edit 1.5 July 29 2022
One More Time –
It's all in the Perspective.
Based on theories alone, which the world generally does not buy into, the Satanic Bidenist's insist the world must agree with and implement the "Green Deal." They unrealistically insist that the failure to support the "Green Deal" automatically means the world will die prematurely, as it is fried to death by the sun.
Although with no evidence that the world is dying from this “Green Deal” theory, and taking into consideration that the polar bears did not die off since the 1990-s predictions, the world is not particularly afraid of oil & carbon killing the world. “
“Of course, these predictions were completely wrong. Global temperatures in 1990 were not 2 or 5 or 20 degrees higher than they were in 1959. According to NASA, global surface temperature increased by less than half a percent during that time frame. As a result, the icecaps haven’t melted and the oceans are not inundating our coastal cities.” John Daniel Dadvidson, JANUARY 05, 2018, https://thefederalist.com/2018/01/05/no-polar-bears-not-dying-off-droves-climate-change/
Not that this melting of ice might not happen. But there is a reason the extreme left insist on so-called “green energy” be implemented at unprecedented, almost desperate cost.
As we have already noted, in spite of the fact the “Green Deal” private jets spew out more pollution than airliners do, Biden's crew appears to be acting out of spite as they keep America's own oil production shut down. You are never told what the true situation is with regard to the phony “Green Deal.” And the idea they are acting out of spite is only a minor consideration.
Rather than being honest, why does the far left send poor old beggar Biden to bow and beg before foreign oil suppliers. His handlers send him on a fruitless trip in the Middle East for oil for the U.S., even though, when the U.S. already has more oil of than is found in the Middle East. This all smacks of extreme desperation on the part of the Biden Satanists. In all the blathering about the “NEW Green Deal”, some very “anti Green Deal” facts truly are overlooked. by the phony “Green Deal.” Some of the little things going on can make your brain and ears twitch more than a little.
For even though it is easy to find out facts on the internet, one has to ask why are some of these facts are actually there.
For instance, factually speaking it is no real secret that the far left are among the worst carbon polluters on Earth. Common, internet knowledge shows the hypocrisy in "Green Deal" where the "Green Deal" executive's “private jets ...... emit 5-14 times more carbon pollution than commercial planes and 50 times more than trains, according to a May 2021 analysis from the European clean energy advocacy group Transport & Environment. In one hour of private jet travel, two tons of carbon is emitted, equivalent to a quarter of the annual amount emitted per European citizen.https://dailycaller.com/2022/02/07/climate-change-nancy-pelosi-private-jets-white-house/
So, why? Why are the far left geniuses violating their own preaching's, like terrified horses caught in a burning barn? The more you think of it, maybe the “Green Deal” does seem to give off a slight tinge or unhealthy odor of something less inviting than it is made to appear.
And come to think about it, there is definitely something that not a single news outlet in the world is telling you which would, if known, illustrate how the whole liberal-conservative outfit also seems like it is like an animal being led around the the nose by during the biggest criminal/banker/Satanic heist of all time. This scheme illustrates the depth and madness of the anti/Christ, anti/humanity of Satanically managed Earth, and why the true Satanic/Nazi background of the Bush family is suppressed to the point that even today most people are clueless about who the Bush's really were!
But there are other reasons to question the need for the vehicles that would replace all the jets and gas powered cars. And there is a reason why every transportation vehicle is powered by devices with wires, nozzles, hose/wires and of course, the ever present gauge.
The big answer is that the far left liberals refuse to give up the gauge. Their gauges, which are found on every pump and generator. You know. Gauges that tells you how much you owe “someone” to “fill her up.” On the other hand, knowledge of Tesla-s inventions are totally, and we mean, totally ignored and have remained ignored, being equally ignored even by ALL conservative and liberal news outlets. But it the guage and the on/off switch to the oil-gas pipelines that are the real secret to controlling the perspective of the people. For, anyone who wants to replace those hoses, gauges and nozzles is the life and death enemy of the far left. This is a major key to control, for gas and electric usuage, for one thing, tells the Satanists where concentrations of gas and electric users are to be found. In addition, the Satanist rule is simple: – “Do not mention, do not hint, do not suggest, do not investigate, do not write about, pantomime, illustrate, photograph, chant, remember or believe, print or mention anything to do with energy gauges, or the possibility of having non metered power sources. Thus, a pattern is clear. One of the most prolific inventors of free energy is tightly ignored by just about every news outlet in the world.
This disgusting reason for ignoring Tesla's inventions is that his electric or gasoline power sources requires no wire, hose, nozzle, and most horribly for the far left, there is no “GUAGE” telling you how much you owe someone for ripping you off. Plus, a real biggie: If they want to change your perspective on on your life, all they have to do is turn off the generators and and gas pumps, and let you sweat or freeze for a few days. Your perspective will change, all be it, with few Americans realizing it is all being done on purpose to keep you under control.
But the everyday, the big thing being overlooked on Earth is that the Satanists have an albeit slipping control, where the everyday method of energy usage depends on hooking your vehicle or device to a gas pump using a gas pump hose and nozzle. Oh, and of course, lest we forget, attached to that pump and hose is a gauge telling you how owe the grateful Satanic community is for you donation to their world wide corportions.
So now you know the perspective of why the extreme leftists insist on the horrible, unrealistic “Green Deal.”
7-25-2022---- I think most of the relatives are settled for the moment. What a 3 ring circus. But the celebration for my grand nephew getting his PHD in artificial intelligence was quiet an accomplishment, needless to say. Very bright and personable young man, and his new bride will be getting her PHD in "AI" also in another few months. So far he seems to be a up and coming, very bright guy, along with his wife. He taught a few some classes at and got his PHD from U. of Michigan, where they both went to college. Quite a big deal. At any rate, need a little more time to work to this paper. Thought it was mostly done and the powers that be wanted it to be published right away although iut is a little too rough for my taste. But, I can-t leave it like it is so will rewrite it anyway. Hopefully it gets most of the ideas across that were most important. Need a little rest too.
It really wears me out on some of these articles because of what I might call the 3rd to fourth dimension conversion differential where what they are telling me in 4d makes a lot of sense. Then when it is on a 3dimensional computer, it needs a lot of adjusting. That is what wears me out. Plus I am basically working with one eye because the eye surgery center could not see themselves clear to answer the telephone a couple of times, leaving me with one good eye and one that needs work, and me with waiting so I can get new glasses which are adjusted to the new lenses I am supposed to end up with. But I do need to keep in touch with grandson too, so I need to go for now. Will write later and more on the article in the next few days. Hope all are well. Have a great Tuesday. Cordially, AS
ORF2 PISO DEdit 1.52
Edit 3.3 + updates ORF2 PISO DEdit 1.52
I. July 26, 2022 -- United States, World Governments
in Collapse Mode
The Satanic Connection
The Amrageddon
II. To Ensure the Safety of Incoming Divine Abundance, *NESARA/GESARA
We Discuss Universal Law,
The Enforcement of Universal Law on Planet Earth
Sadly, the world's foreign leaders see the Biden presidency ("The fake US President Biden" (Fulford)) as having added new shame to the United States embarrassment due to Biden's peremptorily pulling out of Afghanistan. Then, by shutting down America's oil industry, Biden and (his un-elected handlers), have shown their true colors with their suicidal act, which is obviously killing the U.S. Economy. While, on the converse side, trying to buy oil from the Middle East by trading weapons for oil, has potentially put the Middle East in flames again, but fortunately has not done so so far.
But this international effort to increase arms export to the Middle East, has soured the minds of the world leaders, and has shown just how inept the present U.S. Biden & handlers really are on the world scene.
Based on theories alone, which the world does not buy into, the Satanic Bidenist's insist the world must agree with and implement the "Green Deal." They unrealistically insist that the failure to support the "Green Deal" automatically means the world will die prematurely. Although most the world is not particularly afraid of oil & carbon killing the world, Biden's crew appear to be acting out of spite as they keep America's own oil production shut down. Then, on bended knee, beggar Biden is sent on a fruitless trip in the Middle East for oil for the U.S., even though, the U.S. already has more oil of than is found in the Middle East.
Foreign leaders watch United States leaders intentionally shooting themselves in their political knees and feet, as they kill the American economy. But other and more severe problems lurk in the background of the "Green Deal." The amount of money the Green Deal philosophy will pull money out of the American pockets will be at a unprecedented rate. For certain, very little is said about the future cost of their “Green Deal" theories. According to some, the future cost of the Green Deal is phenomenal, and even now, this pie in the sky theory is actually losing money hand over fist.
Ms. Jessica McDonald of Factcheck.org asks:
How Much Will the ‘Green New Deal’ Cost?By Jessica McDonald
Posted on March 14, 2019
“The Green New Deal, she said, is a set of ambitions, not policies, and how much things cost will depend on what the policies are.
“You can’t use policy analysis if you don’t have policy,” said Kaufman, who previously served as President Barack Obama’s deputy associate director of energy and climate change. “It just seems definitely premature and a little misleading to try to claim we know how much.”
In another report, Consultancy firm McKinsey, they indicate:
"The "Consultancy firm McKinsey says total global spending by governments, businesses and individuals on energy and land-use systems will need to rise by $3.5 trillion a year, every year, if we are to have any chance of getting to net-zero in 2050.
"That’s a 60% increase on today’s level of investment and is equivalent to half of global corporate profits, a quarter of world tax revenue and 7% of household spending. A further $1 trillion would also need to be reallocated from high-emission to low-carbon assets."
"“Achieving net-zero emissions by 2050 would entail a fundamental transformation of the global economy,” McKinsey says in the report, titled The Net-Zero Transition: What it Would Cost, What it Could Bring?." https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2022/01/net-zero-cost-3-5-trillion-a-year/
The Implications while Earth is in the Armageddon
Considering that the cost of the “New Green Deal” is theoretical, not a bad price tag. At least, one fact about the American budget, however, is that Americans are about the only people who do NOT know this “Green Deal,” by ordinary budgetary considerations, is that the U.S. Treasury is bankrupt. Not just for the sake of news. No. The U.S. is rapidly loosing its abiltiy to buy and sell on the world market where more and more countries, not in the Satanic, Biden Mafia grip, are buying and selling using the gold they have stored in their banks.
But neither are most Americans particularly savvy about what it all this means for them or America. Sooner or later the fact America is bankrupt will catch up with the American economy and banking system. For instance, we are not talking funny money. We are talking about Satanic forces robbing you of your ability to buy and sell. You are losing the ability to by and sell just as effectively as dropping a nuke on you neighborhood. But do you remember the Bible, of all things? You know, like how the Armageddon is going to single out the real criminals on Earth?
We are talking about America having what amounts to zero purchasing power. We are not just talking being short of money to pay our bills. While Americans are used to buying and selling and paying their bills with dollars, all of that dollar action is being taken away from America. Without some kind of money, America's only real assets are the land and buildings we own. This fact highlights an additional problem, that the United States is becoming one of the few countries with NO gold or metals assets to pay for American purchases in the future. No money for food, housing or clothing. Discussing the hidden, desperate realities may, within the context we are discussing, explain just how Satanic forces are, up to now, managing to steal you, the American's, blind. But that is not true for Russia or Afghanistan or Iraq, for instance. How so, you might ask?
The problem is that without internationally accepted gold and precious metals in the treasury, there are no assets to use to buy and sell life supporting items on the new, incoming, world market.
The Approaching Bottom Line
You may understand, then, that ALL of the markets of the world are changing into a "non-dollar," "gold only" market place, WHILE THE BIDEN Satanists, "Green Deal" bunch, are paying no attention at all. Part of the bottom line, then, is who do you think are going to win in the Armageddon? The "New Russian--Iraqi God backed market," or the bankrupt "New Green Deal" backed by the worthless Satanic, Biden, unelected government leader "new Green Deal Dollars?"
Invisibility prevails for clueless Americans as the world progresses toward a better, internationally acceptable means of bartering such as is happening in Russia & Iraq who are selling their oil for pure gold, and buying goods on the world market with that gold. The Satanic supporting Biden, and his un-elected theoretically genius handlers, are financially speaking, destroying the United States rather than admitting they are defeated by the Russians and other gold baked currencies: We might add, with the advent of Weapons for food being tossed out the financial windows of the world, that old standard of destroying people who have out smarted you will vanish as the true Armageddon takes over the Earth.
All in all, the Biden genius's, like the bully who can't get his way on the playground, are faced with having to pound the crap out of the good kids who are on the gold standard, or be thrown out of school. Similar, I suppose you could say, to the really bad guys or Satanists being thrown off Earth in Armageddon fashion. But WHY? How did this come about? What power is so revolutionary it can defeat the most cleaver bankers in the world who have ruled won the wars and reigned supreme for decades.
More clearly, then, Biden and crew and the Satanically owned and operated SWIFT or the Satanically controlled international banking system has squandered its worldwide gold assets doing bad, murderous things throughout the world.
This scheme of squandering the world's gold assets, which should be the backbone of a God inspired financial system, has also included bankrupting America without Americans being any the wiser. So, if God is going to save the good guys on Earth during the present Armageddon, how will that work? And, be assured, there is a well, well thought out, very workable plan now being put into effect.
To start with, other countries ARE reading the hand writing on the wall. They have chosen to not treat the new Galactic Federation Quantum Banking System as some kind ot “Conspiracy Theory.” However, unlike the Biden Satanists, who are obsessed with the "New Green Deal" to the total exclusion of all other possibilities are getting themselves educated on the Galactic engineered and supported Quantum banking system. The true dummies end being, surprise of surprises, the Biden type Satanists who simply cannot give up their “Green Deal -- Uber Alles.”
The darkening bottom line
The darkening bottom line is there is simply no American gold to barter with. In other words, Satanic are slowly being squeezed out of a market place that is becoming "gold only" money system. Any countries that are NOT tossing out the Satanically created SWIFT/BIS/IMF monetary system are not going to allowed to have any part of the new, off world Quantum system. This is important to know because the Galactic Federation and “or Father who art in Heaven” currently contol the vast Banking System. And, any people who cannot meet Quantum standards will have no chance to trade on the Quantum Banking system. And, will be automatically excluded. And no wonder. When it comes to who controls the vast, almost endless quantities of Gold found on Earth, this control is nominally in the hands of the Galactic Federation and St. Germain. Immense tons and tons of Gold are being held for the day when most countries understand how Satan controls the world. But first the people of the world must demand that the good guys “throw the Satanists out!”
But, unlike many foreign countries who understand the reality of the Galactic Federation and gold backed Quantum banking system, the United States is kept in near total ignorance by a centuries old Satanic education and religious system of smoke and mirrors while the rest of the world is being educated in a new "inter/Galactic" reality and understanding. On the other hand, it is the representatives of the Dark Empires, like Biden and crew, who adamantly support Satan and his minions.
Where some countries may have gold to back their currency, such as Russia who is selling their oil for pure gold, (and becoming a hero of the Galactic Federation), it is different elsewhere in much of the world. Pure gold has long since been degraded and eliminated by your Washington, Biden, Satanic geniuses who do not have one iota of gold to insure that the U.S. has any future at all. Today, the gold which had been disbursed into the hands of the Satanists leaders, has been confiscated by “Our Father” and the Galactic Federation, under the stewardship of St. Germain.
In simpler terms, you, as an American, by allowing the pretender Biden to run the nation. are being deliberately and Satanically left out of the Ascension process in which the incoming Divine Abundance of NESARA & GESARA. Now, the Divine Abundance being held by the Galactic Federation and St. Germain, is beginning to be distributed throughout the world. And that is being done using the intergalactic Quantum Banking System. Accept, of course, for the Biden controlled United States and in whatever allied countries who cooperate with the Satanically dominated U.S.
You can understand, then, that the "Green Deal" is nothing more than an a Satanically dreamed up way to distract you from believing in the power of God and the Christ that is within all God's Children who do have the Light of Christ. And the Christ light is within all his other non/Dark Empire planet populations. The people from other God's true Godly creations from other planets are here to help. So, let us look at the budgetary reality for the Satanically created "Green Deal" which, which you are “allowed” to understand or assume, can be financed, and there is not much you can do about it. This smoke and mirror maneuvering, according to the extreme leftists, is the ONLY way to save the world. St. Germain and the Galactic Federation, however, have other ideas.
The Truth Regarding Biden's
“The Green Deal”
At the outset of our narrative, it is necessary to understand that every cent of a “Green Deal” budget is imaginary, AND every imaginary cent that is supposed to be real gold in our government accounts to pay for American bills, illustrates that the U.S. can not pay her expenses, much less paying for all of which includes financing the “Green deal.”
Thus it will be easy to see that, like the imaginary ability of America to pay her bills, the ability of Biden to pay for the “Green Deal” is also totally imaginary, being nothing more than a way to distract American attention away from the dire, Satanic straights the U.S. Government is in.
In fact, “There is plenty of open source news to confirm the BIS (Bank of Internatiol Settlement), the UN, the IMF (the International Monitary Fund), the World Bank and their UNITED STATES OF AMERICA CORPORATION have run out of money (meaning gold). That is why money promised by the IMF to places like Pakistan and Sri Lanka never materializes.” https://benjaminfulford.net/ Ben Fulford July 18, 2022 Lankaevermaterializes.” https://benjaminfulford.net/ Ben Fulford July 18, 2022
Yet, the "Green New Deal" moves blindly ahead, oblivious to the obvious. And, like the Titanic, the American monetary system is taking the deep six without the American citizen being any the wizer, until it is too late.
In his 7-18-22 article, “Countdown to US implosion begins after failure of Biden Mid-East trip,” Benjamin Fulford indicates Obama and Alan Greenspan have all been involved in concealing the dire condition of the U.S. Budget. Ben Fulford reports: “In any case, the Obama ruse convinced the Asians to hand over 700 tons of gold to the Federal Reserve Board under Alan Greenspan. This was leveraged over a thousand-fold to create $23 trillion that kept the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA CORPORATION going until 2020.
“When the money ran out in January of 2020 the (Satanic) Khazarian Mafia-controlled West responded with a massive bio-weapons and vaccine attack. They hoped to murder enough people so that they could stay in power. This effort has failed.” https://benjaminfulford.net/S
Now, after showing the world exactly how psychotic, or out of touch with international relations Biden's handlers are, the United States has become dangerously unpredictable, and is a potential tyrannical threat to other countries. To many foreign observers of America, there appears to be a form of surreal leadership going on in the United States government. America has become, in the eyes of some, a mirage, or an “Alice in Wonderland” government. A government which is becoming more and and more dangerous to her own citizens in addition to the rest of the world.
Nevertheless, the theme, the hellish “Green” promise of the world being killed by being boiled to death under a relentless sun keeps marching on. To the Satanic far left of American policy, the “Green Deal” must be politically positions as the supreme promise of God's punishment for the growing pool of “Green Deal” non-believers.
This “Green Deal, Uber Alles" mentality, and the behind the scenes dealings by Biden's government has brought the U.S. to the humiliating situation where Biden and America are helplessly trapped by the deliberate, unsanctioned shut down of U.S. oil production, while demanding you, the American citizen, pay exorbitant prices for foreign oil that is of poorer quality than America's own Texas crude oil.
Making America's embarrassment complete, Biden stands before the world stage, and finds himself unable to turn on the U.S. Oil spicket, and would rather grovel at the feat of the Middle East dictators, trying to instigate a nearly universally unwanted war. It is hard to imagine how the Biden's extremist Democrat handlers, can humiliate themselves and the U.S. any further!
As if had created only one answer to world problems, Biden and crew have become so totally dedicated to a theory about “Green,” that they can't imagine turning on the U.S. oil spigot, and maybe even recovering some of their self invented, national and world zero self respect.
While the implications of Biden and his extreme leftist “Greenies” are extremely unstable and dangerous, in the eyes of the world, the reverberations of their gross stupidity and neglect of the reputation for U.S. World leadership, has much deeper implications than one might think. Implications, which are invisible to the simple minded Biden playground bullies, who continue shattering the U.S. Reputation as a world leading country. But then, there is the every biblical promise of an oncoming Armageddon to think about.
One may want to ask, at this point, what does all of this have to do with the ever present threat of the Armageddon? One way or another the connection will become apparent.
But, like the big bully in the playground, when the bully fails to back up his posturing with common sense action and strength, his reputation and ability to control the school yard vanishes. This is what is happening with Biden (and handlers) nonsensical posturing on the world stage as they prepare to starve the U.S. people while using weapons, in place of cash, to buy ally type cooperation from foreign countries.
Clearly the United States is not acting like a confident, fair, thoughtful country whose behavior toward other countries can be depended upon. And, like on the kindergarten playground, the bully U.S. is becoming a paper tiger who everyone else can no longer take seriously.
Ben Fulford, who is a well respected international reporter, has quite a bit to say about America which Americans, while living in the “bully” country, cannot see as clearly. To begin with, he and an awful lot of foreigners see Biden as a fake, bully president.
Along with this serious reduction of respect for the Untied States, the main event will be the fall of the old time politics in the U.S. and around the world.
Mr. Benjamin Fulford states:
Benjamin Fulford 7/18/2022
By Windlander Weekly Video Reports 10 Comments
“The fake US President Biden failed to get oil on his recent begging trip to the Middle East. This means the countdown for the implosion of the US and Western Europe (governments) has begun. Revolution is in the air and there will be no turning back, multiple sources agree.
“Biden’s handlers’ hoped to use Iran as an “enemy” in order to justify massive arms sales in exchange for oil. Saudi ambassador to Washington Remma bint Bandar Al Saud summed up the region’s thinking when she dismissed the “oil-for-security paradigm” as “outdated and reductionist.” No weapons for oil means no oil for the US and its’ client states. No oil means no economic activity.
°The Khazarian mafia meanwhile, like a dying beast, is spitting out fear porn (i.e. COVID), bio-weapons and threatening war in a desperate effort to stave off the inevitable. However, their medical mafia is being systematically hunted down and killed as this video media shows. …...” At: https://benjaminfulford.net/
“…....Let us now look at the real meaning of “Biden’s” visit to the Middle East. His failure to get continued free oil in exchange for money printed out of nothing is going to have ramifications far beyond the United States. It will mean the end of the BIS (Bank for International Settlements), the UN, the EU and perhaps even the Papacy.
“To understand why this is, we need to review a little bit of background material. First, the BIS, or central bank of central banks, was founded in 1930 using Asian gold. This gold was lent to the Germans to help them pay their obligations under the Treaty of Versailles signed at the end of World War I. In exchange, the Asians were promised the United Nations would be set up as a world parliament with the ancient royal families of East and West (the dragon family) acting as background supervisors.
More at: https://benjaminfulford.net/ “Countdown to US implosion begins after failure of Biden Mid-East trip“ – – July 18-2022
The bottom line is that there are massive, massive changes coming to the governments of the world as St. Germain, and the new comers we characterize as the Sheriff's of Universal Law who are taking over and setting up new governments of the world, and eliminating, including shooting on site the criminal, Satanists of the Earth.
In all of this upheaval, remember, the smoke and mirrors education of Earth says: “Because residents of other worlds are unknown and unseen by Earth people. A subtle trick being played by the Satanics means you are allowed, by Satanists, to falsely believe that people on other worlds can not see you and therefor do not exist!”
7-26-2022 cont'd
Enforcement of Universal Law is Coming to Planet Earth
Keeping in mind that there is a lot, a whole lot of crime on Earth: And that Earth is viewed by others who live on other planets, as a sort of Wild West type planet where lawlessness is more common than on most any other planet the people in the Galactic Federation are intimately familiar with. That is a perspective you do not have because you can't have a perspective of people who, in your minds, do not exist!
What perspective, then, do we need to view Universal Law from? To start with, you can look around at different conditions on your planet of Earth. Your planet is literally saturated with evil most people have little way of learning about. From Heaven's perspective, Earth is a school for souls who need intensive experience in what a society that is controlled by Satanists of the worst ilk is like.
From our perspective in outer space and Heaven, Earth is the Satanic headquarters for the worst criminals of the worst ilk in the Milky Way Galaxy.
This situation on Earth is so chronic that most any discussion will be delinquent in one way or another when a person expects to find a totally inclusive description of all the possible ways Earth Satanists violate Universal Law. This fact may, then, help you understand why practically no one on Earth believes there is anyone else in the Galaxy or the Universe with live people. With that said, one of the number one rules of Universal Law is that it is illegal, and is a "punishable by death" to allow Satanists to leave Earth. Conversely people are tightly controlled and "vetted" and carefully observed who come to Earth for any type of "Divine" mission.
A more general application of this law of containment of Satanism is that Earth, like most planets in the Galaxies and Universes without end, humans are created by the God Earth honors which is the God creator who places the Christ light within all his creation, and that plays a central part in Universal Law.
It is illegal, under Universal Law, to extinguish the Christ Light within any God created being until that being's mission on Earth is completed. And, this is a very sticky point from the point of view of most people living on Earth. For history will show that everyday life on Earth is rife with Satanic practices which extinguish parts or aspects of the Christ light which God or the "Creator" places on Earth. It is far, far, far, far worse than people understand.
Before could go into animal life while discussing Universal Law, it is sufficient for the moment, to mention one of the most controversial aspect of Universal Law, abortion.
For all practical purposes the light if Christ is placed in a newly conceived child at conception. It is the right of a woman, who carries the embryo's of the children of the future, to follow the God light within to choose the next father of her child, and this is indeed a holy responsibility which she viciously abrocates when she decides God also gives her the right to extinguish that light. To put it quite directly, convenient abortion as absolutely in violation of Universal Law. You are, in effect, killing Christ on Earth committing “convenient” abortion.
With that said, we now focus on the Divine Duty of leaders to be the conduit of the Creator's Love, and to ensure that all beings embodying the Christ Light, also enjoy the joy of Divine Abundance. And in that, as with the continuous mistreatment of children, killing and eating God's children, and sacrificing them, making adrenochrome out of the blood from children purposefully terrified beyond belief, partially illustrates the extreme, and we emphasize, the extreme (X (times) billions extreme, depravity of the elite, or what are called Satansts and Satan worshipers of Earth.
Let us be as forthright as possible to help you understand that these Satanist worshipers, some of who are among the most popular and well known, well thought of people on Earth. They are killers of the worst kind.
July – Message 7-18-22As geen an interesting last few days. Besides having to keep changing our schedules for our sister-inlaw, eye doctor, regular doctor Friday, and on and on. Right when it started getting hot a few days ago we had to have our car in for brake repair. We got out van out and the air was gone in that car so the last few days have been terrible driving around for two weeks in 90 degree weather. Got mild heat stroke that stays with me for too long. Not used the heat like when I was younger. Topped off the last 2 weeks with a wedding near Bath, Michigan.
Was on a farm called “Peacock Family Farm.” All very interesting and hot enough Sunday to keep my heat problem going. So, sorry to report we have had a rather un-happy last few days. Very tiring.
My writing is going pretty well. Have been getting over 5,000 “hits” on my articles which is increasing so far. So, other than that and feeling tired a lot and am trying to get some rest. It seems like there is a lot to report but when I start writing, don't like thinking about it all. I feel like I am trying to get through a barrier. Keep dong Archangel Raphael-s healing decree and I think some of feeling off is because of things going on in my health. Will keep on doing it until I can tell for sure. So, I guess that is about it for now. Hopefully I will have a little more to say pretty soon. One of the recent difficulties is the dissension going on on C-s family about how to care for the sister-in law. Really hate all the pissing and moaning. Drains your strength. Was a definite drain during the wedding. Will go for now. Hope all are well. Have a great Tuesday.
Here is some interesting, in view of how the present banking system is going belly up. Talks about how to deal with trusts, banks and the dangers of staying with the old, present banking system.
Cordially, AS
7-3-22 --- More on world affairs:
The below article by Mr. Ben Fulford, a reporter who has survived multiple assassination attempts over the years to bring the important, true stories you can read below and on his internet sight: Highly recommended, Fulford is the reporter among reporters, and highly regarded by Far East readers.
7-27-2022 Message – From Mr. Ben Fulford – “In an echo of History, Angela Hitler gathered her lieutenants at her father’s castle in Bavaria to vow to fight the last Ukrainian in the face of inevitable defeat by overwhelming Russian forces. This so-called G7 meeting is part of an emergency gathering of Khazarian mafia leaders who now face both military defeat and war crimes tribunals.
“A look at the situation in Europe, the US and around the world makes it very clear we are dealing with the end of an era. Even the Jerusalem Post, the flagship newspaper for the former Khazarian mafia stronghold of Israel, admits this now:
“We are nearing the death of the old geopolitical system and of the world order that has kept repeating itself from the medieval ages.
“It seems, finally, that this cycle of plague, war and famine will be the last of Western hegemony and the birth of a new world order, a new world order which will probably bring back the balance of power to Asia and Africa, which were the centers of global wealth and power long before the industrial revolution.
“Let us start with the situation in Ukraine. In a sign of total military defeat, Ukrainian “recruiters” are now snatching people from their houses, the streets, restaurants and entertainment facilities and sending them untrained and poorly armed to the front lines. “A large number of seasoned Nazis were put out of action and those reservists who are now sent into battle aren’t fit for the task,” military expert Colonel Viktor Baranets told RT.
“Grabbing people off the streets and putting them into ditches to get killed by artillery is a clear sign of the imminent and total collapse of the Ukrainian military.........”
Article of 6-27-2022: cont'd at: https://benjaminfulford.net/
7-3-2022 Message – OK, everything is up and running and am typing this out on my word processor to save before I try posting it to my site like I tried last night. Last night is a perfect example of what is goiin gon lately. Barriers constantly popping up keeping me from getting things done. Almost the fourth of July. Firecrackers were going off last night already. Hope the rumors are true that something good may happen to help celebrate the 4th. Doesn't really seem that way so far. Like, to me, the main thing that could happen is to have Biden and his communist crew put in chains. They are the most blind, idiotic politicians I have ever seen. They have no care for the people. At any rate, I guess I should have started out with “happy fourth of July,” but other things keep interfering.
Some other things going on are getting my eyes fixed up with new lenses. My right eye is done, after having to go to BC to cancel the surgery once because no one to call at 6am about potential problems with surgery. Now left eye needs a new lens, although it is not nearly as bad as the right had been. Had it scheduled last week to be done in Jackson. Had high blood pressure at 5am when we were supposed get on the road to Jackson. BP was a surprise at 209, so did not want to travel til I got it down. Took some Natural oil and got down to 160 in about 5 or 10 minutes. Tried and tried and tried to call them to ask them if the natural oil will interfere with the operation. Could not get a hold of anyone including their answering service to get a yes or no answer for surgery. I was not going to drive 150 miles round trip to be told to go back home like happened the week before on the right eye. Goofy group. Anyway, the right is doing quite well.
Through all of this nonsense the brakes on car number #1 went bad. Car number 2 runs great but the air quit and is a big part of why I have so much trouble with heat in the midst of the eyes and sister in law problems. One barrier or another has popped up to getting a little rest til the last couple of days.
One nice surprise was that the readership for my writing went up over 4,000 readers or “hits,” like 4,700 readers accessed my site.
But, as you can gather things have been hectic lately. Sister in law keeps almost dying and is a very, very negative person, making life very miserable for anyone of us who tries to help her. She is literally killing herself with a really rotten attitude. A lot of people are helping her including at home. Sad situation.
Wish I had more positive things to report. Not much going on otherwise except I apparently have a little heat stroke and now have diarrhea that won't quite which is partly caused by candida in my system. Just cannot beat this candida crap. Very disgusting.. Don't trust the doctors much anymore so I am stuck with what I have apparently.
Believe it or not, am doing quite well otherwise. Get around very well with walking. Have been feeling pretty good otherwise. Our kitties are all dong quite well. The daughter moved back from Florida so we had to help a little with some furniture that did not arrive from Florida. We “delivered” some minimum breakfast and dinner furniture til theirs arrives and Battle Creek.
That about raps it up for now. Will clean up our sun porch today a little. Beautiful day over here. Hope all are well. Cordially, AS
6-11-02 ---1208am A hectic day today. Could not sleep well last night. Went to sleep in the morning and slept until noon.
Could not really wake up for the rest of the day on our trip to Battle Creek to see our daughter who just moved back from Florida. Part of the situation was that I made a sort of break through with my I AM prayers that seemed to affect my emotions quite deeply. Will have to let you know more about how that happened when I get woken up more tomorrow. Sorry for such a short report. Hope all is well. Cordially, AS
6-12-02 ---1208am I have been doing some of my meditation on what sex would be like in the 4th or 5th dimensions, and of course it all seems imaginary to me in the sense that we still live in a 3 dimensional world. But, I did find a video by a woman who has been trying to figure the same things, made in 2016 I believe. Yesterday was an interesting day with my daughter and "significant other" having arrived back from Florida with household furniture and the whole deal. Almost, anyway. They did get their huge hummer back ok along with their fancy, super hot, latest technology Chevy Corvette (God knows what that cost) with a rear end engine. He is crazy about fancy, expensive cars. Very socially conscious. Used to own the Battle Creek Comedy Club years ago, so he has to keep up appearances. Just the opposite of me. Want nothing to do with social climbing. Just keep me anonymous. Anyway, they are safe and sound even if he did lose, apparently, a $10,000 load of stuff some trucking company made off with. But, here is a video which is one of several I have watched over the years, and seems to be the one I can sort of relate to. Something different is certainly coming as we, Earth, "graduate" into 4 and 5 and 6t dimensions, which I suppose, still sort of contains our present 3 diemnsions in some strange way. Who knows.. But here it is:
"Pleiadians: How they Have Sex/ How they Choose A Mate--" (in the higher dimensions.) Have a great 12th. Cordially, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rHuA0LvY6ko
This healing prayer or call the Archangel is the ONLY thing I have found which has gotten rid of the candida in my system. For the first time in 40 or more years I do not itch all the time, especially when I take Niacin. Good luck. Just keep at it, like dedicate yourself. Cordially, AS
4.25.2022 Glasson with Archangel Raphael, Healing call or prayer.
I have been using this call for about 3 to 4 weeks, following instructions. Reading the call 3 times a day.
Located on internet at> https://omna.org/a-greater-purpose-to-requesting-healing-by-archangel-raphael/
Greetings, I am Archangel Raphael, I come forth to you with my Angelic Healing Team to share wisdom and high vibrational healing transmissions. I wish to encourage you to ask for healing from me, Archangel Raphael, my Angelic Healing Team and in truth any guide you resonate with upon the inner planes. Asking and requesting healing for yourself is now essentially important, as healing is not only a transference of energy or a physical aid, it develops your connection with the Creator allows you to support the lives of others. As you ask for healing, whether out loud or in your mind, you are creating a pillar of light that flows from the inner planes into and through your being. The more light you anchor into your being the easier it will be for you to manifest and experience the qualities of the Creator within you. Through requesting healing, you merge yourself with the Creator and experience the power of oneness with the Creator as you go about your everyday life. Below
are some examples to assist you in anchoring a healing for yourself:
Part 1 . between the red (=============) lines
1st part I do this section, along with part 2 once a day in the morning.
The ritual is-- Parts 1 and 2 around 8:00am
Part 2 once more aat noon and once more in the evening.
Part 1 to read
I do this section in red once a day, along with doing the 2nd part in red alsol.
‘I ask to be aligned to the healing energy of Archangel Raphael, allow me to accept and experience a healing that is appropriate for me.’
‘I ask Archangel Raphael and the Angels of Healing to surround me completely in a bubble of healing and nurturing light. I ask that your healing light assists me in increasing my light quotient, realising my abilities of acceptance, transformation and anchoring the consciousness of the Creator that I require currently in my life to activate my Creator presence within me. Assist me to in embodying the wholeness and completeness of the Creator’s light within me, building my bond with the Creator and inspiring others to do so. Let it be.’
‘I invoke the powerful loving consciousness of Archangel Raphael, the Angels of Healing and the Creator to penetrate my aura dissolving all negative energies, emotions or thought patterns. I invoke the powerful loving consciousness of Archangel Raphael, the Angels of Healing and the Creator to penetrate my physical body converting all negative consciousness of pain, suffering, illness and disease into positive loving consciousness of the highest vibration. I invoke the powerful loving consciousness of Archangel Raphael, the Angels of Healing and the Creator to particularly penetrate (part of your body) to manifest perfect glowing health. I am open to my energies shifting so that my entire being is aligned to the light of the Creator, experiencing a continuous awakening process.’
‘I am open to a healing from Archangel Raphael and wish to ask you to predominantly assist me in understanding the purpose and meaning of my current suffering so that I may realise the lesson that the Creator wishes me to overcome, achieving perfect health with ease.’
‘I ask Archangel Raphael to activate my natural healing abilities, my natural ability of absorbing and deciphering the consciousness of the Creator, gaining mastery over the skills of acceptance, shifting and anchoring healing vibrations. Allow me to feel, sense or acknowledge your healing vibrations
and my own healing, caring and awakening light flowing from my being. Thank you.’
‘I invoke the healing presence of Archangel Raphael to channel the consciousness of love, balance, peace and equality between the masculine and feminine aspect of the Creator into my being. Please allow me to experience the blissful and joyous vibrations and consciousness of the angelic
‘I ask for an intensive healing from Archangel Raphael, the Angels of Healing and the Creator. I ask for an intensive awakening, embodiment of light and consciousness, and connection with the Creator. Allow all negative blockages within my physical and spiritual body to fall away so that I may focus on building my bond with the Creator. Thank you.’
You may use one or many of these invocations to aid your connection with me, Archangel Raphael, and the Creator. I will support you in receiving an appropriate healing and a deeper connection with the Creator.
Anchoring the Creator’s Energies of Acceptance, Transformation and Love
The Creator realised within my expression and energy, Archangel Raphael, the quality of healing, caring, the ability to help and soul connection and evolution. Helping and caring for people is in fact one of my many purposes; sharing the most essential energies to aid their growth. We can now see that every soul has the ability to heal because every soul can, if they wish to, devote themselves to caring for themselves, and caring and helping others through the process of anchoring the Creator’s energies of acceptance, transformation and love. I feel this message is very simple and yet vitally important because it helps you to realise how easy it can be to embody the light of the Creator, creating transformations in your life and the lives of others.
A Greater Purpose to Accepting Healing
There is a greater purpose to my current communication and encouragement of requesting healing for yourself. My purpose is to alert you to the transformation that is available to take place within humanity through the simple process of requesting healing. This transformation is the shifting and rebirth of your energetic vibrational pattern especially at a physical body level.
Humanity has created a template of existence through their thoughts of how a physical body manifests on the Earth generating this over many generations and civilisations. It is akin to a knowledge or understanding of human life that is embedded into the physical form and consciousness of a human passed down through generations. These simple beliefs dictate the appearance of a person, how they should act and react, what is available and possible for them on the Earth and in truth most things that every person experiences on the Earth. It is akin to DNA;
information, characteristics, features and mannerisms passed through generations. Of course, every physical person is different, and the soul can influence the manifestation of their physical body depending on the lessons they wish to learn. This template has evolved and changed and yet all
humans hold the same consciousness which manifests within their physical bodies.
With more people awakening and the vibration of the Earth quickening. The information, template or coded consciousness within each physical being is no longer appropriate or relevant to the current day ascension. This has been transforming for some time now, however, I, Archangel Raphael and my Angelic Healing Team wish to boost, transform or upgraded humanity’s template of existence held within their physical bodies in order for their physical bodies to equal the light of their souls.
Many of you are already experiencing and receiving updates to your energies and the consciousness of your physical body. It is important to realise that this needs to happen on a mass scale. I, Archangel Raphael wish to support the release of pain, strives, suffering, negative thoughts and false beliefs held within the consciousness or cellular structure of the physical body of all from current reality and from generations ago. Now is the time to release old energies from the physical body and allow a new higher positive vibration and consciousness to anchor to support your soul’s development. If your physical body’s particles, cellular structure and physical manifestation hold a lower vibration then this will only ensure your vibrations remain at a lower level. By increasing the vibration held within your physical body you allow yourself to link into higher dimensions and assist in releasing the limitations and cloak of fear that obstructs and weakens humanity.
Currently when people on the Earth are asking for healing, with the permission of their soul, we, the Angels and Archangels work with the energy of their physical body to allow fears and limitations from their own reality and that of the generations before them to be released, bringing a greater freedom to their energies. This manifests an improved health and vitality, a renewed vibrancy to their body and its function on a physical and spiritual level. It is simply a healing with focus on the physical body and releasing old energy patterns. This practice enables the person to create a consciousness within their physical body and cellular structure that is appropriate for them, gaining a greater sense of mastery.
If you wish to experience this healing process to aid your spiritual growth and to assist in your physical body gradually being converted into pure Creator light, then you may use this invocation to assist in the healing and activation.
Part II. I do this section in red 3 times a day. Like I do parts 1 and 2 together around 8am, in the morning and part 2 two more times during the day.
I do this part 3 times a day
Healing and Activation for Your Physical Body
‘Archangel Raphael, Archangels and Angels of Healing, my beloved guides and the Creator, I call upon your sacred presence, support and protection. Please balance and prepare my energies so I may be open to converting the consciousness and light vibration of my physical body.
I ask that you now channel the pure and blissful angelic and Creator healing energies into my energy and physical body. Please allow me to accept a higher vibration of light, a purer vibration of love and a new positive consciousness, anchoring this deep into my physical body, flesh, bones, blood, organs, DNA and cellular structure.
I ask that all negative past programming, consciousness, beliefs and fears stored within my body from previous generations on the Earth and from my current lifetime on the Earth are dissolved, released now with ease and perfection.
Please assist this conversion of energy within my physical body, ensuring that this is a gradual process of peace and increased perfect health. Please anchor into my being and energy your support and assistance.
My physical body now holds the pure light, love and consciousness of my soul, soul group and the Creator to aid my further spiritual development on the Earth, free from fear or doubt, embraced in love and positivity. Thank you and let it be.’
Take time to imagine, sense or acknowledge the healing, rejuvenating and activating light flowing into your physical body, sit or lie in peace until you feel the process is complete.
In constant support and love, 14
Archangel RaphaelMore Archangel Raphael
4-24-2022 What the (KABAL OWNED)
Associated Press News is not telling you
“We are being lied to at such a level it is difficult for people to comprehend.”
Karen Kingston (https://operationdisclosureofficial.com)
Fauci and others taken to court essentially charged with “Crimes against humanity.”.
And yes, we include the ICC court cases which clearly validate these claims.
Did you know that ANY Doctor or government giving COVID shots, without advising the patient of alternate treatments, is in violation of an over 70 year old International Law prohibiting this practice. Did you know 10,000 doctors world wide are suing CDC and drug companies, criminally, in an international criminal court?
Did you your doctor is required to inform you of your human and Physical body rights under international criminal Law. The less than ethical nature of some of the medical enterprise is slowly being recognized for who they are. This assessment extends to theoretical anti/COVID injections.
7 Different Patented Poisons in CV19 Injections – Karen Kingston
By Greg Hunter –
Drug companies, themselves, call their COVID Injections, “Bio-Weapons.”
“Karen Kingston is a biotech analyst and a former Pfizer employee who has researched and written about many aspects of the so-called CV19 vaccines. It was never intended to cure anything, and the paperwork proves it at Big Pharma and the CDC.”
Kingston explains, “We are being lied to at such a level it is difficult for people to comprehend. The American people and global citizens were told the injections were vaccines. In fact, when you look at the patents, they call them bio-weapons. They call them ‘toxins,’ they call them ‘agents of chemical biowarfare”. . . . Specifically, there is a 2017 patent related to what they are calling a ‘vaccine.’ The patent is titled ‘Vaccine Nanotechnology.’ . . .It is owned by the NIH, and when you read this nanotechnology patent in section 9, it clearly states in some embodiments, the small molecule is a toxin, a toxin from a chemical weapon, an agent of biowarfare. What they call a ‘vaccine’ in the patent, they say we are going to inject people with bioweapons.”
“So, instead of getting one experimental mRNA injection, could people be injected with a cocktail of separate and different spike proteins? Kinston says, “I am hypothesizing based on the spike proteins having separate patents and separate licensing deals. The scientists say they jimmied the spike protein independent of the mRNA viral sequence. What I am saying, in some of what they are calling vaccines, yes, people are being injected with mRNA producing spike proteins. They can also be injected directly with spike proteins . . . made separately and frozen separately. These spike proteins do have their own patents, they do have their own separate licensing agreements. . . . So, the spike proteins could be made separately and frozen separately, these poisons, and then encapsulated and stuck in the formulation. That is what I am saying. . . . Keep in mind, in the world patent . . . it says in some embodiments can include a delivery device, and that can deliver an agent or a toxin over a period of hours, days, weeks, months or years. . . . This is important for a legal reason because every lawsuit says people were injected with mRNA, which produces a toxin, which is a spike protein. But it turns out, the toxin was in there independent of the mRNA. . . . It’s not a vax. It’s just a direct bioweapon.”
“Kingston says all kinds of problems are coming from the CV19 shots and the different patented spike proteins in them......” More at: https://operationdisclosureofficial.com/2022/04/20/greg-hunters-usawatchdog-karen-kingston-7-different-patented-poisons-in-cv19-injections/
Regarding Dr. Reiner Fuellmich, who is heading up the assault against Big Pharma, one article asks:
“Should the technocrats who pushed governments to lockdown their citizens be tried for crimes against humanity?
“One prominent German lawyer, Dr. Reiner Fuellmich, [in photo below] who is also licensed to practice law in America, thinks they should. And he is organizing a team of thousands of participating lawyers who want to prosecute a “second Nuremberg tribunal” against a cadre of international elites responsible for what he calls the “corona fraud scandal.”
“Fuellmich was on the legal team that won a major lawsuit against German automaker Volkswagen in a 2015 case involving tampered catalytic converters in the U.S. He also was involved in a lawsuit that exposed one of Germany’s largest banks, Deutsche Bank, as a criminal enterprise.
“The bank was recently ordered by the U.S. Justice Department to pay $130 million to resolve corrupt practices that included money laundering, bribery and fraud between the years 2009 and 2016.
“Fuellmich is licensed to practice law in Germany and the state of California.
He believes the frauds committed by Volkswagen and Deutsche Bank pale in comparison to the damage wrought by those who sold the Covid-19.”
We end with this report regarding a case before the International Criminal Court entitled:
Gates, Fauci, and Daszak charged with Genocide in Court Filin
by Justus R. Hope, MD
Dec 20, 2021 Updated Mar 14, 2022
“In a stunning 46-page legal filing to the International Criminal Court on December 6, an intrepid attorney and seven applicants accused Anthony Fauci, Peter Daszak, Melinda Gates, William Gates III, and twelve others of numerous violations of the Nuremberg Code. These included various crimes against humanity and war crimes as defined by the Rome Statutes, Articles 6, 7, 8, 15, 21, and 53.” Further references include:
Besides the four kingpins, twelve others were named, including the CEOs of the leading vaccine corporations and the health leaders held accountable for the United Kingdom.
4-14-2022 -- Banking Failure Updates
Hit the Internet News Like a Storm
Here is information, most of which should be verifiable in the near future if not today: Massive solar storm a ccompanied by massive international banking storm which is tearing up the banking industry as world finances move more and more toward a world wide, gold backed banking sytem:
“Massive Solar Storm to Hit Earth Today
Biden Flown to Camp David
Congress Paid Their Last Paycheck, Told to Go Home and Stay There
“Central Banks Across the World in Bankruptcy and Closing
None of Which Was Being Covered by the Mainstream Media
“We Are All Part of God’s Family:
“A Beloved Community of Sisters and Brothers Around the World”
"January 16, 2022- #4818 Music & the Spoken Word (thetabernaclechoir.org)
“We are sisters and brothers journeying together for a season on this beautiful planet. As such, we owe it to one another to be and do a little better. True sisters and brothers set aside animosity, self-centeredness and smallness to enlarge our hearts and minds to the people around us. Despite our differences, we’re family so we rise above the bitterness and hostility, the intolerance and anger of the day. We dig down deep to find and share God’s love with our brothers and sisters across the street and around the world.
“Judy Note:
statebuffalonews.com/ states:
“L.F. Rothschild Holdings Inc., parent of a venerable Wall Street investment firm that suffered staggering losses from the 1987 stock market collapse, has sought to reorganize under Chapter 11 of the federal Bankruptcy Code.
“The filing for protection from creditors does not include L.F. Rothschild & Co., a registered broker-dealer which is Rothschild Holdings' principal subsidiary.
“Rothschild Holdings, which lost $84 million in the quarter ended March 31, is in default on three debt issues totaling $60 million and wants to restructure its debt to reduce interest expenses, according to spokesman Kenneth Henderson.
https://buffalonews.com/news/l-f-rothschild-files-chapter-11/article_b18b4169-0516-5779-bbf7-b7982840b510.html states>
Also reported today at https://operationdisclosureofficial.com: “Deep State owned Central Banks around the globe were on their way out. There were 22 countries which were rid of the Rothschild bank and 14 more nations in the process of closing those banks in their countries over the next 7 days.
It seems I am back on the internet with a new video card and cable connecting the computer to the monitor. Dumped the old video card because it was very large and continually got in the way of other things I do on the computer. After I got the new (smaller) video card onto the computer I had to get a new monitor cable which took a few days to come. Could have gone to Best Buy today, but got it for half the price online, for the same time as waiting to drive in for groceries and go to Best Buy. So that is part of the computer story, except that I built Carol a new computer from scratch with all the headaches of getting the right mother board and Memory and CPU a so forth and drivers and programs, etc. sort of ad nauseum. It is a gaming computer, basically, like mine that I use for the internet and writing and so forth. Mine cost over a thousand dollars a year ago and the wife's new one (basically a duplicate of mine) cost me less than $500 to build. Kind of a no brainer.
Other than that I have been using Archangel Raphael's healing instructions and am feeling better. That really works. Have found out a new twist or two to help it work better.
Still can't believe how easy it is for me to walk. I swear I could walk the legs of some of the cardiologists. But the new doctor is great. Listens to my story about how I keep up with my heath and do footbaths and so forth. He checks my blood pressure, listens to my heart, tells me to quite taking all the medications I was supposed to take, one of which is known to make people worse, not better. And he listens to my breathing see me in a year. BP, by the way, has been much, much, much better than it was a few years back. Today at Meijers on Shave Rd. I walked the full length of the store at least a couple of times, and then, before checking out it was 126/61. Feel better than I did 20 years ago. The BP goes up maybe a couple of times a month, like last night it went up to around 198 or so due to eating an omelette that must have been cooked in pork grease or something. Beef or pork sends the BP through the roof, so I keep track of it every day. I had the eggs yesterday, and a pepperoni pizza maybe 5 or 6 days back, and both times I had to take "stuff" to get it down. On both occasions I got it back to normal in a matter of less than hour or two. Actually, what really happened seems sort of incredible, but in reality I think it took me about 5 to ten minutes to get it down from the eggs, and about the same thing from eating the pizza.
The big key for this is Rye bread. If I don't have rye bread on hand I have several pounds of Rye flour at home. I take, like I make potato toast for instance, butter it, and put a heaping teaspoon of Rue flour on it, spread it around and eat it. Doesn't taste bad either, and I teh BP most always good for the day. So when I take 4 drops of Basil and 4 drops of Fennel oil for port for beef "poisoning," the blood pressure practically makes a thump when goes falls down to the "floor" so to speak in a matter of minutes, at times. Then I follow up with the Rye treatment. so, there's my latest medical gimmick you could say. That is about it for now. Try to keep in touch with N and not let a vacuum of info go for too long. Went to her mother's funeral a few days back. N is a very, very nice person also, like yourself, and we, R and the Colonel, enjoyed an evening of listening to a lecture about an investigative writer and her investigations into light house keepers and mystery of some of the deaths (or "murders") that took place over the years. Enjoyable evening. I think about you a lot and wonder how you are doing. So, I guess I better go for now. Hope all is well. Cordially AS
(3rd edit) 11-24-2021Universal Law
GWB supported, UL Sheriff's Report
A Release of the Great White Brotherhood
This information is compiled by the sites indicated below. There is no one as of yet who carries any official Universal Law titles or other official titles other than those listed as references in the indicated report. The term “Sheriff” is used as a means of indicating an approximate function or or plethora of legal actions in law enforcement which are being carried out by Earth officials under the guidance of God-s Universal Law and Galactic .
Few people have noticed various reports of arrests being made of the Dark Empire's Representatives in the governments of the world. One reason for this apparent lack of information is that it is being obscured by the masquerade and distraction caused by the phony politics which conceal what is really gong on.
You will learn about strange things going on as you read about the ongoing operations which are playing out in United States and the world. One reason there is no mention by the AP news of the arrests going is that the Universal Law functionaries work without fanfare. They do not seek publicity, and they also take into consideration that a very large percentage of the American public, in particular, still have not figured out where the main concentration of high level criminals are located. In addition, it will be a severe shock and heartbreak to many who believe, with every fiber of their being, that they know with great conviction who the real criminals are.
To give a personal a perspective of just how high the Dark Empires conspiracies go, you will find a very short list of very high ranking people who have been arrested along with a cursory listing of the categories of charges against them. It is the policy of Universal Law authorities, when Universal Law is being carried out, that the full report of who and why and when and how these people have violated Universal Laws will be revealed only in the fullness of time. Eventually TV reports will appear, while all charges are recorded, the perpetrators tried and sentenced, and sentences carried out. On world's such as Earth, it is not unusual for most citizens to have no idea exactly of who the criminals are who are actively involved with Satanic worship, cannibalism, and other practices nearly totally hidden to the public.
More detailed reports on the names and crimes of well over 100,000+ criminal investigations will be reported in the future. The people have never been advised by the AP on the kind of evil that afflicts Earth, and such information will remain more or less behind closed doors until Galactic authorities, Earth authorities, and the GWB agree to release such information.
So, here we go with the first cursory report of a few high raking people arrested.
Since 2016 US Attorney General for Utah John Huber and his 740 investigators have filed over 500,000 indictments in federal courts and held State Grand Juries across the nation. Charges included Treason, human and child trafficking, murder, assassinations, drug smuggling and RICO money laundering.
On Wed 14 April, US Army Gen Mark Milley, the chair of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, was arrested and charged with Treason by Pentagon police officers, along with General Hokanson, chief of the National Guard Bureau. The generals were removed to a C-17 transport plane that took both to GITMO to face military tribunals.
Mass Arrests of global and political elites were in full swing. GITMO was reported to be full of those recently arrested, an Antarctic military base detention center was almost full and others had been taken to detention centers set up for the purpose across the globe.
US citizens working for Rockefeller Deep State entities have been arrested and taken to US Military prisons in Puerto Rico (San Juan Guaynabo military prison) and Fort Worth Naval Base military prison.
Indictments against Deep State politicians have been filed across the globe. Arrestees working for foreign Deep State governments and agencies have been taken to GITMO, Honduras XPL (Sato Kona Honduran military base detention center) and Spain’s Santa Cruz Islands.
Word was that President Trump was the only true US commander-in-chief, rather than Biden, who has been refused entrance to the Pentagon and Air Force One. Military commanders were flying from Norfolk to Trump’s Mar-a-Lago residence. There were 866 active military personnel working for the US Interim Military Government in a compound next Mar-a-Lago.
“Way last Wed. 2 Dec. 2020 Trump had invoked the National Defense Activation Act (NDAA) due to foreign intervention and Election Fraud in the 2020 Presidential Election. The Military had proven the fraud through an election count of official watermarked ballots that ran in tandem with vote tabulations on Nov. 3 2020. The NDAA covered the dramatic increase of DoD Special Forces military arrests from Nov. to May 2021. https://www.naturalnews.com/2020-12-03-situation-update-dec-3rd-trump-invokes-foreign-interference.html
“On Wed 14 April, US Army Gen Mark Milley, the chair of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, was cursing out the other Joint Chiefs for not supporting fake Biden and Harris, claiming that Biden-Harris were fairly elected. Milley was then confronted by Marine Commandant Gen. David Berger, Chief of Naval Operations, who told Milley that he, General Berger and US Air Force General Hyten were not committed to the Constitution and We The People. He stated that Trump was the only duly elected president of the US, having been elected by 80% of the vote in the 3 Nov 2020 election.
“Gen Berger handed Milley an arrest warrant issued by the Navy Judge Advocates General Corps. Milley ripped the warrant up, an act which was promptly followed by twelve armed Pentagon Force Protection police officers arresting Gen Milley and Gen Hokanson (chief of the National Guard Bureau and another unfortunate Biden supporter). The generals were removed to a C-17 transport plane that took both to GITMO to face military tribunals on charges of cooperating with enemies of the Constitution and the people of the USA, foreign and domestic, including working with the Chinese Communist Party campaign to subvert the Nov 2020 election. They faced charges of aiding and abetting the vote switching fraud in six swing states of NV, AZ, WI, MI, PA and GA.
On Fri. 16 April Joe Biden paid a visit to the Pentagon under the pretense of conducting a surprise inspection. Biden was turned away by Pentagon Force Protection police officers and forbidden to enter. That same day President Trump was in a meeting at the Pentagon with Marine Corp Gen. Berger. Simeon Parkes: https://www.bitchute.cm/video/1PwY7UPw2BCR/
A couple of months ago 80% of the Department of Defense flag officers voted in a binding vote to support bringing back Trump as the only duly elected president and removing the fake Biden-Harris administration, while only 20% of DoD flag officers voted against the measure.
Way last Wed. 2 Dec. 2020 Trump had invoked the National Defense Activation Act (NDAA) due to foreign intervention and Election Fraud in the 2020 Presidential Election. The Military had proven the fraud through an election count of official watermarked ballots that ran in tandem with vote tabulations on Nov. 3 2020. The NDAA covered the dramatic increase of DoD Special Forces military arrests from Nov. to Mayhttps://realrawnews.com/2021/04/hillary-clinton-hanged-at-gitmo/
2021. https://www.naturalnews.com/2020-12-03-situation-update-dec-3rd-trump-invokes-foreign-interference.html
Hillary Clinton Hanged at GITMO
By Michael Baxter
April 26, 2021
9-10-2021 Incoming,
Universal Law,
Divine Abundance of NESARA/GESARA.
A Release of the Great White brotherhood
The plan is beginning to unfold and Earth will start seeing evidence of the program which brings Universal Law, Peace and Divine Abundance to Earth.
The below report, which is one of many similar reports on the internet, is about as close to an answer to the question of just what does the future hold as you will find? Other reports also indicate that something big is about to begin, soon. One theme running through these reports is that there are still quite a few people who are going in the absolute reverse direction, or are in opposition to, Universal Law and Order. A dying political current insists that communism is the future, where “Our Father Who Art in Heaven” disagrees. Regardless of the deepest of hatreds towards the Christ spirit, which is God's presence on Earth for NESARA and GESARA, Universal Law authorities are bringing Divine Abundance to Earth in what might appear to some a rather forceful fashion.
Yet, Divine Abundance is the opposite of the hate of the far left communists. But the truth is winning the political battles of Earth. Divine Abundance is not part of the communist offering for the future. But, instead they offer hate and racial injustice as a poor counter proposal to Universal Law, Love, and Abundance. The world will see, in the near future, who is supported by the authorities of Universal Law and Divine Abundance. A huge problem is that the far left, unfortunately, cannot admit that they are the ones who erroneously think they are in power in America.
In spite of the synthetic, unreal melodrama being played out in the so-called White House, it is time for people to understand what the actual programs of NASARA and GESARA are all about. For, as will eventually be understood, these programs are ordered into being by “Our Father who art in Heaven,” and are in conformance with what some people might call “natural law,” or what the GWB refer to as Law of the Universes, shortened to “Universal Law.”
It is time for those who hate or fear Donald Trump to learn that he is innately tied to Universal Law, and to also learn why fear and hate of President Trump does not act as a force worthy enough to unseat the millennia long plan to bring Divine Abundance to Earth. For, it will become clear that communist blubbering and various ridiculous proposals for the economy; and their deliberately created atmosphere of death in the cities and countries like Afghanistan, are poor substitutes for NESARA/GESARA. In addition, the hatred and terror of people for President Trump are a the result of a manufactured, mass control mechanism created by non other than Satan himself. Certain Satanic manipulations, are effective on most people, depending upon certain astrological configurations at the time of birth. The Tibetan Masters, in particular, understand that astrological considerations play a strong part in the way Satanic forces create the dissection of society into warring parties, and cause hatred between certain social groups.
The below report, “Special Restored Republic via a GCR Report as of Wed. 8 Sept. 2021,” is a report that, to us in Heaven, suggests President Trump is putting the far left on notice that “karmic” payment is due for the far left's murder attempts on his and his families lives and finances. The liberal, hate filled, absolute determination to destroy Donald Trump and his family in any and all ways possible is unacceptable to Universal law and the GWB.
It is sad to note that people who revile Donald Trump are unaware that their feelings are running parallel to anti-Universal Law efforts and are in deep, sad opposition to Divine Will. And, when we speak of Divine Will, we are also speaking of the will of the GWB, which stands in staunch opposition to the era of control of far left unrelenting hate, murder and evil. That far left evil is now about to come to an end for America and the world.
For those who have a karmic hatred toward any of God's right hand people, have no fear because there are other methods available to neutralize ancient karmic connections.
In actuality, the introduction of Christ into Earth was a precursor for, and a necessity for what was to come in the year 2021. “Or Father Who Art in Heaven” has determined that now is the time to put an end to severe Satanic mass hate and dislike of all things “God.” This includes putting an end to any evil generated in all peoples of Earth, and bringing the American dream into the realty of all the people's of the world.
Doubt, fear and uncertainty about what is and what is not “Our Father's Will” will have little effect on the introduction of Divine Abundance into Earth affairs. We acknowledge that even though the hateful and fearful ones may be still unconvinced of the reasons for President Trump's continuing presence on the scene, most will eventually understand the Divine perception of our Unknown "Father who art in Heaven," and will come to appreciate the manner in which Satanic evil has lost the battle with Universal Law and Divine Abundance. Yet, the inconsistencies with birth astrology persist no matter who Our Father and the GWB pick to implement world wide NESARA/GESARA.
The people must understand that the unjust hatred toward Trump is often due to his overwhelmingly powerful soul. In fact, we of the GWB wish to inform you that Donald Trump is, believe it or not, a reincarnation of one of the greatest tactician/strategist of WWII, General George S. Patton. (“Patton spent much of the interwar years (1920 to 1939) enhancing the U.S. Army’s armored warfare capacity. Known to his men as “Old Blood and Guts,” Patton became one of the most famous American military commanders during World War II. His profane speeches and flamboyant behavior made him beloved by his soldiers but often distrusted by superiors.”) (Google) https://www.doi.gov/american-heroes/George-Patton
General Patton, and now Donald Trump, despite his powerful personality, has faced down many, many would be destroyers of his legacy. It is his unquestionably victorious soul experience from the past which has caused him, (in a fashion similar to God having chosen Saul to expand Christianity into the world), Patton has been selected by “Our Father who art in Heaven” and the GWB , to implement NESARA and GESARA throughout the Earth. We do, however, advise the reader to not be mislead by the forceful nature of this soul who is a very, very good man as he stands before God and the Earth Masters of the GWB. Acquiescence with our request to respect the gentleman would help us greatly. A positive outlook by the public have the resulting, salubrious emotional effect of helping the reader avoid being denied access to the incoming Divine Abundance plans of God.
Nevertheless, there will no doubt be unrelenting supporters of the far left who will unfortunately find that they will feel unjustly excluded, along with the group of anti-Universal Law, Satan supporters because of their deep anger and hatred will not be allowed to prevail. But, as with many complexities of the planet Earth, other considerations also must to be discussed.
The populations of the world must learn to understand that it is Satanic guidance which creates the mystical separation of society into “liberal” and “conservative.” It becomes logical, then, that if President Trump is the choice of “Our Father” to usher in the golden age, there must be an explanation for the warfare between liberal people and conservative folk, most of whom are, for the most part, good people.
With better perceptions of God's Love, and caring for one another, the process of world wide maturation can proceed more uniformly. As uncomfortable as it can be for either side to realize, neither side, liberal or conservative, is unloved by “Our Father.” The people of Earth are victims of a deceit which is so clever that few people, other than the great Masters of Tibet, and we of the Great White Brotherhood, have have an adequate understanding of the true enemy. There is, however, an understandable cure for this synthetically arranged warfare between the brothers and sisters of Earth. In truth, all people on Earth, once they have achieved the wisdom they have come to Earth to absorb, are fully acceptable unto the Lord, Our Father in Heaven, and are worthy of the NESARA, GESARA, Divine Abundance.
Briefly, the mystical game played on the Children of Light of Earth amounts to Satanic forces taking advantage of what the Tibetans have long understood, that when born under certain astrological configurations, people will more inclined to be intellectual thinkers (liberal), while others may be born with a more powerful sense of what is “ practical,” based upon the astrological configurations at the moment of their birth. From that point on, in a developing world like Earth, it is easy for the evil ones to guide the COL into two opposing, prearranged channels of logic.
For instance, “truly intelligent thinkers” begin to feel at war with those born under different astrological signs and who led too much by love and not intellect. Those who believe love is more important than logic and reason, believe they are the true caretakers of the practicalities of true love, . That is the crux to the situation: The wily Dark Empire, Satanic representatives (like the Bushes and Clintons or kings/queens verses the working man) are sophisticated enough to have shaped society into the super intelligent people versus the true caretakers of love.
Of course, that assessment has one major flaw. The infighting makes no sense at all! It is a sign of a maturing society when each side can see the illogic in their opposing views. And that is exactly what Our Father in Heaven, and we the GWB, also observe. The nonsensical beliefs of each side of the equation of liberal versus conservative are what have driven angry, very dangerous politics for millennia. This will become more and more apparent to all when the incoming Divine Abundance asserts itself. To make the point even more confusing we continue with another example of the nonsense of this synthetic duplicity engaged in by the COL of Earth.
The Satanic, Dark Empire representatives, like the Clintons and Bushes, have, in their desperation, become the criminal supporters of the vicious, massive, big city murder program put into effect on Earth by present, so-called national leaders. It should become clear to all that such senseless race baiting in your schools, and crimes in your big cities, are solely due to the ineptitude and criminality of the few, dominant, big city, democratic leader. The lesson is that people will be guided into working together to solve problems because they will learn to love others despite political or economic differences. BUT, WE OF THE GWB DO NOT believe, the average liberal or conservative will have anything to worry about once they see the true Abundance and Love of God unfold in America and around the world. Often times the psychological aspect of “seeing is believing” becomes the hinge-point of acceptance a greater truth.
According to the GWB and “Our Father,” Trump is not angry with people who are fearful of him, but he IS determined to put an end to conservative chutzpah or effrontery, and liberal Antifa hate, racism and murder, especially in the big cities of America. It is the inept leadership of the big, democratically run cities, and their overall modus operandi of anti-Universal Law activities, which stands out among the multitude of sins of mankind. This illegitimate management style encourages massive thefts and murder, especially for political gain, which must come to and end, and will come to an end. Elimination of murder and crime and Satanism on Earth is required for for the implementation of NESARA and GESARA, which IS world wide Divine Abundance.
According to the GWB, it is especially the big city, far left (secretive communist) leaders, who are responsible for the over all criminality, and for not lifting a finger to save the lives of their own citizens. It will be the growing cooperation between the liberal and conservative astrology, as they work with each other, to stop the importation of every possible kind of criminal who can be found, with the obvious motive, to increase crime, murder, and mayhem, under <
edit 1.5 July 29 2022
One More Time –
It's all in the Perspective.
Based on theories alone, which the world generally does not buy into, the Satanic Bidenist's insist the world must agree with and implement the "Green Deal." They unrealistically insist that the failure to support the "Green Deal" automatically means the world will die prematurely, as it is fried to death by the sun.
Although with no evidence that the world is dying from this “Green Deal” theory, and taking into consideration that the polar bears did not die off since the 1990-s predictions, the world is not particularly afraid of oil & carbon killing the world. “
“Of course, these predictions were completely wrong. Global temperatures in 1990 were not 2 or 5 or 20 degrees higher than they were in 1959. According to NASA, global surface temperature increased by less than half a percent during that time frame. As a result, the icecaps haven’t melted and the oceans are not inundating our coastal cities.” John Daniel Dadvidson, JANUARY 05, 2018, https://thefederalist.com/2018/01/05/no-polar-bears-not-dying-off-droves-climate-change/
Not that this melting of ice might not happen. But there is a reason the extreme left insist on so-called “green energy” be implemented at unprecedented, almost desperate cost.
As we have already noted, in spite of the fact the “Green Deal” private jets spew out more pollution than airliners do, Biden's crew appears to be acting out of spite as they keep America's own oil production shut down. You are never told what the true situation is with regard to the phony “Green Deal.” And the idea they are acting out of spite is only a minor consideration.
Rather than being honest, why does the far left send poor old beggar Biden to bow and beg before foreign oil suppliers. His handlers send him on a fruitless trip in the Middle East for oil for the U.S., even though, when the U.S. already has more oil of than is found in the Middle East. This all smacks of extreme desperation on the part of the Biden Satanists. In all the blathering about the “NEW Green Deal”, some very “anti Green Deal” facts truly are overlooked. by the phony “Green Deal.” Some of the little things going on can make your brain and ears twitch more than a little.
For even though it is easy to find out facts on the internet, one has to ask why are some of these facts are actually there.
For instance, factually speaking it is no real secret that the far left are among the worst carbon polluters on Earth. Common, internet knowledge shows the hypocrisy in "Green Deal" where the "Green Deal" executive's “private jets ...... emit 5-14 times more carbon pollution than commercial planes and 50 times more than trains, according to a May 2021 analysis from the European clean energy advocacy group Transport & Environment. In one hour of private jet travel, two tons of carbon is emitted, equivalent to a quarter of the annual amount emitted per European citizen.https://dailycaller.com/2022/02/07/climate-change-nancy-pelosi-private-jets-white-house/
So, why? Why are the far left geniuses violating their own preaching's, like terrified horses caught in a burning barn? The more you think of it, maybe the “Green Deal” does seem to give off a slight tinge or unhealthy odor of something less inviting than it is made to appear.
And come to think about it, there is definitely something that not a single news outlet in the world is telling you which would, if known, illustrate how the whole liberal-conservative outfit also seems like it is like an animal being led around the the nose by during the biggest criminal/banker/Satanic heist of all time. This scheme illustrates the depth and madness of the anti/Christ, anti/humanity of Satanically managed Earth, and why the true Satanic/Nazi background of the Bush family is suppressed to the point that even today most people are clueless about who the Bush's really were!
But there are other reasons to question the need for the vehicles that would replace all the jets and gas powered cars. And there is a reason why every transportation vehicle is powered by devices with wires, nozzles, hose/wires and of course, the ever present gauge.
The big answer is that the far left liberals refuse to give up the gauge. Their gauges, which are found on every pump and generator. You know. Gauges that tells you how much you owe “someone” to “fill her up.” On the other hand, knowledge of Tesla-s inventions are totally, and we mean, totally ignored and have remained ignored, being equally ignored even by ALL conservative and liberal news outlets. But it the guage and the on/off switch to the oil-gas pipelines that are the real secret to controlling the perspective of the people. For, anyone who wants to replace those hoses, gauges and nozzles is the life and death enemy of the far left. This is a major key to control, for gas and electric usuage, for one thing, tells the Satanists where concentrations of gas and electric users are to be found. In addition, the Satanist rule is simple: – “Do not mention, do not hint, do not suggest, do not investigate, do not write about, pantomime, illustrate, photograph, chant, remember or believe, print or mention anything to do with energy gauges, or the possibility of having non metered power sources. Thus, a pattern is clear. One of the most prolific inventors of free energy is tightly ignored by just about every news outlet in the world.
This disgusting reason for ignoring Tesla's inventions is that his electric or gasoline power sources requires no wire, hose, nozzle, and most horribly for the far left, there is no “GUAGE” telling you how much you owe someone for ripping you off. Plus, a real biggie: If they want to change your perspective on on your life, all they have to do is turn off the generators and and gas pumps, and let you sweat or freeze for a few days. Your perspective will change, all be it, with few Americans realizing it is all being done on purpose to keep you under control.
But the everyday, the big thing being overlooked on Earth is that the Satanists have an albeit slipping control, where the everyday method of energy usage depends on hooking your vehicle or device to a gas pump using a gas pump hose and nozzle. Oh, and of course, lest we forget, attached to that pump and hose is a gauge telling you how owe the grateful Satanic community is for you donation to their world wide corportions.
So now you know the perspective of why the extreme leftists insist on the horrible, unrealistic “Green Deal.”
7-25-2022---- I think most of the relatives are settled for the moment. What a 3 ring circus. But the celebration for my grand nephew getting his PHD in artificial intelligence was quiet an accomplishment, needless to say. Very bright and personable young man, and his new bride will be getting her PHD in "AI" also in another few months. So far he seems to be a up and coming, very bright guy, along with his wife. He taught a few some classes at and got his PHD from U. of Michigan, where they both went to college. Quite a big deal. At any rate, need a little more time to work to this paper. Thought it was mostly done and the powers that be wanted it to be published right away although iut is a little too rough for my taste. But, I can-t leave it like it is so will rewrite it anyway. Hopefully it gets most of the ideas across that were most important. Need a little rest too.
It really wears me out on some of these articles because of what I might call the 3rd to fourth dimension conversion differential where what they are telling me in 4d makes a lot of sense. Then when it is on a 3dimensional computer, it needs a lot of adjusting. That is what wears me out. Plus I am basically working with one eye because the eye surgery center could not see themselves clear to answer the telephone a couple of times, leaving me with one good eye and one that needs work, and me with waiting so I can get new glasses which are adjusted to the new lenses I am supposed to end up with. But I do need to keep in touch with grandson too, so I need to go for now. Will write later and more on the article in the next few days. Hope all are well. Have a great Tuesday. Cordially, AS
ORF2 PISO DEdit 1.52
Edit 3.3 + updates ORF2 PISO DEdit 1.52
I. July 26, 2022 -- United States, World Governments
in Collapse Mode
The Satanic Connection
The Amrageddon
II. To Ensure the Safety of Incoming Divine Abundance, *NESARA/GESARA
We Discuss Universal Law,
The Enforcement of Universal Law on Planet Earth
Sadly, the world's foreign leaders see the Biden presidency ("The fake US President Biden" (Fulford)) as having added new shame to the United States embarrassment due to Biden's peremptorily pulling out of Afghanistan. Then, by shutting down America's oil industry, Biden and (his un-elected handlers), have shown their true colors with their suicidal act, which is obviously killing the U.S. Economy. While, on the converse side, trying to buy oil from the Middle East by trading weapons for oil, has potentially put the Middle East in flames again, but fortunately has not done so so far.
But this international effort to increase arms export to the Middle East, has soured the minds of the world leaders, and has shown just how inept the present U.S. Biden & handlers really are on the world scene.
Based on theories alone, which the world does not buy into, the Satanic Bidenist's insist the world must agree with and implement the "Green Deal." They unrealistically insist that the failure to support the "Green Deal" automatically means the world will die prematurely. Although most the world is not particularly afraid of oil & carbon killing the world, Biden's crew appear to be acting out of spite as they keep America's own oil production shut down. Then, on bended knee, beggar Biden is sent on a fruitless trip in the Middle East for oil for the U.S., even though, the U.S. already has more oil of than is found in the Middle East.
Foreign leaders watch United States leaders intentionally shooting themselves in their political knees and feet, as they kill the American economy. But other and more severe problems lurk in the background of the "Green Deal." The amount of money the Green Deal philosophy will pull money out of the American pockets will be at a unprecedented rate. For certain, very little is said about the future cost of their “Green Deal" theories. According to some, the future cost of the Green Deal is phenomenal, and even now, this pie in the sky theory is actually losing money hand over fist.
Ms. Jessica McDonald of Factcheck.org asks:
How Much Will the ‘Green New Deal’ Cost?By Jessica McDonald
Posted on March 14, 2019
“The Green New Deal, she said, is a set of ambitions, not policies, and how much things cost will depend on what the policies are.
“You can’t use policy analysis if you don’t have policy,” said Kaufman, who previously served as President Barack Obama’s deputy associate director of energy and climate change. “It just seems definitely premature and a little misleading to try to claim we know how much.”
In another report, Consultancy firm McKinsey, they indicate:
"The "Consultancy firm McKinsey says total global spending by governments, businesses and individuals on energy and land-use systems will need to rise by $3.5 trillion a year, every year, if we are to have any chance of getting to net-zero in 2050.
"That’s a 60% increase on today’s level of investment and is equivalent to half of global corporate profits, a quarter of world tax revenue and 7% of household spending. A further $1 trillion would also need to be reallocated from high-emission to low-carbon assets."
"“Achieving net-zero emissions by 2050 would entail a fundamental transformation of the global economy,” McKinsey says in the report, titled The Net-Zero Transition: What it Would Cost, What it Could Bring?." https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2022/01/net-zero-cost-3-5-trillion-a-year/
The Implications while Earth is in the Armageddon
Considering that the cost of the “New Green Deal” is theoretical, not a bad price tag. At least, one fact about the American budget, however, is that Americans are about the only people who do NOT know this “Green Deal,” by ordinary budgetary considerations, is that the U.S. Treasury is bankrupt. Not just for the sake of news. No. The U.S. is rapidly loosing its abiltiy to buy and sell on the world market where more and more countries, not in the Satanic, Biden Mafia grip, are buying and selling using the gold they have stored in their banks.
But neither are most Americans particularly savvy about what it all this means for them or America. Sooner or later the fact America is bankrupt will catch up with the American economy and banking system. For instance, we are not talking funny money. We are talking about Satanic forces robbing you of your ability to buy and sell. You are losing the ability to by and sell just as effectively as dropping a nuke on you neighborhood. But do you remember the Bible, of all things? You know, like how the Armageddon is going to single out the real criminals on Earth?
We are talking about America having what amounts to zero purchasing power. We are not just talking being short of money to pay our bills. While Americans are used to buying and selling and paying their bills with dollars, all of that dollar action is being taken away from America. Without some kind of money, America's only real assets are the land and buildings we own. This fact highlights an additional problem, that the United States is becoming one of the few countries with NO gold or metals assets to pay for American purchases in the future. No money for food, housing or clothing. Discussing the hidden, desperate realities may, within the context we are discussing, explain just how Satanic forces are, up to now, managing to steal you, the American's, blind. But that is not true for Russia or Afghanistan or Iraq, for instance. How so, you might ask?
The problem is that without internationally accepted gold and precious metals in the treasury, there are no assets to use to buy and sell life supporting items on the new, incoming, world market.
The Approaching Bottom Line
You may understand, then, that ALL of the markets of the world are changing into a "non-dollar," "gold only" market place, WHILE THE BIDEN Satanists, "Green Deal" bunch, are paying no attention at all. Part of the bottom line, then, is who do you think are going to win in the Armageddon? The "New Russian--Iraqi God backed market," or the bankrupt "New Green Deal" backed by the worthless Satanic, Biden, unelected government leader "new Green Deal Dollars?"
Invisibility prevails for clueless Americans as the world progresses toward a better, internationally acceptable means of bartering such as is happening in Russia & Iraq who are selling their oil for pure gold, and buying goods on the world market with that gold. The Satanic supporting Biden, and his un-elected theoretically genius handlers, are financially speaking, destroying the United States rather than admitting they are defeated by the Russians and other gold baked currencies: We might add, with the advent of Weapons for food being tossed out the financial windows of the world, that old standard of destroying people who have out smarted you will vanish as the true Armageddon takes over the Earth.
All in all, the Biden genius's, like the bully who can't get his way on the playground, are faced with having to pound the crap out of the good kids who are on the gold standard, or be thrown out of school. Similar, I suppose you could say, to the really bad guys or Satanists being thrown off Earth in Armageddon fashion. But WHY? How did this come about? What power is so revolutionary it can defeat the most cleaver bankers in the world who have ruled won the wars and reigned supreme for decades.
More clearly, then, Biden and crew and the Satanically owned and operated SWIFT or the Satanically controlled international banking system has squandered its worldwide gold assets doing bad, murderous things throughout the world.
This scheme of squandering the world's gold assets, which should be the backbone of a God inspired financial system, has also included bankrupting America without Americans being any the wiser. So, if God is going to save the good guys on Earth during the present Armageddon, how will that work? And, be assured, there is a well, well thought out, very workable plan now being put into effect.
To start with, other countries ARE reading the hand writing on the wall. They have chosen to not treat the new Galactic Federation Quantum Banking System as some kind ot “Conspiracy Theory.” However, unlike the Biden Satanists, who are obsessed with the "New Green Deal" to the total exclusion of all other possibilities are getting themselves educated on the Galactic engineered and supported Quantum banking system. The true dummies end being, surprise of surprises, the Biden type Satanists who simply cannot give up their “Green Deal -- Uber Alles.”
The darkening bottom line
The darkening bottom line is there is simply no American gold to barter with. In other words, Satanic are slowly being squeezed out of a market place that is becoming "gold only" money system. Any countries that are NOT tossing out the Satanically created SWIFT/BIS/IMF monetary system are not going to allowed to have any part of the new, off world Quantum system. This is important to know because the Galactic Federation and “or Father who art in Heaven” currently contol the vast Banking System. And, any people who cannot meet Quantum standards will have no chance to trade on the Quantum Banking system. And, will be automatically excluded. And no wonder. When it comes to who controls the vast, almost endless quantities of Gold found on Earth, this control is nominally in the hands of the Galactic Federation and St. Germain. Immense tons and tons of Gold are being held for the day when most countries understand how Satan controls the world. But first the people of the world must demand that the good guys “throw the Satanists out!”
But, unlike many foreign countries who understand the reality of the Galactic Federation and gold backed Quantum banking system, the United States is kept in near total ignorance by a centuries old Satanic education and religious system of smoke and mirrors while the rest of the world is being educated in a new "inter/Galactic" reality and understanding. On the other hand, it is the representatives of the Dark Empires, like Biden and crew, who adamantly support Satan and his minions.
Where some countries may have gold to back their currency, such as Russia who is selling their oil for pure gold, (and becoming a hero of the Galactic Federation), it is different elsewhere in much of the world. Pure gold has long since been degraded and eliminated by your Washington, Biden, Satanic geniuses who do not have one iota of gold to insure that the U.S. has any future at all. Today, the gold which had been disbursed into the hands of the Satanists leaders, has been confiscated by “Our Father” and the Galactic Federation, under the stewardship of St. Germain.
In simpler terms, you, as an American, by allowing the pretender Biden to run the nation. are being deliberately and Satanically left out of the Ascension process in which the incoming Divine Abundance of NESARA & GESARA. Now, the Divine Abundance being held by the Galactic Federation and St. Germain, is beginning to be distributed throughout the world. And that is being done using the intergalactic Quantum Banking System. Accept, of course, for the Biden controlled United States and in whatever allied countries who cooperate with the Satanically dominated U.S.
You can understand, then, that the "Green Deal" is nothing more than an a Satanically dreamed up way to distract you from believing in the power of God and the Christ that is within all God's Children who do have the Light of Christ. And the Christ light is within all his other non/Dark Empire planet populations. The people from other God's true Godly creations from other planets are here to help. So, let us look at the budgetary reality for the Satanically created "Green Deal" which, which you are “allowed” to understand or assume, can be financed, and there is not much you can do about it. This smoke and mirror maneuvering, according to the extreme leftists, is the ONLY way to save the world. St. Germain and the Galactic Federation, however, have other ideas.
The Truth Regarding Biden's
“The Green Deal”
At the outset of our narrative, it is necessary to understand that every cent of a “Green Deal” budget is imaginary, AND every imaginary cent that is supposed to be real gold in our government accounts to pay for American bills, illustrates that the U.S. can not pay her expenses, much less paying for all of which includes financing the “Green deal.”
Thus it will be easy to see that, like the imaginary ability of America to pay her bills, the ability of Biden to pay for the “Green Deal” is also totally imaginary, being nothing more than a way to distract American attention away from the dire, Satanic straights the U.S. Government is in.
In fact, “There is plenty of open source news to confirm the BIS (Bank of Internatiol Settlement), the UN, the IMF (the International Monitary Fund), the World Bank and their UNITED STATES OF AMERICA CORPORATION have run out of money (meaning gold). That is why money promised by the IMF to places like Pakistan and Sri Lanka never materializes.” https://benjaminfulford.net/ Ben Fulford July 18, 2022 Lankaevermaterializes.” https://benjaminfulford.net/ Ben Fulford July 18, 2022
Yet, the "Green New Deal" moves blindly ahead, oblivious to the obvious. And, like the Titanic, the American monetary system is taking the deep six without the American citizen being any the wizer, until it is too late.
In his 7-18-22 article, “Countdown to US implosion begins after failure of Biden Mid-East trip,” Benjamin Fulford indicates Obama and Alan Greenspan have all been involved in concealing the dire condition of the U.S. Budget. Ben Fulford reports: “In any case, the Obama ruse convinced the Asians to hand over 700 tons of gold to the Federal Reserve Board under Alan Greenspan. This was leveraged over a thousand-fold to create $23 trillion that kept the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA CORPORATION going until 2020.
“When the money ran out in January of 2020 the (Satanic) Khazarian Mafia-controlled West responded with a massive bio-weapons and vaccine attack. They hoped to murder enough people so that they could stay in power. This effort has failed.” https://benjaminfulford.net/S
Now, after showing the world exactly how psychotic, or out of touch with international relations Biden's handlers are, the United States has become dangerously unpredictable, and is a potential tyrannical threat to other countries. To many foreign observers of America, there appears to be a form of surreal leadership going on in the United States government. America has become, in the eyes of some, a mirage, or an “Alice in Wonderland” government. A government which is becoming more and and more dangerous to her own citizens in addition to the rest of the world.
Nevertheless, the theme, the hellish “Green” promise of the world being killed by being boiled to death under a relentless sun keeps marching on. To the Satanic far left of American policy, the “Green Deal” must be politically positions as the supreme promise of God's punishment for the growing pool of “Green Deal” non-believers.
This “Green Deal, Uber Alles" mentality, and the behind the scenes dealings by Biden's government has brought the U.S. to the humiliating situation where Biden and America are helplessly trapped by the deliberate, unsanctioned shut down of U.S. oil production, while demanding you, the American citizen, pay exorbitant prices for foreign oil that is of poorer quality than America's own Texas crude oil.
Making America's embarrassment complete, Biden stands before the world stage, and finds himself unable to turn on the U.S. Oil spicket, and would rather grovel at the feat of the Middle East dictators, trying to instigate a nearly universally unwanted war. It is hard to imagine how the Biden's extremist Democrat handlers, can humiliate themselves and the U.S. any further!
As if had created only one answer to world problems, Biden and crew have become so totally dedicated to a theory about “Green,” that they can't imagine turning on the U.S. oil spigot, and maybe even recovering some of their self invented, national and world zero self respect.
While the implications of Biden and his extreme leftist “Greenies” are extremely unstable and dangerous, in the eyes of the world, the reverberations of their gross stupidity and neglect of the reputation for U.S. World leadership, has much deeper implications than one might think. Implications, which are invisible to the simple minded Biden playground bullies, who continue shattering the U.S. Reputation as a world leading country. But then, there is the every biblical promise of an oncoming Armageddon to think about.
One may want to ask, at this point, what does all of this have to do with the ever present threat of the Armageddon? One way or another the connection will become apparent.
But, like the big bully in the playground, when the bully fails to back up his posturing with common sense action and strength, his reputation and ability to control the school yard vanishes. This is what is happening with Biden (and handlers) nonsensical posturing on the world stage as they prepare to starve the U.S. people while using weapons, in place of cash, to buy ally type cooperation from foreign countries.
Clearly the United States is not acting like a confident, fair, thoughtful country whose behavior toward other countries can be depended upon. And, like on the kindergarten playground, the bully U.S. is becoming a paper tiger who everyone else can no longer take seriously.
Ben Fulford, who is a well respected international reporter, has quite a bit to say about America which Americans, while living in the “bully” country, cannot see as clearly. To begin with, he and an awful lot of foreigners see Biden as a fake, bully president.
Along with this serious reduction of respect for the Untied States, the main event will be the fall of the old time politics in the U.S. and around the world.
Mr. Benjamin Fulford states:
Benjamin Fulford 7/18/2022
By Windlander Weekly Video Reports 10 Comments
“The fake US President Biden failed to get oil on his recent begging trip to the Middle East. This means the countdown for the implosion of the US and Western Europe (governments) has begun. Revolution is in the air and there will be no turning back, multiple sources agree.
“Biden’s handlers’ hoped to use Iran as an “enemy” in order to justify massive arms sales in exchange for oil. Saudi ambassador to Washington Remma bint Bandar Al Saud summed up the region’s thinking when she dismissed the “oil-for-security paradigm” as “outdated and reductionist.” No weapons for oil means no oil for the US and its’ client states. No oil means no economic activity.
°The Khazarian mafia meanwhile, like a dying beast, is spitting out fear porn (i.e. COVID), bio-weapons and threatening war in a desperate effort to stave off the inevitable. However, their medical mafia is being systematically hunted down and killed as this video media shows. …...” At: https://benjaminfulford.net/
“…....Let us now look at the real meaning of “Biden’s” visit to the Middle East. His failure to get continued free oil in exchange for money printed out of nothing is going to have ramifications far beyond the United States. It will mean the end of the BIS (Bank for International Settlements), the UN, the EU and perhaps even the Papacy.
“To understand why this is, we need to review a little bit of background material. First, the BIS, or central bank of central banks, was founded in 1930 using Asian gold. This gold was lent to the Germans to help them pay their obligations under the Treaty of Versailles signed at the end of World War I. In exchange, the Asians were promised the United Nations would be set up as a world parliament with the ancient royal families of East and West (the dragon family) acting as background supervisors.
More at: https://benjaminfulford.net/ “Countdown to US implosion begins after failure of Biden Mid-East trip“ – – July 18-2022
The bottom line is that there are massive, massive changes coming to the governments of the world as St. Germain, and the new comers we characterize as the Sheriff's of Universal Law who are taking over and setting up new governments of the world, and eliminating, including shooting on site the criminal, Satanists of the Earth.
In all of this upheaval, remember, the smoke and mirrors education of Earth says: “Because residents of other worlds are unknown and unseen by Earth people. A subtle trick being played by the Satanics means you are allowed, by Satanists, to falsely believe that people on other worlds can not see you and therefor do not exist!”
7-26-2022 cont'd
Enforcement of Universal Law is Coming to Planet Earth
Keeping in mind that there is a lot, a whole lot of crime on Earth: And that Earth is viewed by others who live on other planets, as a sort of Wild West type planet where lawlessness is more common than on most any other planet the people in the Galactic Federation are intimately familiar with. That is a perspective you do not have because you can't have a perspective of people who, in your minds, do not exist!
What perspective, then, do we need to view Universal Law from? To start with, you can look around at different conditions on your planet of Earth. Your planet is literally saturated with evil most people have little way of learning about. From Heaven's perspective, Earth is a school for souls who need intensive experience in what a society that is controlled by Satanists of the worst ilk is like.
From our perspective in outer space and Heaven, Earth is the Satanic headquarters for the worst criminals of the worst ilk in the Milky Way Galaxy.
This situation on Earth is so chronic that most any discussion will be delinquent in one way or another when a person expects to find a totally inclusive description of all the possible ways Earth Satanists violate Universal Law. This fact may, then, help you understand why practically no one on Earth believes there is anyone else in the Galaxy or the Universe with live people. With that said, one of the number one rules of Universal Law is that it is illegal, and is a "punishable by death" to allow Satanists to leave Earth. Conversely people are tightly controlled and "vetted" and carefully observed who come to Earth for any type of "Divine" mission.
A more general application of this law of containment of Satanism is that Earth, like most planets in the Galaxies and Universes without end, humans are created by the God Earth honors which is the God creator who places the Christ light within all his creation, and that plays a central part in Universal Law.
It is illegal, under Universal Law, to extinguish the Christ Light within any God created being until that being's mission on Earth is completed. And, this is a very sticky point from the point of view of most people living on Earth. For history will show that everyday life on Earth is rife with Satanic practices which extinguish parts or aspects of the Christ light which God or the "Creator" places on Earth. It is far, far, far, far worse than people understand.
Before could go into animal life while discussing Universal Law, it is sufficient for the moment, to mention one of the most controversial aspect of Universal Law, abortion.
For all practical purposes the light if Christ is placed in a newly conceived child at conception. It is the right of a woman, who carries the embryo's of the children of the future, to follow the God light within to choose the next father of her child, and this is indeed a holy responsibility which she viciously abrocates when she decides God also gives her the right to extinguish that light. To put it quite directly, convenient abortion as absolutely in violation of Universal Law. You are, in effect, killing Christ on Earth committing “convenient” abortion.
With that said, we now focus on the Divine Duty of leaders to be the conduit of the Creator's Love, and to ensure that all beings embodying the Christ Light, also enjoy the joy of Divine Abundance. And in that, as with the continuous mistreatment of children, killing and eating God's children, and sacrificing them, making adrenochrome out of the blood from children purposefully terrified beyond belief, partially illustrates the extreme, and we emphasize, the extreme (X (times) billions extreme, depravity of the elite, or what are called Satansts and Satan worshipers of Earth.
Let us be as forthright as possible to help you understand that these Satanist worshipers, some of who are among the most popular and well known, well thought of people on Earth. They are killers of the worst kind.
July – Message 7-18-22As geen an interesting last few days. Besides having to keep changing our schedules for our sister-inlaw, eye doctor, regular doctor Friday, and on and on. Right when it started getting hot a few days ago we had to have our car in for brake repair. We got out van out and the air was gone in that car so the last few days have been terrible driving around for two weeks in 90 degree weather. Got mild heat stroke that stays with me for too long. Not used the heat like when I was younger. Topped off the last 2 weeks with a wedding near Bath, Michigan.
Was on a farm called “Peacock Family Farm.” All very interesting and hot enough Sunday to keep my heat problem going. So, sorry to report we have had a rather un-happy last few days. Very tiring.
My writing is going pretty well. Have been getting over 5,000 “hits” on my articles which is increasing so far. So, other than that and feeling tired a lot and am trying to get some rest. It seems like there is a lot to report but when I start writing, don't like thinking about it all. I feel like I am trying to get through a barrier. Keep dong Archangel Raphael-s healing decree and I think some of feeling off is because of things going on in my health. Will keep on doing it until I can tell for sure. So, I guess that is about it for now. Hopefully I will have a little more to say pretty soon. One of the recent difficulties is the dissension going on on C-s family about how to care for the sister-in law. Really hate all the pissing and moaning. Drains your strength. Was a definite drain during the wedding. Will go for now. Hope all are well. Have a great Tuesday.
Here is some interesting, in view of how the present banking system is going belly up. Talks about how to deal with trusts, banks and the dangers of staying with the old, present banking system.
Cordially, AS
7-3-22 --- More on world affairs:
The below article by Mr. Ben Fulford, a reporter who has survived multiple assassination attempts over the years to bring the important, true stories you can read below and on his internet sight: Highly recommended, Fulford is the reporter among reporters, and highly regarded by Far East readers.
7-27-2022 Message – From Mr. Ben Fulford – “In an echo of History, Angela Hitler gathered her lieutenants at her father’s castle in Bavaria to vow to fight the last Ukrainian in the face of inevitable defeat by overwhelming Russian forces. This so-called G7 meeting is part of an emergency gathering of Khazarian mafia leaders who now face both military defeat and war crimes tribunals.
“A look at the situation in Europe, the US and around the world makes it very clear we are dealing with the end of an era. Even the Jerusalem Post, the flagship newspaper for the former Khazarian mafia stronghold of Israel, admits this now:
“We are nearing the death of the old geopolitical system and of the world order that has kept repeating itself from the medieval ages.
“It seems, finally, that this cycle of plague, war and famine will be the last of Western hegemony and the birth of a new world order, a new world order which will probably bring back the balance of power to Asia and Africa, which were the centers of global wealth and power long before the industrial revolution.
“Let us start with the situation in Ukraine. In a sign of total military defeat, Ukrainian “recruiters” are now snatching people from their houses, the streets, restaurants and entertainment facilities and sending them untrained and poorly armed to the front lines. “A large number of seasoned Nazis were put out of action and those reservists who are now sent into battle aren’t fit for the task,” military expert Colonel Viktor Baranets told RT.
“Grabbing people off the streets and putting them into ditches to get killed by artillery is a clear sign of the imminent and total collapse of the Ukrainian military.........”
Article of 6-27-2022: cont'd at: https://benjaminfulford.net/
7-3-2022 Message – OK, everything is up and running and am typing this out on my word processor to save before I try posting it to my site like I tried last night. Last night is a perfect example of what is goiin gon lately. Barriers constantly popping up keeping me from getting things done. Almost the fourth of July. Firecrackers were going off last night already. Hope the rumors are true that something good may happen to help celebrate the 4th. Doesn't really seem that way so far. Like, to me, the main thing that could happen is to have Biden and his communist crew put in chains. They are the most blind, idiotic politicians I have ever seen. They have no care for the people. At any rate, I guess I should have started out with “happy fourth of July,” but other things keep interfering.
Some other things going on are getting my eyes fixed up with new lenses. My right eye is done, after having to go to BC to cancel the surgery once because no one to call at 6am about potential problems with surgery. Now left eye needs a new lens, although it is not nearly as bad as the right had been. Had it scheduled last week to be done in Jackson. Had high blood pressure at 5am when we were supposed get on the road to Jackson. BP was a surprise at 209, so did not want to travel til I got it down. Took some Natural oil and got down to 160 in about 5 or 10 minutes. Tried and tried and tried to call them to ask them if the natural oil will interfere with the operation. Could not get a hold of anyone including their answering service to get a yes or no answer for surgery. I was not going to drive 150 miles round trip to be told to go back home like happened the week before on the right eye. Goofy group. Anyway, the right is doing quite well.
Through all of this nonsense the brakes on car number #1 went bad. Car number 2 runs great but the air quit and is a big part of why I have so much trouble with heat in the midst of the eyes and sister in law problems. One barrier or another has popped up to getting a little rest til the last couple of days.
One nice surprise was that the readership for my writing went up over 4,000 readers or “hits,” like 4,700 readers accessed my site.
But, as you can gather things have been hectic lately. Sister in law keeps almost dying and is a very, very negative person, making life very miserable for anyone of us who tries to help her. She is literally killing herself with a really rotten attitude. A lot of people are helping her including at home. Sad situation.
Wish I had more positive things to report. Not much going on otherwise except I apparently have a little heat stroke and now have diarrhea that won't quite which is partly caused by candida in my system. Just cannot beat this candida crap. Very disgusting.. Don't trust the doctors much anymore so I am stuck with what I have apparently.
Believe it or not, am doing quite well otherwise. Get around very well with walking. Have been feeling pretty good otherwise. Our kitties are all dong quite well. The daughter moved back from Florida so we had to help a little with some furniture that did not arrive from Florida. We “delivered” some minimum breakfast and dinner furniture til theirs arrives and Battle Creek.
That about raps it up for now. Will clean up our sun porch today a little. Beautiful day over here. Hope all are well. Cordially, AS
6-11-02 ---1208am A hectic day today. Could not sleep well last night. Went to sleep in the morning and slept until noon.
Could not really wake up for the rest of the day on our trip to Battle Creek to see our daughter who just moved back from Florida. Part of the situation was that I made a sort of break through with my I AM prayers that seemed to affect my emotions quite deeply. Will have to let you know more about how that happened when I get woken up more tomorrow. Sorry for such a short report. Hope all is well. Cordially, AS
6-12-02 ---1208am I have been doing some of my meditation on what sex would be like in the 4th or 5th dimensions, and of course it all seems imaginary to me in the sense that we still live in a 3 dimensional world. But, I did find a video by a woman who has been trying to figure the same things, made in 2016 I believe. Yesterday was an interesting day with my daughter and "significant other" having arrived back from Florida with household furniture and the whole deal. Almost, anyway. They did get their huge hummer back ok along with their fancy, super hot, latest technology Chevy Corvette (God knows what that cost) with a rear end engine. He is crazy about fancy, expensive cars. Very socially conscious. Used to own the Battle Creek Comedy Club years ago, so he has to keep up appearances. Just the opposite of me. Want nothing to do with social climbing. Just keep me anonymous. Anyway, they are safe and sound even if he did lose, apparently, a $10,000 load of stuff some trucking company made off with. But, here is a video which is one of several I have watched over the years, and seems to be the one I can sort of relate to. Something different is certainly coming as we, Earth, "graduate" into 4 and 5 and 6t dimensions, which I suppose, still sort of contains our present 3 diemnsions in some strange way. Who knows.. But here it is:
"Pleiadians: How they Have Sex/ How they Choose A Mate--" (in the higher dimensions.) Have a great 12th. Cordially, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rHuA0LvY6ko
This healing prayer or call the Archangel is the ONLY thing I have found which has gotten rid of the candida in my system. For the first time in 40 or more years I do not itch all the time, especially when I take Niacin. Good luck. Just keep at it, like dedicate yourself. Cordially, AS
4.25.2022 Glasson with Archangel Raphael, Healing call or prayer.
I have been using this call for about 3 to 4 weeks, following instructions. Reading the call 3 times a day.
Located on internet at> https://omna.org/a-greater-purpose-to-requesting-healing-by-archangel-raphael/
Greetings, I am Archangel Raphael, I come forth to you with my Angelic Healing Team to share wisdom and high vibrational healing transmissions. I wish to encourage you to ask for healing from me, Archangel Raphael, my Angelic Healing Team and in truth any guide you resonate with upon the inner planes. Asking and requesting healing for yourself is now essentially important, as healing is not only a transference of energy or a physical aid, it develops your connection with the Creator allows you to support the lives of others. As you ask for healing, whether out loud or in your mind, you are creating a pillar of light that flows from the inner planes into and through your being. The more light you anchor into your being the easier it will be for you to manifest and experience the qualities of the Creator within you. Through requesting healing, you merge yourself with the Creator and experience the power of oneness with the Creator as you go about your everyday life. Below
are some examples to assist you in anchoring a healing for yourself:
Part 1 . between the red (=============) lines
1st part I do this section, along with part 2 once a day in the morning.
The ritual is-- Parts 1 and 2 around 8:00am
Part 2 once more aat noon and once more in the evening.
Part 1 to read
I do this section in red once a day, along with doing the 2nd part in red alsol.
‘I ask to be aligned to the healing energy of Archangel Raphael, allow me to accept and experience a healing that is appropriate for me.’
‘I ask Archangel Raphael and the Angels of Healing to surround me completely in a bubble of healing and nurturing light. I ask that your healing light assists me in increasing my light quotient, realising my abilities of acceptance, transformation and anchoring the consciousness of the Creator that I require currently in my life to activate my Creator presence within me. Assist me to in embodying the wholeness and completeness of the Creator’s light within me, building my bond with the Creator and inspiring others to do so. Let it be.’
‘I invoke the powerful loving consciousness of Archangel Raphael, the Angels of Healing and the Creator to penetrate my aura dissolving all negative energies, emotions or thought patterns. I invoke the powerful loving consciousness of Archangel Raphael, the Angels of Healing and the Creator to penetrate my physical body converting all negative consciousness of pain, suffering, illness and disease into positive loving consciousness of the highest vibration. I invoke the powerful loving consciousness of Archangel Raphael, the Angels of Healing and the Creator to particularly penetrate (part of your body) to manifest perfect glowing health. I am open to my energies shifting so that my entire being is aligned to the light of the Creator, experiencing a continuous awakening process.’
‘I am open to a healing from Archangel Raphael and wish to ask you to predominantly assist me in understanding the purpose and meaning of my current suffering so that I may realise the lesson that the Creator wishes me to overcome, achieving perfect health with ease.’
‘I ask Archangel Raphael to activate my natural healing abilities, my natural ability of absorbing and deciphering the consciousness of the Creator, gaining mastery over the skills of acceptance, shifting and anchoring healing vibrations. Allow me to feel, sense or acknowledge your healing vibrations
and my own healing, caring and awakening light flowing from my being. Thank you.’
‘I invoke the healing presence of Archangel Raphael to channel the consciousness of love, balance, peace and equality between the masculine and feminine aspect of the Creator into my being. Please allow me to experience the blissful and joyous vibrations and consciousness of the angelic
‘I ask for an intensive healing from Archangel Raphael, the Angels of Healing and the Creator. I ask for an intensive awakening, embodiment of light and consciousness, and connection with the Creator. Allow all negative blockages within my physical and spiritual body to fall away so that I may focus on building my bond with the Creator. Thank you.’
You may use one or many of these invocations to aid your connection with me, Archangel Raphael, and the Creator. I will support you in receiving an appropriate healing and a deeper connection with the Creator.
Anchoring the Creator’s Energies of Acceptance, Transformation and Love
The Creator realised within my expression and energy, Archangel Raphael, the quality of healing, caring, the ability to help and soul connection and evolution. Helping and caring for people is in fact one of my many purposes; sharing the most essential energies to aid their growth. We can now see that every soul has the ability to heal because every soul can, if they wish to, devote themselves to caring for themselves, and caring and helping others through the process of anchoring the Creator’s energies of acceptance, transformation and love. I feel this message is very simple and yet vitally important because it helps you to realise how easy it can be to embody the light of the Creator, creating transformations in your life and the lives of others.
A Greater Purpose to Accepting Healing
There is a greater purpose to my current communication and encouragement of requesting healing for yourself. My purpose is to alert you to the transformation that is available to take place within humanity through the simple process of requesting healing. This transformation is the shifting and rebirth of your energetic vibrational pattern especially at a physical body level.
Humanity has created a template of existence through their thoughts of how a physical body manifests on the Earth generating this over many generations and civilisations. It is akin to a knowledge or understanding of human life that is embedded into the physical form and consciousness of a human passed down through generations. These simple beliefs dictate the appearance of a person, how they should act and react, what is available and possible for them on the Earth and in truth most things that every person experiences on the Earth. It is akin to DNA;
information, characteristics, features and mannerisms passed through generations. Of course, every physical person is different, and the soul can influence the manifestation of their physical body depending on the lessons they wish to learn. This template has evolved and changed and yet all
humans hold the same consciousness which manifests within their physical bodies.
With more people awakening and the vibration of the Earth quickening. The information, template or coded consciousness within each physical being is no longer appropriate or relevant to the current day ascension. This has been transforming for some time now, however, I, Archangel Raphael and my Angelic Healing Team wish to boost, transform or upgraded humanity’s template of existence held within their physical bodies in order for their physical bodies to equal the light of their souls.
Many of you are already experiencing and receiving updates to your energies and the consciousness of your physical body. It is important to realise that this needs to happen on a mass scale. I, Archangel Raphael wish to support the release of pain, strives, suffering, negative thoughts and false beliefs held within the consciousness or cellular structure of the physical body of all from current reality and from generations ago. Now is the time to release old energies from the physical body and allow a new higher positive vibration and consciousness to anchor to support your soul’s development. If your physical body’s particles, cellular structure and physical manifestation hold a lower vibration then this will only ensure your vibrations remain at a lower level. By increasing the vibration held within your physical body you allow yourself to link into higher dimensions and assist in releasing the limitations and cloak of fear that obstructs and weakens humanity.
Currently when people on the Earth are asking for healing, with the permission of their soul, we, the Angels and Archangels work with the energy of their physical body to allow fears and limitations from their own reality and that of the generations before them to be released, bringing a greater freedom to their energies. This manifests an improved health and vitality, a renewed vibrancy to their body and its function on a physical and spiritual level. It is simply a healing with focus on the physical body and releasing old energy patterns. This practice enables the person to create a consciousness within their physical body and cellular structure that is appropriate for them, gaining a greater sense of mastery.
If you wish to experience this healing process to aid your spiritual growth and to assist in your physical body gradually being converted into pure Creator light, then you may use this invocation to assist in the healing and activation.
Part II. I do this section in red 3 times a day. Like I do parts 1 and 2 together around 8am, in the morning and part 2 two more times during the day.
I do this part 3 times a day
Healing and Activation for Your Physical Body
‘Archangel Raphael, Archangels and Angels of Healing, my beloved guides and the Creator, I call upon your sacred presence, support and protection. Please balance and prepare my energies so I may be open to converting the consciousness and light vibration of my physical body.
I ask that you now channel the pure and blissful angelic and Creator healing energies into my energy and physical body. Please allow me to accept a higher vibration of light, a purer vibration of love and a new positive consciousness, anchoring this deep into my physical body, flesh, bones, blood, organs, DNA and cellular structure.
I ask that all negative past programming, consciousness, beliefs and fears stored within my body from previous generations on the Earth and from my current lifetime on the Earth are dissolved, released now with ease and perfection.
Please assist this conversion of energy within my physical body, ensuring that this is a gradual process of peace and increased perfect health. Please anchor into my being and energy your support and assistance.
My physical body now holds the pure light, love and consciousness of my soul, soul group and the Creator to aid my further spiritual development on the Earth, free from fear or doubt, embraced in love and positivity. Thank you and let it be.’
Take time to imagine, sense or acknowledge the healing, rejuvenating and activating light flowing into your physical body, sit or lie in peace until you feel the process is complete.
- It is beneficial to practice this each day for 14 days (March 30 thru April 12) in order to allow the transformation to occur within your physical body.
- It is important that over the 14 days of transmuting any negative vibrations and embodying positive vibrations that you invoke the Angels of Love from the angelic level to surround you and to channel their pure energy of love deep into your being.
- Ask for this at least three times a day, as it will ensure that you are supported and held in love, allowing all negative energies or consciousness to be released instantly and converted into love of the highest vibrations.
In constant support and love, 14
Archangel RaphaelMore Archangel Raphael
4-24-2022 What the (KABAL OWNED)
Associated Press News is not telling you
“We are being lied to at such a level it is difficult for people to comprehend.”
Karen Kingston (https://operationdisclosureofficial.com)
Fauci and others taken to court essentially charged with “Crimes against humanity.”.
And yes, we include the ICC court cases which clearly validate these claims.
Did you know that ANY Doctor or government giving COVID shots, without advising the patient of alternate treatments, is in violation of an over 70 year old International Law prohibiting this practice. Did you know 10,000 doctors world wide are suing CDC and drug companies, criminally, in an international criminal court?
Did you your doctor is required to inform you of your human and Physical body rights under international criminal Law. The less than ethical nature of some of the medical enterprise is slowly being recognized for who they are. This assessment extends to theoretical anti/COVID injections.
7 Different Patented Poisons in CV19 Injections – Karen Kingston
By Greg Hunter –
Drug companies, themselves, call their COVID Injections, “Bio-Weapons.”
“Karen Kingston is a biotech analyst and a former Pfizer employee who has researched and written about many aspects of the so-called CV19 vaccines. It was never intended to cure anything, and the paperwork proves it at Big Pharma and the CDC.”
Kingston explains, “We are being lied to at such a level it is difficult for people to comprehend. The American people and global citizens were told the injections were vaccines. In fact, when you look at the patents, they call them bio-weapons. They call them ‘toxins,’ they call them ‘agents of chemical biowarfare”. . . . Specifically, there is a 2017 patent related to what they are calling a ‘vaccine.’ The patent is titled ‘Vaccine Nanotechnology.’ . . .It is owned by the NIH, and when you read this nanotechnology patent in section 9, it clearly states in some embodiments, the small molecule is a toxin, a toxin from a chemical weapon, an agent of biowarfare. What they call a ‘vaccine’ in the patent, they say we are going to inject people with bioweapons.”
“So, instead of getting one experimental mRNA injection, could people be injected with a cocktail of separate and different spike proteins? Kinston says, “I am hypothesizing based on the spike proteins having separate patents and separate licensing deals. The scientists say they jimmied the spike protein independent of the mRNA viral sequence. What I am saying, in some of what they are calling vaccines, yes, people are being injected with mRNA producing spike proteins. They can also be injected directly with spike proteins . . . made separately and frozen separately. These spike proteins do have their own patents, they do have their own separate licensing agreements. . . . So, the spike proteins could be made separately and frozen separately, these poisons, and then encapsulated and stuck in the formulation. That is what I am saying. . . . Keep in mind, in the world patent . . . it says in some embodiments can include a delivery device, and that can deliver an agent or a toxin over a period of hours, days, weeks, months or years. . . . This is important for a legal reason because every lawsuit says people were injected with mRNA, which produces a toxin, which is a spike protein. But it turns out, the toxin was in there independent of the mRNA. . . . It’s not a vax. It’s just a direct bioweapon.”
“Kingston says all kinds of problems are coming from the CV19 shots and the different patented spike proteins in them......” More at: https://operationdisclosureofficial.com/2022/04/20/greg-hunters-usawatchdog-karen-kingston-7-different-patented-poisons-in-cv19-injections/
Regarding Dr. Reiner Fuellmich, who is heading up the assault against Big Pharma, one article asks:
“Should the technocrats who pushed governments to lockdown their citizens be tried for crimes against humanity?
“One prominent German lawyer, Dr. Reiner Fuellmich, [in photo below] who is also licensed to practice law in America, thinks they should. And he is organizing a team of thousands of participating lawyers who want to prosecute a “second Nuremberg tribunal” against a cadre of international elites responsible for what he calls the “corona fraud scandal.”
“Fuellmich was on the legal team that won a major lawsuit against German automaker Volkswagen in a 2015 case involving tampered catalytic converters in the U.S. He also was involved in a lawsuit that exposed one of Germany’s largest banks, Deutsche Bank, as a criminal enterprise.
“The bank was recently ordered by the U.S. Justice Department to pay $130 million to resolve corrupt practices that included money laundering, bribery and fraud between the years 2009 and 2016.
“Fuellmich is licensed to practice law in Germany and the state of California.
He believes the frauds committed by Volkswagen and Deutsche Bank pale in comparison to the damage wrought by those who sold the Covid-19.”
We end with this report regarding a case before the International Criminal Court entitled:
Gates, Fauci, and Daszak charged with Genocide in Court Filin
by Justus R. Hope, MD
Dec 20, 2021 Updated Mar 14, 2022
“In a stunning 46-page legal filing to the International Criminal Court on December 6, an intrepid attorney and seven applicants accused Anthony Fauci, Peter Daszak, Melinda Gates, William Gates III, and twelve others of numerous violations of the Nuremberg Code. These included various crimes against humanity and war crimes as defined by the Rome Statutes, Articles 6, 7, 8, 15, 21, and 53.” Further references include:
Besides the four kingpins, twelve others were named, including the CEOs of the leading vaccine corporations and the health leaders held accountable for the United Kingdom.
- Albert Bourla, CEO of Pfizer
- Stephane Bancel, CEO of Moderna
- Pascal Soriot, CEO of Astra Zeneca
- Alex Gorsky, CEO of Johnson and Johnson
- Tedros Adhanhom Ghebreyesus, Director-General of the WHO
- Boris Johnson, UK Prime Minister
- Christopher Whitty, UK Chief Medical Adviser
- Matthew Hancock, former UK Secretary of State for Health and Social Care
- Sajid Javid, current UK Secretary of State for Health and Social Care
- June Raine, UK Chief Executive of Medicines and Healthcare products
- Dr. Rajiv Shah, President of the Rockefeller Foundation
- Klaus Schwab, President of the World Economic Forum
4-14-2022 -- Banking Failure Updates
Hit the Internet News Like a Storm
Here is information, most of which should be verifiable in the near future if not today: Massive solar storm a ccompanied by massive international banking storm which is tearing up the banking industry as world finances move more and more toward a world wide, gold backed banking sytem:
“Massive Solar Storm to Hit Earth Today
Biden Flown to Camp David
Congress Paid Their Last Paycheck, Told to Go Home and Stay There
“Central Banks Across the World in Bankruptcy and Closing
None of Which Was Being Covered by the Mainstream Media
“We Are All Part of God’s Family:
“A Beloved Community of Sisters and Brothers Around the World”
"January 16, 2022- #4818 Music & the Spoken Word (thetabernaclechoir.org)
“We are sisters and brothers journeying together for a season on this beautiful planet. As such, we owe it to one another to be and do a little better. True sisters and brothers set aside animosity, self-centeredness and smallness to enlarge our hearts and minds to the people around us. Despite our differences, we’re family so we rise above the bitterness and hostility, the intolerance and anger of the day. We dig down deep to find and share God’s love with our brothers and sisters across the street and around the world.
“Judy Note:
- Rothschild owned Central Banks in 36 countries were closed or closing due to Bankruptcy – with many more to go.
The QFS has everything in place, every asset registered and verified, including assets pulled from 18 countries that have “stepped away” from their Central Banks. - The US Gov Inc. was bankrupt, which in turn has closed Congress, with members having received their last paycheck and told not to come back.
- For all intents and purposes the US Treasury in Washington DC was also shut down, with building closed and locked.
- Although, the new US Treasury located on an Indian Reservation near Reno Nevada was buzzing with activity.
- Manuchin said that the greatest transfer of wealth in the earth’s history would take place over Easter weekend – meaning that GESARA/NESARA could be announced this Easter weekend.........................More at:
statebuffalonews.com/ states:
“L.F. Rothschild Holdings Inc., parent of a venerable Wall Street investment firm that suffered staggering losses from the 1987 stock market collapse, has sought to reorganize under Chapter 11 of the federal Bankruptcy Code.
“The filing for protection from creditors does not include L.F. Rothschild & Co., a registered broker-dealer which is Rothschild Holdings' principal subsidiary.
“Rothschild Holdings, which lost $84 million in the quarter ended March 31, is in default on three debt issues totaling $60 million and wants to restructure its debt to reduce interest expenses, according to spokesman Kenneth Henderson.
https://buffalonews.com/news/l-f-rothschild-files-chapter-11/article_b18b4169-0516-5779-bbf7-b7982840b510.html states>
Also reported today at https://operationdisclosureofficial.com: “Deep State owned Central Banks around the globe were on their way out. There were 22 countries which were rid of the Rothschild bank and 14 more nations in the process of closing those banks in their countries over the next 7 days.
- “By Sun. 1 May the Global Currency Reset to gold/asset-backed currency of 210 nations was expected to be announced.
“If so, by Mon. 2 May the general public could exchange currencies at the new International Rates.
It seems I am back on the internet with a new video card and cable connecting the computer to the monitor. Dumped the old video card because it was very large and continually got in the way of other things I do on the computer. After I got the new (smaller) video card onto the computer I had to get a new monitor cable which took a few days to come. Could have gone to Best Buy today, but got it for half the price online, for the same time as waiting to drive in for groceries and go to Best Buy. So that is part of the computer story, except that I built Carol a new computer from scratch with all the headaches of getting the right mother board and Memory and CPU a so forth and drivers and programs, etc. sort of ad nauseum. It is a gaming computer, basically, like mine that I use for the internet and writing and so forth. Mine cost over a thousand dollars a year ago and the wife's new one (basically a duplicate of mine) cost me less than $500 to build. Kind of a no brainer.
Other than that I have been using Archangel Raphael's healing instructions and am feeling better. That really works. Have found out a new twist or two to help it work better.
Still can't believe how easy it is for me to walk. I swear I could walk the legs of some of the cardiologists. But the new doctor is great. Listens to my story about how I keep up with my heath and do footbaths and so forth. He checks my blood pressure, listens to my heart, tells me to quite taking all the medications I was supposed to take, one of which is known to make people worse, not better. And he listens to my breathing see me in a year. BP, by the way, has been much, much, much better than it was a few years back. Today at Meijers on Shave Rd. I walked the full length of the store at least a couple of times, and then, before checking out it was 126/61. Feel better than I did 20 years ago. The BP goes up maybe a couple of times a month, like last night it went up to around 198 or so due to eating an omelette that must have been cooked in pork grease or something. Beef or pork sends the BP through the roof, so I keep track of it every day. I had the eggs yesterday, and a pepperoni pizza maybe 5 or 6 days back, and both times I had to take "stuff" to get it down. On both occasions I got it back to normal in a matter of less than hour or two. Actually, what really happened seems sort of incredible, but in reality I think it took me about 5 to ten minutes to get it down from the eggs, and about the same thing from eating the pizza.
The big key for this is Rye bread. If I don't have rye bread on hand I have several pounds of Rye flour at home. I take, like I make potato toast for instance, butter it, and put a heaping teaspoon of Rue flour on it, spread it around and eat it. Doesn't taste bad either, and I teh BP most always good for the day. So when I take 4 drops of Basil and 4 drops of Fennel oil for port for beef "poisoning," the blood pressure practically makes a thump when goes falls down to the "floor" so to speak in a matter of minutes, at times. Then I follow up with the Rye treatment. so, there's my latest medical gimmick you could say. That is about it for now. Try to keep in touch with N and not let a vacuum of info go for too long. Went to her mother's funeral a few days back. N is a very, very nice person also, like yourself, and we, R and the Colonel, enjoyed an evening of listening to a lecture about an investigative writer and her investigations into light house keepers and mystery of some of the deaths (or "murders") that took place over the years. Enjoyable evening. I think about you a lot and wonder how you are doing. So, I guess I better go for now. Hope all is well. Cordially AS
(3rd edit) 11-24-2021Universal Law
GWB supported, UL Sheriff's Report
A Release of the Great White Brotherhood
This information is compiled by the sites indicated below. There is no one as of yet who carries any official Universal Law titles or other official titles other than those listed as references in the indicated report. The term “Sheriff” is used as a means of indicating an approximate function or or plethora of legal actions in law enforcement which are being carried out by Earth officials under the guidance of God-s Universal Law and Galactic .
Few people have noticed various reports of arrests being made of the Dark Empire's Representatives in the governments of the world. One reason for this apparent lack of information is that it is being obscured by the masquerade and distraction caused by the phony politics which conceal what is really gong on.
You will learn about strange things going on as you read about the ongoing operations which are playing out in United States and the world. One reason there is no mention by the AP news of the arrests going is that the Universal Law functionaries work without fanfare. They do not seek publicity, and they also take into consideration that a very large percentage of the American public, in particular, still have not figured out where the main concentration of high level criminals are located. In addition, it will be a severe shock and heartbreak to many who believe, with every fiber of their being, that they know with great conviction who the real criminals are.
To give a personal a perspective of just how high the Dark Empires conspiracies go, you will find a very short list of very high ranking people who have been arrested along with a cursory listing of the categories of charges against them. It is the policy of Universal Law authorities, when Universal Law is being carried out, that the full report of who and why and when and how these people have violated Universal Laws will be revealed only in the fullness of time. Eventually TV reports will appear, while all charges are recorded, the perpetrators tried and sentenced, and sentences carried out. On world's such as Earth, it is not unusual for most citizens to have no idea exactly of who the criminals are who are actively involved with Satanic worship, cannibalism, and other practices nearly totally hidden to the public.
More detailed reports on the names and crimes of well over 100,000+ criminal investigations will be reported in the future. The people have never been advised by the AP on the kind of evil that afflicts Earth, and such information will remain more or less behind closed doors until Galactic authorities, Earth authorities, and the GWB agree to release such information.
So, here we go with the first cursory report of a few high raking people arrested.
Since 2016 US Attorney General for Utah John Huber and his 740 investigators have filed over 500,000 indictments in federal courts and held State Grand Juries across the nation. Charges included Treason, human and child trafficking, murder, assassinations, drug smuggling and RICO money laundering.
On Wed 14 April, US Army Gen Mark Milley, the chair of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, was arrested and charged with Treason by Pentagon police officers, along with General Hokanson, chief of the National Guard Bureau. The generals were removed to a C-17 transport plane that took both to GITMO to face military tribunals.
Mass Arrests of global and political elites were in full swing. GITMO was reported to be full of those recently arrested, an Antarctic military base detention center was almost full and others had been taken to detention centers set up for the purpose across the globe.
US citizens working for Rockefeller Deep State entities have been arrested and taken to US Military prisons in Puerto Rico (San Juan Guaynabo military prison) and Fort Worth Naval Base military prison.
Indictments against Deep State politicians have been filed across the globe. Arrestees working for foreign Deep State governments and agencies have been taken to GITMO, Honduras XPL (Sato Kona Honduran military base detention center) and Spain’s Santa Cruz Islands.
Word was that President Trump was the only true US commander-in-chief, rather than Biden, who has been refused entrance to the Pentagon and Air Force One. Military commanders were flying from Norfolk to Trump’s Mar-a-Lago residence. There were 866 active military personnel working for the US Interim Military Government in a compound next Mar-a-Lago.
“Way last Wed. 2 Dec. 2020 Trump had invoked the National Defense Activation Act (NDAA) due to foreign intervention and Election Fraud in the 2020 Presidential Election. The Military had proven the fraud through an election count of official watermarked ballots that ran in tandem with vote tabulations on Nov. 3 2020. The NDAA covered the dramatic increase of DoD Special Forces military arrests from Nov. to May 2021. https://www.naturalnews.com/2020-12-03-situation-update-dec-3rd-trump-invokes-foreign-interference.html
“On Wed 14 April, US Army Gen Mark Milley, the chair of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, was cursing out the other Joint Chiefs for not supporting fake Biden and Harris, claiming that Biden-Harris were fairly elected. Milley was then confronted by Marine Commandant Gen. David Berger, Chief of Naval Operations, who told Milley that he, General Berger and US Air Force General Hyten were not committed to the Constitution and We The People. He stated that Trump was the only duly elected president of the US, having been elected by 80% of the vote in the 3 Nov 2020 election.
“Gen Berger handed Milley an arrest warrant issued by the Navy Judge Advocates General Corps. Milley ripped the warrant up, an act which was promptly followed by twelve armed Pentagon Force Protection police officers arresting Gen Milley and Gen Hokanson (chief of the National Guard Bureau and another unfortunate Biden supporter). The generals were removed to a C-17 transport plane that took both to GITMO to face military tribunals on charges of cooperating with enemies of the Constitution and the people of the USA, foreign and domestic, including working with the Chinese Communist Party campaign to subvert the Nov 2020 election. They faced charges of aiding and abetting the vote switching fraud in six swing states of NV, AZ, WI, MI, PA and GA.
On Fri. 16 April Joe Biden paid a visit to the Pentagon under the pretense of conducting a surprise inspection. Biden was turned away by Pentagon Force Protection police officers and forbidden to enter. That same day President Trump was in a meeting at the Pentagon with Marine Corp Gen. Berger. Simeon Parkes: https://www.bitchute.cm/video/1PwY7UPw2BCR/
A couple of months ago 80% of the Department of Defense flag officers voted in a binding vote to support bringing back Trump as the only duly elected president and removing the fake Biden-Harris administration, while only 20% of DoD flag officers voted against the measure.
Way last Wed. 2 Dec. 2020 Trump had invoked the National Defense Activation Act (NDAA) due to foreign intervention and Election Fraud in the 2020 Presidential Election. The Military had proven the fraud through an election count of official watermarked ballots that ran in tandem with vote tabulations on Nov. 3 2020. The NDAA covered the dramatic increase of DoD Special Forces military arrests from Nov. to Mayhttps://realrawnews.com/2021/04/hillary-clinton-hanged-at-gitmo/
2021. https://www.naturalnews.com/2020-12-03-situation-update-dec-3rd-trump-invokes-foreign-interference.html
Hillary Clinton Hanged at GITMO
By Michael Baxter
April 26, 2021
9-10-2021 Incoming,
Universal Law,
Divine Abundance of NESARA/GESARA.
A Release of the Great White brotherhood
The plan is beginning to unfold and Earth will start seeing evidence of the program which brings Universal Law, Peace and Divine Abundance to Earth.
The below report, which is one of many similar reports on the internet, is about as close to an answer to the question of just what does the future hold as you will find? Other reports also indicate that something big is about to begin, soon. One theme running through these reports is that there are still quite a few people who are going in the absolute reverse direction, or are in opposition to, Universal Law and Order. A dying political current insists that communism is the future, where “Our Father Who Art in Heaven” disagrees. Regardless of the deepest of hatreds towards the Christ spirit, which is God's presence on Earth for NESARA and GESARA, Universal Law authorities are bringing Divine Abundance to Earth in what might appear to some a rather forceful fashion.
Yet, Divine Abundance is the opposite of the hate of the far left communists. But the truth is winning the political battles of Earth. Divine Abundance is not part of the communist offering for the future. But, instead they offer hate and racial injustice as a poor counter proposal to Universal Law, Love, and Abundance. The world will see, in the near future, who is supported by the authorities of Universal Law and Divine Abundance. A huge problem is that the far left, unfortunately, cannot admit that they are the ones who erroneously think they are in power in America.
In spite of the synthetic, unreal melodrama being played out in the so-called White House, it is time for people to understand what the actual programs of NASARA and GESARA are all about. For, as will eventually be understood, these programs are ordered into being by “Our Father who art in Heaven,” and are in conformance with what some people might call “natural law,” or what the GWB refer to as Law of the Universes, shortened to “Universal Law.”
It is time for those who hate or fear Donald Trump to learn that he is innately tied to Universal Law, and to also learn why fear and hate of President Trump does not act as a force worthy enough to unseat the millennia long plan to bring Divine Abundance to Earth. For, it will become clear that communist blubbering and various ridiculous proposals for the economy; and their deliberately created atmosphere of death in the cities and countries like Afghanistan, are poor substitutes for NESARA/GESARA. In addition, the hatred and terror of people for President Trump are a the result of a manufactured, mass control mechanism created by non other than Satan himself. Certain Satanic manipulations, are effective on most people, depending upon certain astrological configurations at the time of birth. The Tibetan Masters, in particular, understand that astrological considerations play a strong part in the way Satanic forces create the dissection of society into warring parties, and cause hatred between certain social groups.
The below report, “Special Restored Republic via a GCR Report as of Wed. 8 Sept. 2021,” is a report that, to us in Heaven, suggests President Trump is putting the far left on notice that “karmic” payment is due for the far left's murder attempts on his and his families lives and finances. The liberal, hate filled, absolute determination to destroy Donald Trump and his family in any and all ways possible is unacceptable to Universal law and the GWB.
It is sad to note that people who revile Donald Trump are unaware that their feelings are running parallel to anti-Universal Law efforts and are in deep, sad opposition to Divine Will. And, when we speak of Divine Will, we are also speaking of the will of the GWB, which stands in staunch opposition to the era of control of far left unrelenting hate, murder and evil. That far left evil is now about to come to an end for America and the world.
For those who have a karmic hatred toward any of God's right hand people, have no fear because there are other methods available to neutralize ancient karmic connections.
In actuality, the introduction of Christ into Earth was a precursor for, and a necessity for what was to come in the year 2021. “Or Father Who Art in Heaven” has determined that now is the time to put an end to severe Satanic mass hate and dislike of all things “God.” This includes putting an end to any evil generated in all peoples of Earth, and bringing the American dream into the realty of all the people's of the world.
Doubt, fear and uncertainty about what is and what is not “Our Father's Will” will have little effect on the introduction of Divine Abundance into Earth affairs. We acknowledge that even though the hateful and fearful ones may be still unconvinced of the reasons for President Trump's continuing presence on the scene, most will eventually understand the Divine perception of our Unknown "Father who art in Heaven," and will come to appreciate the manner in which Satanic evil has lost the battle with Universal Law and Divine Abundance. Yet, the inconsistencies with birth astrology persist no matter who Our Father and the GWB pick to implement world wide NESARA/GESARA.
The people must understand that the unjust hatred toward Trump is often due to his overwhelmingly powerful soul. In fact, we of the GWB wish to inform you that Donald Trump is, believe it or not, a reincarnation of one of the greatest tactician/strategist of WWII, General George S. Patton. (“Patton spent much of the interwar years (1920 to 1939) enhancing the U.S. Army’s armored warfare capacity. Known to his men as “Old Blood and Guts,” Patton became one of the most famous American military commanders during World War II. His profane speeches and flamboyant behavior made him beloved by his soldiers but often distrusted by superiors.”) (Google) https://www.doi.gov/american-heroes/George-Patton
General Patton, and now Donald Trump, despite his powerful personality, has faced down many, many would be destroyers of his legacy. It is his unquestionably victorious soul experience from the past which has caused him, (in a fashion similar to God having chosen Saul to expand Christianity into the world), Patton has been selected by “Our Father who art in Heaven” and the GWB , to implement NESARA and GESARA throughout the Earth. We do, however, advise the reader to not be mislead by the forceful nature of this soul who is a very, very good man as he stands before God and the Earth Masters of the GWB. Acquiescence with our request to respect the gentleman would help us greatly. A positive outlook by the public have the resulting, salubrious emotional effect of helping the reader avoid being denied access to the incoming Divine Abundance plans of God.
Nevertheless, there will no doubt be unrelenting supporters of the far left who will unfortunately find that they will feel unjustly excluded, along with the group of anti-Universal Law, Satan supporters because of their deep anger and hatred will not be allowed to prevail. But, as with many complexities of the planet Earth, other considerations also must to be discussed.
The populations of the world must learn to understand that it is Satanic guidance which creates the mystical separation of society into “liberal” and “conservative.” It becomes logical, then, that if President Trump is the choice of “Our Father” to usher in the golden age, there must be an explanation for the warfare between liberal people and conservative folk, most of whom are, for the most part, good people.
With better perceptions of God's Love, and caring for one another, the process of world wide maturation can proceed more uniformly. As uncomfortable as it can be for either side to realize, neither side, liberal or conservative, is unloved by “Our Father.” The people of Earth are victims of a deceit which is so clever that few people, other than the great Masters of Tibet, and we of the Great White Brotherhood, have have an adequate understanding of the true enemy. There is, however, an understandable cure for this synthetically arranged warfare between the brothers and sisters of Earth. In truth, all people on Earth, once they have achieved the wisdom they have come to Earth to absorb, are fully acceptable unto the Lord, Our Father in Heaven, and are worthy of the NESARA, GESARA, Divine Abundance.
Briefly, the mystical game played on the Children of Light of Earth amounts to Satanic forces taking advantage of what the Tibetans have long understood, that when born under certain astrological configurations, people will more inclined to be intellectual thinkers (liberal), while others may be born with a more powerful sense of what is “ practical,” based upon the astrological configurations at the moment of their birth. From that point on, in a developing world like Earth, it is easy for the evil ones to guide the COL into two opposing, prearranged channels of logic.
For instance, “truly intelligent thinkers” begin to feel at war with those born under different astrological signs and who led too much by love and not intellect. Those who believe love is more important than logic and reason, believe they are the true caretakers of the practicalities of true love, . That is the crux to the situation: The wily Dark Empire, Satanic representatives (like the Bushes and Clintons or kings/queens verses the working man) are sophisticated enough to have shaped society into the super intelligent people versus the true caretakers of love.
Of course, that assessment has one major flaw. The infighting makes no sense at all! It is a sign of a maturing society when each side can see the illogic in their opposing views. And that is exactly what Our Father in Heaven, and we the GWB, also observe. The nonsensical beliefs of each side of the equation of liberal versus conservative are what have driven angry, very dangerous politics for millennia. This will become more and more apparent to all when the incoming Divine Abundance asserts itself. To make the point even more confusing we continue with another example of the nonsense of this synthetic duplicity engaged in by the COL of Earth.
The Satanic, Dark Empire representatives, like the Clintons and Bushes, have, in their desperation, become the criminal supporters of the vicious, massive, big city murder program put into effect on Earth by present, so-called national leaders. It should become clear to all that such senseless race baiting in your schools, and crimes in your big cities, are solely due to the ineptitude and criminality of the few, dominant, big city, democratic leader. The lesson is that people will be guided into working together to solve problems because they will learn to love others despite political or economic differences. BUT, WE OF THE GWB DO NOT believe, the average liberal or conservative will have anything to worry about once they see the true Abundance and Love of God unfold in America and around the world. Often times the psychological aspect of “seeing is believing” becomes the hinge-point of acceptance a greater truth.
According to the GWB and “Our Father,” Trump is not angry with people who are fearful of him, but he IS determined to put an end to conservative chutzpah or effrontery, and liberal Antifa hate, racism and murder, especially in the big cities of America. It is the inept leadership of the big, democratically run cities, and their overall modus operandi of anti-Universal Law activities, which stands out among the multitude of sins of mankind. This illegitimate management style encourages massive thefts and murder, especially for political gain, which must come to and end, and will come to an end. Elimination of murder and crime and Satanism on Earth is required for for the implementation of NESARA and GESARA, which IS world wide Divine Abundance.
According to the GWB, it is especially the big city, far left (secretive communist) leaders, who are responsible for the over all criminality, and for not lifting a finger to save the lives of their own citizens. It will be the growing cooperation between the liberal and conservative astrology, as they work with each other, to stop the importation of every possible kind of criminal who can be found, with the obvious motive, to increase crime, murder, and mayhem, under <