves a vacuum in the reality of the small town perception of reality. Not to mention other horrible, horrible, realities all the people I talk to simply can not comprehend. It is no wonder people here simply do not know who to vote for.
Practically no one, here, has any way to relate their world to Satanist evil. Practically no one. And if they do, what do you want them to do to help? The true reality of the world's Satanic leaders, and their unspeakable horror of the way they, like communist's and Nazi's, have not the slightest sympathy or feeling for real live, human people or children. To these evil ones, humans are just another form of cattle or penned up animals This attitude is not comprehensible to small town America. Thus, without a connection between our daily lives and cults, small town American sees NO “anti-human,” or anti-God,” danger, or potential or inhumanly planned national disaster when it is staring them in the face.
The fine, delicate touch of Satan's scalpel is simply not a “mental or emotional touch stone” for the people in my town.
THAT IS THE ONE BIG, BIG, BIG TRUTH. And even when told right to their face who the controllers of Earth really are, the people simply cannot process the actual reality that controls this world. Thus they never try to vote the real devils “out” because they have no awareness of who the “devils” they really are.
There is your answer. Politics, since true evil cannot be mentioned by politicians, must revert to lies. To the people I know, politics is simply a game of inventing lies that will help get candidates into office (too often under false pretenses). With, possibly of the exception of the Kennedy's (or Reagan's or hopefully Trump's, being the likely least of all the other evils) lies are required by the true powers that run this world if a candidate wants to get into office. In that sense, until you can solve that “evil invented”, “uncomprehending” mental state of mind of the American and world public, the ongoing political game of “truth” hide and seek, murder and mayhem will, like in the Days of Atlantis, keep stumbling along until the world finally destroys itself once again. Tragically, that is the biggest “end game” the awareness of which, the people have been denied.
Unfortunately, I simply cannot answer a lot of your questions about who seems happy about what until I see some results of your (cross my fingers), effective attempts to really educate the people, as shocking as such and education is likely to be.
At present, as far as I can see, although President Trump has made amazing headway in the poles, but, in our small town, the Biden presidency makes present true leadership a mystical myth for too many Americas. People in Paw Paw have happy memories of Trump, but apparently still do not see the presence of the “anti-Trump, anti-human” evil, and the potential disaster which this evil anti-Trump entity portends should he lose the upcoming election.
And that is my answer to your questionnaire-poll. Allen Smith
............................... Arrests Imminent 8-15-2024 Judy Byington
“The big shoe is about to fall-----
- “This, the Final Battle, is About Saving, Restoring, Preserving and Protecting Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness:
“This, the Final Battle, is more than party politics. It’s about Saving America’s people from those who wish us harm. It’s about Preserving our safety, our Republic and Old Glory. It’s about Restoring our Nation’s strength and Protecting our children. It’s about Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness.”
President Donald Trump
“Right now the Global Military Alliance is arresting and bringing to justice, over half a million Illuminati Deep State Cabal Globalists. We are on a mission – a mission from God: Restore America once and for all. The time is now.
“As of Wed. 14 Aug. the Federal Government began preparing for evacuations of senior personnel from Washington DC! US Capitol Police have just conducted an exercise with Blackhawk helicopters over the US Capitol. This was a landing zone familiarization flight. The aircraft did not land at the Capitol.
“The International BAR Association, the American Bar Association, their judges and lawyers will soon be taken down. In the 1500s the International Bar Association (BAR, British Accredited Registry) was created by foreign entities of the Roman Vatican Empire in collusion with the Pope, the Queen of England and King Henry the VIII. In the 1800s the US Corp. crafted a new branch of the BAR called the ABA (American Bar Association). Both associations are controlled by foreign entities. Their Rules of Civil Procedure was written under old Roman Law and does not apply to “We The People.”
“On Wed. 14 Aug. 2024 the World Health Organization declared an International Emergency for Monkey Pox – a Coupe aimed to end our national and our personal sovereignty. As of Wed. 14 Aug. 2024 24 Republican Governors had signed a letter stating they would not comply with a WHO Takeover.
“Within the next five months new technologies will change our World. We will see things such as Neural interfaces for direct mind-computer connection; Holographic displays and augmented reality contact lenses; Teleportation devices for instant travel; Nanobots for medical treatment and bodily enhancement; Anti-gravity vehicles and personal flying suits; Replicators that can materialize any object; Time manipulation devices; Invisibility cloaks or fields; Artificial general intelligence indistinguishable from humans; Memory editing and implantation technology; Consciousness uploads to software; Genetic engineering for bio-design with enhanced humans; Fully immersive virtual reality worlds and faster-than-light space travel.”|
Restored Republic via a GCR as of August 15, 2024
Restored Republic via a GCR as of August 15, 2024It is my personal opinion, and I could very easily be wrong, that Tier4b (us, the Internet Group) will be notifi...