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1-13-2025 Protection from Satanic Attack
“If the Devil keeps attacking you, does that mean that he knows you are special to God or chosen?
"Why does the devil attack me when my faith grows?
"Every time I pull closer to God, (e.g. if I pray or something) the devil will do everything in his power to bring me down some way or the other. Has anyone ever experienced this or am I overthinking?
"Why does it seems as though the closer my walk get with God the more I am being attacked by Satan through others?
"As a Christian, I feel like Satan is trying to attack my mind and trying to fill my mind with bad things. What should I do?
Christians & Christianity
Answered by
Peter Sebastian
Author has 296 answers and 1.4M answer views
· Updated Aug 9 In other matters I have found this Peter Debastian's experience to be often true for me.
“Satan hits you harder when you are getting closer to God, God uses these things to grow your Faith.
Paul says I’m Romans 8 35:-39 “Who shall separate us from the love of God? Shall tribulation, distress, persecution, famine, nakedness, peril, sword, etc.
“Satan cannot separate the love of God from you, so he tries to separate you from God. He does this by attacking you with afflictions of various kinds, because people tend to seize up when hardship, persecutions, and tribulations start to attach themselves to your life.
Trials and tribulations make many people “retreat” away from God. God uses the
“Satan cannot separate the love of God from you, so he tries to separate you from God. He does this by attacking you with afflictions of various kinds, because people tend to seize up when hardship, persecutions, and tribulations start to attach themselves to your life.
“Trials and tribulations make many people “retreat” away from God. God uses these things to grow your Faith, so when he brings these things to you, you will press through them and continue in God to pursue what it is he has called for you to accomplish.
“Every person God has ever called, Satan has opposed them every step of the way. He will never stop. It is on us to press through by Faith, as that is the only way to overcome the adversary and the God of this world. With Gods spirit, we are able to withstand, and stand by Faith, as Jesus has become our example on how to resist his attempts in separating us from God.......”
Having recently gotten back from the hospital I realized this hospital emergency visit was to get me to think about why God is being so hard on me. Thanks to some artices of Satan hating us and getting in our way by having Satan block us. The included articles says that God likes to see us get along well and for whatever reason love just seems to flow between us with surprising strength. At first this has been confusing because we are behaving ourselves with God, and it is HIS love that appears to cause a problem where I become severely attacked. This seemed totally backward. So, in looking up answers here is one that hit cord with me.
Christians & Christianity
Answered by
Henry Moore
Author has 5.5K answers and 1.6M answer viewsJul 23, 2022
“Because he (Satan) absolutely hates you and God even more than he normally does. The last thing that Satan wants to see from you is for you to believe more in God; to have faith in God and especially for you to confess.....”
“....When we turn from God, Satan has no need to hit us at all because we are saying no to Go. Mark 1:14–15, Hebrews 11:6, 1 Peter 3:21 Galatians 5:4, 1 Corinthians 6:9–10 and John 20:22–23 all back up what I am telling you.”
So, like Henry Moore, it seems more and more obvious to me that God wants us to accomplish something together with surprising power to be true to God the the Bible in doing so. The main conclusion is that, although we are of the opposite sex to each other, we need to get the support of God and Jesus to block interference from the real enemy, Satan. So I am looking up prayers to God and Jesus that will give Jesus permission to come into our lives by blocking the hatred of Satan, and protect us from Satanic interference and hatred. Make sense you?
Maybe we can let each other know of protection prayers that seem particularly appropriate for us to block Satanic hate type stuff and get on with whatever God want us to do. Hope that makes sense. Cordially, AS
Here is a good prayer for Archangel Michael's protection (he is the Archangel of Protection)
“Archangel Michael is probably the most well-known of the archangels. He's the great protector and the most powerful of the archangels. You can call on Michael when you need protection of any kind. If you're scared or concerned for your safety, Michael will be there to help you.”
Decree: Guard, Guard, Guard Us!
Guard, guard, guard us!
By the lightning of thy love!
Guard, guard, guard us!
By thy Great Self above!
Guard, guard, guard us!
By thy secret power of light!
Guard, guard, guard us!
By thy great and glorious might!
And seal us safe forever
In thy diamond heart of light!
(give decree three or nine times)
4. Give the closing:And in full faith I consciously accept this manifest, manifest, manifest! right here and now with full power, eternally sustained, all-powerfully active, ever expanding and world enfolding until all are wholly ascended in the light and free! Beloved I AM! Beloved I AM! Beloved I AM!
“Archangel Michael”
11-21-2024 - Its been a long week. Besides monitoring my health a lot, have had a lot of extra "business as usual" going on. A lot of it has been learning more about the ascension into, I guess, is the ongoing ascension of Earth into the 5ty dimension. The new election victory for God's people will help keep the ascension process going. Don't really understand much of the details of how this affects on the personal level, It appears though, that we act, like going by the ten commandments and "help thy neighbor as you would help your self" ideas are in the forefront of how the 6th dimension will be much more positive for us all.
Most of what I have been up has betting my lungs to working better because the candida has gotten the upper hand. So far have been pretty successful. The manuka honey does a pretty good job of keeping the candida "tamped down." There are other what are general growth aspects regarding what I guess you call spiritual or whatever and karma and so forth that have been involved that seem to be helping a lot. I am also getting the idea that the Great White Brotherhood has quite a bit more for me to write about as my "repertoire" of "inner" things expands concerning, I am assuming, discussion a lot more of what can expect to "encounter" as we grow into the 6th dimension. Like, no more poverty, war, back biting and bitterness as society and the people mature a little more in their understanding of the 6th dimension.
Other than that there has not been too much else ongoing. I guess to some extent I will have to wait to see what I am to write about. Right not am getting a lot of info like finding out that we cannot ascend without balancing our "three-fold-flame" each of has. Being connected the silver cord helps keep us connected to the higher realms. But, I guess we will have to wait and see what comes next.
We are doing pretty well here but keep having to readjust our minds and inner and outer perceptioins on a pretty regular basis. Hope all are well. Have a great Thursday. Cordially, AS
9-13-2024 - Can't believe how time has flown. It also appears a lot is going on in the world that is getting very close to fruition. Ms, Byington reports ""Thurs. 12 Sept. 2024 The Truth Behind the RV/GCR …Carolyn Bessette-Kennedy on Telegram
Also being reported are the amounts of money the world's main bank computer, the Quantum Computer, has calculated that people will get according to their age. Phenomenal amounts. This is one thing that people will likely not believe until they actually get it in their new Quantum computer account, and I fully understand this. Too much tomfoolery has gone on on Earth for too many centuries with the big bankers filching trillions from us in little ways, like missed car payments or bounced checks and so on.
Items also discussed include:
This is all in the background, obviously, but it certainly helps one have a back drop or "undiscussed" information that the idiot Kamala knows nothing about. More and more people see how stupid Kamala and crew are, knowing that no matter how hard they try, they cannot seem to convince the people she and her fellow criminals are worth a plug Nickle.
Along health lines, have had to adjust the amount of multi-minerals I have been taking. It seems that a main reason for my being tired and harder to get up stairs, and having trouble focusing, like on writing and so forth, has at been at least partly due to a need for more minerals. It took awhile to get to this understanding because of all the supplements I take. But the thought occurred to me try extra multi-minerals that were supposed be enough minerals. Still, I have been getting more and more tired for no apparent reason. So I took double the recommended minerals a couple of days ago and ended up I could not sleep due to being I guess you could say "hyper" as hell. even though I never reacted to minerals like that, or any other way. But I got over my "tiredness" real quick. Quite a surprise. Couldn't sleep for about 48 hour!
It is nice to have the energy to go up and down stairs for a change, without feeling like I was running out of energy. Haven't gotten to the stage where I can't go up and down totally, thank heaven. But I can't believe how tired I get from not enough minerals. Now, though, after a couple of days of getting more minerals I am needing a little more rest because the old bod is "healing" itself now that I am "feeding" it better.
Also, have been following my chiropractor's advice and taking Acetyl-CH (Choline) (for the brain function) and with the minerals, that is helping quite a bit more. The older I get the more I watch my health. Creaks and groans cannot help bet be on the increase. The older I get the more I am looking forward to the medbeds. I keep thinking that after what I went through in the Army and in V.Nam, miracles are not totally unknown to me. The good Lord and GWB wanted me to live through that mess, and as I follow the "internet" news, I understand better. I had to laugh because one of our more, what can I say delicately, relatives sees himself as the world genius, and he IS a very, very smart, genius type with computers, and maybe I could say, probably had a big part in putting IBM on the "computer map," so to speak. .
But I had never told him about my military experience, and when I fianlly did, he got very indignant that I could have experiences in life that rivaled his experience, although in very, very different way. So, because of my theoretical "lies," about my military experiences, he and his wife quietly walked out through crowds, not be seen again for the rest of the day. But, when it comes to the fantastic new things in life, there seems to be more news on that front:
"Breaking News: Insider Leaks Confirm QFS (Quantum Financial System) Launch, MedBeds Rollout in Texas and Florida by December 2024, Secret BRICS Meeting, and Quantum Voting Implementation—A Military Operation Set to Wipe Out Global Cabal!"
Well, I guess I have rattled on long enough. Hope all are well. Other than the usual aches and pains, and diet stuff, that is about it for now. Have a great day. Cordially, AS
8-12-2024 - This has been a bit of a work day on writing A difficult article. Article is to explain the importance of NESARA and the new international BRICS Banking System. Am making progress, although I am not a banker. So, am studying a bit to get this one written. But we did have a very nice dinner with our neighbors at "the GRILL" just south of Allegan. Beautiful, sunny day. They had a birthday dinner for their son who is 22, I think. I must say, thought, that my memory is one thing that is catching up with my years. I aced an advance math class at college, but today I have trouble even doing simple math these days. Does not seem to affect my writing and I suspect the "powers that be" have something to do with that.
I am having to do more exercise to keep the BP up. Went through a period of being really tired for a few days and that does not cut it with blood pressure. Goes back up after 3 or 4 days. Really don't have much to report other than simple things. Like I took our old 2006 Chrysler Town and Country (that, at 130,000 miles, is in great shape, never needed new breaks, plugs, etc. is all these years, and still runs like new) to the shop so my grandson could see what was wrong with the A/C. He has really gotten going now in the car repair business at Chrysler in South Haven. He left there for better pay (he thought) to go to a place in St. Joe because he was not getting anywhere at So. Haven. It turned out that the South Haven place learned rather soon who had been keeping the maintenance and parts going at SH. So, after a month or two they hired him back to replace whoever had been running the parts and Maint department. He really is a genius at car repair. I found this out when he was only 15 years old (he is about 23 now I think). I was showing him my old VW Van that I was going to give him when he got older. We pulled out the engine and I pulled off a head and a couple of other things. |Told him we had to check the end play on the crankshaft, and to look it up in the manual. Like, I would take about 5 minutes to figure it out, and he surprised by by finding in about 15 or 20 seconds. I quizzed him about what end play was and why it was necessary, and he gave me the right answers like in 30 seconds, which pretty much floored me.
So that is the story on our encouraging him to do the maintenance work he liked doing. His dad was not much of a father because I eventually gave the VW bus to my grandson, and his dad secretly sold it. You get the idea of why we help aour grandson and his family, now, when they need it. His second wife is someone you would love. She absolutely loves kids and is constantly carting 1 and 6 year old all over west Mich. to show them this and that and a farm, animals, camping, you name it. There is no danger of these kinds being neglected or ignored. Like, they are on the road, so to speak, every other day. A far cry from the way he and our other grandson were treated by their dad. I pity the person that ever might hurt one of our grandson's kids. Like, my grandson will never put up with anyone mistreating their kids. So, I guess that is the update of things going on around here. Hope you have a good Tuesday, and that you are doing well. Cordially, AS
8-5-2024 - Another Sunday. Seems like the week goes by in 2 or 3 days. Plus have been dogged by a virus or bacteria the last few days. Mostly just get tired. Partly allergies have gotten to me and affects breathing. Breath ok, but feels like breathing will not be easy which keeps me awake. With ashwagandha and a couple of other things I have a lot less lung congestion. It feels odd to have both lungs fill with air. Have been watching Trump's vice president pick. Got in trouble for misspelling his name, but was not feeling so well and I am uncertain that Vance will be what we really want. Don't know one way or the other. But when Pence was picked back when, it turned out that he, by was found to be in the pedophile business. I sometimes he does this to be able to understand his "enemies" better. He, Trump, seems to be very good at that. Anyway, Vance does have a fairly liberal background. It is just one of those things we have to wait and see I guess.
Was trying to remember what a famous Chinese General said way back in something like 300 or so "A.D." I think it is pretty will known that this General Sun said leaders "need to keep their friends close, and their enemies closer." So, with Trump being so intelligent I am not surprised to see Trump get a top enemy or two types close to himself so he can keep an eye on them. I do feel, though, that Vance is a notch or two above Pence, who always seemed a little too "well cut," and just too perfectly dressed and manicured, to the point that I never liked him much. Like, Vance is very supportive of Trump where to me, at least, I can not recall Pence ever expressing much affection for Trump.
Not too much going on otherwise other than finally getting my lung business under control. Have had lung issues ever I was about 5 years old. Mostly allergy coughing and hacking. Got the house air cleaned up last year as we had mold along with kitty dander and a carpet that was next to where I sleep. That carpet was a throw rug and was old, with what must been bacteria in it that were making me cough constantly. I mean, it took me over a year just to most things whipped into better "allergy" shape around the house.
Our new steel roof looks pretty neat. Maybe we will never have to worry about leaks as it gets older. My back is gradually doing better after I have had the chiropractor work on it. One thing I notice is that I sleep better now, and now want to sleep during the day and night. So I have to motivate myself to get going. That is about it for now. Have a great Tuesday. Cordially, AS
8-4-2024 - Have been busy trying to figure out just what is going on with the politics and people and so forth. With all the switching around of body doubles and clones for people, it is hard to know what is going on. Have been getting more sleep off and on. Seems like the "tempo" of life is increasing, presumably with ascension being a main cause, and it sure disrupts my sleeping. I guess the new focus these days is on the idiot Kamala. If nothing else is happening, we are certainly learning just how evil, lying, and manipulative these idiot liberals.
Haven't had much to say today because I am working on "violet flaming" karma and you could say maybe trying to keep my head above it all. Have mainly had irritations with being able to breath comfortably lately. Have hot been passing out or anything like that, just seems like part of incoming karma, and getting rid of as much karma as possible helps quite a bit, along with taking supplements that are helping. We got our house re-roofed with steel roofing. Looks quite nice. Also got our patio-walkway around the back of the house replaced as the old one was rotting a little. Can't believe I put it in around 40 years ago. It is much nicer now. We are situated where there is sand and woods that make walking around the back of the house pretty difficult. Now that is up to date. Keeps C busy trying to keep up with all this when I am busy reading and watching events and trying to figure out is going on and what to write about.
That about catches things up for the most part. Our kitties are doing quite well, than you. Our newest, Reggie, is pretty much wild type kitty and he is doing quite well also, only has to dash desperately to his hiding place in the basement about 90% of the time when we get company. He is a sweetheart though. Very loving kitty, and so grateful to have a place to live and being with us. Hope everything is going well. Keep you in my prayers. Have a great Sunday. Cordially, AS
7-23-2024 - The Real "Trump" is: (?)
The "real" Ben Fulford has been pointing out the flaws in the Republican Party convention. While acknowledging that the real Donald Trump is overseeing the election hullabaloo, Fulford points out that the TV showing Trump and Vance on state together, what is left out is that Vance is about 5 foot seven inches, while Trump is 6ft 3in.
On stage, however they appear to be about the same height.
Fulford also states: "This confirms what eyewitnesses at Mar A Largo have told us in the past; the person appearing in public as Trump is not him. We keep hearing from our US Space Force sources the real Donald Trump is at the Mt. Cheyenne military base in Colorado directing the military white hats. This Trump we see in public now is a white hat actor working for the Trump in Mt. Cheyenne."
Fulford also quotes Dan Bonjino, who appears to be up to date on secret service info says: "“I was also told that the Secret Service Director has been given instructions from the Administration and the DHS Secretary that if you want to keep your job, you’ll keep your mouth shut about this.”
So, it appears to me that there are so many actors and "stand ins" for other people no one likely know about, that it is impossible to know what is happening from one minute to the next. What does appear with everything else I have read is the Trump is working with the space force to straighten things out. TBC
cont'd: Have been ordering amino acids that should help with energy and brain. Present supply is about out and ordering L-Tyrine that will also hopefully, help with physical and mental agility and endurance. Part of my present problem is I have less appetitive than when younger, and I notice cheese and turkey sausages, for instance, really helps with alertness, but the fat makes screws up my memory. I think I found what the supplement I need is so to replace eating cheese and sausages for meals will hopefully give me enough amino acid called L-Tyrine to help when I cut back on fat like sausages and cheese. Makes sense so far.
Regarding the assassination, there appears to be so much confusion over the attempted assassination that no one, even the Secret Service knows for sure what hell happened. It all strikes me like it would strike me if it was Biden who panicked at the thought of Trump being nominated and off the cuff, and stupidly ordered and assassination. Judging by the closed mouth of the so-called S-Service boss who resigned.
I agree that it seems like an inside job as she was told to keep her mouth shut from the get-go. No one will be surprised if Biden is the initiating party. I mean, multiple rifles were used and had been shooting around the place. Idiot stuff happened like that and as far as I could see, that never hit the news very little if at all. Some seem to wonder if it was a fake assassination operation. But no one so far explains how an onlooker on stage was shot and killed by a make believe gun (like, what were all the other weapons there for that left bullets they claim from 5 or 6 other guns, or something like that?)? In addition, even though people still can't figure out that Biden is a Nazi, or that the guy is a multimillion dollar traitor, and anyone who knows anything about Nazis knows that any of their leaders has to be a murderer in waiting if not in fact.
As Biden would say: "Anyway." One could say the shear lack of any "bodyguard type officials" having any idea of what the hell they were there for indicates that they were all possibly told where to go to the farm, based on a snap decision to assassinate Trump, and to keep their mouth's shut if they know what was good for them. But not having been there, thank God, speculation is based on the actual officials ("keeping your moth shut").
However, I do believe Trump will have figured out exactly what happened and "whodunnit" and who ordered it. Just a matter of time.
What worries me more now that the killing attempt is over, is that Biden will have emptied all our reserve petroleum supplies in about a month. Like, what the hell happened to the Venezuelan crude we have been buying at a high price? Obviously, our economic problems are far, far, far from being over once we have no more gasoline and oil available. Then what? Maybe Trump is running things from the Mountain, but so far he has let Biden be in charge? I suspect that we are in for more surprises that are desperately needed to wake the people hell up regarding horrible Biden and crew really are! So, I guess that is about enough ranting for the evening. Hope all are well. We are doing pretty will here and will get diet changes worked here. Have a great Wednesday.
Blood Lust,
The Narrative Trap
(i.e. - The (Narrative) War, Murder Trap)
A Release of the Great White Brotherhood
#1 Narrative --- Presentation of the positions of a politician or political party in the media, as by press releases, speeches, and interviews.” Google
#2 Trap – A stratagem for catching or tricking an unwary person. Google
#3. War – A state of open, armed, often prolonged conflict carried on between nations, states, or parties. Google
It appears to us, the members of the Heavenly, Ascended Great White Brotherhood, that the citizens of the United States are being held hostage to an evil. It is an evil that is so repulsive, even the GWB finds its attemtps to save America from her own death knell nearly impossible. It will take a extremely heroic effort on President Trump's part to break the Satanic American dreamworld held in place by American indifference. The pain of the near fatal assassanation attempt on President Trump, irregardless of what your helpless opinion of it is, is part of the approaching death knell of the Uniged States of America. America had BETTER wake up, quickly and NOW.
America, YOU HAVE BEEN CAPTURED BY SATANIC NARRATIVES that are as deadly as the deadliest nuclear misciles and warheads. This recent attempt by Trump to interrupt the easy flow of Satanic, NIGHTLY NEWS hypnotism America DYING FROM, is the first of more evil narrative trap revellations of “murder in waiting” which America will have to endure if she has any chance to survive the fatal situation she finds herself in at the moment in history.
America, WAKE UP KNOW, OR YOU WILL SUFFER THAT WHICH YOU ARE ALREADY, HABITUALLY, CONSIGINGING YOUR FUTURE GENERATIONS to THROUGH YOUR ABORITIONS AND WARS. Through you horrible, repulsive abortions, wars, murders and other equally impure Heavenly purity.
In these end times, the question is, can President Trump find a means to break the horrible, Sataic Narrative hypnotic trap caused evil narratives and their evil grip on the dying Ameriacn spirit.
While the rest of the world is answering to the “helm of Heavenly laws,” the United States is not. Hence you have become the lauging stock of the world!
The A|merican people have a strange, nearly unmoveable ability to ignore those evil ones who love murder and Satanic retuals. This unmoveable, seemingly unsolveable perceptual horror has cost the lives of millions of children American and around the world, so vile that this is business as usual on many of those exciting, esciting pleasure ships.. Thus we have the spectacle of an |American nation, the supposed envy of the world, which insists on protecting the Satanist killers and war mongers of Earth. Her national laziness causes her to be unable to see her approaching self destruction.
Thus, to enable at least some hope for America, President has been given a free hand to do whatever it takes, no matter how painful, to turn America around and act like an adult nation on Earth.
Where have thsoe WWII |American heroes, those staunch American defenders for what is right and good, disappeared to? Why is America dying withouot a whimper. Why the near total acceptance of national suicie, and why the purely unsympathetic, practically hateful American attitude that protects untold of her chldren to be murdered, torchered, aborted, and so forth to go on and on and on and on as America dies?
|America, do you not have any sense of parenting (or that spirit killing, unnecessary abortions are part of national suicide)? Or that parenthing of out little ones, even those who would be your national saviours, if you but cared enough to stand up for what is their right to survive in America? Why do you theoretical mothers give in to fear rather than act like motherrs who already loved by the little souls in their mother's womb? The deaths in the womb, cused by these socalled mothers of today, will, by karmic law, be aborted in the future according to God's laws of common sense “education” of his mother's to be. These abortive acting mothers to be bring upon themselves brought upon themselves the same pain they inflict on the unborn. Abortion, today, is a gross, gross, gross, Satanic violation of Cosmic Law. It matters not how much you lazy “mothers to be” scoff at the inconvenience of of YOUR responsiblities.
But, today, in a war between pro-Satanist “black hats” who abort, kill and eat chldren (and yes, ABORTION IS a Satanic act); and the comprison with those who would save the chldren and the United States, illustrates the iron will the the “Trump personality,” and the will and gumption and need to be heroic rescuers of the nation and children from Satanic control of today's Satanic political narratives, Satanic nightly news narratives, and war narratives of Earth. These good guys practive good Earth (the White Hats) narratives.
America, why do you follow every evil narrative (i.e. “political party in the media, evil press releases, speeches, and interviews) as if the all too obvious lies were the latest and most important “WORD of GOD?”
7-9-2024 - Heading to GR today to chiropractor. The one I go to in Portage is better for me because he sort of specializes in sports injuries and that works better for me. Other than that am working on trying to get my brain memory problem better. Have a horrible time with mathematics even though I aced my advanced math in college. Have been feeling pretty well but sleep a lot more than I used to, WHEN my body wants sleep. Am awake during the night for no particular reason so it like "go figure." It is really hard to tell what changes in health and so forth are related to incoming higher (Heavenly) dimensions and what is just plain old age. Yesterday our grandson fixed our car up aat the Chrysler dealership, after rodents got in and ruined some wiring on the engine. He is manager of all auto repairs and parts department. He is really good at understanding cars. He could find things in a car repair manual faster than I could, even though he never saw the inside of a car engine at 15 years old. I used to fix up old VWs to drive, building or repairing VW engines. Even at 15 year old he could find things in the manual faster than I could and understood what I wanted to know from the manual. He is doing very well, married and so forth, despite the nonsense his father put him through. At any rate, that is about it for now. Have a great day. Cordially, AS
.5 edits
The Future is You & God's Will
Part I of II Parts
A Release of the Great White Brotherhood
Addendum to Report of Hunter Biden's Execution,
"Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Thurs. 30 March 2023 –
"Compiled Thurs. 30 March 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington, MSW, LCSW,
In this paper we will be having two discussion about the peculiarities of Satan's presence in ordinary things, like disastrous situations where, for instance, Joe fired thousands of pipe line workers for no good reason other than due to a subject will not discuss other than to say it takes an evil soul to.
Do you know for instance that some of our most amazing geniuses are down graded today for a simple reason. Because some of them invented things 50 and 100 years ago that prove the “Green Energy” goals of the United states are lie and a farce. That is why they do not make any money. Like anything in life, if you have a product that works it will make money. In the case of “Green,” their products do not make money because they pollute the world in horrible ways as shown by the way wind generators are deadly to birds and sea life. True “green” type inventions will not be so disgusting and dangerous. So, why the insane demand by the so-called experts for “green” for generators that kill? Well, despite the predictable and sometimes almost hysterical denials of the dangers of present green energy, it is the holy dollar that tells the story.
If you want to be able to detect what is “freen” and what is not, here is the test: Does the new energy need gaugges or wires or gasoline type tubes and meters that are required by power companies so they can sell you a product that makes them money. You know: gas and electric meters or hoses are needed to get you to pay for energy that would otherwise be nearly free! Another adjustment history is removing Tesla and the inventor of engines on water. You can Google Tesla if you want.
Good luck. Here is what you will get: the liberal supporting Google does mention water powered engines:
But if the “Green” liberals wanted to be honest, Now THAT would be a start toward true “green. Nickolas Tesla was the actual inventer of true “green” energy devices. I watched a move taken in around 1900 which showed that engine running after a bucket of water was poured into the gas tank. Tesla was the first to invent engines that would run on water. Today the “Green,” have removed Tesla as the brain child for efficient energy and replaced him with people who used his ideas take credit, thus removing from the internet much of the information that might bring the spring air atmosphere to this story. After all, how can the Biden's and Rockefeller's and Gate's and Buffet,' with their fists wrapped around an economy controlling amount of money, how else could you possibly help the people?
To make sure you do not discover what the people who are the ones who keep a tight fist on the real power money of the world, they divert your attention by scaring you with COVID, and now Fergi the Fungus. They are so cynical that they are the ones who the start wars and city riots and let murderers out on the streets, or break windows and murder indiscriminately. This type of terrorism reaches a fervor pitch until people just give up trying to come up with ansers that work, and allow the power freaks to have their way.
Why? So the tru power freaks are the ones who want to be the public heroes by stopping the wars that are impossible to stop. They need to be the ones who bring a sense of peace and safety into the world, as long as YOU pay the resulting bills. These are the things that go on behind closed doors and in the more dark and moldy board rooms, rather than planing for healthy green of leaves being cultivated to feed the people with healthy “green” food.
These are the folks whose only purpose in life is to tell you how to live and how to die. If you start suspecting a lot of what you believe the true stories about how the world is run, they will always feed you proof in the news, in magazines, in books and on the internet that explain why you are guessing who they are, and that THEY, the cynical evil ones, are the ones who have the best inventions, simply by lying convincing lies of half truths which you do not have time to look into.
Their dreamed up stories are just stories imagined by creative evil to hide the true “Green” experts, and that THEY, not the accurate history books, are the ones who stop wars and failing economies and, in reality, are the self same master minds historical mankind have allowed to take the reigns of you governments. The Bidens and Bushes and the revered politicians and inventor heroes of the past are not necessarily who you have been taught to believe they are. They are not who you think they really are. Plus, they will never design energy generators or engines with no wire for the meters, gas hoses or meters that tell you how you owe the “green” geniuses YOUR money. It is the old story. Follow the money. Add to that, control of the natural resources being their method, meaning control means a Biden style slave status for the rest of us. Control, control, control. The American people still do not understand that the true evil control people are those who have been controlling the world economy and control freak history and the new classroom sex classes and vote in laws to allow doctors to change the sex of children's genitals. Folks, the are ALL Satanic slaves and handmaidens. Folks, it IS all about power. Still a doubter?
OK. Maybe it is time to wake up. You think this is not a game plated with deadly intensity by the Bigen Commies and their ilk. What are YOU going to do? Remember the pipe line from Alaska which is today basically a multi billion dollar thing of scrap steel. Do you really think Biden and his Commies would not go further and pull the hoses of the gas pumps by presidential order to the gas companies? Do you really think Biden is not capable of ordering the electric companies to cut the power to American homes? Well, let me remind you that is exactly what he did to our national budget when he shut down the inflow of new wealth into the United States, coming from a oversized gas hose, the Alaskan Pipeline! What benefits like lower taxes and lower gas prices for you, the U.S. Citizen did Biden promise when he shut down the pipeline? He did not promise a damned thing. He just did what he and his liberal power players told him to do. And have you noticed,by the way that Biden has not provided any compensation for power playing with you economic lives. Do you see?
That is the kind of things these communists do with no thought of how much harder they make your lives. Their hollow promises about how Green will bring prosperity is already proving to be a hollow promise, and the people, up to now, have just pretended to be brain dead right when your American creativity is desperately needed.
What has happened? I will tell you what is happening. These tiny minded Greenie Weenies promise you everything and rob you blind while you wait for the theoretical realitiles to miraculously to appear. And the reason those new realities to not appear is because they lie to you as the main course and diet of their leadership. They lie to you about the implied riches you have with the “Greenie Deal.” They lie to you about how their goal is to improve the environment as they kill off the whales and thousands and thousands with their wind generators.
They are in the process of killing off your rich history. Google for famous American inventors to find Tesla, who was the real inventor of perpetual motion motors. You will get: “The water fuel cell is a technical design of a "perpetual motion machine" created by Stanley Allen Meyer (August 24, 1940 – March 20, 1998). Meyer claimed that a car retrofitted with the device could use water as fuel instead of gasoline.”
But the realityis that engine was first invented in around 1918 or so by Tesla. But today, we have a whole new history about people who have piggy backed on Tesla's fame, and are now supposed to be the new heroes: Heroes with hollow pretend records of helping humanity have a better life.
Just as the Biden “Green” folks will lie to you about Tesla being some kind of imaginary person, they will lie to about why these freaks need to avoid a 5 year or 10 plan, for instance, in which people can have a say? Americans need to wake up and understand the Biden type “Green” plan is totalitarian in the extreme, in nature, and Sataniclly controlled. And, like most totalitarian type management, what they want and what YOU want when you think “Green” are to entirely different things.
That is why Biden's “Green” theories can't make money unless the money has the Biden, Rockefeller, Rothschild, etc. name on it. After all, how can you pay them if they don't have an iron grip on the other end of the gasoline hose and meter, or the wires connecting you to THEIR generators what kill birds and sea life.
We will need to leave another higher truth for another time in which we might discuss a more responsible way of handlingl those creations of God. This pet people will be the mom and dad providers of your next, highly loved little pets. But that is some a deeper area of God whom the “green power freaks” absolutely do not want to think about. Better to just let “dead animals be dead” rather apply creativity in a way that feeds people and animals rather than massive, massive killing off millions and millions of any of God's creation, which is apparently what the “powers that be” prefer.
The Future is You & God's Will
Part II of II Parts
A Release of the Great White Brotherhood
While the “green” plan itself deliberately rejects the inventions of deliberately fire well trained workers who had been helping revive the American economoy, while the public discusiions. One ddscussion involves how we Earth people are purposely kept “too busy” to notice how Satan's hand is almost invisibly there in murder situations like the downing of the Twin Towers. about two sides Satanic of evil. One discussion is learning small detials can reveal the Satanic force is behind most horrible things happening including anything from murder to knocking down the Twin Towers.
The second, more general discussion tries to show why the people should not be so trigger happy with government explanations of what happened. To start with let us discuss what is rarely discussed by all news outlets. One is the increasing awareness people are starting to have regarding Joe and Hunter and family. Their all American appearance is a clever public presentation not of reality but how they want to be seen. For, as the scinical
“The Biden Crime Family is despicable, known for one thing more than anything else — the procurement of children. That’s why Joe has his son in Ukraine. Hunter is over there procuring children in war-torn areas. Helping George Soros create constant havoc so you constantly have children separated from parents. That’s Hunter Biden’s job. He’s a hunter-of-children. Every year the Biden Crime family has been taking 100’s of 1000’s of children out of Eastern Europe to be extracted for their Adrenochrome or sex slavery, sacrifice, organs, blood transfusions, horrific experimentation.....”
“If it walks like a duck----”
Pictures showing how big aircraft are at odds with another movie which has since been removed showing a commercial air liner hitting the twin towers are at odds with one movie that has been removed from the internet, where yhou could see an airliner with one wing heading toward one Twin Tower. There is, however, a less obvious descrepency in this “official scenerio” in that an airplane with one wing cannot knock down a sky scraper anymore than can a commercial ailiner with both wings. The apperance of airplanes hitting the towers is all made up. Invented. It Is clever camera and 3dimensional projection work. Yet, a picture of the TwinTower being hit by the airliner projection was with an airplane with one winged aircraft crashing into one of the Twin Towers.
Prior to the Twin Tower tragedy, a lone WWII bomber proved to be the duck in the room whose mear presence proves big, heavy aircraft cannot know down sky scrapers. In addition, with more modern day building engineers reported to the House of Reps investigation saying that as far as sky scrapers go, they build sky scapers and proceeded to answer questions the good members of congress had. At one time you could have seen that an old WWII picture of the B25 rear end hanging in mid air, something like 700 feet or so above ground, making the rather obvious point that large aircraft cannot bring down a sky scraper.
TN addition, the modern day airliner seen on pubic televisions, in truth, was a faulty hologram image focused on cruise a missile which did hit the building. The sum total, as far as viewers went, is that they were left with the impression that a real airliners took down the building. The whole thing was a phony scene dreamed up by some terroristic who remains unidentified to this day, or so the government wants you to believe.
The creators of this tragedy understood very clearly that the imagery of make believe aircraft hitting the towers is what people would immediately believe and rememger. The elephant duck in the room, is of coursse the B25 bomber which hit the Empire State Building many decades ago. And, believe it or not, photos still on the internet of the damage done, shows a hole with a picture taken on the 79th and 80th floors. Clearly the building was not brought down by a B25 bomber hitting it. Pictures were taken after the aircraft was removed, from inside the building, and are graphic proof the damage to the building was no where near fatal to the building.
Pictures of the bomber damage can seen at:
But eventually, as we know now, the duck waddles into the room, illustrating how reality of sky scrapers do survive aircraft hits quite well, we can delete the now famous Satanic' favorite kind of trickery. We therefor dispense with the odium of the "conspiracy theory" of what really happened with the Twin Towers.
One may be encouraged to argue that the bomber was a smaller aircraft, and we would like to point out that the Empire state building was old technology compared to the Twin Towers, the Empire State Building would not be strong enough to resist being hit by a aircraft. Yet, despite its more or less weaker type building technology, less technologically safer Empire State still stands tall today.
Of course, actual pictures of the B25 sticking out of the side of the Empire State Building have since been kindly relegated to lost picture drawer. Conveniently, the Twin Towers incident has been repackaged and relegated to a “conspiracy theory” reality, alleging that planes now, some 50 years later, airplanes can bring down much safer and stronger sky scrapers.
The even larger point to be made is that Satanic politicians and the media removed most pictures of the bomber as its backend was sticking out from the side of the Empire State Building. Yet, people who have seen the pictures of the engineers testifying before congres,mysteriously never appear in news reports.
Along with the Twin Tower tragedy, and typically being pooh poohed by the Satanic owned media, is the full report on engineer testimony explaining to congress why aircraft could not knock the Twin Towers. This is, of course, a report that has also mysteriously failed to stay materialized on the internet. This, like the invention of the one winged aircraft, which supposedly took down the Twin Towers, has been reinvented into to the usual the shape shifting Satanic snarl.....; ” Meaning,” the story becomes so snarled with bits of truth tucked into the lie, that the story simply is lost in what today we call the famous "conspiracy theory" configuration.
That in itself is a way of proving Satan continues working his evil magic regarding how can you be tricked into believing the lie over the physical reality that is part of the true picture. People are learning the hard way that Satan is a supreme master at fooling God's children.
How else can you explain all the lies that genuinely help people ignore the obvious: Like, how is it possible turn the real physical reality into a vaporous “conspiracy theory?” And where does the ”theory become the overwheming power that destroy the actual true reality. For sure, events of such a world wide importance and the Twin Towers is a case, and it is being done to all of us while we are supposedly fully conscious. Our truth, or what we call the perception of the obvious malicious, deadly goverenment lying has been illustrated to us right in our faces and eight under our noses?
Without belaboring the point too much, the Satanists who are running the world up to now are supreme masters of turning fact into fictional conspiracy theories. The rectification of this evil process, and considering that honesty being part of the Will of God, what we are interested in and what most people should be intere discussing what part of God's reality is it Satanic people have effectively denied the people the right to know about? Seople should start to wake up and realize a lot of what amounts to a “conspiracy theory” is a greater reality Satan wants to keep hidden from us? This should be recognized as massive Satanic manuever evil expends because God true reality, if understood by the people, would cause people to rise and get rid of the Satanic people, regardless of how loved and admired they are by many people. Thus, Satan forces have create massive lies which hide a inimaginable wonderful world that, if the people knew about it, they would make sure the Satanics will be gone for good. But it appears that that is the part of the whole story that is being prepared and to be revealed. People will soon, and to some extent have been learning about the whole evil reality.
Namely, time is slowly revealing who participates in the creation of these new, never ending anti-God's Will lies. There are many important and hidden discrepancies in too many politician's false, pretend reputations where suspicions are rising that they are lying and misleading the people so as to avoid questioning for any of their supposed inside the beltway facts. But, for Earth anyway, this is not unusual.
Much of history shows that today's reality, with its socalled technical advancements, is a more refined version of past trickery, and is to the listener, a forced march over the circus grounds of endless hopelessness and disappointment. The electorate, today however, is showing signs or realizing that the nightly news is too often made up of anything other than the semi truth, cleverly consisting of half truths, deleted stories and misleading interpretations of what in actual nightly news truths is true and what is not.
The massive, history long masquerade of lies has left the public numb and tired out. Even the attempts by President Trump to point out where you can find more of these secret lies falls upon the ears of a tired out electorate who must also pay attention to making a living and feeding their families.
Yet, this fiddling with the truth continues to be the case, even as the sources of evil reporting are being more and more a matter of growing “suspicion” in the minds of the public. Even Trump has suggested a lot of what you hear are out and lies in one of his pre-election debates.
To be sure, there is a certain philosophical discrepancy between the sick Bush/Biden kind of kinship we see, and certainly the resulting comparative comradeship between the Bush's and Biden's causes a distinct contrast between them and the average person.
We find that there is a higher, world recognition of kindness and a need for truth on the part of the average person than which Satanists can supply or understand. We, “God's people,” are truly of a higher spiritual nature, and we instinctively love the majority of our fellow man,.
This natural American and world wide concern for other people besides themselves, is a trait which goes mainly unnoticed by the so called, more evil encrusted, "loyal politicians" of Earth's political parties. To be certain, the Satanistic style politics of America and the world is quite efficient at keeping the people clueless as to who is who, often including being uncertain who are the good guys and who are the bad guys.
With few exceptions, like it or not, there is not a drop of Satan's blood difference between either political parties ethics and morality. This leads us to a perplexity, the solution of which will needs to be resolved by, dare we say, the saintly, run of the mill, true, Godly people who will replace the Bush/Biden Satanic politics and politicians. For the Bush/Biden types will never be allowed to be the final rulers of Earth again. We do believe there will have to be a nearly complete eradication of the political system from Earth just as you might eradicate the plague or exterminate mad dogs in order to keep the people safeIF, the people can choose love and peace over lying, race bating and people killing wars.
As world renowned reporter Ben Fulford points out: “There is also a global awakening to the fact the so-called “rules-based world order,” means rule by genocidal, Satan-worshipping criminals. This means mass arrests and war crimes tribunals are inevitable. “
“The collapse of the Western financial system is a mathematical certainty because recent rate hikes created at least an $8 trillion loss for financial institutions. Governments have been trying to foist this on the people. Revolution will be the result. This is why unprecedented unrest is overtaking France, Germany, Pakistan, Israel and many other places.
“There is also a global awakening to the fact the so-called “rules-based world order,” means rule by genocidal, Satan-worshiping criminals. This means mass arrests and war crimes tribunals are inevitable.....”
This brings us to an important distinction between Heaven and Earth where Earth, if Earth is to survive the next year of drastic changes on the horizon. For major, major changes are to be made to the party politics of Earth as well as the economy and banking/economics of the planet. Improvements are required which result in removing Satanic controlled world management. And we are talking about changes that we can almost guarantee neither political party will be happy with. But in the end, like it or not, the true solutions must be according to people and their for God's Will government, and not allowing Satanism to have a place in world and national governments. There will be no more government Satanists who allow super fallible, manipulative, morally weak minded, Satanic people into office.
It is only the coming drastic changes that will finally remove the lethal Satanists And, no doubt, including the the Bush's and Biden's who share equal Satanically, identifiable guilt. But the majority of people pray for peace, and it will be the people's majority rule that establishes peace according, to God's Will. Neither party will like coming changes (but once understood, the people will love the incoming new world)
The truly perceptive who have been identifying the tell tale signs of Satan's meddling in politics, will help many many, many, many people renew the power of their faith in Gad. It will be peace according to their wishes, and peace which has been endlessly prayed for, in spite of the expose' of political hatred, lies and vitriol and mass disruptions coming in the months ahead. Instead we will have a peace that you can trust and will last.
For, it is to be the will by the people and their deep, deep desire for a God's Will Peace and nothing less, which is what God and the people both want and will, at long last, receive. The people (the faithful 51'%) will also include a very large “salute” from the beautiful Saints and Masters who protect and oversee our welfare from their seats of responsibility in Heaven, as they continue to provide guidance and truth from their Heavenly realms.
The startling events yet to come have been foreshadowed by the Hunter's “hanging,” for there are a myriad more secret Satanists in which people have given there misplaced faith and trust. The truth is that if you have voted in any presidential election like most people do, you HAVE voted for Satanists of one kind or another. So do not feel dismayed or foolish for having voted for the ONLY people you have been allowed to vote for. That IS the kind of tomfoolery Heaven is extremely happy to do away with forever. Heaven plans to relieve you of such immoral miss-governance for all eternity.
So, hang onto your hats or doorknob or tree, or bolt your bed to the floor, or do what is necessary to stay safe and steady, (and of course hang on to your loved ones, including your pets and neighbors), as we anticipate these initially turbulent events to come in the not to distant future, even likely this year! According to multiple reports on the internet the final battle between Heaven and Satan has entered its final phase, with the demarcation line between God and Satan being the demise of the old “swift” banking system as circumstances start changing in the people's favor. The "go" signal at the starting line initializes the entry of more powerful forces of God.
And that is the truth that lies behind the startling and even amazing events which will lead Earth to a future only really good people who love God, and who love people, will be happy with. The majority has spoken through sincere prayers, and the majority have prayed (meaning casting their celestial vote in favor of all mankind helping their fellow man).
God be with all good folks of Earth. Amen. And, we add a final insight on how Heaven views Earth situation:
The Axioms of Heaven:
The Great White Brotherhood
Heaven sees that the good people of Earth are caught between insubstantial vaporous rules and a societal lawlessness that promotes a disregard for love and kindness, while, on the other had, the people are simultaneously encouraged by Heaven to live by God's rules. Thus, Earth is a world where her people are caught between a Satanic, pretend reality and an enormous ambiguity. Earth is a sciety which fitfully lets Satanic lies reconfigure the appearance of God's Will as the truth struggles to make itself known.
It also sees who is and who is not pretending to tell the truth. While the majority of people on Earth are fine souls, clearly, evil is unquestionably part of today's immoral world leadership while, to be sure, Earth has been a Satanic lie generator, laced with lethal intensity and controlled by hopeless insanity. That insanity will emerge over and over, if:
Nevertheless, we are all still free to Pray for peace; and pray in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen
If you have not read the "Road less Travelled" you may want to before reading "Why is Your Search for the "Road
ss Traveled" So Mysterious and Enigmatic? Scroll down for the "Road Less Travelled."
7-10-2022 And what strange secrets will you find on you search for your "Road Less Travelled"
scroll down Sorry for the poorly labelled preliminary title the 6-24-22 publication regarding enigmatic mysteries. Scroll down for Part One, "The Road Less Traveled"
And what strange secrets will you find on you search for your "Road Less Travelled"
6st edit
Why is
Your Search for the
"Road Less Traveled"
So Mysterious and Enigmatic?
It is Because of Your Satanically Pre- Programmed,
Perspective, Perspective, Perspective
Perspective, Perspective, Perspective
Perspective, Perspective, Perspective
A Release of the Great White Brotherholod.
Do you know you can control the world through manipulating the people's perspectives? According to various sources the term perspective can mean:
“An example of perspective is--- a painting where the railroad tracks appear to be curving into the distance. noun.” (Google)
"An example of perspective is--- “'To Kill a Mockingbird” is told from the perspective of Scout Finch, a young girl growing up in Maycomb. From her eyes, we see the prejudice of the town, and the events of one year when her father defends a black man who is accused of abusing a white woman.'” (Google)
Maybe the best description of perspective is--- “Your perspective is the way you see something. If you think that toys corrupt children's minds, then from your perspective a toy shop is an evil place. Perspective has a Latin root meaning "look through" or "perceive," and all the meanings of perspective have something to do with looking. (Google)
But for souls who cannot resist exhausting every possible definition of “perspective,”, check these results of a Duck-Duck-Go search. Here we have partial results: “EXAMPLES of perspective:
“Attempting to write a global geographical perspective on organic agriculture is a major challenge.
“From the Cambridge English Corpus
“Note that the limitation to aggregate-stratified programs is justified also from philosophical perspectives.
“From the Cambridge English Corpus
“I come now to what is perhaps a more serious problem from a philosophical perspective.
“From the Cambridge English Corpus
“In this sense there are two distinct philosophical perspectives offered here.
“From the Cambridge English Corpus
“Yet, from the perspective of cultural psychology, protocols can still be useful research tools.
“From the Cambridge English Corpus
“Therefore, with this easier criterion, the sequence from visual perspective taking to pronoun acquisition was reversed, contradicting our first two hypotheses.
“From the Cambridge English Corpus
“It (perspective) reinforces that crucial determinants are respect for multiple perspectives, equal distribution of power, clarity of practice model, and open communication styles and systems.” (Cambridge)
Alright, we are done twisting your brain out of shape. But maybe that is the point, that your brain is being twisted up with a lot of everyday nonsense which is constituted of improperly invented perspectives that will appeal to some people, while other improperly invented perspectives may be nothing more than more new lies, and the people cannot distinguish the difference. Such is the substance, for instance, which we call “politics.”
Before you pass out from hilarity and the humor of an unmitigated oxygen overdose, there is another “perspective” from which various “perspectives” can be viewed. This view point of perspective is the closest the people of Earth may ever come to explaining “perspective,” because simple changes in a particular perspective can lead to a very massive, perspective confusion. put into the minds and emotions of the people changes in perspective, such whether or not there are other worlds with people is a perspective that can control the mass mind of entire worlds. Changing perspectives can also hand over control of Earth humanity to ------the Satanists or "Illuminati" of Earth.
The nonsense which we refer to as: “Perspective,” “Perspective,” “Perspective,” in its abusive form, so common to Earth, IS a primal cause of a huge amount of turmoil on Earth, and it is a clear factor in the difficulty of finding your own personal “road less traveled.” It is the misuse of the concept of “perspective” by the Satanic royalty of Earth, herself, which puts the confusion in the minds of those wonderful folks who are looking for their own “road less traveled.”
Satanic (or Illuminati) abusive perspectives put the pot holes, switchbacks, detours in the road most traveled which makes the “road most traveled” seem so mysterious and enigmatic. But, if you start taking a divinely oriented view of worldly perspectives you will eventually find yourself back upon your own “road less traveled,” or, the road which takes you back to Heaven.
But you must be willing to cut the cords that keep you tied to the false beliefs and perspectives, and which prevent you from finding your own “road less traveled.”
It is your “perspective” which says the world is round, horses have no feet (but do have hooves), and a of of “bull” can be a “lie.” And perspectives apply extremely well to outer space, for, from space, even Earth appears like all supposedly uninhabited worlds in other Galaxies.
It all depends on your perspective. So, for instance, only on Earth, deserted round space “balls” or planets can have life. But from the perspective of looking out from Earth, no other round “balls” or called planets have any visible intelligent lives.
And with that said, it is quite clear that making observations from only one additional perspective can immediately reverse one's opinion. On Earth perspectives become deadly, deadly weapons in the hands of the wrong in-human, reptilian minded, warmongering Satanic controllers of the planet, by pittingf an endless array of opinions and delusional perspectives against other equally delusional perspectives that portray an entirely different picture. It is this mechanism of flashing the opposing, clashing perspectives onto the subconscious minds of the people that allows the Satanists to pit the people against each other, and to conceal their own, true Satanic identity from you.
Due to perspectives, then, one might say that Earth is uninhabited, horses have no feet, there is no Satanism, and children are only scared by movies but are otherwise safe, which is a huge, huge understatement. New information now being readied for public release will terrify the parents of the world, including when they learn the truth about a famous kids paradise which in under attack by a governor of the state it is in.
But the idea that only Earth has life is a perspective held in place by a simple perspective of its own. It is the reverse or the other side of the coin which says that “you, Earth are all alone in all God's cold, unlimited distances of outer space. So, don't even think of revolting and throwing us, your true (evil) leaders, off of the Earth.”
So say the Satanist leaders. But we can say, at this point in our discussions, that the reason the “road most traveled” is so enigmatic and disguises your “road less traveled,” is because for every safe appearing aspect of the road “more traveled,” unlike your true “road less traveled,” the “road more traveled” promises Heaven but never, ever delivers.
An Additional perspective from the Great White Brotherhood
Due to the extreme juggling of mostly political perspectives which control the majority of thinking and worldly anger, we offer an additional HEAVENLY perspective not usually found on Earth.
Maybe another way to describe what the Ascended Masters see, from our perch in Heaven, is that your world's ideas and theories and rationales and thoughts deserve to be described as a “world that lives on the road most traveled.” In other words, and with love we say, that to us your world is certifiably insane. Just look at the definition of insanity:
The people constantly believe being good is enough to satisfy the world's idea of God Heavenly acceptance. Yet, most of earth life is to the contrary and undependable when considering the death and dangers of Earth. Just constantly living in the m midst of potential warfare is blatant evidence to the contrary of what the world is taught about “God,” who never seems to truly interveni on our lonely world. The people keep doing the same things over and over and over, in life, and never find happiness and Heaven. One definition of insanity is: //// “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result.”
The reason we mention these various discrepancies in daily life is because we want to help prepare you for the changes coming to your world which will be very, very dramatic and will reveal terrible secrets and revelations that much, much more is is wrong with Earth society than is included in most of the perspectives of your present Earth society today.
New Revelations will lay bare before the world a picture of death and carnage and children screaming, Satanic abuse, Satanic blood drinking and eating your human brethren. These revelations may come at an astounding rate, and which will shock the people down to the bottom of their soles of their feet and to the bottom of their God given souls. All of which, by using constant and ever changing, reversible perspectives in your education system and news media. The real message being given are what at the root of many Satanic control. The real message to you very, very successfully tells you to “think of and investigate other things than the true Satanist, reptilian minded killers are of the world.” And that inability to demand the Satanists be investigated is why you do not know about them today.
The constantly, subtly shifting Satanic perspectives being presented to your consciousness, through the news and education systems of the world, are the mentally held, unnatural perspectives, such as being a helpless planet with no one nearby to help in times of planetary need. The world is the vicitimize by the perspective that Earth is no more than a tiny little, the only ittty bittttty, inhabited planet of all time, and is how God created Earth. We are telling you that little old Earth, which you can easily see hanging out there in space in the eyes of your mind, has no other brothers and sisters. Never has and never will. The subliminal, or nearly clear assertion in you mind is that with no other inhabited world to be seen anywhere, tells you no one is coming to free you f rom your royal reptilian leaders, and no one is coming to rescue your planet. It is this very real fantasy perspective that holds in place the overall loneliness people experience too often while living on Earth. It truly and does give immense strength to the perspective that you are alone and there is no one to to come save you. Forget an help. The cavalry ain't coming. You are ours and we, your Satanic masters, gloat in that fantasy perspective.
Other evidence, though, points to a different, more subconscious perspective, that the Earth is a pretty shabbily run place and a dangerous place to live.
Is it possible, then, that Earth is in such turmoil because a horrendous number of truths about Earth and her mother/father God, are hidden by super computer computerized style false perspectives?
Not surprisingly the Satanic minds of Earth conceal the names of the people who are the present leaders. Because, the true Satanic leaders of Earth are terrified of what will happen if they are found out by you, who are THE PROPER, UNIVERSAL LAW people who are destined the to be eventual proper government of Earth. Now their worst fears are coming true as up to now revelations are are being unearthed by many of your own intrepid, human, Earth investigators, who often live in nearly constant threat of execution. These, and Heavenly reporters like Matthew and Ms. Suzi ward, are reporters who also send you accurate messages regarding these matters. Such reports are regularly prepared for you, the people. They are now revealing the Satanic Cults of Earth. Such is the focus of Ms. Suzi and Matthew Ward's latest report.
Matthew's and Ms. Suzi's report summarizes amazing true findings which we can verify from our Ascended state, and which reveals the substance of revelations to come. Here is an exert from their July 1, 2022 report:
“------Mainstream media; education; UN, EU, NATO and all other alliances; Federal Reserve System, IMF, WEF, stock markets and all other monetary systems; trade, taxation and insurance; publishing; legal and justice systems; military forces; INTERPOL, CIA and all other intelligence agencies; energy systems; transportation; agriculture; fraternal organizations; religions; WHO, CDC, FDA, NIH and all other branches in the healthcare industry; charitable foundations; multinational corporations; and the entertainment field. Those individuals at the top also are running the illegal drug industry, sex trafficking, pedophilia rings and Satanic rituals.”
More at:
Revision 2.75555-6 (humor)
“The Road Less Traveled”
6-24-2022 / Dedicated to the sleeping American majority
“The Road Less Traveled” is
Your Spiritual Road, which takes you Home.
But, without grasping the significance
of this Ascension Road,
Americans are unable to
grasp the significance
of their own, near monumental ignorance.
Sadly, Americans:
1. Lack a true consciousness of evil.
2. Lack the Perceptions of the causes of war,
3. and mistake corruption for leadership,
which should be triple underlined
and in quadruple BOLD!
Yet you cannot save the world
While being unconscious!!
YOU must want to save world!
A Release of the Great White Brotherhood!
Overcoming Unconsciousness
The phrase “the road less traveled:” (Title of a novel which means “the choices we make in life are unconventional and uncertain.” (Google) “It refers to a choice that leads a person to choose an indifferent approach or a path in life to start a new trend.”
Original concept being found in a novel --- “The Road Less Travelled” by M. Scott Peck
While it is true: God's Christed Souls on Earth all have the capacity to feel like everyone else feels about life, about God, about compassion and how we feel about our fellow man, it is also true that many of the Christed Souls of Earth are very young souls who lack great experience in spiritual perceptions. So, to be sure, finding your road back to Heaven, – your Ascension --, also should be understood that your Ascension is not a job to leave to chance. Yet American ignorance has lead to humanity stumbling onto Earth's “Road Less Traveled,” or her Ascension, to chance.
Ask yourself just how much do you know about Earth's Ascension?
Still, Christed Children of Light (COL) have the built in soul capacity to see others from a realistic perspective, but often lack the experience necessary to solve many of life's problems of overcoming evil. Even overly emotional exuberance can be one's great enemy, and can guide the unwary to bypass your personal and worldly “Road Less Traveled.”
For certain, Earth's younger souls have the capacity to understand the feelings in others. But, they are much too often unable to distinguish the malevolence of the anti-Christ in those whom they may believe worthy of their love and admiration. It takes experience and a discerning spiritual eyesight for COL to see the evil anti-Christ lurking in the minds of your very own true enemies. With this ignorance also comes ..... the inability to perceive the true depths of evil on Earth as will as in the truly evil ones. It is this near complete near inability to believe you and Earth are not the only special ones in all the infinite universes, which underlies the inability to not only see there is life on other worlds, but underlies your inability to see true evil in the truly evil ones of Earth.
The travelers of the galaxies, who are from other world's, tell the people of Earth:
“ We are talking about meditating, being open and receptive, and putting yourselves into those higher-vibrational states by following your feelings.
“Trust in yourselves and trust in yourselves, and trust in this universe, a universe that wants you to succeed, that wants to see you all getting into those higher-vibrational states and recognizing that you can create anything at all, for yourselves, for your fellow humans, and for all beings and collectives throughout the galaxy and this wondrous universe of ours.”
More evolved souls will perceive that the inner value of fellow souls is indicated not so much by how they feel about various political or opinionated issues, but rather to understand how the mental streams of thought and feelings become distinctly separate phenomenon as spiritual perception improves. Trust your feelings does not mean that you must look out across the panorama of politics and false theories and identify your enemy while ingesting the venom of “their” erroneous politics.
Rather, the future of humanity will be much improved by the feelings of love and being the holder of the feeling of love for yourselves and your fellow man. Those are the feelings which will be the bedrock of future society. It is planned, then, by the Heavenly “powers that be,” to increase wisdom of humanity by allowing humanity to face tough problems, and to be treated to some tough lessons and thus, through tough experience, a greater spiritual awareness of your world will emerge. As Earth takes her own monumental step into her Ascended future, this incoming "tough love" will allow you to learn the immense love pervading the Universes without end. It will help you understand the Ascension “road less travelled” is the largest mystery, and the answers found provide the people with a foundation, as Earth guides you along the Earth's “road less traveled.”
It is vitally necessary the for the people to grow in their love of God and the Earth and each other. This will provide the people with the strength to face the truth of just how the Satanically minded control Earth.
While the future may seem terrifying at times, a larger love will begin to separate and distinguish larger, even secreted truths, criminals from more humane personalities. It will help people distinguish invented, maliciously false narratives, including distinguishing the war mongers from the peacemakers. It will help people to perceive the presently invisible manipulated societal strong feelings of secret hate and anger. People will learn that real spiritual growth is this ability of the more mature, Ascending souls, to distinguish love from theoretically correct, truly imaginary, invented, politicizing talking points, that yields the ability to perceive the higher, less traveled road, and is the road of "evolution" for the souls, moving them into the higher Heavenly dimensions.
It becomes vitally necessary, therefor, that the citizens of the world be taught how to perceive evil in order to begin to understand the measures used by politicians and secretly Satanic political personalities to protect the presently, nearly invisible anti-Christ evil. For the world to be saved, then, the people are required by the highest Fathers and Masters of Universal Law, to understand the enemy and defeat the enemy.
The grandest, spiritualized, super, super duper computers, of the Universes without end, are explicit when they report from past Ascension efforts throughout the Universes above you in your night sky, that humanity MUST achieve the ability to understand the enemy so that they have a chance for success in this war, and an excellent chance of finding their higher road to Ascension and safety which includes abundance without end.
At this present moment, unfortunately, the average level of perception for the people of Earth is insufficient to allow her Ascension. When one understands the stakes, which can be no more wars, no more hunger, no more criminal and immoral use of money, black mail, killing and on and on, people will more willingly undergo the upcoming “tough love” of our Ascended Masters, Saints and Divine Teachers.
Fortunately, however, all good parents understand the occasional need for tough love in order to prepare their children for the rough and tumble of life on Earth. Many parents understand the need for tough love for their children, and to teach them how to recognize danger. Good parents will and do teach their children, through carefully selected, minor painful experiences, so that the children can recognize danger, make an accurate assessment of danger, and make snap decisions in order to survive.
This then, is the nature of the tough love which will descend to Earth shortly.
It is planned that the next phase of humanities “tough love” will greatly improve humanities ability to defend herself. This accelerated spiritual growth will guide and protect humanity from bypassing their true, planetary path, or missing Earth's spiritual road, which has up to now been “less traveled.” This also brings us forward to considering one great difficulty of many young souls of Earth.
At this moment in time, uncontrolled emotionalism, political hate and vindictiveness is a clear weakness and destructiveness in today's far, far left and far right fanatics. This extreme political weakness in the fabric of the world is preventing society from shifting the world societal focus into identifying the nearly invisible Satanism which threatens to upend Ascension before it can be safely accomplished.
This serious spiritual weakness will eventually reveal itself as the handmaiden of the Anti-Christ which gives birth to those unacceptable strong illusions and emotions, and the cancerous ignorance of Satan himself, who hides those secret, Satanic satellites circling Earth. Satellites , which telepathically control the invented political and religions lies and half truths which conceal Satan's presence, and construes Satanic presence into what people believe to be safety. This Dark Empire, Satanic control tool has secretly and surely taught humanity to the ignorantly follow this telepathic guidance, thinking the good are bad and the bad are good, thus falling into the trap of “protecting Satin first and foremost.”
For, as many will find out, basing actions on unrealistic, revengeful emotional hate spasms, coupled with over eagerness to punish others can definitely guide humanity to force Earth to miss the turn onto her road to Ascension. And it is with the revelation of Satanic control of the minds of the people, and instilling teachings of hate and terror in a way that displaces accurate, conscious perception that makes Satan-s minions the supreme manipulators of reality into a parody of "no father knows best."
It is the need to unwind these coils of emotional steel which diminishes the presence of God's love for all on Earth, and gives rise to the need for teaching through the “tool” of "tough love" for the COL of Earth.........
To be continued: For instance, why is the "Road Less Travelled" so mysterious and enigmatic?
And what strange secrets will you find on you search for your "Road Less Travelled"
scrol down
Road Less Travelled so mysterious and enigmatic, below
Other Thoughts
, It is this world level of greater wisdom to which the less experienced souls of Earth must adapt to, and which will help our space friends to stand head and shoulder above the lesser experience and wisdom of present Earth leaders. In short, great Galactic level experience in helping others is the foundation and bedrock for successful Ascension.
Yet, even a good record of helping others is a record that exists withing an even greater truth. Indeed, this matter of “right” and “wrong,” does, itself, have to obey even higher, more all encompassing truth in order to protect the temporary or up to date progress of each human on Earth.
One might extend this line of thinking into a more rarefied a higher society in which today the Earth to be finding its way through. In this atmosphere of the people's society of the nearly ascended, those of Earth today will face very tough truths which may keep them contained in a state of “near Ascension,” as Earth is in today.
Therefor, in order to encourage the people of Earth we need to carefully learn just what is the fine print in our contract where we agree to the Will of God. We have to, in order to receive the gift of living on Earth, agree to protect God's lesser creations as well as agreeing to protect the life force within your fellow souls of Earth. We have agreed to focus on doing good works which is a much more productive focus than being enmeshed in what is “right” or “wrong.” One can extend this mindset into the ridiculous by saying, for instance, that God was “Right” to create the Galaxy, and the people in the Galaxy are wrong when they fail to ascend.
In other words, trying to second guess God becomes a purposeless exercise in telling God what laws he should let you live by, and conversely, what laws are humane enough to protect and guide your fellow man in that higher, Ascended understanding of God and creation. The next step in discerning the lies or mental “weeds” which humanity suffers from, is to describe more clearly those laws of God which are distinctly necessary to protect the advancement of the souls of all God's creation, and necessary to block humanity from unnecessarily hurting or even destroying themselves.
Need we point out that a fundamental inability of mankind to protect the Christ light within the God's people, is demonstrated by the planet destroying nuclear weapons of Earth. These weapons are clear evidence that mankind has come precipitously too close to self annihilation to allow mankind, as a whole, to qualify for any kind of Ascension into the Heavens. Clearly, in order to allow the people who are already qualified for Ascension with Earth, to be able to Ascend, those who are negligently promoting discord and war will have to be removed from Earth. Other wise Earth will be blown to smitherines by those who do not always have the same feelings of self respect and mutual protection of mankind the majority of humanity have.
As we have so often pointed out in the past, flaws in that body of human feeling which claim “I AM RIGHT,” is the same hardened, caring less toward others, which justifies releasing hard core criminals onto the innocent population, and is recognized by Galaxy and Universe to be proof positive that a planet has reached the reason-less, careless for others status of non/Ascension. It means that a planet has reached the death knell conclusion for world populations (in other, the world populstion will be obliterated, and will begin, from the beginning, the process of learning how to live by the Laws of God.
We are, then, concerned with helping as many people as possible grow in understanding that Ascension is a process where the majority of people on Earth decide their future, and those who are the minority, are not wrong so much, but rather left out of Ascension, and usually continue on their prejudiced, stealing, lying, killing ways and habits of destruction, and will do so on other worlds which are a long, long way from providing protection for her citizens, not to mention the “non-Ascension” of that unfortunate world. This does beg the question, then, just what does a world have to do for her people to be able to Ascend.
All people, for instance, who agree to Ascension must do so with a clear majority. In addition, those unfit for Ascension must be removed one way or another. For example, all the people who have been rioting and killing and burning the cities will be removed. Most people in prisons will be removed to another planet. This will be done whenever a person wil not ascend, or if a non/ascending person dies naturally they will be reborn on an evil planet similar Earthing. Those removed will include all who are executed for their crimes, and to top to the list will be those guilty of crimes against humanity. A very large percentage of politicians and the upper echelons of high officials in law enforcement, along with most politicians and anyone guilty but not caught up with for being blackmailed, guilty of murder and crimes against humanity will be taken off Earth.
We present one basic rule may help some people follow events with a little more clarity. The Galactic Federation supporters who work to implement NESARA have been better at secrecy and implementing control, improving secrecy, and winning political wars over the far left forces who are trying to establish themselves as dictators of the world. As this now secret war reaches a crescendo, the world military's will step in and deliver the coup de grâce to the evil, anti-Christ forces.
Those who remain to Ascend with Earth will have a record of have devoted their lives to helping people, honesty, humane orientation and supporters of law enforcement. And, part of Ascension will include retraining of legal experts, and the implementation of NESARA, meaning Divine Abundance for all the law abiding people of Earth.
From the perspective of the Galactic Federation and Universe forces, sheriffs and leaders, the battle for NESARA is what the battle over abortion, gun control and media control are all about. There is an intensive propaganda battle as the far left tries to kill NESARA and take over the multi trillions of gold assets set aside for the implementation of NESARA. In this battle to the finish, the far left want this gold and control of all governments for themselves, while their opponents are dead set against any of the evil ones getting anywhere near the gold which will back NESARA and the new banking system. This is another critical battle the far left, wouild be destroyers have already lost.
This new banking system, by the way, has already been secretly installed by the Galactic and Universe space forces, and the “Swift” system is basically neutralized. The “Quantum” computer is now installed world wide, and replacing the Rockefeller—Rothschild “Swift” banking system which is now all but irrelevant . It simply does not matter how hard and loud the far left scream, burn the cities, go crazy over anti/child murder laws: or how the anti-Christ people let criminals flood the country through open borders, because these many il ones will be removed by a natural death: and many alien criminals will be removed one way or another: and yes, sadly, many will be removed by execution for a good many killers and enemies of humanity. Rest assured, killing babies is just the beginning ot the the far left mass, mass, mass murder plans. Crying over these evil ones is extremely misplaced sadness, for these people have very concrete, advance plans to kill you and as many of the world's Christed people as possible.
Also be assured that the equally secret world wide military plans to defeat the anti-Christ hell that is planned for many, many countries, is in place. The majority of the world's military organizations, as well as American forces, are secretly working with the Galactics and Universe forces, to make certain evil on Earth is STAMPED OUT for good.
Next: We will hopefully discuss why encouraging the killing of fetuses is, in the eyes of the Galactic and Universe forces, is the most vicious of all violations of Universal Law imaginable.
Feb 6, 2020
Got the email message about Judicial Watch a few days ago from N. Am a little slow with getting to email. I like Judicial Watch. Been contributing since around 1985 or so
Back to Judicial Watch, though; JW has been keeping up with the left since Reagan and so forth. Otherwise have been wanting to sleep a lot so have not been particularly active on the internet. Otherwise feeling good. Have started taking fruit/vegetable based vitamins and they seem to be helping. Have cut off my regular supplements to see what happened and the result, after a couple of says, was wanting to sleep all the time even though I was feeling fine otherwise. Feel like my body is healing the last few days.
Keep watching to see if more people are finally figuring out the COVID jab is killing people. I have noted that searching for death from COVID jab has a google search result about a mile on the response. I was trying to find the article from a few days ago, about morgue findings on people who died from the jab. They found that some people's blood turned to a gummies/rubbery like substance that the investigator could pull out like is is one solid massive type substance. People should start catching on to the jab pretty soon I would think.
Was reading a little about the truckers demonstration in Canada and the "authorities" have discovered the "Go Find Me" outfit is misusing a million dollars or more of money they are supposed to use to support the truckers. We have to see how that turns out. I believe this outfit may have been secretly supporting liberals, even though publicly supporting conservative causes; and actually may possibly be liberal thieves, which seems to be about right for the Antifa, Black Lives Matter liberals of today. They are one confused, malignant bunch of idiots.
The world Ascension, or "Rapture," which if course is not a conspiracy theory but of Bible origin, is getting closer. Not much we can do except wait. Maybe we will get more info what is happening with the overall war against the KABAL swamp. Like, we maybe hearing more facts about why they are going to blow up the White house, which I think, as I mentioned before, that it has something to do with the Satanic practices there. Other rumors have it that a new White House type headquarters is being built in Texas. Seems like there was another place they may be planning to build also. Any way, That is about it for now. Need to get more energy, so will start taking my normal supplements again. But the natural fruit, vegetable supplements do seem to help quite a lot. Hope all are well. Feeling good, just sleepy. Have a great Monday. Cordially, Al
Brenda's Blog via Brenda Hoffman, January 31st, 2022
Here is an interesting article where Brenda the talks about how changes affect our sense or feeling of something going on in the world. At least that is that way I have been feeling changes. Telling C that somehow the world just does not feel the same over the past couple of weeks. At any rate, the below article discusses how changes going on also affect our emotions. Thought you might like to read it. Also, have been keeping on with the detox and today after one session with the foot detox, enough crap came out of my body and I really began to feel much better and my mind started clearing up much more. Shoveled about a 75 foot path through the snow, and I can sure tell my arteries are MUCH cleared out from cholesterol or whatever. Feel like I am in my 30s or 40s. Great feeling. Also making progress on my allergies and have found that sugar really makes the breathing or lung allergies act up. No sugar and much less coughing and mucus f rom my lungs.
Hope the below article makes sense to me by Brenda's Blog by Brenda Hoffman. Have a great Thursday. Cordially, AS
"Dear Ones,
"Many of you noted unusual feelings the past few days, including exhaustion, anger, passivity, or foggy floating sensations. All indicators that the recent energy bursts were more potent than any you have experienced while of the earth.
"The energies will again magnify in the next few days so that almost everyone now of the earth will note sensations that may lead to unusual actions. Before you move into your fear mode, please know that unusual no longer needs to be fear-based.
"Many of you will do or say something you did not expect – as will be true for most beings now of the earth. Perhaps you will also note unusual pet or vegetation behaviors – an en masse world shift.
"Many of you know you have been part of this en masse shift for a very long time. Such is true internally. Those internal shifts are beginning to be directed outward in word and deed – including in others you never expected to relay a specific stance or action.
"Some of you felt little or nothing during the recent energy bursts. Such could be so for several reasons, not the least of which is that you already shifted.
"Many of you contend you are of the light and yet, felt the sensations. Such merely means you delved deeper into new you – who you were two weeks ago is no longer......" More at:
or at:
2-1-2022 I AM Calls as of 1-28-21 for G
12-28-2021 I AM Calls
I AM my spiritual path success.
I am God vitality.
I AM the Creator's every expression and manifistation. ” – (Mahatma (G))
I AM the Creator's every expression and every manifestation.
I AM the Creator's good health and vitality. (works good - 12-28-2021)
I AM the Creator's/Ascension's healing.
I AM Ascension's light harmonized
I AM Living Ascension's light.
I AM Ascension's light expansion.
I AM expanding higher dimensional expansion.
I AM the Creator's assigned mission duration and mission duration.
I AM the Creator's healthy, clean, unblocked blood flow, circulatory,system.
I AM God's light frequencies activation..
I AM The Great White Brotherhood Earth Mission Team Success.
I AM conquering candida, mold, kittie dander and all allergies.
I AM expanding multi-dimensional vision clarity.
I AM God's Violet/Green Flame healing power.
I AM multidimensional healthy arteries an heart.
I AM solving all around mission blocking, abuse fallout.
I AM discovering new anti-Satan, anti-KABAL calls.
I do 9 repetitions a day
Modify wherever needed.
In creating I AM decrees, be as precise, accurate and as brief and possible. For instance, avoid prepositions such as: of, on, off, to and so forth. (example: Instead of saying “I Am the vitality of God,” say “I AM God vitality.”)
1-29-2022 Message – Hope all are doing as well as possible. At out house, I have been working on the body cleanse some more. Have been using Blue Berry powder lately that is supposed to help cleanse heavy metals like arsenic, chromium and mercury and so forth from the body. I think something is happening because I am able to stay focused better without getting mentally exhausted on writing. I am also using the foot bath besides supplements. Have to sort of pace myself because pulling metal out of the body and into the water leaves quite a bit of loose metals in the blood. So it a matter, partly at least, of feeing better in different ways each time you detox. Otherwise there does not seem to be much going on around here. I have, though, been reworking my last article and getting some wording straightened out. but, the powers that be did want me to publish it immediately, and that gives the idea that it is time for more people to start waking up. As you may deduce from the last article "Times are Changing," the powers that be are upping the "antee" on getting rid of the bad guys, partly by trying to educate people more about what is really going on with the Nazis and their shots and attempts to exterminate most of the world's population. I have noticed, though, that a few more writers here and there are now also starting to talk about the Nazi threat. Like, people are catching on to some degree. Everyone around here though is entranced with the ridiculous covid shot. Around here the neighbors don't seem to have any idea of what I am writing about, other than thinking I am crazy. Not the first time people have thought that. Anyway, that is about all that is going on here since we got the porch squared away and our concrete drive/sidewalk leveled. But, I can't leave out mentioning our new kittie Reggie II, who is now about 9 months old. He is a cute little squirt who is growing like a weed. He has the wild cat pointed ears like Reggie I had. He is about 9 months old and is as big as our 10 year old Arthur and 2 year old Gussie. Love those kitties. Really great company, and keeps the house lively. Don't know what I would do without those little kittie feet running around the house. I guess that is about it for now. Hope your doing well. Cordially AS
1-9-2022 Message –
Here it is, Sunday again. Have had an interesting couple of days. There are more ideas floating around the internet about politics where a lot of rumors have had it that this is the moment in time where things can start happening, at least from the stand point where we may get some proof of what is going on. There has been, for instance, more urgency to reports lately, it seems to me. Here is a rumor that we will have to wait a little longer to see if there is anything to it.
But, for instance, it has been long maintained that Biden is not and has not been in the White House. Little things add some value to this idea, and I have noticed, for instance, that when the White House was shown on Fox today, there appeared to be no tire marks in the White House driveway snow, or there has been no snow shoveling being done. It also appeared that the rumors may be correct about the White House being being used secretly by unknown government people. It supposed to be in the hands of Trump and crew, and rumor has also long had it that Biden and the VP have never been into the White House, or have also never been allowed to use the Air Force One, and that Trump is still using the Air Force 1 while the whole election process is being investigated.
Anyway, here is some of the latest news, which I suspect has a lot of truth also, as I suspect Air Force 1 and White House stories are also true.
For instance: “ Setting the stage, Biden’s approval ratings plummeting, COVID 19 Vaccines being exposed as the bio-weapon they are… They have to have war now, would this surprise anyone?
”FLASH UPDATE – SEE BOTTOM – 7:45 PM EST — Satellites Would Be Attacked First, Then These Radar Stations if WW3 Commences next week
“The situation between the US/NATO and Russia has become critical. If you hear news that any of these radar stations has had “an incident” that’s your proof that WW3 has commenced and nuclear attack against the USA is in progress.
The more likely truth, to me anyway, is that Trump, the military and the White Hats are in charge, and are waiting for the public to wake up to the true evil that has been going on in the country and politics and Satanism, so they can be be certain of the public support once the bad guys are officially being taken down.
When you read through these kinds of things there almost seems to be a loony tunes atmosphere to it because a lot of news on the internet is not very clear on what is actually going on. From what I gather, this whole war scenario is kept up, in Europe, because it was planned by the (now presumably defeated KABAL) to start with.a war to “reset” world currency, which of course, would have made the KABAL richer and the rest of us poorer. So one can pretty safely figure out Trump is heading off this disaster and will hopefully leave Joey and Kamala baby with THE losing hand.
Like, with Trump having won the election on one hand, and Joey and Kamala baby not even in the White House, what the hell is going on? Thus, here we are, pretty sure Trump is president, and at the same time just how does Trump plan on saving his own neck in the midst of all the confusion. I am thinking we will find out one way or the other pretty soon. At least, I hope so.
1-6-20220 -- Just a quick note to let you know that my meat/preservative allergy caught up with me. First was Monday when I had a fish sandwich at McDonalds on the way to Mishawaka, IN. I felt fine all the time and it was not until about midnight that I discovered the really high BP. The second was on Wednesday (today) when I had eaten a can of soup, Mexican style, which apparently had a meat broth or maybe just a preservatives that send my BP sky high. On both occasions my blood went to 199 and i had to get it down, which I did in a matter of an hour or two after I discovered what was going on each occasion. So, the bottom line was that after I have just one incident like this I need a day or two to rest and recuperate, but with two consecutive days of high BP, it affected by ability to concentrate on the below article, which I did not notice right away. So, maybe in another couple of days I will do another editing session or two.
So, everything else is going well except for being tired. Hopefully you will understand that now I am more alert I realize I really need to work on this article some more. That is about it for now. Have a great Friday. Cordially, AS
2nd edit
January 2-5, 2022 Update on Universal Law
With a Roman Consul named Gaius Popillius1, and – the “Line in the Sand.” By A. Clement
Release of the Great White Brotherhood (GWB)
Article to be Rewritten.
The Great White Brotherhood states that Universal Law will prevail for the United States and the world. In addition, the less noble, and even barbaric, murderous politics of a minority of the moment will not prevail over Universal Law.
The GWB states that unfortunately for the minority who support minority political positions, the planetary decisions of any Ascended world is based upon the majority attaining a highly “spiritual” alignment with Universal Law.
For some people, however, such an alignment with Universal Law may appear to be unnecessary to maintain peace in the world. Experience of the Galactics on other worlds find that different spiritual paths of peoples of different worlds may all reach a similar Ascended state, but through entirely differentiated, separate world experiences. Planetary political unity is actually the basis for application of Universal Law, where the wishes of the majority are, in fact, considered by Universal Law, to be the wish of the planet. It makes sense, then, to move minority groups to different planets so political peace on each planet can eventually be attained.
The minority who may hold power by trick or might, thus, find they lose their political power on Universal Law governed planets such as Earth is becoming. The matter of finding justice for the temporarily less noble minority becomes a confusion that must be resolved. Those minority groups who may have ruled a world like Earth, with Ascension become a less tidy aspect of living on an Ascending world like Earth. Under the usual circumstances of Ascension, no matter how vociferously the minority demands they have the right to hang onto their the leadership of Earth, their demands will fail to gain traction with the Galactic authorities. And, we might note, tricks and cheating at the voting booth cannot deceive Galactic authorities about who the true minority of a world really are.
This will be true for people who fail to investigate news which may fall outside of their emotional desires. These people would rather seek news reports based upon what they want to hear, rather than trying to discover the real emotional manipulations they are victims of, whether or not they are unaware they are experiencing emotional rather than rational thought. Many people will fail to Ascend with Earth due to being victims of these un-viable manipulations of sophisticated but mis-oriented political leaders.
Not all the time, but often enough, those not allowed to ascend, due to their political positions, may loudly object as their disappointment becomes anger and frustration and a danger to society.
The basis for much of the confusion on planets like Earth is ther well established but conceited belief that Earth is the ONLY populated planet in all the infinite numbers of creation in the Universes without end. Thus, those in possession of the Galactic thoe spiritual requirements for Ascension, whether or not you believe Earth or is not the only planet with intelligent life, will find that the opposite is closer to the truth. The minority groups will, however, find themselves left behind with their more careful brothers and sisters.
Hard core disbelievers will likely be transferred to another Earth like planet, with little realization that any thing has changed for them. This is not a painful process as their souls memory of Earth will be erased as they are being prepared to move ahead with their education of Universal Law on other planets. These souls will continue to live on new, chaotic worlds until they, too, can come into alignment with Universal Law.
But the truth will eventually be very, very manifest to the more aware Universal Law supporting public and their more positive mind pools which, when properly aligned, will fully support Universal Law, irregardless, for instance, of any attempted illegal electoral illegalities and manipulations.
On this point, the Galactic authorities have highly developed technological, (spiritual) tools which, on Earth there is no technology of equal comparieson. These “tools” are fully capable of finding and reversing any illegalities done at the voting booth. These Galactic “spiritual,” political “tools,” are exclusively in the possession of Universal Law supporting leader's. These technoloties, are fully capable of monitoring and measuring the level of spirituality of all planets and their “ mind pools .” The Galactic “Fathers” and Great White Brotherhood, can precisely calculate the combined Christ light within each of these mind polls of societies, includin gn their political parties, nations and of the whole planet. And yes, the Galactic's can measure the divinity of every person in every mind pool on Earth, including whether they are liberal or conservative, religious or otherwise. They can monitor the Republican minded, or liberal minded, or the communist minded.
The greater the spirituality of each mind pool, the greater is the Christed, individualized, group Christed, cohesive factor within these invisible mind pools. This cohesive factor is, in fact, the amount of fulfilling Christ lilght, or “Light of God,” found within each of a world's mind pools.
On Earth, less evolved mind pools, made up of the less evolved souls, may spread terror through their members, while others more evolved will recognize a reality that is based upon the most Divine foundations of Universal Law. This is where the Galactic Fathers and the GWB find the overall majority of political leaders who meet the demands of Universal Law, and those leaders who will be the new political leaders of Earth. This change over will occur no matter how thoroughly elections may be controlled and manipulated and “reversed” by anti-Christ groups. Regardless of whether voter cheating has been or has not been involved in elections on Earth, God's Will will and the will of the majority will prevail.
The Galactic Masters, for instance, WILL determine the anti-Christ versus Divine soul aspects for each leader and person on Earth. The Galactic leaders, once again, possess spiritual tools, authorized by the wisest Masters of Earth's Solar System and Galaxy, which will decide which political side is the true inheritor of Universal Law.
But to make this process as clear as possible, it will be those leaders with the purest spiritual qualifications, in each of the Ascended mind pools, who will become the world's most respected leaders. And, we can also report that the overall populations of a world preparing to Ascend, such as is happening on Earth, may not be able to recognize who is initially qualified who is not qualified to lead the world leader.
And, in that context, those who are to be removed from Earth, will be those individuals who will be arrested, often tried for murder, treason and similar crimes and executed, in preparation for rebirth elsewhere. One of the more painful aspects of this process will be when the accurate news which will have to reveal who the Satanists of Earth who are hiding behind high faluting names and reputations. If necessary, U.S. and world leadership will use whatever force is necessary to clear the world it evil population and the chambers of government which have most devastatingly strayed away from Universal Law. Similarly, the arrests of the murderers and leaders of murderers and destroyers of communities, cities and the safety of the people, will, along with the Satanists, receive the harshest treatment by the the newly appointed Earth authorities. A great many of the worst of the worst people may truly surprise the people of Earth.
This does mean that if these demonic individuals resist, they will be neutralized one way or another by the military leaders who the Galactic government and the Masters approve of. This is what can and will happen, irregardless of what political group or groups who are in power. At the same time those less worthy officers of the peace and other secret, compromised individuals, will be weeded out and sent on to new, less evolved planets along with the members of the “loosing” parties and their leaders who will be reincarnated out among the stars.
To make this more clear, one measure of this successful transition of Earth into Universal Law is to realize that those who fail to support or ignore the public safety, be it directly or as a result of their corrupt, immoral political manipulations, will be the first ones to find their political dreams being dashed.
No matter how adamantly the losing parties may quail and object to the implementation of Universal Law, the more spiritual, Universal Law supporting majority are the ones who will inherit the power to protect the public. Universal Law WILL prevail, for that IS the law of the Universes which will be norm for ALL Ascending planets. And, this is the future of Earth, according to the Ascended Masters of the Great White Brotherhood – who are, by the way, our divinely ordained Saints, and those who are the most spiritually advanced souls of Earth. These souls understand the absolute need, above all else, to preserve the Divinity of the mind pools of Earth, and above all, the maintain public honesty and safety.
Thus we, the Great White Brotherhood. have presented aspects of Universal Law. It should go without saying: Be careful of who you pick as political comrades, because Universal Law does not respect politics.
Universal will not support those individuals who have not grown into a greater understanding of God and the laws of the Universes without end. Not believing in life in the Universes, which you can see in the night sky, are placing their disbelieving convictions on shaky ground by not respecting Universal Law's higher standards of life by knowingly choosing to be an arch enemy of Universal Law.
What ever the case, one of the biggest signs that Ascension is nearing will occur with the increasing awareness of where many, many of the true evil ones are concentrated. The line in the sand, again, will define where evil has been carried too far, and identifies those who have failed to protect their fellow man. This is definitely a problem for Earth at present. But we do need to address the Mind pools of Earth.
All people on Earth are in one mind pool or another. These The Mind Pools are, by special provision, invisible, ultra or 5th and 6th dimensional communications “nodes,” all of which have the ability to connect to other mind-pools. The members of each Mind Pool must agree on an approach for them to achieve a higher state of divinity. These Mind Pools provide telepathic guidance for those who hold similar beliefs and convictions. On the other hand, when evil invades mind pools, the safety of the world's societies become diminished. On Earth, this is a massive Mind Pool problem in which many dishonorable news outlets justify anti Universal Law behavior, by injecting aberrant thought processes and emotions into the minds and emotions of the world's Mind Pool's. But, on Earth in particular, one problem with her Mind Pool's is that people mistake the telepathic reality of Mind Pool's, and the telepathic thoughts contained therein, to be manifestations of the one true God.
As you may have divined, the subsequent actions of serious evil being allowed to, mislead the God's intent of each Mind Pool leads to open warfare and killing of the innocent.
On the exterior, these corrupted, telepathic mind pools such as dishonorable news reporting, encourage the innocent souls to accept power of crime and murder. These anti-Christ thoughts and very vicious political gestures float in the mental air of Earth air like odious, Sulphur perfumes of Hell. For, as one must be reminded, you, the Christed ones, are made in God, the Great Creator', image and likeness. Therefor you are responsible for creating and maintaining harmonious, loving mind pools.
This is part of the soul's education that should be illustrating to you the very tremendous power of your own creativity when that power is put to good use. You are in training, and being prepared to enter into the realms fully under the protection and leadership of the Galactic Father, the GWB, and Universal Law. On the other hand, it is the breakdown and elimination of those who are unable to maintain peace and tranquility of their mind pools which leads to reduced societal protection Universal Law. The members of each mind pool learn that their own spirituality must be improved for their entire mind pool to pass muster with our Heavenly Masters.
One should be able to understand that Ascension into the Heavenly Realms is a very intense, exacting, and exiting time for the people of Earth.
Making sure that Mind pool creativity is becoming a higher reality of life, then becomes a primary consideration of our Heavenly Fathers. It will be the primary focus and defining line to determine who goes to a different hell type worlds like Earth, and who will support a massive cleanup of our big cities under the guidelines of Universal Law. In a parady of the Roman Consul we recall that, “In 168 BC, a Roman Consul named Gaius Popillius Laenas drew a circular line in the sand around King Antiochus IV of the Seleucid Empire, then said, "Before you cross this circle I want you to give me a reply for the Roman Senate" – implying that Rome would declare war if the King stepped out of the circle without committing to leave Egypt immediately. Weighing his options, Antiochus wisely decided to withdraw. Only then did Popillius agree to shake hands with him.”
Simply the emergence of the world's acquiescence and mind pool acceptance of Universal Law, Earth will move toward Divine Abundance and the emergence of NESARA/GESARA. But is well to remember that the concept of the “line in the sand” emphasizes the fact that time is growing short for people to change their allegiance to the subtle tacit evil. Time is growing short for people to and begin to finding ways to bring harmony and peace to the mind pools of the world which include the mind pools of political parties, harmonious homes, and protection mind pools which really do protect our fellow man.
Too very many, otherwise very good people, still tacitly support the politics of deliberately consigning law abiding citizens to unnecessary death in their own country. Like Consul Gaius Popillius Laenas, the growing presence of Universal Law presents to the citizens of the world the challenge that if you support your fellow man's right to life and the pursuit of happiness, then by all means, do not force or allow your telepathic mind pools to cross the Universal Law “line in the sand.”
Still, with a more sound idea of God oriented mind pools, mind pools still may need a little more discussion.
Clinging to the tenets of evil politics, which cleverly require that you need to do nothing to tacitly allow or permit the killing of your neighbors and fellow citizens, is in reality, also the beginning of death of the human soul: and this includes both the downward fall toward death of the individuals soul and your self created mind pool's soul, if you will. Again, you may very well recognize, that the death of your very own mind pool soul usually ends up in out warfare and more killing of the innocent.
Yet, YOU are your own creator. You ARE created in the God's, the Great Creator's likeness. YOU have Godlike creativity! It is the selling out of the Christ Light within our very being, by tacitly supporting evil, mind pool corrupting politics, that is at the heart of Dark Kingdom power over the people of Earth. When you allow the murder of your fellow man, you have authorized the Dark Kingdoms to kill another image, like yourself, who is also a likeness of God. That is tantamount to trying to kill God himself. It shows the powers that be in Heaven, what your life's intent has become. You have become the tool of the Dark Empires and their political representatives.
These clever, overly conciliatory Dark Empire Representative's gestures of offering easy, do nothing except to kindly vote for evil, you are accepting the suggestion that by doing nothing decisive, your spiritual inactivity, you have unknowingly paved your life's path with easy politics.
You have become the Dark Empires representative. As a Dark Empire representative you will guide people to give into the easy lure of failing to support your friends and neighbors. This do nothing approach presents a whimsical, easily acceptable “due nothing except vote the evil ones,” approach, that produces the environment that perpetuates evil leadership.” This simple do nothing offering from the evil ones, too often, is a sealed death warrant for your brothers and sisters who support freedom and reject easy, abject slavery supporting prosecutors and politicians
This unnecessary attachment to evil and the accompanying powerful and evil, invisible mind pools of thought and emotions, are used to misguide or dull a souls sense of logic and observational skills, and gives their God light to evil, without having any realization that this is how the Dark Empires, the Satanists, work. They steal the power of the souls and the power of God's Christed people. The evil actions of “politically correct” prosecutors and city leaders who are failing to prosecute, and and give free bail and easy release to deadly killers, know full well that their actions put the public in danger, as murder and robbery increase by exponential proportions all around them. Yet, these evil people continue to deliberately defy Universal Law.
Failing to even protect the members of your own voting base shows the height of the insanity that is in control of society today.
And, we point out one more time, by this process, we find that the Christed people who vote to empower these dark people, who support these dark prosecutors and their Dark Empire minions, have in reality successfully given their own Christ light to these evil beings to corrupt wit malice and foresight. It is you, the casual supporter of evil instead of Universal Law, who betray your own Christed brothers and sisters, and reduce the chances for the incursion into Earth of Divine Abundance.
By allowing politicians to garner often guilt ridden support for dark leaders, and who, by most any stretch of the imagination, should have long ago been thrown out of office, we find a main core of today's rejection of Universal Law. As painful as it is for the Great White Brotherhood to observe, the mind pool; politically controlled people; who would support evil rather than do what is right at the voting booth. People need to understand that it is these folks who will be taken off of Earth early, and be transplanted on other Earth like worlds so they can continue experiencing the pain of their own traitorous decisions and leadership. This will continue for the souls who will find themselves on other worlds, until another round of thousands of years finally prepares them to support Universal Law and protect their own kind.
The immediate circumstances of those who have thoughtlessly attached themselves to those invisible, negatively controlled mind pools and emotions: and those who are overly conciliatory to those causing human suffering and crimes against humanity, must be eliminated if Divine Abundance is to survive. It is well to remember that Divine Abundance and the safety of society have their own mind pools which are at odds with the Dark Empire mind pools of killing and death. The mind pools and conscious, Christed supporters will, by Universal Law awareness, give way to a new world Republic, and will give increasing proof that Divine Abundance of Universal Law can survive on Earth. This new era will fully support NESARA and GESARA, which are a Universal Law realities to be reckoned with.
The main focus of this article, by necessity, is to stress that it is crunch time for those who violate Universal Law, and who refuse to change their ways and philosophies and start supporting you, their fellow man. A basic part of Universal Law, on a Galactic scale, requires you to remove from society those who kill their own, or allow such killing. The souls of those who have lost their Christ power, will always remain outcasts on their own world until they change their ways, or are removed for good.
If you politically support politics and people who kill their citizens or simply, or staunchly adopt a do nothing to interfere attitude, and you continue to allow the citizens to be murdered and put upon by evil, no matter how this is justified, you are poised over the entrance to hell. No matter how sincerely your political parties mind pool encourages the murder of its citizens, or a official loooking representative for the Dark Empires tells you to ignore "minor" brushes with UniversalLaw; supporters of this evil practice are themselves are on the road to be cast off of Earth.
And as we have repeated many times, their souls are moved to another Earth like planet which promotes the outrage against Universal Law. In this manner your soul, if you justify the murder of your fellow man, will experience the terror and murder of yourselves, repeatedly, until you change your lazy habits. You have a responsibility to the souls until you finally understand that what “goes around, comes around.” For those who support Dark Empire practices, you and your political party will also incur the outrage of all planets who are civilized enough to protect their own citizens and adhere to Universal Law.
1 Gaius Popillius1 – “Gaius Popillius Laenas (fl. 172–158 BC) twice served as one of the two consuls of the Roman Republic, in 172 and 158 BC.”
“He was sent as an envoy to prevent a war between Antiochus IV Epiphanes of the Seleucid Empire and Ptolemaic Egypt. On being confronted with the Roman demands that he abort his attack on Alexandria, Antiochus played for time; Popillius Laenas is supposed to have drawn a circle around the king in the sand with his cane, and ordered him not to move out of it until a firm answer had been given. The Syrians withdrew. According to (his forces) Livy:”
Now, on to the news as it unfolds throughout the days and weeks.
Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Mon. 3 2022
Compiled Mon. 3 Jan. 2022 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington, MSW, LCSW, Therapist ret, Journalist, Author:”
“......It’s Happening! The Switch has been Turned.
Global Reset GESARA/ NESARA Activated.
“The Supreme Court has canceled universal vaccination. Bill Gates, US Chief Infectious Disease Specialist Fauci and Big Pharma have lost a lawsuit in the US Supreme Court, failing to prove that all of their vaccines over the past 32 years have been safe for the health of citizens! …Senator Robert F.”
“A society that keeps cures a secret so they can continue to sell medication for huge profits is not a real society, but a huge mental asylum.” …Dr. Sebi
Below is a list of some of the events as GESARA and NESARA are activated, many of which should be verifiable by reader as they occur>
“What We Think We Know as of Mon. 3 Jan. 2022:
no edits
1-13-2025 Protection from Satanic Attack
“If the Devil keeps attacking you, does that mean that he knows you are special to God or chosen?
"Why does the devil attack me when my faith grows?
"Every time I pull closer to God, (e.g. if I pray or something) the devil will do everything in his power to bring me down some way or the other. Has anyone ever experienced this or am I overthinking?
"Why does it seems as though the closer my walk get with God the more I am being attacked by Satan through others?
"As a Christian, I feel like Satan is trying to attack my mind and trying to fill my mind with bad things. What should I do?
Christians & Christianity
Answered by
Peter Sebastian
Author has 296 answers and 1.4M answer views
· Updated Aug 9 In other matters I have found this Peter Debastian's experience to be often true for me.
“Satan hits you harder when you are getting closer to God, God uses these things to grow your Faith.
Paul says I’m Romans 8 35:-39 “Who shall separate us from the love of God? Shall tribulation, distress, persecution, famine, nakedness, peril, sword, etc.
“Satan cannot separate the love of God from you, so he tries to separate you from God. He does this by attacking you with afflictions of various kinds, because people tend to seize up when hardship, persecutions, and tribulations start to attach themselves to your life.
Trials and tribulations make many people “retreat” away from God. God uses the
“Satan cannot separate the love of God from you, so he tries to separate you from God. He does this by attacking you with afflictions of various kinds, because people tend to seize up when hardship, persecutions, and tribulations start to attach themselves to your life.
“Trials and tribulations make many people “retreat” away from God. God uses these things to grow your Faith, so when he brings these things to you, you will press through them and continue in God to pursue what it is he has called for you to accomplish.
“Every person God has ever called, Satan has opposed them every step of the way. He will never stop. It is on us to press through by Faith, as that is the only way to overcome the adversary and the God of this world. With Gods spirit, we are able to withstand, and stand by Faith, as Jesus has become our example on how to resist his attempts in separating us from God.......”
Having recently gotten back from the hospital I realized this hospital emergency visit was to get me to think about why God is being so hard on me. Thanks to some artices of Satan hating us and getting in our way by having Satan block us. The included articles says that God likes to see us get along well and for whatever reason love just seems to flow between us with surprising strength. At first this has been confusing because we are behaving ourselves with God, and it is HIS love that appears to cause a problem where I become severely attacked. This seemed totally backward. So, in looking up answers here is one that hit cord with me.
Christians & Christianity
Answered by
Henry Moore
Author has 5.5K answers and 1.6M answer viewsJul 23, 2022
“Because he (Satan) absolutely hates you and God even more than he normally does. The last thing that Satan wants to see from you is for you to believe more in God; to have faith in God and especially for you to confess.....”
“....When we turn from God, Satan has no need to hit us at all because we are saying no to Go. Mark 1:14–15, Hebrews 11:6, 1 Peter 3:21 Galatians 5:4, 1 Corinthians 6:9–10 and John 20:22–23 all back up what I am telling you.”
So, like Henry Moore, it seems more and more obvious to me that God wants us to accomplish something together with surprising power to be true to God the the Bible in doing so. The main conclusion is that, although we are of the opposite sex to each other, we need to get the support of God and Jesus to block interference from the real enemy, Satan. So I am looking up prayers to God and Jesus that will give Jesus permission to come into our lives by blocking the hatred of Satan, and protect us from Satanic interference and hatred. Make sense you?
Maybe we can let each other know of protection prayers that seem particularly appropriate for us to block Satanic hate type stuff and get on with whatever God want us to do. Hope that makes sense. Cordially, AS
Here is a good prayer for Archangel Michael's protection (he is the Archangel of Protection)
“Archangel Michael is probably the most well-known of the archangels. He's the great protector and the most powerful of the archangels. You can call on Michael when you need protection of any kind. If you're scared or concerned for your safety, Michael will be there to help you.”
Decree: Guard, Guard, Guard Us!
Guard, guard, guard us!
By the lightning of thy love!
Guard, guard, guard us!
By thy Great Self above!
Guard, guard, guard us!
By thy secret power of light!
Guard, guard, guard us!
By thy great and glorious might!
And seal us safe forever
In thy diamond heart of light!
(give decree three or nine times)
4. Give the closing:And in full faith I consciously accept this manifest, manifest, manifest! right here and now with full power, eternally sustained, all-powerfully active, ever expanding and world enfolding until all are wholly ascended in the light and free! Beloved I AM! Beloved I AM! Beloved I AM!
“Archangel Michael”
11-21-2024 - Its been a long week. Besides monitoring my health a lot, have had a lot of extra "business as usual" going on. A lot of it has been learning more about the ascension into, I guess, is the ongoing ascension of Earth into the 5ty dimension. The new election victory for God's people will help keep the ascension process going. Don't really understand much of the details of how this affects on the personal level, It appears though, that we act, like going by the ten commandments and "help thy neighbor as you would help your self" ideas are in the forefront of how the 6th dimension will be much more positive for us all.
Most of what I have been up has betting my lungs to working better because the candida has gotten the upper hand. So far have been pretty successful. The manuka honey does a pretty good job of keeping the candida "tamped down." There are other what are general growth aspects regarding what I guess you call spiritual or whatever and karma and so forth that have been involved that seem to be helping a lot. I am also getting the idea that the Great White Brotherhood has quite a bit more for me to write about as my "repertoire" of "inner" things expands concerning, I am assuming, discussion a lot more of what can expect to "encounter" as we grow into the 6th dimension. Like, no more poverty, war, back biting and bitterness as society and the people mature a little more in their understanding of the 6th dimension.
Other than that there has not been too much else ongoing. I guess to some extent I will have to wait to see what I am to write about. Right not am getting a lot of info like finding out that we cannot ascend without balancing our "three-fold-flame" each of has. Being connected the silver cord helps keep us connected to the higher realms. But, I guess we will have to wait and see what comes next.
We are doing pretty well here but keep having to readjust our minds and inner and outer perceptioins on a pretty regular basis. Hope all are well. Have a great Thursday. Cordially, AS
9-13-2024 - Can't believe how time has flown. It also appears a lot is going on in the world that is getting very close to fruition. Ms, Byington reports ""Thurs. 12 Sept. 2024 The Truth Behind the RV/GCR …Carolyn Bessette-Kennedy on Telegram
- "Think about it: nine powerhouse economies standing on the precipice of insolvency. The mere thought is enough to send a shiver down one’s spine. This isn’t just a financial hiccup; it’s a seismic event that will shake the very foundations of our global economic order. From Wall Street to the Tokyo Stock Exchange, from London’s City to Australia’s ASX, the shockwaves of this impending insolvency crisis are poised to wreak havoc.
- "The interconnected nature of the global economy means that the insolvency of these key nations could trigger a cascade of failures worldwide. Financial institutions, trade networks, and even social stability are at risk. The potential collapse of these economies threatens to disrupt supply chains, increase unemployment, and lead to widespread social unrest. This scenario underscores the urgent need for a coordinated global response.
- "Now, let’s talk about the RV/GCR. This is not just a financial event; it’s a paradigm shift. The revaluation of global currencies aims to correct the imbalances that have plagued the world economy for decades. This reset could potentially bring about a more equitable distribution of wealth and resources, but it also comes with risks and uncertainties. As we stand on the brink of this economic revolution, it’s crucial to stay informed and prepared for the changes ahead.
- "So, when I say that the RV/GCR is upon us and the fallout is going to be monumental, you better believe it!
- "On Sun. 8 Sept. 2024 the iconic White House, a symbol of American leadership, was lit up glowing in orange. Trump, often dubbed the “Orange Man,” could be sending a signal that his comeback is imminent in a “Trust the Plan” mantra, reassuring Patriots that everything is unfolding as planned, and nothing will stop it—NCSWIC......" more at:
Also being reported are the amounts of money the world's main bank computer, the Quantum Computer, has calculated that people will get according to their age. Phenomenal amounts. This is one thing that people will likely not believe until they actually get it in their new Quantum computer account, and I fully understand this. Too much tomfoolery has gone on on Earth for too many centuries with the big bankers filching trillions from us in little ways, like missed car payments or bounced checks and so on.
- "Reclamation: The return to a better state. This is about more than just land or money; it’s about restoring what was taken by the elites through their criminal systems. NESARA will do that for the U.S. citizens.
- "Restitution/Reparation: Compensating for the years of illegal taxes, loans, and the financial enslavement we’ve suffered. The income taxes, mortgages, and credit cards? They’ve been used to keep us as chattel, bonds taken out against our very lives from birth certificates to social security numbers. This payout is reparation for the wrongs committed against us.
- "Who’s Eligible? Those aged 24 to 61+ are in line for massive lump sums depending on their age group. For example: 61+: Up to $61 million; 45-60: Up to $38 million; 24-44: Up to $23 million." more at:
Items also discussed include:
- Thurs. 12 Sept. 2024 nine powerhouse economies were standing on the precipice of insolvency. The interconnected nature of the global economy means that the insolvency of these key nations could trigger a cascade of failures worldwide. Financial institutions, trade networks, and even social stability are at risk. The potential collapse of these economies threatens to disrupt supply chains, increase unemployment, and lead to widespread social unrest.
- [Content Redacted]
- It all leads back to the Biden Crime Family. Hunter’s dirty deals, the Biden’s criminal empire—it’s all coming out. But it’s not just about corruption; it’s about national security. Hunter’s laptop holds classified military secrets. The elites thought they could bury this, but the truth is about to explode.
- [Content Redacted]
- Thurs. 12 Sept. 2024 Situation Update: Bombshell Report! Judy Byington: “Soon, at any moment, a turn of events will trigger the unbelievable. Our entire Government will be invalidated… – – American Media Group
- Thurs. 12 Sept. 2024 Situation Update (video): Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of September 12, 2024 – The US Military News
- Wed. 11 Sept. 2024 Situation Update (video): WTPN SIT/UP 9/11/24 “NATO/US PLOT TO STRIKE RUSSIA, DEBATE FALLOUT, UFO’S, VT INTEL” (
This is all in the background, obviously, but it certainly helps one have a back drop or "undiscussed" information that the idiot Kamala knows nothing about. More and more people see how stupid Kamala and crew are, knowing that no matter how hard they try, they cannot seem to convince the people she and her fellow criminals are worth a plug Nickle.
Along health lines, have had to adjust the amount of multi-minerals I have been taking. It seems that a main reason for my being tired and harder to get up stairs, and having trouble focusing, like on writing and so forth, has at been at least partly due to a need for more minerals. It took awhile to get to this understanding because of all the supplements I take. But the thought occurred to me try extra multi-minerals that were supposed be enough minerals. Still, I have been getting more and more tired for no apparent reason. So I took double the recommended minerals a couple of days ago and ended up I could not sleep due to being I guess you could say "hyper" as hell. even though I never reacted to minerals like that, or any other way. But I got over my "tiredness" real quick. Quite a surprise. Couldn't sleep for about 48 hour!
It is nice to have the energy to go up and down stairs for a change, without feeling like I was running out of energy. Haven't gotten to the stage where I can't go up and down totally, thank heaven. But I can't believe how tired I get from not enough minerals. Now, though, after a couple of days of getting more minerals I am needing a little more rest because the old bod is "healing" itself now that I am "feeding" it better.
Also, have been following my chiropractor's advice and taking Acetyl-CH (Choline) (for the brain function) and with the minerals, that is helping quite a bit more. The older I get the more I watch my health. Creaks and groans cannot help bet be on the increase. The older I get the more I am looking forward to the medbeds. I keep thinking that after what I went through in the Army and in V.Nam, miracles are not totally unknown to me. The good Lord and GWB wanted me to live through that mess, and as I follow the "internet" news, I understand better. I had to laugh because one of our more, what can I say delicately, relatives sees himself as the world genius, and he IS a very, very smart, genius type with computers, and maybe I could say, probably had a big part in putting IBM on the "computer map," so to speak. .
But I had never told him about my military experience, and when I fianlly did, he got very indignant that I could have experiences in life that rivaled his experience, although in very, very different way. So, because of my theoretical "lies," about my military experiences, he and his wife quietly walked out through crowds, not be seen again for the rest of the day. But, when it comes to the fantastic new things in life, there seems to be more news on that front:
"Breaking News: Insider Leaks Confirm QFS (Quantum Financial System) Launch, MedBeds Rollout in Texas and Florida by December 2024, Secret BRICS Meeting, and Quantum Voting Implementation—A Military Operation Set to Wipe Out Global Cabal!"
Well, I guess I have rattled on long enough. Hope all are well. Other than the usual aches and pains, and diet stuff, that is about it for now. Have a great day. Cordially, AS
8-12-2024 - This has been a bit of a work day on writing A difficult article. Article is to explain the importance of NESARA and the new international BRICS Banking System. Am making progress, although I am not a banker. So, am studying a bit to get this one written. But we did have a very nice dinner with our neighbors at "the GRILL" just south of Allegan. Beautiful, sunny day. They had a birthday dinner for their son who is 22, I think. I must say, thought, that my memory is one thing that is catching up with my years. I aced an advance math class at college, but today I have trouble even doing simple math these days. Does not seem to affect my writing and I suspect the "powers that be" have something to do with that.
I am having to do more exercise to keep the BP up. Went through a period of being really tired for a few days and that does not cut it with blood pressure. Goes back up after 3 or 4 days. Really don't have much to report other than simple things. Like I took our old 2006 Chrysler Town and Country (that, at 130,000 miles, is in great shape, never needed new breaks, plugs, etc. is all these years, and still runs like new) to the shop so my grandson could see what was wrong with the A/C. He has really gotten going now in the car repair business at Chrysler in South Haven. He left there for better pay (he thought) to go to a place in St. Joe because he was not getting anywhere at So. Haven. It turned out that the South Haven place learned rather soon who had been keeping the maintenance and parts going at SH. So, after a month or two they hired him back to replace whoever had been running the parts and Maint department. He really is a genius at car repair. I found this out when he was only 15 years old (he is about 23 now I think). I was showing him my old VW Van that I was going to give him when he got older. We pulled out the engine and I pulled off a head and a couple of other things. |Told him we had to check the end play on the crankshaft, and to look it up in the manual. Like, I would take about 5 minutes to figure it out, and he surprised by by finding in about 15 or 20 seconds. I quizzed him about what end play was and why it was necessary, and he gave me the right answers like in 30 seconds, which pretty much floored me.
So that is the story on our encouraging him to do the maintenance work he liked doing. His dad was not much of a father because I eventually gave the VW bus to my grandson, and his dad secretly sold it. You get the idea of why we help aour grandson and his family, now, when they need it. His second wife is someone you would love. She absolutely loves kids and is constantly carting 1 and 6 year old all over west Mich. to show them this and that and a farm, animals, camping, you name it. There is no danger of these kinds being neglected or ignored. Like, they are on the road, so to speak, every other day. A far cry from the way he and our other grandson were treated by their dad. I pity the person that ever might hurt one of our grandson's kids. Like, my grandson will never put up with anyone mistreating their kids. So, I guess that is the update of things going on around here. Hope you have a good Tuesday, and that you are doing well. Cordially, AS
8-5-2024 - Another Sunday. Seems like the week goes by in 2 or 3 days. Plus have been dogged by a virus or bacteria the last few days. Mostly just get tired. Partly allergies have gotten to me and affects breathing. Breath ok, but feels like breathing will not be easy which keeps me awake. With ashwagandha and a couple of other things I have a lot less lung congestion. It feels odd to have both lungs fill with air. Have been watching Trump's vice president pick. Got in trouble for misspelling his name, but was not feeling so well and I am uncertain that Vance will be what we really want. Don't know one way or the other. But when Pence was picked back when, it turned out that he, by was found to be in the pedophile business. I sometimes he does this to be able to understand his "enemies" better. He, Trump, seems to be very good at that. Anyway, Vance does have a fairly liberal background. It is just one of those things we have to wait and see I guess.
Was trying to remember what a famous Chinese General said way back in something like 300 or so "A.D." I think it is pretty will known that this General Sun said leaders "need to keep their friends close, and their enemies closer." So, with Trump being so intelligent I am not surprised to see Trump get a top enemy or two types close to himself so he can keep an eye on them. I do feel, though, that Vance is a notch or two above Pence, who always seemed a little too "well cut," and just too perfectly dressed and manicured, to the point that I never liked him much. Like, Vance is very supportive of Trump where to me, at least, I can not recall Pence ever expressing much affection for Trump.
Not too much going on otherwise other than finally getting my lung business under control. Have had lung issues ever I was about 5 years old. Mostly allergy coughing and hacking. Got the house air cleaned up last year as we had mold along with kitty dander and a carpet that was next to where I sleep. That carpet was a throw rug and was old, with what must been bacteria in it that were making me cough constantly. I mean, it took me over a year just to most things whipped into better "allergy" shape around the house.
Our new steel roof looks pretty neat. Maybe we will never have to worry about leaks as it gets older. My back is gradually doing better after I have had the chiropractor work on it. One thing I notice is that I sleep better now, and now want to sleep during the day and night. So I have to motivate myself to get going. That is about it for now. Have a great Tuesday. Cordially, AS
8-4-2024 - Have been busy trying to figure out just what is going on with the politics and people and so forth. With all the switching around of body doubles and clones for people, it is hard to know what is going on. Have been getting more sleep off and on. Seems like the "tempo" of life is increasing, presumably with ascension being a main cause, and it sure disrupts my sleeping. I guess the new focus these days is on the idiot Kamala. If nothing else is happening, we are certainly learning just how evil, lying, and manipulative these idiot liberals.
Haven't had much to say today because I am working on "violet flaming" karma and you could say maybe trying to keep my head above it all. Have mainly had irritations with being able to breath comfortably lately. Have hot been passing out or anything like that, just seems like part of incoming karma, and getting rid of as much karma as possible helps quite a bit, along with taking supplements that are helping. We got our house re-roofed with steel roofing. Looks quite nice. Also got our patio-walkway around the back of the house replaced as the old one was rotting a little. Can't believe I put it in around 40 years ago. It is much nicer now. We are situated where there is sand and woods that make walking around the back of the house pretty difficult. Now that is up to date. Keeps C busy trying to keep up with all this when I am busy reading and watching events and trying to figure out is going on and what to write about.
That about catches things up for the most part. Our kitties are doing quite well, than you. Our newest, Reggie, is pretty much wild type kitty and he is doing quite well also, only has to dash desperately to his hiding place in the basement about 90% of the time when we get company. He is a sweetheart though. Very loving kitty, and so grateful to have a place to live and being with us. Hope everything is going well. Keep you in my prayers. Have a great Sunday. Cordially, AS
7-23-2024 - The Real "Trump" is: (?)
The "real" Ben Fulford has been pointing out the flaws in the Republican Party convention. While acknowledging that the real Donald Trump is overseeing the election hullabaloo, Fulford points out that the TV showing Trump and Vance on state together, what is left out is that Vance is about 5 foot seven inches, while Trump is 6ft 3in.
On stage, however they appear to be about the same height.
Fulford also states: "This confirms what eyewitnesses at Mar A Largo have told us in the past; the person appearing in public as Trump is not him. We keep hearing from our US Space Force sources the real Donald Trump is at the Mt. Cheyenne military base in Colorado directing the military white hats. This Trump we see in public now is a white hat actor working for the Trump in Mt. Cheyenne."
Fulford also quotes Dan Bonjino, who appears to be up to date on secret service info says: "“I was also told that the Secret Service Director has been given instructions from the Administration and the DHS Secretary that if you want to keep your job, you’ll keep your mouth shut about this.”
So, it appears to me that there are so many actors and "stand ins" for other people no one likely know about, that it is impossible to know what is happening from one minute to the next. What does appear with everything else I have read is the Trump is working with the space force to straighten things out. TBC
cont'd: Have been ordering amino acids that should help with energy and brain. Present supply is about out and ordering L-Tyrine that will also hopefully, help with physical and mental agility and endurance. Part of my present problem is I have less appetitive than when younger, and I notice cheese and turkey sausages, for instance, really helps with alertness, but the fat makes screws up my memory. I think I found what the supplement I need is so to replace eating cheese and sausages for meals will hopefully give me enough amino acid called L-Tyrine to help when I cut back on fat like sausages and cheese. Makes sense so far.
Regarding the assassination, there appears to be so much confusion over the attempted assassination that no one, even the Secret Service knows for sure what hell happened. It all strikes me like it would strike me if it was Biden who panicked at the thought of Trump being nominated and off the cuff, and stupidly ordered and assassination. Judging by the closed mouth of the so-called S-Service boss who resigned.
I agree that it seems like an inside job as she was told to keep her mouth shut from the get-go. No one will be surprised if Biden is the initiating party. I mean, multiple rifles were used and had been shooting around the place. Idiot stuff happened like that and as far as I could see, that never hit the news very little if at all. Some seem to wonder if it was a fake assassination operation. But no one so far explains how an onlooker on stage was shot and killed by a make believe gun (like, what were all the other weapons there for that left bullets they claim from 5 or 6 other guns, or something like that?)? In addition, even though people still can't figure out that Biden is a Nazi, or that the guy is a multimillion dollar traitor, and anyone who knows anything about Nazis knows that any of their leaders has to be a murderer in waiting if not in fact.
As Biden would say: "Anyway." One could say the shear lack of any "bodyguard type officials" having any idea of what the hell they were there for indicates that they were all possibly told where to go to the farm, based on a snap decision to assassinate Trump, and to keep their mouth's shut if they know what was good for them. But not having been there, thank God, speculation is based on the actual officials ("keeping your moth shut").
However, I do believe Trump will have figured out exactly what happened and "whodunnit" and who ordered it. Just a matter of time.
What worries me more now that the killing attempt is over, is that Biden will have emptied all our reserve petroleum supplies in about a month. Like, what the hell happened to the Venezuelan crude we have been buying at a high price? Obviously, our economic problems are far, far, far from being over once we have no more gasoline and oil available. Then what? Maybe Trump is running things from the Mountain, but so far he has let Biden be in charge? I suspect that we are in for more surprises that are desperately needed to wake the people hell up regarding horrible Biden and crew really are! So, I guess that is about enough ranting for the evening. Hope all are well. We are doing pretty will here and will get diet changes worked here. Have a great Wednesday.
Blood Lust,
The Narrative Trap
(i.e. - The (Narrative) War, Murder Trap)
A Release of the Great White Brotherhood
#1 Narrative --- Presentation of the positions of a politician or political party in the media, as by press releases, speeches, and interviews.” Google
#2 Trap – A stratagem for catching or tricking an unwary person. Google
#3. War – A state of open, armed, often prolonged conflict carried on between nations, states, or parties. Google
It appears to us, the members of the Heavenly, Ascended Great White Brotherhood, that the citizens of the United States are being held hostage to an evil. It is an evil that is so repulsive, even the GWB finds its attemtps to save America from her own death knell nearly impossible. It will take a extremely heroic effort on President Trump's part to break the Satanic American dreamworld held in place by American indifference. The pain of the near fatal assassanation attempt on President Trump, irregardless of what your helpless opinion of it is, is part of the approaching death knell of the Uniged States of America. America had BETTER wake up, quickly and NOW.
America, YOU HAVE BEEN CAPTURED BY SATANIC NARRATIVES that are as deadly as the deadliest nuclear misciles and warheads. This recent attempt by Trump to interrupt the easy flow of Satanic, NIGHTLY NEWS hypnotism America DYING FROM, is the first of more evil narrative trap revellations of “murder in waiting” which America will have to endure if she has any chance to survive the fatal situation she finds herself in at the moment in history.
America, WAKE UP KNOW, OR YOU WILL SUFFER THAT WHICH YOU ARE ALREADY, HABITUALLY, CONSIGINGING YOUR FUTURE GENERATIONS to THROUGH YOUR ABORITIONS AND WARS. Through you horrible, repulsive abortions, wars, murders and other equally impure Heavenly purity.
In these end times, the question is, can President Trump find a means to break the horrible, Sataic Narrative hypnotic trap caused evil narratives and their evil grip on the dying Ameriacn spirit.
While the rest of the world is answering to the “helm of Heavenly laws,” the United States is not. Hence you have become the lauging stock of the world!
The A|merican people have a strange, nearly unmoveable ability to ignore those evil ones who love murder and Satanic retuals. This unmoveable, seemingly unsolveable perceptual horror has cost the lives of millions of children American and around the world, so vile that this is business as usual on many of those exciting, esciting pleasure ships.. Thus we have the spectacle of an |American nation, the supposed envy of the world, which insists on protecting the Satanist killers and war mongers of Earth. Her national laziness causes her to be unable to see her approaching self destruction.
Thus, to enable at least some hope for America, President has been given a free hand to do whatever it takes, no matter how painful, to turn America around and act like an adult nation on Earth.
Where have thsoe WWII |American heroes, those staunch American defenders for what is right and good, disappeared to? Why is America dying withouot a whimper. Why the near total acceptance of national suicie, and why the purely unsympathetic, practically hateful American attitude that protects untold of her chldren to be murdered, torchered, aborted, and so forth to go on and on and on and on as America dies?
|America, do you not have any sense of parenting (or that spirit killing, unnecessary abortions are part of national suicide)? Or that parenthing of out little ones, even those who would be your national saviours, if you but cared enough to stand up for what is their right to survive in America? Why do you theoretical mothers give in to fear rather than act like motherrs who already loved by the little souls in their mother's womb? The deaths in the womb, cused by these socalled mothers of today, will, by karmic law, be aborted in the future according to God's laws of common sense “education” of his mother's to be. These abortive acting mothers to be bring upon themselves brought upon themselves the same pain they inflict on the unborn. Abortion, today, is a gross, gross, gross, Satanic violation of Cosmic Law. It matters not how much you lazy “mothers to be” scoff at the inconvenience of of YOUR responsiblities.
But, today, in a war between pro-Satanist “black hats” who abort, kill and eat chldren (and yes, ABORTION IS a Satanic act); and the comprison with those who would save the chldren and the United States, illustrates the iron will the the “Trump personality,” and the will and gumption and need to be heroic rescuers of the nation and children from Satanic control of today's Satanic political narratives, Satanic nightly news narratives, and war narratives of Earth. These good guys practive good Earth (the White Hats) narratives.
America, why do you follow every evil narrative (i.e. “political party in the media, evil press releases, speeches, and interviews) as if the all too obvious lies were the latest and most important “WORD of GOD?”
7-9-2024 - Heading to GR today to chiropractor. The one I go to in Portage is better for me because he sort of specializes in sports injuries and that works better for me. Other than that am working on trying to get my brain memory problem better. Have a horrible time with mathematics even though I aced my advanced math in college. Have been feeling pretty well but sleep a lot more than I used to, WHEN my body wants sleep. Am awake during the night for no particular reason so it like "go figure." It is really hard to tell what changes in health and so forth are related to incoming higher (Heavenly) dimensions and what is just plain old age. Yesterday our grandson fixed our car up aat the Chrysler dealership, after rodents got in and ruined some wiring on the engine. He is manager of all auto repairs and parts department. He is really good at understanding cars. He could find things in a car repair manual faster than I could, even though he never saw the inside of a car engine at 15 years old. I used to fix up old VWs to drive, building or repairing VW engines. Even at 15 year old he could find things in the manual faster than I could and understood what I wanted to know from the manual. He is doing very well, married and so forth, despite the nonsense his father put him through. At any rate, that is about it for now. Have a great day. Cordially, AS
.5 edits
The Future is You & God's Will
Part I of II Parts
A Release of the Great White Brotherhood
Addendum to Report of Hunter Biden's Execution,
"Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Thurs. 30 March 2023 –
"Compiled Thurs. 30 March 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington, MSW, LCSW,
In this paper we will be having two discussion about the peculiarities of Satan's presence in ordinary things, like disastrous situations where, for instance, Joe fired thousands of pipe line workers for no good reason other than due to a subject will not discuss other than to say it takes an evil soul to.
Do you know for instance that some of our most amazing geniuses are down graded today for a simple reason. Because some of them invented things 50 and 100 years ago that prove the “Green Energy” goals of the United states are lie and a farce. That is why they do not make any money. Like anything in life, if you have a product that works it will make money. In the case of “Green,” their products do not make money because they pollute the world in horrible ways as shown by the way wind generators are deadly to birds and sea life. True “green” type inventions will not be so disgusting and dangerous. So, why the insane demand by the so-called experts for “green” for generators that kill? Well, despite the predictable and sometimes almost hysterical denials of the dangers of present green energy, it is the holy dollar that tells the story.
If you want to be able to detect what is “freen” and what is not, here is the test: Does the new energy need gaugges or wires or gasoline type tubes and meters that are required by power companies so they can sell you a product that makes them money. You know: gas and electric meters or hoses are needed to get you to pay for energy that would otherwise be nearly free! Another adjustment history is removing Tesla and the inventor of engines on water. You can Google Tesla if you want.
Good luck. Here is what you will get: the liberal supporting Google does mention water powered engines:
But if the “Green” liberals wanted to be honest, Now THAT would be a start toward true “green. Nickolas Tesla was the actual inventer of true “green” energy devices. I watched a move taken in around 1900 which showed that engine running after a bucket of water was poured into the gas tank. Tesla was the first to invent engines that would run on water. Today the “Green,” have removed Tesla as the brain child for efficient energy and replaced him with people who used his ideas take credit, thus removing from the internet much of the information that might bring the spring air atmosphere to this story. After all, how can the Biden's and Rockefeller's and Gate's and Buffet,' with their fists wrapped around an economy controlling amount of money, how else could you possibly help the people?
To make sure you do not discover what the people who are the ones who keep a tight fist on the real power money of the world, they divert your attention by scaring you with COVID, and now Fergi the Fungus. They are so cynical that they are the ones who the start wars and city riots and let murderers out on the streets, or break windows and murder indiscriminately. This type of terrorism reaches a fervor pitch until people just give up trying to come up with ansers that work, and allow the power freaks to have their way.
Why? So the tru power freaks are the ones who want to be the public heroes by stopping the wars that are impossible to stop. They need to be the ones who bring a sense of peace and safety into the world, as long as YOU pay the resulting bills. These are the things that go on behind closed doors and in the more dark and moldy board rooms, rather than planing for healthy green of leaves being cultivated to feed the people with healthy “green” food.
These are the folks whose only purpose in life is to tell you how to live and how to die. If you start suspecting a lot of what you believe the true stories about how the world is run, they will always feed you proof in the news, in magazines, in books and on the internet that explain why you are guessing who they are, and that THEY, the cynical evil ones, are the ones who have the best inventions, simply by lying convincing lies of half truths which you do not have time to look into.
Their dreamed up stories are just stories imagined by creative evil to hide the true “Green” experts, and that THEY, not the accurate history books, are the ones who stop wars and failing economies and, in reality, are the self same master minds historical mankind have allowed to take the reigns of you governments. The Bidens and Bushes and the revered politicians and inventor heroes of the past are not necessarily who you have been taught to believe they are. They are not who you think they really are. Plus, they will never design energy generators or engines with no wire for the meters, gas hoses or meters that tell you how you owe the “green” geniuses YOUR money. It is the old story. Follow the money. Add to that, control of the natural resources being their method, meaning control means a Biden style slave status for the rest of us. Control, control, control. The American people still do not understand that the true evil control people are those who have been controlling the world economy and control freak history and the new classroom sex classes and vote in laws to allow doctors to change the sex of children's genitals. Folks, the are ALL Satanic slaves and handmaidens. Folks, it IS all about power. Still a doubter?
OK. Maybe it is time to wake up. You think this is not a game plated with deadly intensity by the Bigen Commies and their ilk. What are YOU going to do? Remember the pipe line from Alaska which is today basically a multi billion dollar thing of scrap steel. Do you really think Biden and his Commies would not go further and pull the hoses of the gas pumps by presidential order to the gas companies? Do you really think Biden is not capable of ordering the electric companies to cut the power to American homes? Well, let me remind you that is exactly what he did to our national budget when he shut down the inflow of new wealth into the United States, coming from a oversized gas hose, the Alaskan Pipeline! What benefits like lower taxes and lower gas prices for you, the U.S. Citizen did Biden promise when he shut down the pipeline? He did not promise a damned thing. He just did what he and his liberal power players told him to do. And have you noticed,by the way that Biden has not provided any compensation for power playing with you economic lives. Do you see?
That is the kind of things these communists do with no thought of how much harder they make your lives. Their hollow promises about how Green will bring prosperity is already proving to be a hollow promise, and the people, up to now, have just pretended to be brain dead right when your American creativity is desperately needed.
What has happened? I will tell you what is happening. These tiny minded Greenie Weenies promise you everything and rob you blind while you wait for the theoretical realitiles to miraculously to appear. And the reason those new realities to not appear is because they lie to you as the main course and diet of their leadership. They lie to you about the implied riches you have with the “Greenie Deal.” They lie to you about how their goal is to improve the environment as they kill off the whales and thousands and thousands with their wind generators.
They are in the process of killing off your rich history. Google for famous American inventors to find Tesla, who was the real inventor of perpetual motion motors. You will get: “The water fuel cell is a technical design of a "perpetual motion machine" created by Stanley Allen Meyer (August 24, 1940 – March 20, 1998). Meyer claimed that a car retrofitted with the device could use water as fuel instead of gasoline.”
But the realityis that engine was first invented in around 1918 or so by Tesla. But today, we have a whole new history about people who have piggy backed on Tesla's fame, and are now supposed to be the new heroes: Heroes with hollow pretend records of helping humanity have a better life.
Just as the Biden “Green” folks will lie to you about Tesla being some kind of imaginary person, they will lie to about why these freaks need to avoid a 5 year or 10 plan, for instance, in which people can have a say? Americans need to wake up and understand the Biden type “Green” plan is totalitarian in the extreme, in nature, and Sataniclly controlled. And, like most totalitarian type management, what they want and what YOU want when you think “Green” are to entirely different things.
That is why Biden's “Green” theories can't make money unless the money has the Biden, Rockefeller, Rothschild, etc. name on it. After all, how can you pay them if they don't have an iron grip on the other end of the gasoline hose and meter, or the wires connecting you to THEIR generators what kill birds and sea life.
We will need to leave another higher truth for another time in which we might discuss a more responsible way of handlingl those creations of God. This pet people will be the mom and dad providers of your next, highly loved little pets. But that is some a deeper area of God whom the “green power freaks” absolutely do not want to think about. Better to just let “dead animals be dead” rather apply creativity in a way that feeds people and animals rather than massive, massive killing off millions and millions of any of God's creation, which is apparently what the “powers that be” prefer.
The Future is You & God's Will
Part II of II Parts
A Release of the Great White Brotherhood
While the “green” plan itself deliberately rejects the inventions of deliberately fire well trained workers who had been helping revive the American economoy, while the public discusiions. One ddscussion involves how we Earth people are purposely kept “too busy” to notice how Satan's hand is almost invisibly there in murder situations like the downing of the Twin Towers. about two sides Satanic of evil. One discussion is learning small detials can reveal the Satanic force is behind most horrible things happening including anything from murder to knocking down the Twin Towers.
The second, more general discussion tries to show why the people should not be so trigger happy with government explanations of what happened. To start with let us discuss what is rarely discussed by all news outlets. One is the increasing awareness people are starting to have regarding Joe and Hunter and family. Their all American appearance is a clever public presentation not of reality but how they want to be seen. For, as the scinical
“The Biden Crime Family is despicable, known for one thing more than anything else — the procurement of children. That’s why Joe has his son in Ukraine. Hunter is over there procuring children in war-torn areas. Helping George Soros create constant havoc so you constantly have children separated from parents. That’s Hunter Biden’s job. He’s a hunter-of-children. Every year the Biden Crime family has been taking 100’s of 1000’s of children out of Eastern Europe to be extracted for their Adrenochrome or sex slavery, sacrifice, organs, blood transfusions, horrific experimentation.....”
“If it walks like a duck----”
Pictures showing how big aircraft are at odds with another movie which has since been removed showing a commercial air liner hitting the twin towers are at odds with one movie that has been removed from the internet, where yhou could see an airliner with one wing heading toward one Twin Tower. There is, however, a less obvious descrepency in this “official scenerio” in that an airplane with one wing cannot knock down a sky scraper anymore than can a commercial ailiner with both wings. The apperance of airplanes hitting the towers is all made up. Invented. It Is clever camera and 3dimensional projection work. Yet, a picture of the TwinTower being hit by the airliner projection was with an airplane with one winged aircraft crashing into one of the Twin Towers.
Prior to the Twin Tower tragedy, a lone WWII bomber proved to be the duck in the room whose mear presence proves big, heavy aircraft cannot know down sky scrapers. In addition, with more modern day building engineers reported to the House of Reps investigation saying that as far as sky scrapers go, they build sky scapers and proceeded to answer questions the good members of congress had. At one time you could have seen that an old WWII picture of the B25 rear end hanging in mid air, something like 700 feet or so above ground, making the rather obvious point that large aircraft cannot bring down a sky scraper.
TN addition, the modern day airliner seen on pubic televisions, in truth, was a faulty hologram image focused on cruise a missile which did hit the building. The sum total, as far as viewers went, is that they were left with the impression that a real airliners took down the building. The whole thing was a phony scene dreamed up by some terroristic who remains unidentified to this day, or so the government wants you to believe.
The creators of this tragedy understood very clearly that the imagery of make believe aircraft hitting the towers is what people would immediately believe and rememger. The elephant duck in the room, is of coursse the B25 bomber which hit the Empire State Building many decades ago. And, believe it or not, photos still on the internet of the damage done, shows a hole with a picture taken on the 79th and 80th floors. Clearly the building was not brought down by a B25 bomber hitting it. Pictures were taken after the aircraft was removed, from inside the building, and are graphic proof the damage to the building was no where near fatal to the building.
Pictures of the bomber damage can seen at:
But eventually, as we know now, the duck waddles into the room, illustrating how reality of sky scrapers do survive aircraft hits quite well, we can delete the now famous Satanic' favorite kind of trickery. We therefor dispense with the odium of the "conspiracy theory" of what really happened with the Twin Towers.
One may be encouraged to argue that the bomber was a smaller aircraft, and we would like to point out that the Empire state building was old technology compared to the Twin Towers, the Empire State Building would not be strong enough to resist being hit by a aircraft. Yet, despite its more or less weaker type building technology, less technologically safer Empire State still stands tall today.
Of course, actual pictures of the B25 sticking out of the side of the Empire State Building have since been kindly relegated to lost picture drawer. Conveniently, the Twin Towers incident has been repackaged and relegated to a “conspiracy theory” reality, alleging that planes now, some 50 years later, airplanes can bring down much safer and stronger sky scrapers.
The even larger point to be made is that Satanic politicians and the media removed most pictures of the bomber as its backend was sticking out from the side of the Empire State Building. Yet, people who have seen the pictures of the engineers testifying before congres,mysteriously never appear in news reports.
Along with the Twin Tower tragedy, and typically being pooh poohed by the Satanic owned media, is the full report on engineer testimony explaining to congress why aircraft could not knock the Twin Towers. This is, of course, a report that has also mysteriously failed to stay materialized on the internet. This, like the invention of the one winged aircraft, which supposedly took down the Twin Towers, has been reinvented into to the usual the shape shifting Satanic snarl.....; ” Meaning,” the story becomes so snarled with bits of truth tucked into the lie, that the story simply is lost in what today we call the famous "conspiracy theory" configuration.
That in itself is a way of proving Satan continues working his evil magic regarding how can you be tricked into believing the lie over the physical reality that is part of the true picture. People are learning the hard way that Satan is a supreme master at fooling God's children.
How else can you explain all the lies that genuinely help people ignore the obvious: Like, how is it possible turn the real physical reality into a vaporous “conspiracy theory?” And where does the ”theory become the overwheming power that destroy the actual true reality. For sure, events of such a world wide importance and the Twin Towers is a case, and it is being done to all of us while we are supposedly fully conscious. Our truth, or what we call the perception of the obvious malicious, deadly goverenment lying has been illustrated to us right in our faces and eight under our noses?
Without belaboring the point too much, the Satanists who are running the world up to now are supreme masters of turning fact into fictional conspiracy theories. The rectification of this evil process, and considering that honesty being part of the Will of God, what we are interested in and what most people should be intere discussing what part of God's reality is it Satanic people have effectively denied the people the right to know about? Seople should start to wake up and realize a lot of what amounts to a “conspiracy theory” is a greater reality Satan wants to keep hidden from us? This should be recognized as massive Satanic manuever evil expends because God true reality, if understood by the people, would cause people to rise and get rid of the Satanic people, regardless of how loved and admired they are by many people. Thus, Satan forces have create massive lies which hide a inimaginable wonderful world that, if the people knew about it, they would make sure the Satanics will be gone for good. But it appears that that is the part of the whole story that is being prepared and to be revealed. People will soon, and to some extent have been learning about the whole evil reality.
Namely, time is slowly revealing who participates in the creation of these new, never ending anti-God's Will lies. There are many important and hidden discrepancies in too many politician's false, pretend reputations where suspicions are rising that they are lying and misleading the people so as to avoid questioning for any of their supposed inside the beltway facts. But, for Earth anyway, this is not unusual.
Much of history shows that today's reality, with its socalled technical advancements, is a more refined version of past trickery, and is to the listener, a forced march over the circus grounds of endless hopelessness and disappointment. The electorate, today however, is showing signs or realizing that the nightly news is too often made up of anything other than the semi truth, cleverly consisting of half truths, deleted stories and misleading interpretations of what in actual nightly news truths is true and what is not.
The massive, history long masquerade of lies has left the public numb and tired out. Even the attempts by President Trump to point out where you can find more of these secret lies falls upon the ears of a tired out electorate who must also pay attention to making a living and feeding their families.
Yet, this fiddling with the truth continues to be the case, even as the sources of evil reporting are being more and more a matter of growing “suspicion” in the minds of the public. Even Trump has suggested a lot of what you hear are out and lies in one of his pre-election debates.
To be sure, there is a certain philosophical discrepancy between the sick Bush/Biden kind of kinship we see, and certainly the resulting comparative comradeship between the Bush's and Biden's causes a distinct contrast between them and the average person.
We find that there is a higher, world recognition of kindness and a need for truth on the part of the average person than which Satanists can supply or understand. We, “God's people,” are truly of a higher spiritual nature, and we instinctively love the majority of our fellow man,.
This natural American and world wide concern for other people besides themselves, is a trait which goes mainly unnoticed by the so called, more evil encrusted, "loyal politicians" of Earth's political parties. To be certain, the Satanistic style politics of America and the world is quite efficient at keeping the people clueless as to who is who, often including being uncertain who are the good guys and who are the bad guys.
With few exceptions, like it or not, there is not a drop of Satan's blood difference between either political parties ethics and morality. This leads us to a perplexity, the solution of which will needs to be resolved by, dare we say, the saintly, run of the mill, true, Godly people who will replace the Bush/Biden Satanic politics and politicians. For the Bush/Biden types will never be allowed to be the final rulers of Earth again. We do believe there will have to be a nearly complete eradication of the political system from Earth just as you might eradicate the plague or exterminate mad dogs in order to keep the people safeIF, the people can choose love and peace over lying, race bating and people killing wars.
As world renowned reporter Ben Fulford points out: “There is also a global awakening to the fact the so-called “rules-based world order,” means rule by genocidal, Satan-worshipping criminals. This means mass arrests and war crimes tribunals are inevitable. “
“The collapse of the Western financial system is a mathematical certainty because recent rate hikes created at least an $8 trillion loss for financial institutions. Governments have been trying to foist this on the people. Revolution will be the result. This is why unprecedented unrest is overtaking France, Germany, Pakistan, Israel and many other places.
“There is also a global awakening to the fact the so-called “rules-based world order,” means rule by genocidal, Satan-worshiping criminals. This means mass arrests and war crimes tribunals are inevitable.....”
This brings us to an important distinction between Heaven and Earth where Earth, if Earth is to survive the next year of drastic changes on the horizon. For major, major changes are to be made to the party politics of Earth as well as the economy and banking/economics of the planet. Improvements are required which result in removing Satanic controlled world management. And we are talking about changes that we can almost guarantee neither political party will be happy with. But in the end, like it or not, the true solutions must be according to people and their for God's Will government, and not allowing Satanism to have a place in world and national governments. There will be no more government Satanists who allow super fallible, manipulative, morally weak minded, Satanic people into office.
It is only the coming drastic changes that will finally remove the lethal Satanists And, no doubt, including the the Bush's and Biden's who share equal Satanically, identifiable guilt. But the majority of people pray for peace, and it will be the people's majority rule that establishes peace according, to God's Will. Neither party will like coming changes (but once understood, the people will love the incoming new world)
The truly perceptive who have been identifying the tell tale signs of Satan's meddling in politics, will help many many, many, many people renew the power of their faith in Gad. It will be peace according to their wishes, and peace which has been endlessly prayed for, in spite of the expose' of political hatred, lies and vitriol and mass disruptions coming in the months ahead. Instead we will have a peace that you can trust and will last.
For, it is to be the will by the people and their deep, deep desire for a God's Will Peace and nothing less, which is what God and the people both want and will, at long last, receive. The people (the faithful 51'%) will also include a very large “salute” from the beautiful Saints and Masters who protect and oversee our welfare from their seats of responsibility in Heaven, as they continue to provide guidance and truth from their Heavenly realms.
The startling events yet to come have been foreshadowed by the Hunter's “hanging,” for there are a myriad more secret Satanists in which people have given there misplaced faith and trust. The truth is that if you have voted in any presidential election like most people do, you HAVE voted for Satanists of one kind or another. So do not feel dismayed or foolish for having voted for the ONLY people you have been allowed to vote for. That IS the kind of tomfoolery Heaven is extremely happy to do away with forever. Heaven plans to relieve you of such immoral miss-governance for all eternity.
So, hang onto your hats or doorknob or tree, or bolt your bed to the floor, or do what is necessary to stay safe and steady, (and of course hang on to your loved ones, including your pets and neighbors), as we anticipate these initially turbulent events to come in the not to distant future, even likely this year! According to multiple reports on the internet the final battle between Heaven and Satan has entered its final phase, with the demarcation line between God and Satan being the demise of the old “swift” banking system as circumstances start changing in the people's favor. The "go" signal at the starting line initializes the entry of more powerful forces of God.
And that is the truth that lies behind the startling and even amazing events which will lead Earth to a future only really good people who love God, and who love people, will be happy with. The majority has spoken through sincere prayers, and the majority have prayed (meaning casting their celestial vote in favor of all mankind helping their fellow man).
God be with all good folks of Earth. Amen. And, we add a final insight on how Heaven views Earth situation:
The Axioms of Heaven:
The Great White Brotherhood
Heaven sees that the good people of Earth are caught between insubstantial vaporous rules and a societal lawlessness that promotes a disregard for love and kindness, while, on the other had, the people are simultaneously encouraged by Heaven to live by God's rules. Thus, Earth is a world where her people are caught between a Satanic, pretend reality and an enormous ambiguity. Earth is a sciety which fitfully lets Satanic lies reconfigure the appearance of God's Will as the truth struggles to make itself known.
It also sees who is and who is not pretending to tell the truth. While the majority of people on Earth are fine souls, clearly, evil is unquestionably part of today's immoral world leadership while, to be sure, Earth has been a Satanic lie generator, laced with lethal intensity and controlled by hopeless insanity. That insanity will emerge over and over, if:
- The nonsensical political leaders and followers of Earth's politicians do not stop dismissing the importance of God and religion. But as the higher path leading to living God's Will becomes the norm, you can of course, expect the Satanists to be sore losers and play the last of their hateful, deadly shenanigan's as they see their world wide dominance disappear for good.
- They will foolishly and very forcefully assert that God's unbending demands for love and strict Universal Law and justice makes God the perfect dictator.
Nevertheless, we are all still free to Pray for peace; and pray in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen
If you have not read the "Road less Travelled" you may want to before reading "Why is Your Search for the "Road
ss Traveled" So Mysterious and Enigmatic? Scroll down for the "Road Less Travelled."
7-10-2022 And what strange secrets will you find on you search for your "Road Less Travelled"
scroll down Sorry for the poorly labelled preliminary title the 6-24-22 publication regarding enigmatic mysteries. Scroll down for Part One, "The Road Less Traveled"
And what strange secrets will you find on you search for your "Road Less Travelled"
6st edit
Why is
Your Search for the
"Road Less Traveled"
So Mysterious and Enigmatic?
It is Because of Your Satanically Pre- Programmed,
Perspective, Perspective, Perspective
Perspective, Perspective, Perspective
Perspective, Perspective, Perspective
A Release of the Great White Brotherholod.
Do you know you can control the world through manipulating the people's perspectives? According to various sources the term perspective can mean:
“An example of perspective is--- a painting where the railroad tracks appear to be curving into the distance. noun.” (Google)
"An example of perspective is--- “'To Kill a Mockingbird” is told from the perspective of Scout Finch, a young girl growing up in Maycomb. From her eyes, we see the prejudice of the town, and the events of one year when her father defends a black man who is accused of abusing a white woman.'” (Google)
Maybe the best description of perspective is--- “Your perspective is the way you see something. If you think that toys corrupt children's minds, then from your perspective a toy shop is an evil place. Perspective has a Latin root meaning "look through" or "perceive," and all the meanings of perspective have something to do with looking. (Google)
But for souls who cannot resist exhausting every possible definition of “perspective,”, check these results of a Duck-Duck-Go search. Here we have partial results: “EXAMPLES of perspective:
“Attempting to write a global geographical perspective on organic agriculture is a major challenge.
“From the Cambridge English Corpus
“Note that the limitation to aggregate-stratified programs is justified also from philosophical perspectives.
“From the Cambridge English Corpus
“I come now to what is perhaps a more serious problem from a philosophical perspective.
“From the Cambridge English Corpus
“In this sense there are two distinct philosophical perspectives offered here.
“From the Cambridge English Corpus
“Yet, from the perspective of cultural psychology, protocols can still be useful research tools.
“From the Cambridge English Corpus
“Therefore, with this easier criterion, the sequence from visual perspective taking to pronoun acquisition was reversed, contradicting our first two hypotheses.
“From the Cambridge English Corpus
“It (perspective) reinforces that crucial determinants are respect for multiple perspectives, equal distribution of power, clarity of practice model, and open communication styles and systems.” (Cambridge)
Alright, we are done twisting your brain out of shape. But maybe that is the point, that your brain is being twisted up with a lot of everyday nonsense which is constituted of improperly invented perspectives that will appeal to some people, while other improperly invented perspectives may be nothing more than more new lies, and the people cannot distinguish the difference. Such is the substance, for instance, which we call “politics.”
Before you pass out from hilarity and the humor of an unmitigated oxygen overdose, there is another “perspective” from which various “perspectives” can be viewed. This view point of perspective is the closest the people of Earth may ever come to explaining “perspective,” because simple changes in a particular perspective can lead to a very massive, perspective confusion. put into the minds and emotions of the people changes in perspective, such whether or not there are other worlds with people is a perspective that can control the mass mind of entire worlds. Changing perspectives can also hand over control of Earth humanity to ------the Satanists or "Illuminati" of Earth.
The nonsense which we refer to as: “Perspective,” “Perspective,” “Perspective,” in its abusive form, so common to Earth, IS a primal cause of a huge amount of turmoil on Earth, and it is a clear factor in the difficulty of finding your own personal “road less traveled.” It is the misuse of the concept of “perspective” by the Satanic royalty of Earth, herself, which puts the confusion in the minds of those wonderful folks who are looking for their own “road less traveled.”
Satanic (or Illuminati) abusive perspectives put the pot holes, switchbacks, detours in the road most traveled which makes the “road most traveled” seem so mysterious and enigmatic. But, if you start taking a divinely oriented view of worldly perspectives you will eventually find yourself back upon your own “road less traveled,” or, the road which takes you back to Heaven.
But you must be willing to cut the cords that keep you tied to the false beliefs and perspectives, and which prevent you from finding your own “road less traveled.”
It is your “perspective” which says the world is round, horses have no feet (but do have hooves), and a of of “bull” can be a “lie.” And perspectives apply extremely well to outer space, for, from space, even Earth appears like all supposedly uninhabited worlds in other Galaxies.
It all depends on your perspective. So, for instance, only on Earth, deserted round space “balls” or planets can have life. But from the perspective of looking out from Earth, no other round “balls” or called planets have any visible intelligent lives.
And with that said, it is quite clear that making observations from only one additional perspective can immediately reverse one's opinion. On Earth perspectives become deadly, deadly weapons in the hands of the wrong in-human, reptilian minded, warmongering Satanic controllers of the planet, by pittingf an endless array of opinions and delusional perspectives against other equally delusional perspectives that portray an entirely different picture. It is this mechanism of flashing the opposing, clashing perspectives onto the subconscious minds of the people that allows the Satanists to pit the people against each other, and to conceal their own, true Satanic identity from you.
Due to perspectives, then, one might say that Earth is uninhabited, horses have no feet, there is no Satanism, and children are only scared by movies but are otherwise safe, which is a huge, huge understatement. New information now being readied for public release will terrify the parents of the world, including when they learn the truth about a famous kids paradise which in under attack by a governor of the state it is in.
But the idea that only Earth has life is a perspective held in place by a simple perspective of its own. It is the reverse or the other side of the coin which says that “you, Earth are all alone in all God's cold, unlimited distances of outer space. So, don't even think of revolting and throwing us, your true (evil) leaders, off of the Earth.”
So say the Satanist leaders. But we can say, at this point in our discussions, that the reason the “road most traveled” is so enigmatic and disguises your “road less traveled,” is because for every safe appearing aspect of the road “more traveled,” unlike your true “road less traveled,” the “road more traveled” promises Heaven but never, ever delivers.
An Additional perspective from the Great White Brotherhood
Due to the extreme juggling of mostly political perspectives which control the majority of thinking and worldly anger, we offer an additional HEAVENLY perspective not usually found on Earth.
Maybe another way to describe what the Ascended Masters see, from our perch in Heaven, is that your world's ideas and theories and rationales and thoughts deserve to be described as a “world that lives on the road most traveled.” In other words, and with love we say, that to us your world is certifiably insane. Just look at the definition of insanity:
The people constantly believe being good is enough to satisfy the world's idea of God Heavenly acceptance. Yet, most of earth life is to the contrary and undependable when considering the death and dangers of Earth. Just constantly living in the m midst of potential warfare is blatant evidence to the contrary of what the world is taught about “God,” who never seems to truly interveni on our lonely world. The people keep doing the same things over and over and over, in life, and never find happiness and Heaven. One definition of insanity is: //// “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result.”
The reason we mention these various discrepancies in daily life is because we want to help prepare you for the changes coming to your world which will be very, very dramatic and will reveal terrible secrets and revelations that much, much more is is wrong with Earth society than is included in most of the perspectives of your present Earth society today.
New Revelations will lay bare before the world a picture of death and carnage and children screaming, Satanic abuse, Satanic blood drinking and eating your human brethren. These revelations may come at an astounding rate, and which will shock the people down to the bottom of their soles of their feet and to the bottom of their God given souls. All of which, by using constant and ever changing, reversible perspectives in your education system and news media. The real message being given are what at the root of many Satanic control. The real message to you very, very successfully tells you to “think of and investigate other things than the true Satanist, reptilian minded killers are of the world.” And that inability to demand the Satanists be investigated is why you do not know about them today.
The constantly, subtly shifting Satanic perspectives being presented to your consciousness, through the news and education systems of the world, are the mentally held, unnatural perspectives, such as being a helpless planet with no one nearby to help in times of planetary need. The world is the vicitimize by the perspective that Earth is no more than a tiny little, the only ittty bittttty, inhabited planet of all time, and is how God created Earth. We are telling you that little old Earth, which you can easily see hanging out there in space in the eyes of your mind, has no other brothers and sisters. Never has and never will. The subliminal, or nearly clear assertion in you mind is that with no other inhabited world to be seen anywhere, tells you no one is coming to free you f rom your royal reptilian leaders, and no one is coming to rescue your planet. It is this very real fantasy perspective that holds in place the overall loneliness people experience too often while living on Earth. It truly and does give immense strength to the perspective that you are alone and there is no one to to come save you. Forget an help. The cavalry ain't coming. You are ours and we, your Satanic masters, gloat in that fantasy perspective.
Other evidence, though, points to a different, more subconscious perspective, that the Earth is a pretty shabbily run place and a dangerous place to live.
Is it possible, then, that Earth is in such turmoil because a horrendous number of truths about Earth and her mother/father God, are hidden by super computer computerized style false perspectives?
Not surprisingly the Satanic minds of Earth conceal the names of the people who are the present leaders. Because, the true Satanic leaders of Earth are terrified of what will happen if they are found out by you, who are THE PROPER, UNIVERSAL LAW people who are destined the to be eventual proper government of Earth. Now their worst fears are coming true as up to now revelations are are being unearthed by many of your own intrepid, human, Earth investigators, who often live in nearly constant threat of execution. These, and Heavenly reporters like Matthew and Ms. Suzi ward, are reporters who also send you accurate messages regarding these matters. Such reports are regularly prepared for you, the people. They are now revealing the Satanic Cults of Earth. Such is the focus of Ms. Suzi and Matthew Ward's latest report.
Matthew's and Ms. Suzi's report summarizes amazing true findings which we can verify from our Ascended state, and which reveals the substance of revelations to come. Here is an exert from their July 1, 2022 report:
“------Mainstream media; education; UN, EU, NATO and all other alliances; Federal Reserve System, IMF, WEF, stock markets and all other monetary systems; trade, taxation and insurance; publishing; legal and justice systems; military forces; INTERPOL, CIA and all other intelligence agencies; energy systems; transportation; agriculture; fraternal organizations; religions; WHO, CDC, FDA, NIH and all other branches in the healthcare industry; charitable foundations; multinational corporations; and the entertainment field. Those individuals at the top also are running the illegal drug industry, sex trafficking, pedophilia rings and Satanic rituals.”
More at:
Revision 2.75555-6 (humor)
“The Road Less Traveled”
6-24-2022 / Dedicated to the sleeping American majority
“The Road Less Traveled” is
Your Spiritual Road, which takes you Home.
But, without grasping the significance
of this Ascension Road,
Americans are unable to
grasp the significance
of their own, near monumental ignorance.
Sadly, Americans:
1. Lack a true consciousness of evil.
2. Lack the Perceptions of the causes of war,
3. and mistake corruption for leadership,
which should be triple underlined
and in quadruple BOLD!
Yet you cannot save the world
While being unconscious!!
YOU must want to save world!
A Release of the Great White Brotherhood!
Overcoming Unconsciousness
The phrase “the road less traveled:” (Title of a novel which means “the choices we make in life are unconventional and uncertain.” (Google) “It refers to a choice that leads a person to choose an indifferent approach or a path in life to start a new trend.”
Original concept being found in a novel --- “The Road Less Travelled” by M. Scott Peck
While it is true: God's Christed Souls on Earth all have the capacity to feel like everyone else feels about life, about God, about compassion and how we feel about our fellow man, it is also true that many of the Christed Souls of Earth are very young souls who lack great experience in spiritual perceptions. So, to be sure, finding your road back to Heaven, – your Ascension --, also should be understood that your Ascension is not a job to leave to chance. Yet American ignorance has lead to humanity stumbling onto Earth's “Road Less Traveled,” or her Ascension, to chance.
Ask yourself just how much do you know about Earth's Ascension?
Still, Christed Children of Light (COL) have the built in soul capacity to see others from a realistic perspective, but often lack the experience necessary to solve many of life's problems of overcoming evil. Even overly emotional exuberance can be one's great enemy, and can guide the unwary to bypass your personal and worldly “Road Less Traveled.”
For certain, Earth's younger souls have the capacity to understand the feelings in others. But, they are much too often unable to distinguish the malevolence of the anti-Christ in those whom they may believe worthy of their love and admiration. It takes experience and a discerning spiritual eyesight for COL to see the evil anti-Christ lurking in the minds of your very own true enemies. With this ignorance also comes ..... the inability to perceive the true depths of evil on Earth as will as in the truly evil ones. It is this near complete near inability to believe you and Earth are not the only special ones in all the infinite universes, which underlies the inability to not only see there is life on other worlds, but underlies your inability to see true evil in the truly evil ones of Earth.
The travelers of the galaxies, who are from other world's, tell the people of Earth:
“ We are talking about meditating, being open and receptive, and putting yourselves into those higher-vibrational states by following your feelings.
“Trust in yourselves and trust in yourselves, and trust in this universe, a universe that wants you to succeed, that wants to see you all getting into those higher-vibrational states and recognizing that you can create anything at all, for yourselves, for your fellow humans, and for all beings and collectives throughout the galaxy and this wondrous universe of ours.”
More evolved souls will perceive that the inner value of fellow souls is indicated not so much by how they feel about various political or opinionated issues, but rather to understand how the mental streams of thought and feelings become distinctly separate phenomenon as spiritual perception improves. Trust your feelings does not mean that you must look out across the panorama of politics and false theories and identify your enemy while ingesting the venom of “their” erroneous politics.
Rather, the future of humanity will be much improved by the feelings of love and being the holder of the feeling of love for yourselves and your fellow man. Those are the feelings which will be the bedrock of future society. It is planned, then, by the Heavenly “powers that be,” to increase wisdom of humanity by allowing humanity to face tough problems, and to be treated to some tough lessons and thus, through tough experience, a greater spiritual awareness of your world will emerge. As Earth takes her own monumental step into her Ascended future, this incoming "tough love" will allow you to learn the immense love pervading the Universes without end. It will help you understand the Ascension “road less travelled” is the largest mystery, and the answers found provide the people with a foundation, as Earth guides you along the Earth's “road less traveled.”
It is vitally necessary the for the people to grow in their love of God and the Earth and each other. This will provide the people with the strength to face the truth of just how the Satanically minded control Earth.
While the future may seem terrifying at times, a larger love will begin to separate and distinguish larger, even secreted truths, criminals from more humane personalities. It will help people distinguish invented, maliciously false narratives, including distinguishing the war mongers from the peacemakers. It will help people to perceive the presently invisible manipulated societal strong feelings of secret hate and anger. People will learn that real spiritual growth is this ability of the more mature, Ascending souls, to distinguish love from theoretically correct, truly imaginary, invented, politicizing talking points, that yields the ability to perceive the higher, less traveled road, and is the road of "evolution" for the souls, moving them into the higher Heavenly dimensions.
It becomes vitally necessary, therefor, that the citizens of the world be taught how to perceive evil in order to begin to understand the measures used by politicians and secretly Satanic political personalities to protect the presently, nearly invisible anti-Christ evil. For the world to be saved, then, the people are required by the highest Fathers and Masters of Universal Law, to understand the enemy and defeat the enemy.
The grandest, spiritualized, super, super duper computers, of the Universes without end, are explicit when they report from past Ascension efforts throughout the Universes above you in your night sky, that humanity MUST achieve the ability to understand the enemy so that they have a chance for success in this war, and an excellent chance of finding their higher road to Ascension and safety which includes abundance without end.
At this present moment, unfortunately, the average level of perception for the people of Earth is insufficient to allow her Ascension. When one understands the stakes, which can be no more wars, no more hunger, no more criminal and immoral use of money, black mail, killing and on and on, people will more willingly undergo the upcoming “tough love” of our Ascended Masters, Saints and Divine Teachers.
Fortunately, however, all good parents understand the occasional need for tough love in order to prepare their children for the rough and tumble of life on Earth. Many parents understand the need for tough love for their children, and to teach them how to recognize danger. Good parents will and do teach their children, through carefully selected, minor painful experiences, so that the children can recognize danger, make an accurate assessment of danger, and make snap decisions in order to survive.
This then, is the nature of the tough love which will descend to Earth shortly.
It is planned that the next phase of humanities “tough love” will greatly improve humanities ability to defend herself. This accelerated spiritual growth will guide and protect humanity from bypassing their true, planetary path, or missing Earth's spiritual road, which has up to now been “less traveled.” This also brings us forward to considering one great difficulty of many young souls of Earth.
At this moment in time, uncontrolled emotionalism, political hate and vindictiveness is a clear weakness and destructiveness in today's far, far left and far right fanatics. This extreme political weakness in the fabric of the world is preventing society from shifting the world societal focus into identifying the nearly invisible Satanism which threatens to upend Ascension before it can be safely accomplished.
This serious spiritual weakness will eventually reveal itself as the handmaiden of the Anti-Christ which gives birth to those unacceptable strong illusions and emotions, and the cancerous ignorance of Satan himself, who hides those secret, Satanic satellites circling Earth. Satellites , which telepathically control the invented political and religions lies and half truths which conceal Satan's presence, and construes Satanic presence into what people believe to be safety. This Dark Empire, Satanic control tool has secretly and surely taught humanity to the ignorantly follow this telepathic guidance, thinking the good are bad and the bad are good, thus falling into the trap of “protecting Satin first and foremost.”
For, as many will find out, basing actions on unrealistic, revengeful emotional hate spasms, coupled with over eagerness to punish others can definitely guide humanity to force Earth to miss the turn onto her road to Ascension. And it is with the revelation of Satanic control of the minds of the people, and instilling teachings of hate and terror in a way that displaces accurate, conscious perception that makes Satan-s minions the supreme manipulators of reality into a parody of "no father knows best."
It is the need to unwind these coils of emotional steel which diminishes the presence of God's love for all on Earth, and gives rise to the need for teaching through the “tool” of "tough love" for the COL of Earth.........
To be continued: For instance, why is the "Road Less Travelled" so mysterious and enigmatic?
And what strange secrets will you find on you search for your "Road Less Travelled"
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Road Less Travelled so mysterious and enigmatic, below
Other Thoughts
, It is this world level of greater wisdom to which the less experienced souls of Earth must adapt to, and which will help our space friends to stand head and shoulder above the lesser experience and wisdom of present Earth leaders. In short, great Galactic level experience in helping others is the foundation and bedrock for successful Ascension.
Yet, even a good record of helping others is a record that exists withing an even greater truth. Indeed, this matter of “right” and “wrong,” does, itself, have to obey even higher, more all encompassing truth in order to protect the temporary or up to date progress of each human on Earth.
One might extend this line of thinking into a more rarefied a higher society in which today the Earth to be finding its way through. In this atmosphere of the people's society of the nearly ascended, those of Earth today will face very tough truths which may keep them contained in a state of “near Ascension,” as Earth is in today.
Therefor, in order to encourage the people of Earth we need to carefully learn just what is the fine print in our contract where we agree to the Will of God. We have to, in order to receive the gift of living on Earth, agree to protect God's lesser creations as well as agreeing to protect the life force within your fellow souls of Earth. We have agreed to focus on doing good works which is a much more productive focus than being enmeshed in what is “right” or “wrong.” One can extend this mindset into the ridiculous by saying, for instance, that God was “Right” to create the Galaxy, and the people in the Galaxy are wrong when they fail to ascend.
In other words, trying to second guess God becomes a purposeless exercise in telling God what laws he should let you live by, and conversely, what laws are humane enough to protect and guide your fellow man in that higher, Ascended understanding of God and creation. The next step in discerning the lies or mental “weeds” which humanity suffers from, is to describe more clearly those laws of God which are distinctly necessary to protect the advancement of the souls of all God's creation, and necessary to block humanity from unnecessarily hurting or even destroying themselves.
Need we point out that a fundamental inability of mankind to protect the Christ light within the God's people, is demonstrated by the planet destroying nuclear weapons of Earth. These weapons are clear evidence that mankind has come precipitously too close to self annihilation to allow mankind, as a whole, to qualify for any kind of Ascension into the Heavens. Clearly, in order to allow the people who are already qualified for Ascension with Earth, to be able to Ascend, those who are negligently promoting discord and war will have to be removed from Earth. Other wise Earth will be blown to smitherines by those who do not always have the same feelings of self respect and mutual protection of mankind the majority of humanity have.
As we have so often pointed out in the past, flaws in that body of human feeling which claim “I AM RIGHT,” is the same hardened, caring less toward others, which justifies releasing hard core criminals onto the innocent population, and is recognized by Galaxy and Universe to be proof positive that a planet has reached the reason-less, careless for others status of non/Ascension. It means that a planet has reached the death knell conclusion for world populations (in other, the world populstion will be obliterated, and will begin, from the beginning, the process of learning how to live by the Laws of God.
We are, then, concerned with helping as many people as possible grow in understanding that Ascension is a process where the majority of people on Earth decide their future, and those who are the minority, are not wrong so much, but rather left out of Ascension, and usually continue on their prejudiced, stealing, lying, killing ways and habits of destruction, and will do so on other worlds which are a long, long way from providing protection for her citizens, not to mention the “non-Ascension” of that unfortunate world. This does beg the question, then, just what does a world have to do for her people to be able to Ascend.
All people, for instance, who agree to Ascension must do so with a clear majority. In addition, those unfit for Ascension must be removed one way or another. For example, all the people who have been rioting and killing and burning the cities will be removed. Most people in prisons will be removed to another planet. This will be done whenever a person wil not ascend, or if a non/ascending person dies naturally they will be reborn on an evil planet similar Earthing. Those removed will include all who are executed for their crimes, and to top to the list will be those guilty of crimes against humanity. A very large percentage of politicians and the upper echelons of high officials in law enforcement, along with most politicians and anyone guilty but not caught up with for being blackmailed, guilty of murder and crimes against humanity will be taken off Earth.
We present one basic rule may help some people follow events with a little more clarity. The Galactic Federation supporters who work to implement NESARA have been better at secrecy and implementing control, improving secrecy, and winning political wars over the far left forces who are trying to establish themselves as dictators of the world. As this now secret war reaches a crescendo, the world military's will step in and deliver the coup de grâce to the evil, anti-Christ forces.
Those who remain to Ascend with Earth will have a record of have devoted their lives to helping people, honesty, humane orientation and supporters of law enforcement. And, part of Ascension will include retraining of legal experts, and the implementation of NESARA, meaning Divine Abundance for all the law abiding people of Earth.
From the perspective of the Galactic Federation and Universe forces, sheriffs and leaders, the battle for NESARA is what the battle over abortion, gun control and media control are all about. There is an intensive propaganda battle as the far left tries to kill NESARA and take over the multi trillions of gold assets set aside for the implementation of NESARA. In this battle to the finish, the far left want this gold and control of all governments for themselves, while their opponents are dead set against any of the evil ones getting anywhere near the gold which will back NESARA and the new banking system. This is another critical battle the far left, wouild be destroyers have already lost.
This new banking system, by the way, has already been secretly installed by the Galactic and Universe space forces, and the “Swift” system is basically neutralized. The “Quantum” computer is now installed world wide, and replacing the Rockefeller—Rothschild “Swift” banking system which is now all but irrelevant . It simply does not matter how hard and loud the far left scream, burn the cities, go crazy over anti/child murder laws: or how the anti-Christ people let criminals flood the country through open borders, because these many il ones will be removed by a natural death: and many alien criminals will be removed one way or another: and yes, sadly, many will be removed by execution for a good many killers and enemies of humanity. Rest assured, killing babies is just the beginning ot the the far left mass, mass, mass murder plans. Crying over these evil ones is extremely misplaced sadness, for these people have very concrete, advance plans to kill you and as many of the world's Christed people as possible.
Also be assured that the equally secret world wide military plans to defeat the anti-Christ hell that is planned for many, many countries, is in place. The majority of the world's military organizations, as well as American forces, are secretly working with the Galactics and Universe forces, to make certain evil on Earth is STAMPED OUT for good.
Next: We will hopefully discuss why encouraging the killing of fetuses is, in the eyes of the Galactic and Universe forces, is the most vicious of all violations of Universal Law imaginable.
Feb 6, 2020
Got the email message about Judicial Watch a few days ago from N. Am a little slow with getting to email. I like Judicial Watch. Been contributing since around 1985 or so
Back to Judicial Watch, though; JW has been keeping up with the left since Reagan and so forth. Otherwise have been wanting to sleep a lot so have not been particularly active on the internet. Otherwise feeling good. Have started taking fruit/vegetable based vitamins and they seem to be helping. Have cut off my regular supplements to see what happened and the result, after a couple of says, was wanting to sleep all the time even though I was feeling fine otherwise. Feel like my body is healing the last few days.
Keep watching to see if more people are finally figuring out the COVID jab is killing people. I have noted that searching for death from COVID jab has a google search result about a mile on the response. I was trying to find the article from a few days ago, about morgue findings on people who died from the jab. They found that some people's blood turned to a gummies/rubbery like substance that the investigator could pull out like is is one solid massive type substance. People should start catching on to the jab pretty soon I would think.
Was reading a little about the truckers demonstration in Canada and the "authorities" have discovered the "Go Find Me" outfit is misusing a million dollars or more of money they are supposed to use to support the truckers. We have to see how that turns out. I believe this outfit may have been secretly supporting liberals, even though publicly supporting conservative causes; and actually may possibly be liberal thieves, which seems to be about right for the Antifa, Black Lives Matter liberals of today. They are one confused, malignant bunch of idiots.
The world Ascension, or "Rapture," which if course is not a conspiracy theory but of Bible origin, is getting closer. Not much we can do except wait. Maybe we will get more info what is happening with the overall war against the KABAL swamp. Like, we maybe hearing more facts about why they are going to blow up the White house, which I think, as I mentioned before, that it has something to do with the Satanic practices there. Other rumors have it that a new White House type headquarters is being built in Texas. Seems like there was another place they may be planning to build also. Any way, That is about it for now. Need to get more energy, so will start taking my normal supplements again. But the natural fruit, vegetable supplements do seem to help quite a lot. Hope all are well. Feeling good, just sleepy. Have a great Monday. Cordially, Al
Brenda's Blog via Brenda Hoffman, January 31st, 2022
Here is an interesting article where Brenda the talks about how changes affect our sense or feeling of something going on in the world. At least that is that way I have been feeling changes. Telling C that somehow the world just does not feel the same over the past couple of weeks. At any rate, the below article discusses how changes going on also affect our emotions. Thought you might like to read it. Also, have been keeping on with the detox and today after one session with the foot detox, enough crap came out of my body and I really began to feel much better and my mind started clearing up much more. Shoveled about a 75 foot path through the snow, and I can sure tell my arteries are MUCH cleared out from cholesterol or whatever. Feel like I am in my 30s or 40s. Great feeling. Also making progress on my allergies and have found that sugar really makes the breathing or lung allergies act up. No sugar and much less coughing and mucus f rom my lungs.
Hope the below article makes sense to me by Brenda's Blog by Brenda Hoffman. Have a great Thursday. Cordially, AS
"Dear Ones,
"Many of you noted unusual feelings the past few days, including exhaustion, anger, passivity, or foggy floating sensations. All indicators that the recent energy bursts were more potent than any you have experienced while of the earth.
"The energies will again magnify in the next few days so that almost everyone now of the earth will note sensations that may lead to unusual actions. Before you move into your fear mode, please know that unusual no longer needs to be fear-based.
"Many of you will do or say something you did not expect – as will be true for most beings now of the earth. Perhaps you will also note unusual pet or vegetation behaviors – an en masse world shift.
"Many of you know you have been part of this en masse shift for a very long time. Such is true internally. Those internal shifts are beginning to be directed outward in word and deed – including in others you never expected to relay a specific stance or action.
"Some of you felt little or nothing during the recent energy bursts. Such could be so for several reasons, not the least of which is that you already shifted.
"Many of you contend you are of the light and yet, felt the sensations. Such merely means you delved deeper into new you – who you were two weeks ago is no longer......" More at:
or at:
2-1-2022 I AM Calls as of 1-28-21 for G
12-28-2021 I AM Calls
I AM my spiritual path success.
I am God vitality.
I AM the Creator's every expression and manifistation. ” – (Mahatma (G))
I AM the Creator's every expression and every manifestation.
I AM the Creator's good health and vitality. (works good - 12-28-2021)
I AM the Creator's/Ascension's healing.
I AM Ascension's light harmonized
I AM Living Ascension's light.
I AM Ascension's light expansion.
I AM expanding higher dimensional expansion.
I AM the Creator's assigned mission duration and mission duration.
I AM the Creator's healthy, clean, unblocked blood flow, circulatory,system.
I AM God's light frequencies activation..
I AM The Great White Brotherhood Earth Mission Team Success.
I AM conquering candida, mold, kittie dander and all allergies.
I AM expanding multi-dimensional vision clarity.
I AM God's Violet/Green Flame healing power.
I AM multidimensional healthy arteries an heart.
I AM solving all around mission blocking, abuse fallout.
I AM discovering new anti-Satan, anti-KABAL calls.
I do 9 repetitions a day
Modify wherever needed.
In creating I AM decrees, be as precise, accurate and as brief and possible. For instance, avoid prepositions such as: of, on, off, to and so forth. (example: Instead of saying “I Am the vitality of God,” say “I AM God vitality.”)
1-29-2022 Message – Hope all are doing as well as possible. At out house, I have been working on the body cleanse some more. Have been using Blue Berry powder lately that is supposed to help cleanse heavy metals like arsenic, chromium and mercury and so forth from the body. I think something is happening because I am able to stay focused better without getting mentally exhausted on writing. I am also using the foot bath besides supplements. Have to sort of pace myself because pulling metal out of the body and into the water leaves quite a bit of loose metals in the blood. So it a matter, partly at least, of feeing better in different ways each time you detox. Otherwise there does not seem to be much going on around here. I have, though, been reworking my last article and getting some wording straightened out. but, the powers that be did want me to publish it immediately, and that gives the idea that it is time for more people to start waking up. As you may deduce from the last article "Times are Changing," the powers that be are upping the "antee" on getting rid of the bad guys, partly by trying to educate people more about what is really going on with the Nazis and their shots and attempts to exterminate most of the world's population. I have noticed, though, that a few more writers here and there are now also starting to talk about the Nazi threat. Like, people are catching on to some degree. Everyone around here though is entranced with the ridiculous covid shot. Around here the neighbors don't seem to have any idea of what I am writing about, other than thinking I am crazy. Not the first time people have thought that. Anyway, that is about all that is going on here since we got the porch squared away and our concrete drive/sidewalk leveled. But, I can't leave out mentioning our new kittie Reggie II, who is now about 9 months old. He is a cute little squirt who is growing like a weed. He has the wild cat pointed ears like Reggie I had. He is about 9 months old and is as big as our 10 year old Arthur and 2 year old Gussie. Love those kitties. Really great company, and keeps the house lively. Don't know what I would do without those little kittie feet running around the house. I guess that is about it for now. Hope your doing well. Cordially AS
1-9-2022 Message –
Here it is, Sunday again. Have had an interesting couple of days. There are more ideas floating around the internet about politics where a lot of rumors have had it that this is the moment in time where things can start happening, at least from the stand point where we may get some proof of what is going on. There has been, for instance, more urgency to reports lately, it seems to me. Here is a rumor that we will have to wait a little longer to see if there is anything to it.
But, for instance, it has been long maintained that Biden is not and has not been in the White House. Little things add some value to this idea, and I have noticed, for instance, that when the White House was shown on Fox today, there appeared to be no tire marks in the White House driveway snow, or there has been no snow shoveling being done. It also appeared that the rumors may be correct about the White House being being used secretly by unknown government people. It supposed to be in the hands of Trump and crew, and rumor has also long had it that Biden and the VP have never been into the White House, or have also never been allowed to use the Air Force One, and that Trump is still using the Air Force 1 while the whole election process is being investigated.
Anyway, here is some of the latest news, which I suspect has a lot of truth also, as I suspect Air Force 1 and White House stories are also true.
For instance: “ Setting the stage, Biden’s approval ratings plummeting, COVID 19 Vaccines being exposed as the bio-weapon they are… They have to have war now, would this surprise anyone?
”FLASH UPDATE – SEE BOTTOM – 7:45 PM EST — Satellites Would Be Attacked First, Then These Radar Stations if WW3 Commences next week
“The situation between the US/NATO and Russia has become critical. If you hear news that any of these radar stations has had “an incident” that’s your proof that WW3 has commenced and nuclear attack against the USA is in progress.
- “Ukraine Continues to Prepare to Attack Donetsk and Luhansk
- “ Setting the stage, Biden’s approval ratings plummeting, COVID 19 Vaccines being exposed as the bio-weapon they are… They have to have war now, would this surprise anyone?"
- “US F-16′s have been positioned into Ukraine proper
“US F-15′s have been positioned into Romania
“1,000 M1A1 and M1A2 tanks have been shipped to Romania/Greece
“Russia has asked NATO for Security Guarantees, and been rejected - More at
- I do have to say, though, that I do not think we will be going war, ilke in a world war at least. Been too m any rumors that all the world militaries are working together on getting NESARA-GESARA started.
The more likely truth, to me anyway, is that Trump, the military and the White Hats are in charge, and are waiting for the public to wake up to the true evil that has been going on in the country and politics and Satanism, so they can be be certain of the public support once the bad guys are officially being taken down.
When you read through these kinds of things there almost seems to be a loony tunes atmosphere to it because a lot of news on the internet is not very clear on what is actually going on. From what I gather, this whole war scenario is kept up, in Europe, because it was planned by the (now presumably defeated KABAL) to start with.a war to “reset” world currency, which of course, would have made the KABAL richer and the rest of us poorer. So one can pretty safely figure out Trump is heading off this disaster and will hopefully leave Joey and Kamala baby with THE losing hand.
Like, with Trump having won the election on one hand, and Joey and Kamala baby not even in the White House, what the hell is going on? Thus, here we are, pretty sure Trump is president, and at the same time just how does Trump plan on saving his own neck in the midst of all the confusion. I am thinking we will find out one way or the other pretty soon. At least, I hope so.
- At any rate, I have been doing my foot baths the last couple of days and my endurance in picking up quite well. Have to remember to keep up the foot baths. I eat fish quite a bit because I am allergic to beef and pork, which means I have to watch out for heavy metal overload. Am really getting a lot of heavy metals out of my system. After having done the foot bath for a couple of hours it makes a big difference, as you could see the problems I had after the last article I tried to write.
- I guess that is about it for now. Hoper everybody has a good week. Cordially, AS
1-6-20220 -- Just a quick note to let you know that my meat/preservative allergy caught up with me. First was Monday when I had a fish sandwich at McDonalds on the way to Mishawaka, IN. I felt fine all the time and it was not until about midnight that I discovered the really high BP. The second was on Wednesday (today) when I had eaten a can of soup, Mexican style, which apparently had a meat broth or maybe just a preservatives that send my BP sky high. On both occasions my blood went to 199 and i had to get it down, which I did in a matter of an hour or two after I discovered what was going on each occasion. So, the bottom line was that after I have just one incident like this I need a day or two to rest and recuperate, but with two consecutive days of high BP, it affected by ability to concentrate on the below article, which I did not notice right away. So, maybe in another couple of days I will do another editing session or two.
So, everything else is going well except for being tired. Hopefully you will understand that now I am more alert I realize I really need to work on this article some more. That is about it for now. Have a great Friday. Cordially, AS
2nd edit
January 2-5, 2022 Update on Universal Law
With a Roman Consul named Gaius Popillius1, and – the “Line in the Sand.” By A. Clement
Release of the Great White Brotherhood (GWB)
Article to be Rewritten.
The Great White Brotherhood states that Universal Law will prevail for the United States and the world. In addition, the less noble, and even barbaric, murderous politics of a minority of the moment will not prevail over Universal Law.
The GWB states that unfortunately for the minority who support minority political positions, the planetary decisions of any Ascended world is based upon the majority attaining a highly “spiritual” alignment with Universal Law.
For some people, however, such an alignment with Universal Law may appear to be unnecessary to maintain peace in the world. Experience of the Galactics on other worlds find that different spiritual paths of peoples of different worlds may all reach a similar Ascended state, but through entirely differentiated, separate world experiences. Planetary political unity is actually the basis for application of Universal Law, where the wishes of the majority are, in fact, considered by Universal Law, to be the wish of the planet. It makes sense, then, to move minority groups to different planets so political peace on each planet can eventually be attained.
The minority who may hold power by trick or might, thus, find they lose their political power on Universal Law governed planets such as Earth is becoming. The matter of finding justice for the temporarily less noble minority becomes a confusion that must be resolved. Those minority groups who may have ruled a world like Earth, with Ascension become a less tidy aspect of living on an Ascending world like Earth. Under the usual circumstances of Ascension, no matter how vociferously the minority demands they have the right to hang onto their the leadership of Earth, their demands will fail to gain traction with the Galactic authorities. And, we might note, tricks and cheating at the voting booth cannot deceive Galactic authorities about who the true minority of a world really are.
This will be true for people who fail to investigate news which may fall outside of their emotional desires. These people would rather seek news reports based upon what they want to hear, rather than trying to discover the real emotional manipulations they are victims of, whether or not they are unaware they are experiencing emotional rather than rational thought. Many people will fail to Ascend with Earth due to being victims of these un-viable manipulations of sophisticated but mis-oriented political leaders.
Not all the time, but often enough, those not allowed to ascend, due to their political positions, may loudly object as their disappointment becomes anger and frustration and a danger to society.
The basis for much of the confusion on planets like Earth is ther well established but conceited belief that Earth is the ONLY populated planet in all the infinite numbers of creation in the Universes without end. Thus, those in possession of the Galactic thoe spiritual requirements for Ascension, whether or not you believe Earth or is not the only planet with intelligent life, will find that the opposite is closer to the truth. The minority groups will, however, find themselves left behind with their more careful brothers and sisters.
Hard core disbelievers will likely be transferred to another Earth like planet, with little realization that any thing has changed for them. This is not a painful process as their souls memory of Earth will be erased as they are being prepared to move ahead with their education of Universal Law on other planets. These souls will continue to live on new, chaotic worlds until they, too, can come into alignment with Universal Law.
But the truth will eventually be very, very manifest to the more aware Universal Law supporting public and their more positive mind pools which, when properly aligned, will fully support Universal Law, irregardless, for instance, of any attempted illegal electoral illegalities and manipulations.
On this point, the Galactic authorities have highly developed technological, (spiritual) tools which, on Earth there is no technology of equal comparieson. These “tools” are fully capable of finding and reversing any illegalities done at the voting booth. These Galactic “spiritual,” political “tools,” are exclusively in the possession of Universal Law supporting leader's. These technoloties, are fully capable of monitoring and measuring the level of spirituality of all planets and their “ mind pools .” The Galactic “Fathers” and Great White Brotherhood, can precisely calculate the combined Christ light within each of these mind polls of societies, includin gn their political parties, nations and of the whole planet. And yes, the Galactic's can measure the divinity of every person in every mind pool on Earth, including whether they are liberal or conservative, religious or otherwise. They can monitor the Republican minded, or liberal minded, or the communist minded.
The greater the spirituality of each mind pool, the greater is the Christed, individualized, group Christed, cohesive factor within these invisible mind pools. This cohesive factor is, in fact, the amount of fulfilling Christ lilght, or “Light of God,” found within each of a world's mind pools.
On Earth, less evolved mind pools, made up of the less evolved souls, may spread terror through their members, while others more evolved will recognize a reality that is based upon the most Divine foundations of Universal Law. This is where the Galactic Fathers and the GWB find the overall majority of political leaders who meet the demands of Universal Law, and those leaders who will be the new political leaders of Earth. This change over will occur no matter how thoroughly elections may be controlled and manipulated and “reversed” by anti-Christ groups. Regardless of whether voter cheating has been or has not been involved in elections on Earth, God's Will will and the will of the majority will prevail.
The Galactic Masters, for instance, WILL determine the anti-Christ versus Divine soul aspects for each leader and person on Earth. The Galactic leaders, once again, possess spiritual tools, authorized by the wisest Masters of Earth's Solar System and Galaxy, which will decide which political side is the true inheritor of Universal Law.
But to make this process as clear as possible, it will be those leaders with the purest spiritual qualifications, in each of the Ascended mind pools, who will become the world's most respected leaders. And, we can also report that the overall populations of a world preparing to Ascend, such as is happening on Earth, may not be able to recognize who is initially qualified who is not qualified to lead the world leader.
And, in that context, those who are to be removed from Earth, will be those individuals who will be arrested, often tried for murder, treason and similar crimes and executed, in preparation for rebirth elsewhere. One of the more painful aspects of this process will be when the accurate news which will have to reveal who the Satanists of Earth who are hiding behind high faluting names and reputations. If necessary, U.S. and world leadership will use whatever force is necessary to clear the world it evil population and the chambers of government which have most devastatingly strayed away from Universal Law. Similarly, the arrests of the murderers and leaders of murderers and destroyers of communities, cities and the safety of the people, will, along with the Satanists, receive the harshest treatment by the the newly appointed Earth authorities. A great many of the worst of the worst people may truly surprise the people of Earth.
This does mean that if these demonic individuals resist, they will be neutralized one way or another by the military leaders who the Galactic government and the Masters approve of. This is what can and will happen, irregardless of what political group or groups who are in power. At the same time those less worthy officers of the peace and other secret, compromised individuals, will be weeded out and sent on to new, less evolved planets along with the members of the “loosing” parties and their leaders who will be reincarnated out among the stars.
To make this more clear, one measure of this successful transition of Earth into Universal Law is to realize that those who fail to support or ignore the public safety, be it directly or as a result of their corrupt, immoral political manipulations, will be the first ones to find their political dreams being dashed.
No matter how adamantly the losing parties may quail and object to the implementation of Universal Law, the more spiritual, Universal Law supporting majority are the ones who will inherit the power to protect the public. Universal Law WILL prevail, for that IS the law of the Universes which will be norm for ALL Ascending planets. And, this is the future of Earth, according to the Ascended Masters of the Great White Brotherhood – who are, by the way, our divinely ordained Saints, and those who are the most spiritually advanced souls of Earth. These souls understand the absolute need, above all else, to preserve the Divinity of the mind pools of Earth, and above all, the maintain public honesty and safety.
Thus we, the Great White Brotherhood. have presented aspects of Universal Law. It should go without saying: Be careful of who you pick as political comrades, because Universal Law does not respect politics.
Universal will not support those individuals who have not grown into a greater understanding of God and the laws of the Universes without end. Not believing in life in the Universes, which you can see in the night sky, are placing their disbelieving convictions on shaky ground by not respecting Universal Law's higher standards of life by knowingly choosing to be an arch enemy of Universal Law.
What ever the case, one of the biggest signs that Ascension is nearing will occur with the increasing awareness of where many, many of the true evil ones are concentrated. The line in the sand, again, will define where evil has been carried too far, and identifies those who have failed to protect their fellow man. This is definitely a problem for Earth at present. But we do need to address the Mind pools of Earth.
All people on Earth are in one mind pool or another. These The Mind Pools are, by special provision, invisible, ultra or 5th and 6th dimensional communications “nodes,” all of which have the ability to connect to other mind-pools. The members of each Mind Pool must agree on an approach for them to achieve a higher state of divinity. These Mind Pools provide telepathic guidance for those who hold similar beliefs and convictions. On the other hand, when evil invades mind pools, the safety of the world's societies become diminished. On Earth, this is a massive Mind Pool problem in which many dishonorable news outlets justify anti Universal Law behavior, by injecting aberrant thought processes and emotions into the minds and emotions of the world's Mind Pool's. But, on Earth in particular, one problem with her Mind Pool's is that people mistake the telepathic reality of Mind Pool's, and the telepathic thoughts contained therein, to be manifestations of the one true God.
As you may have divined, the subsequent actions of serious evil being allowed to, mislead the God's intent of each Mind Pool leads to open warfare and killing of the innocent.
On the exterior, these corrupted, telepathic mind pools such as dishonorable news reporting, encourage the innocent souls to accept power of crime and murder. These anti-Christ thoughts and very vicious political gestures float in the mental air of Earth air like odious, Sulphur perfumes of Hell. For, as one must be reminded, you, the Christed ones, are made in God, the Great Creator', image and likeness. Therefor you are responsible for creating and maintaining harmonious, loving mind pools.
This is part of the soul's education that should be illustrating to you the very tremendous power of your own creativity when that power is put to good use. You are in training, and being prepared to enter into the realms fully under the protection and leadership of the Galactic Father, the GWB, and Universal Law. On the other hand, it is the breakdown and elimination of those who are unable to maintain peace and tranquility of their mind pools which leads to reduced societal protection Universal Law. The members of each mind pool learn that their own spirituality must be improved for their entire mind pool to pass muster with our Heavenly Masters.
One should be able to understand that Ascension into the Heavenly Realms is a very intense, exacting, and exiting time for the people of Earth.
Making sure that Mind pool creativity is becoming a higher reality of life, then becomes a primary consideration of our Heavenly Fathers. It will be the primary focus and defining line to determine who goes to a different hell type worlds like Earth, and who will support a massive cleanup of our big cities under the guidelines of Universal Law. In a parady of the Roman Consul we recall that, “In 168 BC, a Roman Consul named Gaius Popillius Laenas drew a circular line in the sand around King Antiochus IV of the Seleucid Empire, then said, "Before you cross this circle I want you to give me a reply for the Roman Senate" – implying that Rome would declare war if the King stepped out of the circle without committing to leave Egypt immediately. Weighing his options, Antiochus wisely decided to withdraw. Only then did Popillius agree to shake hands with him.”
Simply the emergence of the world's acquiescence and mind pool acceptance of Universal Law, Earth will move toward Divine Abundance and the emergence of NESARA/GESARA. But is well to remember that the concept of the “line in the sand” emphasizes the fact that time is growing short for people to change their allegiance to the subtle tacit evil. Time is growing short for people to and begin to finding ways to bring harmony and peace to the mind pools of the world which include the mind pools of political parties, harmonious homes, and protection mind pools which really do protect our fellow man.
Too very many, otherwise very good people, still tacitly support the politics of deliberately consigning law abiding citizens to unnecessary death in their own country. Like Consul Gaius Popillius Laenas, the growing presence of Universal Law presents to the citizens of the world the challenge that if you support your fellow man's right to life and the pursuit of happiness, then by all means, do not force or allow your telepathic mind pools to cross the Universal Law “line in the sand.”
Still, with a more sound idea of God oriented mind pools, mind pools still may need a little more discussion.
Clinging to the tenets of evil politics, which cleverly require that you need to do nothing to tacitly allow or permit the killing of your neighbors and fellow citizens, is in reality, also the beginning of death of the human soul: and this includes both the downward fall toward death of the individuals soul and your self created mind pool's soul, if you will. Again, you may very well recognize, that the death of your very own mind pool soul usually ends up in out warfare and more killing of the innocent.
Yet, YOU are your own creator. You ARE created in the God's, the Great Creator's likeness. YOU have Godlike creativity! It is the selling out of the Christ Light within our very being, by tacitly supporting evil, mind pool corrupting politics, that is at the heart of Dark Kingdom power over the people of Earth. When you allow the murder of your fellow man, you have authorized the Dark Kingdoms to kill another image, like yourself, who is also a likeness of God. That is tantamount to trying to kill God himself. It shows the powers that be in Heaven, what your life's intent has become. You have become the tool of the Dark Empires and their political representatives.
These clever, overly conciliatory Dark Empire Representative's gestures of offering easy, do nothing except to kindly vote for evil, you are accepting the suggestion that by doing nothing decisive, your spiritual inactivity, you have unknowingly paved your life's path with easy politics.
You have become the Dark Empires representative. As a Dark Empire representative you will guide people to give into the easy lure of failing to support your friends and neighbors. This do nothing approach presents a whimsical, easily acceptable “due nothing except vote the evil ones,” approach, that produces the environment that perpetuates evil leadership.” This simple do nothing offering from the evil ones, too often, is a sealed death warrant for your brothers and sisters who support freedom and reject easy, abject slavery supporting prosecutors and politicians
This unnecessary attachment to evil and the accompanying powerful and evil, invisible mind pools of thought and emotions, are used to misguide or dull a souls sense of logic and observational skills, and gives their God light to evil, without having any realization that this is how the Dark Empires, the Satanists, work. They steal the power of the souls and the power of God's Christed people. The evil actions of “politically correct” prosecutors and city leaders who are failing to prosecute, and and give free bail and easy release to deadly killers, know full well that their actions put the public in danger, as murder and robbery increase by exponential proportions all around them. Yet, these evil people continue to deliberately defy Universal Law.
Failing to even protect the members of your own voting base shows the height of the insanity that is in control of society today.
And, we point out one more time, by this process, we find that the Christed people who vote to empower these dark people, who support these dark prosecutors and their Dark Empire minions, have in reality successfully given their own Christ light to these evil beings to corrupt wit malice and foresight. It is you, the casual supporter of evil instead of Universal Law, who betray your own Christed brothers and sisters, and reduce the chances for the incursion into Earth of Divine Abundance.
By allowing politicians to garner often guilt ridden support for dark leaders, and who, by most any stretch of the imagination, should have long ago been thrown out of office, we find a main core of today's rejection of Universal Law. As painful as it is for the Great White Brotherhood to observe, the mind pool; politically controlled people; who would support evil rather than do what is right at the voting booth. People need to understand that it is these folks who will be taken off of Earth early, and be transplanted on other Earth like worlds so they can continue experiencing the pain of their own traitorous decisions and leadership. This will continue for the souls who will find themselves on other worlds, until another round of thousands of years finally prepares them to support Universal Law and protect their own kind.
The immediate circumstances of those who have thoughtlessly attached themselves to those invisible, negatively controlled mind pools and emotions: and those who are overly conciliatory to those causing human suffering and crimes against humanity, must be eliminated if Divine Abundance is to survive. It is well to remember that Divine Abundance and the safety of society have their own mind pools which are at odds with the Dark Empire mind pools of killing and death. The mind pools and conscious, Christed supporters will, by Universal Law awareness, give way to a new world Republic, and will give increasing proof that Divine Abundance of Universal Law can survive on Earth. This new era will fully support NESARA and GESARA, which are a Universal Law realities to be reckoned with.
The main focus of this article, by necessity, is to stress that it is crunch time for those who violate Universal Law, and who refuse to change their ways and philosophies and start supporting you, their fellow man. A basic part of Universal Law, on a Galactic scale, requires you to remove from society those who kill their own, or allow such killing. The souls of those who have lost their Christ power, will always remain outcasts on their own world until they change their ways, or are removed for good.
If you politically support politics and people who kill their citizens or simply, or staunchly adopt a do nothing to interfere attitude, and you continue to allow the citizens to be murdered and put upon by evil, no matter how this is justified, you are poised over the entrance to hell. No matter how sincerely your political parties mind pool encourages the murder of its citizens, or a official loooking representative for the Dark Empires tells you to ignore "minor" brushes with UniversalLaw; supporters of this evil practice are themselves are on the road to be cast off of Earth.
And as we have repeated many times, their souls are moved to another Earth like planet which promotes the outrage against Universal Law. In this manner your soul, if you justify the murder of your fellow man, will experience the terror and murder of yourselves, repeatedly, until you change your lazy habits. You have a responsibility to the souls until you finally understand that what “goes around, comes around.” For those who support Dark Empire practices, you and your political party will also incur the outrage of all planets who are civilized enough to protect their own citizens and adhere to Universal Law.
1 Gaius Popillius1 – “Gaius Popillius Laenas (fl. 172–158 BC) twice served as one of the two consuls of the Roman Republic, in 172 and 158 BC.”
“He was sent as an envoy to prevent a war between Antiochus IV Epiphanes of the Seleucid Empire and Ptolemaic Egypt. On being confronted with the Roman demands that he abort his attack on Alexandria, Antiochus played for time; Popillius Laenas is supposed to have drawn a circle around the king in the sand with his cane, and ordered him not to move out of it until a firm answer had been given. The Syrians withdrew. According to (his forces) Livy:”
Now, on to the news as it unfolds throughout the days and weeks.
Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Mon. 3 2022
Compiled Mon. 3 Jan. 2022 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington, MSW, LCSW, Therapist ret, Journalist, Author:”
“......It’s Happening! The Switch has been Turned.
Global Reset GESARA/ NESARA Activated.
“The Supreme Court has canceled universal vaccination. Bill Gates, US Chief Infectious Disease Specialist Fauci and Big Pharma have lost a lawsuit in the US Supreme Court, failing to prove that all of their vaccines over the past 32 years have been safe for the health of citizens! …Senator Robert F.”
“A society that keeps cures a secret so they can continue to sell medication for huge profits is not a real society, but a huge mental asylum.” …Dr. Sebi
Below is a list of some of the events as GESARA and NESARA are activated, many of which should be verifiable by reader as they occur>
“What We Think We Know as of Mon. 3 Jan. 2022:
- “History as we know it has been whitewashed and altered by the elites.
- “The Alliance was formed to take down the elites and implement the Global Currency Reset, NESARA/ GESARA and freedom for The People worldwide.
- “Those indictments were in the process of being unsealed, with mass arrests and Military Tribunals taking place at GITMO, the US Capitol and other locations across the world.
- “Our food was full of chemicals and drugs.
- “Cancer was cureable: 42 years ago, the cure for cancer was discovered.
- “The Federal Reserve owns America. JFK was killed because he was trying to take down the Federal Reserve. 9/11 was an inside job resulting from trying to take down the Federal Reserve and implement GESARA/NESARA.
- “What We Think We Know as of Mon. 3 Jan. 2022:
- “History as we know it has been whitewashed and altered by the elites.
- “The Alliance was formed to take down the elites and implement the Global Currency Reset, NESARA/ GESARA and freedom for The People worldwide.
- “Those indictments were in the process of being unsealed, with mass arrests and Military Tribunals taking place at GITMO, the US Capitol and other locations across the world.
- “Our food was full of chemicals and drugs.
- “Cancer was cureable: 42 years ago, the cure for cancer was discovered.
- “The Federal Reserve owns America. JFK was killed because he was trying to take down the Federal Reserve. 9/11 was an inside job resulting from trying to take down the Federal Reserve and implement GESARA/NESARA.
- “The Global Currency Reset and GESARA/NESARA has been activated, which meant that all bank monies had to be backed by gold, or the bank would be closed.
- “In coming days the Alliance will release Crimes Against Humanity in the largest Military Operation in the history of humanity that was being conducted throughout the planet – much bigger than World War II. The days ahead will change the world.
- “When all is exposed 98% of Washington DC will fall.” …Julian Assange
- “Sun. 2 Jan. 2022 DUMB Tunnel Cleanout in full swing. Unusual amount of earthquakes for the last 48 hours. Hyperloops in the tunnels are connecting the DUMBS worldwide.
- “BREAKING Mon. morning 3 Jan. 2022: New Jersey has just declared a state of emergency for 5 counties: Washington DC, Maryland and parts of NJ are under a Winter storm warning:
- “Evergrande comes under Trump Executive Order 13848: Foreign Election Interference. They have been paying for your rigged elections worldwide and were run by the Crown & their Intelligence Agencies: CIA, Mossad, Mi5, Blackrock & Vanguard.
- “China has managed to accumulate more than half of the world’s corn and other grain reserves, which has led to a sharp increase in prices across the planet.
- “What We Think We Know as of Mon. 3 Jan. 2022:
- History as we know it has been whitewashed and altered by the elites.
- “The Alliance was formed to take down the elites and implement the Global Currency Reset, NESARA/ GESARA and freedom for The People worldwide.
- “Those indictments were in the process of being unsealed, with mass arrests and Military Tribunals taking place at GITMO, the US Capitol and other locations across the world.
- “Our food was full of chemicals and drugs.
- “Cancer was cureable: 42 years ago, the cure for cancer was discovered.
- “The Federal Reserve owns America. JFK was killed because he was trying to take down the Federal Reserve. 9/11 was an inside job resulting from trying to take down the Federal Reserve and implement GESARA/NESARA.
- “The Global Currency Reset and GESARA/NESARA has been activated, which meant that all bank monies had to be backed by gold, or the bank would be closed.
- “In coming days the Alliance will release Crimes Against Humanity in the largest Military Operation in the history of humanity that was being conducted throughout the planet – much bigger than World War II. The days ahead will change the world.
- “When all is exposed 98% of Washington DC will fall.” …Julian Assange
- “Sun. 2 Jan. 2022 DUMB Tunnel Cleanout in full swing. Unusual amount of earthquakes for the last 48 hours. Hyperloops in the tunnels are connecting the DUMBS worldwide.
- “BREAKING Mon. morning 3 Jan. 2022: New Jersey has just declared a state of emergency for 5 counties: Washington DC, Maryland and parts of NJ are under a Winter storm warning:
- “Evergrande comes under Trump Executive Order 13848: Foreign Election Interference. They have been paying for your rigged elections worldwide and were run by the Crown & their Intelligence Agencies: CIA, Mossad, Mi5, Blackrock & Vanguard.
- “China has managed to accumulate more than half of the world’s corn and other grain reserves, which has led to a sharp increase in prices across the planet.
- “Subscribe to Rocky News:
- “Mon. 3 Jan. 2022 Chinese Real Estate Giant Evergrande Shares Suspended from Hong Kong Market:
- “China Three Gorges Corporation is going to come crashing down. …Whiplash347
- “Former Twitter director Jack Dorsey: “Bitcoin will soon replace dollars.”
- Subscribe to Rocky News:
- “Mon. 3 Jan. 2022 Chinese Real Estate Giant Evergrande Shares Suspended from Hong Kong Market:
- “China Three Gorges Corporation is going to come crashing down. …Whiplash347
- “Former Twitter director Jack Dorsey: “Bitcoin will soon replace dollars.”
- “The Global Currency Reset and GESARA/NESARA has been activated, which meant that all bank monies had to be backed by gold, or the bank would be closed.
- “In coming days the Alliance will release Crimes Against Humanity in the largest Military Operation in the history of humanity that was being conducted throughout the planet – much bigger than World War II. The days ahead will change the world.
- “When all is exposed 98% of Washington DC will fall.” …Julian Assange
- “Sun. 2 Jan. 2022 DUMB Tunnel Cleanout in full swing. Unusual amount of earthquakes for the last 48 hours. Hyperloops in the tunnels are connecting the DUMBS worldwide.
- “BREAKING Mon. morning 3 Jan. 2022: New Jersey has just declared a state of emergency for 5 counties: Washington DC, Maryland and parts of NJ are under a Winter storm warning:
- “Evergrande comes under Trump Executive Order 13848: Foreign Election Interference. They have been paying for your rigged elections worldwide and were run by the Crown & their Intelligence Agencies: CIA, Mossad, Mi5, Blackrock & Vanguard.
- “China has managed to accumulate more than half of the world’s corn and other grain reserves, which has led to a sharp increase in prices across the planet.
- “Subscribe to Rocky News:
- “Mon. 3 Jan. 2022 Chinese Real Estate Giant Evergrande Shares Suspended from Hong Kong Market:
- “China Three Gorges Corporation is going to come crashing down. …Whiplash347
- “Former Twitter director Jack Dorsey: “Bitcoin will soon replace dollars.'”